人教新版英语三上Fun Time 1PPT课件5

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3b Fill in the blanks with do or does. Then practice the conversations with your partner.A: you have a baseball?B: Yes, I .A: Great! I have a bat. Lets play!Conversation 1DodoA: Jonh have a soccer ball?B: No, he .A: he have a ping-pong bat?B: Yes, he . I think he has a ping-pong ball, too.A: Hmmlets ask.Conversation 2DoesdoesntDoesdoesA: your friends have a basketball?B: Yes, they . They have two basketballs.A: Well, lets play basketball. B: That sounds good.Conversation 3Dodo3c Remember the things in Bobs room. Then close your books and ask and answer questions with a partner.A: Does he have a soccer ball?B: Yes, he does.A: Does he have a ping-pong bat?B: No, he doesnt.报告会UhHmmIts boring.boring /I/:c/difficult /I/ /I/968746232978+7823576877869856343 =fun/ difficultboringrelaxingfuninteresting4.difficult 困难的5.boring 没趣的,无聊的,令人厌倦的3.relaxing 轻松的,令人放松的2.fun 有趣的,令人快乐的1.interesting 令人感兴趣的Lets read.6.good 好的;play soccerplay basketballplay tennisplay ping-pongplay volleyballPlay baseballTalk about these sports.That sounds Lets .play basketballplay volleyballplay ping-pongplay tennisplay baseballplay soccergoodinterestingfun relaxingboring difficultsound 系动词(link verb):连接主语和表语的动词。 E.G. That sounds interesting.主语主语表语表语举一反三 You look nice. That sounds boring. This apple tastes good. That smells bad. Listen and fill in the blanks.(再听一遍录音再听一遍录音,并填并填空空.)A: Lets play computer games!B: That sounds(1) _, but I dont have a computer.A: Well, do you have a volleyball?B: Yes.A: Then lets play volleyball.B: Oh, volleyball is so(2)_.A: Ok, lets watch TV.B: That sounds(3)_. HmmmLets play soccer! Do you have a soccer ball?A: No, I dont.B: Oh. Well, do you have a basketball?A: Yes, I do. Lets play basketball.B: That sounds(4)_.difficultinterestingboringfun


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