八年级英语上册 第一单元课件 外研版

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Have you ever seen this picture?Whos the girl in the picture?What does she do?Is she Chinese?What happened to her?Who helped her?How is she now?She has already workedfor three year.since 2006.Yao Ming began to play basketball for Houston Rockets in 2002.He has played basketball for Houston Rockets for seven years. He has played basketball for Houston Rockets since 2002.Hello, I am Miss Ou!I have lived in Dalian for two years.I have worked in the school since 2007. I have lived in Dalian since 2008 for years.I have studied in our school since 2008 for years.How long have you lived in Dalian? studied/been in our school?Fill in the blanks with “ for or “ since”:1. Uncle Wang has worked on the farm _ three days.2. I have stayed at home _ a day.3. They have lived in GuiLin _ two years ago.4. She has known this man _ ten years.5. He has studied here _ last month.6. We have been here _ three oclock.7. I havent seen my grandpa _ 1989.8. The boy has learned English _ he was five. forfor since for since sincesincesincePAIR WORK:A: How long has he/she ?B: He/ She has for/since.a quarter15 minutes15 years30 years three hours20 minuteshalf an hourhalf an hour1.How long has lingling known Sally? For two years2. How long has Sally studied Chinese? For one year.1.Does she still know her?2.Is she still studying it?3.How long has Betty lived in China?4.Is she still living there?5.How long has Project Hope built schools all over China?6.Are they still building them?Yes, she does.Yes, she is.Since 2004.Yes, she is.Since 1989.Yes, they are.Read and find the key points1. 你认识她有多久了?你认识她有多久了?2. 我与她相处得好。我与她相处得好。3. 她学习中文已经一年了。她学习中文已经一年了。4. 当你出国参观时,学好外语是比较容易的。当你出国参观时,学好外语是比较容易的。5. 你住在这里多久了?自从你住在这里多久了?自从2004年。年。 6. 她听说过希望学校的情况。她听说过希望学校的情况。7. 事实上,自从事实上,自从1989年以来,希望工程已经在全国建立了学校。年以来,希望工程已经在全国建立了学校。How long have you known her?I get on well with her. She has studied Chinese for a year. How long have you lived here? Since 2004. Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country. In fact, since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China. She has heard about the Hope Schools.1. But I get on well with her.但是我和她相处得不错。但是我和她相处得不错。get on with sb表示表示“与与相处得相处得”, 中间可以加中间可以加一个表示程度的一个表示程度的副词副词,如,如getting on well2. But she has heard about the Hope Schools但她听说过有关希望学校的事情但她听说过有关希望学校的事情hear about 表示表示 “听到关于某人(某事)的消息听到关于某人(某事)的消息”,可以与可以与hear of (听说)互换。听说)互换。e.g.戴娜的近况你听说了吗?戴娜的近况你听说了吗?_ you _ _ Danna recently?Have heard about e.g. How are you getting on with your classmates?-Im _ with them.(相处得好)相处得好)get on well with sb. (与与相处得好、融洽),相处得好、融洽),get on badly with (与与相处得不好相处得不好).3. That sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣啊那听起来很有趣啊 sound + 形容词形容词 (look, taste也是)也是)4. Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.当你来到那个国家,学习它的语言就会更容易。当你来到那个国家,学习它的语言就会更容易。5. What do you find difficult in learning English?在英语学习中,你觉得什么很难?在英语学习中,你觉得什么很难?听起来很棒!听起来很棒!It sounds brilliant / great / wonderful.It is + 形容词形容词 + to do sth. find sth. / sb. + 形容词形容词 觉得、认为某物觉得、认为某物/某人某人 in doing sth.在做某事方面在做某事方面eg. 要记住那个电话号码很难。要记住那个电话号码很难。 _ remember the phone Number.It is hard to游戏规则:将学生分为游戏规则:将学生分为A,B 两组,两组,A组同学组同学运用所给动词造句,运用所给动词造句,B组同学运用组同学运用for ,since连接连接“段时间或点时间段时间或点时间”,构成介词短,构成介词短语然后两组同学自由组合并大声朗读连接语然后两组同学自由组合并大声朗读连接在一起的句子然后翻译成中文在一起的句子然后翻译成中文I havent washed my face.for 3 years.1.Please know more about Project Hope and write five sentences.2.将下列句子用for和 since改为现在完成时,每句改两句:1.You began to study in No.8 Middle School in 2004.2. Miss Lin began to work in No.8 Middle School in 1992.3. He began to learn Chinese two months ago.4. LiLei began to live in GuiLin in 2000.5. David began to read English at 6 oclock. (Now its 9 oclock.)6. Lucy began to do homework an hour ago.


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