4AM3U3Days of the week教案

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Oxford English 4B Module 3 Unit 3Days of the week(Period 2)Peters week1. 知识目标:(1) 学生能掌握本单元的核心词汇:一周七天:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday weekdays, weekends(2) 学生能准确理解频度副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, never (3) 学生能掌握本单元的核心句型:e.g. always/usually/often sometimes/never do(does)2. 水平目标:学生能够合理使用频度副词实行日常表达、写话。3. 情感目标:学生学会发现并享受平凡生活中的乐趣。二、第二课时教学设计:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Listen and enjoy2. Free talk1. Review: Sunday to Saturday 2. Elicit the topic复习第一课时已涉及的语言知识:一周七天。在问答中引出本课时的学习。While-task procedureElicit: Peters weekdaysLearn: alwaysalways doesLearn: never1. Listen and answer:What does Peter do on weekdays? 2. Q: What do you always play?3. Learn: never Q: What do you never do? Why not?以对比及提问的方式引导学生比较always和never 的此意和具体用法。Learn: usuallyusually (does)1.Look and say2. Learn: usually usually (does)3. Pair work: What club do you usually go?以图片形式呈现文本,学生学习目标单词及词组表达,并引导学生阅读文本,体会拥有兴趣爱好的快乐。Learn: oftenLearn: sometimesChant1. Listen and answer2.Read the passage3. Say a chant4. Stick the bars小结文本,以chant形式复习频度副词,增加感性认识。提炼本文主题:busy but happy Post-task activity1. Peters weekends2. Work group 1.Complete the work sheet2. Read and talk about the happiness in a week.通过看图片写话练习巩固今日重点句型。交流平凡生活中快乐点滴,加深学生们感受快乐的体验Assignment1. Read Peters week.2. Write and talk about one of your happy week.附:Peters weekPeter is a boy in Grade Four. On weekdays, he always goes to school. He always has many classes there. He reads and writes, sings and paints. Hes busy but happy every day.Peter always plays basketball on Tuesday afternoon. He likes playing basketball very much. He always enjoys playing sport with his classmates.On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, Peter usually goes to the Chinese chess club. He can play Chinese chess very well. Its so happy to win the match.Peter likes reading. He often goes to the school library on Monday afternoon. He likes reading story books best because they are very interesting. He often tells them to the friends after school.Peter goes home at two thirty on Friday afternoon. He sometimes plays games with Sally and Paul at home. What a great fun!


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