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本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑如何利用办公室英语婉转批评他人 如何利用办公室英语动听批判他人 导读:我依据大家的需要整理了一份关于如何利用办公室英语动听批判他人的内容,详细内容:下面是我整理的利用办公室英语动听批判他人的方法, 盼望对大家有关心。一、Your boss tells you that you did a bad job. Yourcowo. 下面是我整理的利用办公室英语动听批判他人的方法, 盼望对大家有关心。 一、Your boss tells you that you did a bad job. Yourcoworker criticizes you in front of your whole team.Ouch! Its not easy to take criticism, no matter whoit comes from. But, it is easy to soften the blowwhen you offer criticism to someone in English.Merely by altering your wording and your attitude,you can help someone grow as opposed to makingthem feel defeated. 你的老板说你的工作表现不好。你的同时在你的团队面前批判你。噢,不管谁在批判,总是不简单接受的。但是,当你委婉使用英语来批判某人是较简单接受的。只需要转变一点点你说的话及态度,你能帮那些人成长而非是他们感到挫败。 二、Avoid direct accusations 避开正面指责 Phrases like Youre wrong! and Your presentation was terrible! have no place in effectivecriticism. In fact, its best to leave the word you out, if at all possible. Personal attacks makepeople feel defensive, and then they wont really listen to anything you have to say. 一些表达的方式像是Youre wrong!及Your presentation was terrible!皆不是有效的批判。事实上,假如可能的话,舍去你这个字。个人攻击将使人们会使人自我防备,然后他们将不会听进去你说的任何话。 三、Soften with compliments 说些和气赞美的话 四、Before starting with the criticism, warm the person up with compliments. If you arediscussing their work, find several things you truly like about what they have done. Forexample, I enjoyed your presentation today. You presented a lot of good and helpfulinformation in it, and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I appreciate your hard work. Thiswill lower their defenses and make them feel appreciated。 在赐予批判以前,先说一些赞美的话给对方暖身暖身。假如你正在探讨他人的工作,找一些你真的喜爱他们所做过的事。例如:I enjoyed your presentation today. You presented a lot of good and helpfulinformation in it, and I can tell you put a lot of effort into it. I appreciate your hard work.这将削减他们的防卫自己并让他们有欣慰之意。 五、Dont continue with but However, a short, vague compliment followed by but such as It was a helpful talk, butyou really need to improve your presentation skills wont do much to help the process. Afteryouve shared your compliments, allow them time to be absorbed. Immediately following yourcompliment with a but will destroy all youve tried to accomplish by making your praiseseem false and insincere。 切勿使用 but 不管如何,由一些 but 的简短模糊赞美,像是:It was a helpful talk, but you really need toimprove your presentation skills.将对于事情不会有太大的关心。在你已经共享你的赞美之后,允许他们有汲取它的时间。立即接着立刻 六、Advise with advice Remember that the goal of constructive criticism isnt to make the person feel terrible; itsto help them grow. Instead of directly accusing the person, try to get the message through tothem in the form of light-hearted advice. Phrases like, Next time you might want to ? or I findit helpful to ? can take away the blame while still leaving an impact: Next time you mightwant to give a little more attention to the audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyeswhile I am speaking. 给出建议 记住:有建设性的建议的目标不是让对方难过,而是关心人成长。避开直接的指责他人,试着将讯息以轻松开心的方式传达给对方。表达方式像是:Next time you might want to 或I find it helpful to 当仍旧带有冲击性的时候可以冲淡指责意味:Next time you might want to give a little more attention tothe audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while I am speaking. 七、Stay specific People cant change overnight, especially if they dont get detailed direction. Simply sayingyou need to work on your presentation skills wont help a soul! Be detailed in your advice,and dont overload anyone with criticism. Remember, you want them to keep trying andimproving. Dont leave them feeling defeated! 明确的表达 人是无法一夜之间转变的,尤其当他们无法获得具体引导的时候。简洁地说:you need to work on yourpresentation skills对于心灵将没有关心!将你的建议具体些,不要赐予负荷不了的批判。记得,你盼望他们是不断的尝试及改进。不要使他们感到如此挫折! 第 4 页 共 4 页


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