七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Clothes arouond the World课件 (新版)冀教版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Clothes arouond the World课件 (新版)冀教版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Clothes arouond the World课件 (新版)冀教版_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 11 Clothes arouond the World课件 (新版)冀教版_第3页
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Lesson 11 Clothes around the WorldShe travels around the _.world n. 世界世界Words and expressionsLi Ming writes a _ about the meeting.n. & v. 报告报告reportThe Japanes women wear _ clothes on festivals.traditionaladj. 传统的传统的; 惯例的惯例的The woman looks _ in her _.prettySariadj. 漂亮的漂亮的; 可爱的可爱的n. 莎丽莎丽He comes from _.Indian. 印度印度(地名地名)They dress in _.uniformsn. 制服制服Chi-paoLead in Clothes around the worldSariwafuku和服和服Bowler Hat 英国波乐帽英国波乐帽苏格兰“基尔特”(kilt)是一种用花格子呢料制作的从腰部到膝盖的短裙,它形成于中世纪,是男子专用的裙子。 1. To know about clothes around the world2. To learn to use the expressions: look so pretty in black and whiteObjectives:They are wearing school _.They are wearing _ clothes. uniforms traditionalLook and Say Shes wearing a Saria traditional dress from _.They are wearing uniforms for _. India workThis is a report written by Li Ming. Read it and fill in the blanks. These people are wearing _ clothes. Wow! Their clothes are so _.In some places, men wear _. How do they look? traditional pretty skirtsThis _ looks beautiful in her _. A Sari is a traditional _ from _.Some people wear _ for work. These _ look so _ in black an white.Many students wear _ _. Their uniforms look nice.Our school uniforms are _ and _. Do you have uniforms? What _ are they? woman Sari dress India uniforms women pretty school uniforms blue white coloursLanguage pointsThese people are wearing traditional clothes.这些人们穿着传统服饰。这些人们穿着传统服饰。This woman looks beautiful in her Sari.这个女人穿着莎丽看起来很美。这个女人穿着莎丽看起来很美。this/these当指示代词用时当指示代词用时, 指代人或物指代人或物, 在句中作主语。在句中作主语。this(单数单数)和和these (复数复数)是近指。是近指。This is Kate, and that is Lily. These are pandas. Those are Koalas.2. 这两个词当形容词用时这两个词当形容词用时, 在句中作定语。在句中作定语。要注意在名词前如果用了指示形容词后要注意在名词前如果用了指示形容词后, 其前就不能再用冠词其前就不能再用冠词a, an和形容词性物和形容词性物主代词主代词my, his等限定词了。等限定词了。This book is good.These pens are very nice.What is this? Its an apple.What are these?Theyre apples.3. 以以What为首、含有为首、含有this/these的疑的疑问句及其回答如下问句及其回答如下: Discuss the questions.1. Do all people wear uniforms for work?2. Can men wear skirts?3. Do people wear traditional clothes in your hometown?4. Do you wear a uniform for school?1p27Read the passage and give the right answers.Lisa and her family are ready for the Square Dance Party The Square Dance is a (traditional/colourful) American dance. People wear cowboy boots and hats. Lisa is wearing a beautiful pink skirt. She looks (funny/pretty). Lisas mother looks nice, too. Her skirt goes well with her colourful blouse. Lisas father looks good in his pants and shirt. They all look nice, but they are all wearing (different/purple) clothes. Lisas dog is ready for the party, too. He is wearing a cowboy hat. He looks cute. 3p27Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese world, report, traditional, India, pretty2. Chinese-English 看上去很漂亮,身穿黑白相间的衣服看上去很漂亮,身穿黑白相间的衣服When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.Fill in the blanks.1. This is a _ festival.2. The woman looks so _(漂亮的漂亮的) in a uniform.3. Many students wear school _(制服制服).4. Lisa is in _(黑白相间的黑白相间的衣服衣服). traditional pretty uniformsblack and white 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. 詹姆斯穿着红色短裤,看起来很可笑。詹姆斯穿着红色短裤,看起来很可笑。James _ _ in the red shorts. 2. 丹尼戴着一顶牛仔帽。丹尼戴着一顶牛仔帽。Danny _ _ a cowboy hat.3.我们的校服很漂亮。我们的校服很漂亮。 Our _ _ are very beautiful.4. 她的裙子和她色彩靓丽的衬衫很搭配。她的裙子和她色彩靓丽的衬衫很搭配。 Her skirt _ _ _ her colourful blouse.5. 我的新裙子是黄蓝相间的。我的新裙子是黄蓝相间的。My new dress is _ _ _ _.looks funnyisininyellow and blueschooluniformgoes well with1. Preview Lesson 12: Lets go shopping!2. Read the new words and expressions in Lesson 12.HOMEWORKHOMEWORK1. Learn all the new words we have learned by heart.2. Make up a similar dialogue.


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