高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 A Lively City课件

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高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 A Lively City课件_第1页
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高一英语外研社必修一 模块4 A Lively City课件_第3页
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Language points15-year-oldin the south of China (in the southern part of China, in southern Guangdong)in the city of.in a suburblive in an apartmenton the.floor of a 5-storey apartment blockabout.miles away from.be made of .Underline those phrases勾画与翻译on the coastby the seasidepretty hot ,quite coldbusiness districtapartment blockput uphigh-rise buildingshopping mallapproach the habourwalk aroundfor a whileXiaomingworkXiaomingwork I live_a small village _ northern Shanxi,not very far _the capital city -Taiyuan. My parents and I now live _ a large house _ five rooms.we also have a large yard. Our house is made _ stone and bricks.infrominwithofin Writing:Which one do you like best ? Why? attractive busy huge lovely modern noisy peaceful quiet traditional Please use some adjectives below to describe your ideal(理想的)理想的)home. The view of the city from the air(城市鸟瞰图)The beautiful island(鼓浪屿)(鼓浪屿)The statue of Zheng Chenggong 郑成功郑成功The ring road(环岛路)南普陀南普陀白鹭洲 apartment blocksPeriod 2: Reading and VocabularyQ:Do you know which city it is?1.This city lies in the southeast of China.XiaMenWhat do you know more about it?2.It is a seaside city.3.It has a famous Island-GuLangyu Island.A lively city-Xiamen Read and choose the correct answer.1.John Martin is visiting (a) Xiao Lis hometown (b) a town near where Xiao Li lives (c) a shopping mall2.Xiao Li lives (a) on the island of Gulangyu (b) in Xiamen (c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen3. John and Xiao Li are (a) at Xiao Lis home (b) driving around the city in a car (c) on a trainRead A Lively City again.Finish the exercises on Page 33.the exercises on Page 33.Quick response rules :After the teacher says “begin” , the student who gets up earliest will get the chance to answer.* One question is right . your group can get 10 points , one wrong , your group will reduce 10.Part A :True ( T ) or false ( F )1. John has never been to China before.2. Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast.3. There are very few tourists in the northwest of Xiamen. 4. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island.5. There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island.TrueFalseTrueFalseFalsePart B: Choose the correct answers. 1. Fortunate (a) sad (b) lucky2. Pretty hot (a) too hot (b) very hot 3. Bother you (a) amuse you (b) give you problems4. Nuisance (a) amusing (b) causing problems5. Shopping mall (a) shopping center (b) small shops6. Gorgeous (a) lovely (b) boring 7. Starving (a) very hungry (b) excited 8. Climate (a) weather (b) locationapproach, architecture, tourists, area, climate, coast, district, nuisance, island, park, rent, tourist, gorgeous, starved, fortunate, bother, sounds, hometownPart C:1. As you _ the town, the first building you see is the church.2. Dont _ your father now; he is very tired.3. London is full of _ in the summer.4. She is _ enough to enjoy good health.5. They got lost in the desert and _ to death.approachbothertouristsfortunatestarved6. The noise was so loud that it was a _ to the neighbours.7. That music _ beautiful.8. The parks in the _ district are very pretty.9. The _ for a modern apartment in Xiamen is usually very expensive.10. Which _ of the city does Xiao Li live in?11. If we _ the car over there, we can go for a walk along the harbour.nuisancesoundscoastrentdistrictpark Xiamensummerpretty hot winterquite coldMany tourists come here in summer.Huge apartment blocks; high-rise buildings; great shopping malls. modernThe most interesting part of the city, some pretty parks.A gorgeous island with some really interesting architectureOn the south coast of ChinaThe most attractive,lively,interesting city.locationclimatetourismBusiness districtWesterndistrictscenery(Gulangyu)summaryTask: Fill in the blanks. Xiamen is one of the most _cities on the_. The climate is _and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter. Every year, many_ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays,especially in summer. Its_ has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great_. The western district is the most interesting part of the city. Its got some really_. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. Its a _island with some really interesting_.attractivecoastpretty hottouristsbusiness districtshopping mallspretty parksgorgeousarchitectureWhat will you describe about Yuan Pinglocation (位置位置) :in the of china area (面积面积) : square km(2571平方千米 )Population (人口人口) : million (48万)Scenery : lakes , rivers , mountainsclimate : wet , cold , warm , dryarchitecture :apartment block, shopping mall Life : happy ,simple,peaceful, comfortable , relaxing Aspects (方面方面)原平原平原平原平2. since conj. 从从以来以来 (常与完成时态连用常与完成时态连用)3. This/ It is the first/second time +现在完成时现在完成时 这是第一(第二)次做这是第一(第二)次做 Its time +主语主语+did 该到做该到做的时候了的时候了(从句中谓语要用虚拟语气,使用一般过去时)(从句中谓语要用虚拟语气,使用一般过去时)1. (Its)great/nice to meet/to see you again. =Nice /Glad to meet/to see you.4. (sb) have been to a place (某人某人)到过某地(现已不在那个地方)到过某地(现已不在那个地方)比较:比较:(sb) have gone to a place(某人某人)已去了某地已去了某地(该人不在说话现场该人不在说话现场)-Where have you been?-I have been to the library to look up some information.Mr Li isnt in. He has gone to town.李先生不在。他进城去了。李先生不在。他进城去了。5. I feel very fortunate living here.生活在这里我感到很幸运。生活在这里我感到很幸运。(sb) feel/be fortunate (in) doing sth(某人)因有机会做某事而感到幸运。(某人)因有机会做某事而感到幸运。I feel fortunate (in) working with you.和你一起工作我感到很幸运。和你一起工作我感到很幸运。6. Whats the climate like? (一个地区经常性的气候)(一个地区经常性的气候)climate 气候;具有某种天气情况的地区。气候;具有某种天气情况的地区。Whats the weather like? (短期的天气短期的天气)For the sake(缘故缘故) of her daughters health, she decided to move to a warm_.A. weather B. temperature C. season D. climate 解释:一般来说,解释:一般来说,season不能由人选;不能由人选;temperature 可用可用high或或low来修饰,不用来修饰,不用warm;weather 指天气;而指天气;而climate又又“具有某种天气的具有某种天气的地区地区 ”之意,根据题意,选之意,根据题意,选D. 7. Sounds OK to me.(这种气候)对于我来说还可以(这种气候)对于我来说还可以。Sound 为系动词,译为为系动词,译为“听起来听起来”, 后后接接形容词形容词,名词名词或或介词短语介词短语等作表语。等作表语。eg: That sounds great! (形容词形容词) That sounds a good idea! (名词名词) That sound sounds like music.(介词短语)(介词短语) 8. put up 建造(房屋等)建造(房屋等)= build其他用法其他用法:1. 举起(手)举起(手) put up your hands2. 挂上,张贴挂上,张贴 The teacher put up the exam results on the wall.9. approach vt 接近;向接近;向靠近;与靠近;与打交道打交道快到市里时,你就会看到右边的机场快到市里时,你就会看到右边的机场。As you approach the city, youll see the airport on the right.我发现她很难打交道我发现她很难打交道。I found her difficult to approach.在国家与国家在国家与国家,地区与地区接壤时地区与地区接壤时,介词用介词用on eg.Canada is located on the north of the USA.在国家与国家在国家与国家,地区与地区之间不接壤时地区与地区之间不接壤时,介词用介词用to eg.Japan lies to the east of China. 在国土或地区内部时,介词用在国土或地区内部时,介词用”in eg.Shanghai is in the east of China.5. 表示方位的介词:表示方位的介词:


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