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高考押题新冠疫情高考考点汇总阅读写作高考押题精选关于新冠疫情高考考点汇总阅读+写作高考阅读理解(一)3D printing es to the rescue in emergencyWords:382 time:6?30? 意大利企业3D打印呼吸阀,助力疫情防控。As the coronavirus spreads globally, shortages of medical supplies have bee a major problem. Manufacturers simply cant start their production of lifesaving medical devices fast enough. Fortunately, the technology of 3D printing, which allows digital design of parts and the “printing” of them off a machine layer by layer, is ideally suited to emergency manufacturing because it is fast, cheap and can be done without a big factory. Christian Fracassi, founder and CEO of Isinnova, an Italian engineering startup, heard the call for help. A hospital in Chiari, in the Brescia area of Northern Italy where the coronavirus pandemic has hit hard, urgently needed valves (阀门) for its respirators in order to keep patients who required oxygen alive. The manufacturer couldnt provide them quickly enough and the hospital was desperate.Fracassi immediately started working with his engineers to reverse-engineer (逆向建造) a 3D-printed version of the official part. Called a venturi valve, it connects to a patients face mask to deliver oxygen at a fixed concentration (浓度). The valves need to be replaced for each patient.Soon, Fracassi had a prototype (样品), and he brought it to the Chiari hospital for testing. “They told us, It is good. It works. We need 100,” he said. “We printed 100 of them the next day, and we gave all the pieces to the hospital. They are working very well.” Isinnova offered the hospital in Chiari the valves for free; Fracassi said the cost of printing is two to three euros (or $2-3) each. Isinnova now has the capacity to produce around 100 parts per day, and is talking with a second hospital in Italy about sending the valves there, too.Fracassi says that Isinnova is also working to design other medical products that hospitals need during the coronavirus pandemic. The first is a mask. The startup created a prototype a few days ago, and sent it to the hospital for testing. “We are waiting for a response, and if it works, we are ready,” Fracassi says. “Then every hospital can make their own masks.” Though the technology offers a smart stopgap measure, it raises issues, ranging from the quality of the products in a medical situation to the patents (专利权) held by the original devices manufacturers. Experts are finding solutions.From: Reading prehension( ) 1. Why is 3D printing ideally suited to emergency manufacturing?A. It allows digital design of medical devices.B. It is more advanced than traditional technology.C. It can produce medical devices fast in big factories.D. It can produce a lot more devices quickly in a low-cost way.( ) 2. What difficulty did the hospital in Chiari mainly face?A. There were too many patients in the hospital.B. The hospital was terribly short of valves.C. More and more doctors were getting desperate.D. The coronavirus pandemic there was out of control.( ) 3. What will probably be discussed in the following part?A. How to produce more medical devices.B. How to control the spread of the coronavirus.C. How to solve the problems caused by 3D printing.D. How to improve the 3D printing technology.KEY1-3 DBC解析本文的语篇类型是新闻报道,主题语境是人与社会之科学与技术。在新冠疫情肆虐的情况下,全球医疗物资供应严重不足,一意大利企业利用3D打印技术生产医疗物资来应急。1. D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,3D打印技术速度快,便宜,而且不需要大工厂就能完成,十分适合紧急生产,故选D。2. B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,Chiari 的医院十分紧缺医用呼吸阀,故选B。3. C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,3D打印引发了一些问题,比如产品质量问题和生产专利问题,专家们正在想办法解决这些问题,所以接下来很有可能讨论专家们想出来的解决方案,故选C。高考阅读理解(二)Life goes on in lockdownwords:393 time:6? ?封城之后,武汉市民的生活是什么样的呢?For the millions of residents trapped in an unprecedented lockdown in Wuhan, the center of Chinas deadly coronavirus outbreak, life has not been easy but some are trying to make the best of a bad situation.The city of 11 million people in central Chinas Hubei Province has been in lockdown as Chinese authorities struggle to contain the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus that has killed many people.Flights, trains and buses leaving Wuhan have been canceled, highways out of the city blocked and all intra-city public transports suspended (暂停). The city even banned private vehicles from the roads to discourage people from moving around.There is no doubt that this outbreak is extremely severe, but amid the fear of infection, many residents are finding ways to amuse themselves within the borders of their homes. Videos show people ing up with all kinds of activities to kill time: playing pingpong on the dining table, playing badminton with a rope tied between the television and a closet, as well as pretending to fish in fish tanks.Others are taking a more sedentary approach. “Ive stayed at home for days. Every day, apart from eating Im sleeping. I slept so much that my back and my neck hurt,” said one man surnamed Zhang, a resident of Wuhan. “Suddenly I understand why people walk their dogs every day I also want to go out for a walk.”Some Wuhan residents are also documenting their daily lives on video shared with the outside world. A video filmed by Wuhan resident Lin Chen showed vacant central shopping streets, deserted underground car parks and empty roads. “I know some shots look like scenes from a movie pletely empty streets, a city suddenly sealed off, but we all know this is not a movie,” he said in the video.“From my point of view, people in the city are still going about life orderly. I see everyone using their own strength to keep the city functioning as normal. Everyone wants to do the right thing, to make things better,” Lin said at the end of the video. “This is Wuhan at its fewest people and among the most orderly times Ive seen in more than 10 years. No matter what, it is still home to 11 million people.”From: Reading prehension( ) 1. Which of the following best explains “sedentary” underlined in Paragraph 5?A. Risky.B. Traditional.C. Involving little exercise.D. Having much attention.( ) 2. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Wuhan is not as alive as before.B. Wuhan residents are still in trouble.C. Wuhan is home to 11 million people.D. Wuhan residents are making the best of it.( ) 3. The passage is organized by .A. using exlesB. analyzing causesC. presenting dataD. making a parisonKEY1-3 CDA解析本文的语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与社会之社会热点问题。封城下的武汉市民乐观抗“疫”,开展花样“宅”生活。1. C。词义理解题。根据文章第五段可知,另一些人每天除了睡就是吃,再结合第四段人们在家想出的各种运动方法可知,这是一种几乎不运动的生活方式,故选C。2. D。段落大意题。根据文章最后一段可知,武汉市民都在尽自己的努力使这个城市正常有序地运转,故选D。3. A。推理判断题。根据全文可知,通过列举多种例子,作者向人们展示了封城下武汉人民的日常生活,故选A。高考阅读理解(三)New tech being used to fight pandemicwords:349 time:6 ?高新科技助力疫情防控!As nations around the world struggle to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, straining medical resources and overburdening doctors, governments are turning to technology to help fight back the outbreak.From phone apps to drones, here are a few tools that have been used to battle the coronavirus. Data-collecting appsMultiple Asian governments have used smartphone apps to track data of users who have tested positive for COVID-19. In South Korea, a pulsory app enforces (强制) self-isolation. Singapore is also u第 10 页 共 10 页


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