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Period 4 复习与测试复习与测试复习与测试复习与测试1._ adj. 不同的不同的2._ n.题目;主题题目;主题3._ adj.中心的;主要的中心的;主要的4._ adv.无论在哪里无论在哪里5._ adj.独一无二的独一无二的6._ n.& v.秋千;摇摆秋千;摇摆 7._ n.长度;长长度;长length various themecentralwhereveruniqueswing复习与应用复习与应用双基达标双基达标8._ n.纪念品纪念品9._ vt.保存保存 n.保护区保护区10._ n.生物生物11.advance v. _12.carpenter n. _13.settler n. _14.brand n. _商标;牌子商标;牌子 souvenirpreserve creature前进;促进;提前前进;促进;提前木匠木匠移民;殖民者移民;殖民者15.admission n. _16.translator n. _17.tournament n. _18.attraction n. _19.fantasy n. _20.athletic adj. _运动的运动的允许进入;入场费允许进入;入场费译员;翻译译员;翻译锦标赛;联赛锦标赛;联赛吸引;有吸引力的事物吸引;有吸引力的事物幻想;怪念头幻想;怪念头4. _n.消遣;娱乐消遣;娱乐_vt.使娱乐使娱乐_adj.好笑的好笑的5. _n.有吸引力的事情有吸引力的事情_vt.吸引吸引_adj.有吸引力的有吸引力的6. _n.旅游业旅游业_n.游客游客7. _adj.独一无二的独一无二的 8. _n.发动机发动机9. _n.保护区保护区vt.保存;保留保存;保留10. _n.长度长度_adj.长的长的_vt.加长加长11. _adj.运动的运动的_n.运动员运动员12. _n.译员;翻译译员;翻译_n.翻译翻译_vt.翻译翻译13. _v.& n.前进前进_adj.高级的高级的14. _n.允许进入允许进入 15. _n.高速公路高速公路amusementamuseamusingattractionattractattractivetourismtouristuniqueenginepreservelengthlonglengthenathleticathletetranslatortranslationtranslateadvanceadvancedadmissionfreeway1. _adj.中央的中央的_n.中心中心2. _adj.不同的;各种各样的不同的;各种各样的_v.变化变化_n.不同种类不同种类3. _n.漫画;动画片漫画;动画片centralcentervariousvaryvarietycartoon单词自查单词自查.单词拼写单词拼写1The story was first written in English and later_ (翻译翻译)into Chinese.2My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a_(相似的相似的)delay in the evening.3She felt an immediate_ (吸引力吸引力)for him.4For kids under 6,no_ (入场费入场费)is needed to the park.5The company doubled its_(利润利润)in the year of 2009.6_ (先进的先进的)ways of management must be brought in to improve the efficiency(效率效率)双基达标双基达标.单词拼写单词拼写translated similar attraction admission profit Advanced .单词拼写单词拼写1. I find_(乐趣(乐趣)in collecting stamps.2. The_(吸引力)(吸引力)of the moon for the earth causes the tides.3. You may pick_(无论哪个)(无论哪个)you like best.4. The island has been ruined by_(旅游业)(旅游业).5. Youre a wonderful, _(独一无二的)(独一无二的)person.amusementattractionwhichevertourismunique单词拼写单词拼写1. 以以而闻名而闻名 _2. 根据根据仿造仿造,模仿模仿 _3. 接近接近 _4. 打理农场打理农场 _5. 参加参加 _6. 面对面面对面 _7. 例如例如 _for example be famous forbe modeled afterget close torun the farmstake part inface to face8. 不但不但而且而且_9. 与与相比较相比较 _10. 闲逛闲逛 _11.be familiar with _12.no wonder _e to life _14.base on _e true _实现实现 not only .but pare. with.wander around对对熟悉熟悉难怪;不足为奇难怪;不足为奇活跃起来活跃起来以以基础基础16.a theme park_17.make ones dream come true _18.provide with_19.admit doing sth._20.prepare for _为为做准备做准备主题公园主题公园使某人的梦想成真使某人的梦想成真为为提供提供承认做某事承认做某事1.be famous_以以闻名闻名2. _wonder难怪;不足为奇难怪;不足为奇3.be_after仿造;根据仿造;根据模仿模仿4. _advance提前提前5. _close to接近接近e to_活跃起来活跃起来7.be familiar_熟悉熟悉8. _true实现实现9.a variety_各种各样的各种各样的10. _fun玩得高兴玩得高兴11._ 玩得高兴玩得高兴12._ 面对面地面对面地13._ 为某人提供某物为某人提供某物fornomodelledingetlifewithcomeofhave短语自查短语自查have funface to faceprovide sb.with sth.be famous for, be modelled after, come true, be familiar with, no wonder词组填空词组填空1. Their education system _the American one, so there are so many similar aspects between them.2. _Tom has passed the exam; he had known the answers before the exam.3. I _the boys name, but I have never met him face to face.4. If you want your dream to_, you should work hard. 5. Qufu is a small city, but it _the old temples of Confucius all over the world.is modelled afterNo wonderam familiar withcome trueis famous for.短语填空短语填空 no wonder;a variety of;be famous for;in advance;get close to;be modelled after;come to life;take good care of .词组填空词组填空1.As is known to all,this education system_ the French one.2He has been there many times._ he doesnt approve of the plan going there for holiday.3All the injured have been sent to the nearest hospital and _ there.4Three days had passed before he_ .His parents never left the hospital until they saw him open his eyes.is modelled after No wonder taken good care of came to life no wonder;a variety of;be famous for;in advance;get close to;be modelled after;come to life;take good care of 5We are planning a trip to Yuntai Mountain in Henan province,which_ its beautiful natural scenery.6If you want to see the film next Sunday,youd better book the ticket_ .7There are_ toys on sale and the children dont know what they should buy.8Suddenly I found a stranger_ me,which made me a little nervous.is famous for in advance a variety of getting close to 1. _(怪不得怪不得)I have not seen him recently. He is ill.2.Hibernation is_(不仅仅是睡眠不仅仅是睡眠;more).3.Youll be sure to_(玩得很开心玩得很开心;fun) at the party tonight.4.Also the English people_(以以而著而著名名;famous) the sense of humour.5. _(我不光困倦我不光困倦;only), but I was also cold.6. _(如果你开车的话如果你开车的话), go round the Third Ring Road and head north.7. _(有这么多的好汽车有这么多的好汽车;so) on display here that I dont know which to buy.8. _(务必务必;sure) to get the work finished before six oclock.No wondermore than sleephave funare famous forNot only was I tiredIf driving完成句子完成句子There are so many fine carsBe sure.完成句子完成句子1.无论她走到哪里,都有一群人围着她。无论她走到哪里,都有一群人围着她。(wherever) Wherever she goes,there are crowds of people surrounding her. 2警察的职责之一就是维护公共秩序。警察的职责之一就是维护公共秩序。(preserve)It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order. 3大多数的外语院校里男生都占少数。大多数的外语院校里男生都占少数。(minority)Boys are in the minority in most foreign language colleges. III 完成句子完成句子4三天来他根本就没睡觉,难怪他筋疲力尽。三天来他根本就没睡觉,难怪他筋疲力尽。(wonder)He hasnt slept at all for three days. Its no wonder he is tired out. 5她突然想到她从开始就错了。她突然想到她从开始就错了。(suddenly)It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along. 单句改错单句改错1. He is famous for both a teacher and scientist. _2. Whoever telephone, tell him Im out. _3. He has no attraction to me. _4. No matter wherever he goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see him. _for astelephone telephones单句改错单句改错to onwherever where【写作素材】【写作素材】1我班同学组织了一次我班同学组织了一次远足远足。2我们去了市我们去了市中心中心的水上的水上主题主题公园。公园。3那儿有很多那儿有很多娱乐项目娱乐项目和和景点景点。4我们买的是学生票,因而很多人都有钱买了我们买的是学生票,因而很多人都有钱买了小册子小册子和和纪念品纪念品。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 Our classmates organized an outing to the water theme park where there are various amusements and attractions in the central city. We got admission rate for students, so many of us had money to buy a brochure and some souvenirs.单元知识点应用单元知识点应用IV 微写作微写作.书面表达增分策略书面表达增分策略如何综合提高写作档次如何综合提高写作档次典题示例典题示例目前,随着人们生活压力的不断增大,人们的忧虑也目前,随着人们生活压力的不断增大,人们的忧虑也越来越多。请根据下面内容提示写一篇演讲稿。越来越多。请根据下面内容提示写一篇演讲稿。我们的忧虑:我们的忧虑:1.注重自我,轻视合作;注重自我,轻视合作;2缺乏毅力,容易气馁;缺乏毅力,容易气馁;3盲目追求,渴望成名。盲目追求,渴望成名。我们的长处:敢于挑战,我们的长处:敢于挑战,(请联系自己的体验拟定请联系自己的体验拟定内容内容)注意:注意:1.对所给要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥,但不要对所给要点逐一陈述,可适当发挥,但不要简单翻译;简单翻译;2词数词数120左右。开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。左右。开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。V书面表达书面表达语言运用与应试技巧语言运用与应试技巧Good afternoon,everyone!Under the fiercer circumstances,we are developing our special manners and values,which has raised our concern._Thank you for your listening!思路点拨思路点拨根据所给出的材料不难分析出,这是一篇议论文,根据所给出的材料不难分析出,这是一篇议论文,内容与考生紧密相关,即对自我的评价。内容与考生紧密相关,即对自我的评价。从题型看,这也是一篇提纲式作文,命题者已经将从题型看,这也是一篇提纲式作文,命题者已经将材料条理化,这对写作时的合理布局有一定的帮助。材料条理化,这对写作时的合理布局有一定的帮助。写作时考生可以适当增加细节,合理发挥,使行文流写作时考生可以适当增加细节,合理发挥,使行文流畅、逻辑性更强。根据信息提示可知,考生可安排两畅、逻辑性更强。根据信息提示可知,考生可安排两段进行写作段进行写作(除给出的一段外除给出的一段外)。第一段提出。第一段提出“我们的忧我们的忧虑虑”,可就三个方面进行具体阐述:注重自我,轻视,可就三个方面进行具体阐述:注重自我,轻视合作;缺乏毅力,容易气馁;盲目追求,渴望成名。合作;缺乏毅力,容易气馁;盲目追求,渴望成名。第二段归纳第二段归纳“我们的长处我们的长处”。因为没有内容限制,考。因为没有内容限制,考生可结合自身的感受写出生可结合自身的感受写出“敢于挑战敢于挑战”的行动与事例,的行动与事例,然后进行适当的升华。考生一定要联系自我体验进行然后进行适当的升华。考生一定要联系自我体验进行概括。概括。点评作者有较强的语言作者有较强的语言表达能力,文章逻表达能力,文章逻辑性强,段落分明,辑性强,段落分明,但还存在很多不足。但还存在很多不足。1.第二段第二段worried应应为为worry,根据上,根据上下文此处应为一般下文此处应为一般现在时。现在时。【中档习作】【中档习作】学以致用学以致用2.because应为应为because of连接名词连接名词或动名词。或动名词。3.Third应为应为Thirdly。4.写作要求中有写作要求中有“注注重自我,轻视合作重自我,轻视合作”。作者没有表达作者没有表达“轻视轻视合作合作”这一表达要点,这一表达要点,应加在应加在secondly之前,之前,可表达为:可表达为:Besides,we are unwilling to cooperate with others。5.第三段中第三段中efficient应应为为efficently,副词修饰,副词修饰动词动词work。6.写作时最好先起草,写作时最好先起草,然后抄写,避免涂抺,然后抄写,避免涂抺,像第二段中涂抺的像第二段中涂抺的discover。7.本篇学生习作整体较本篇学生习作整体较好,但卷面还有待提高。好,但卷面还有待提高。一是个别字母书写不够一是个别字母书写不够规范、饱满与圆润,二规范、饱满与圆润,二是词间距较大,给人的是词间距较大,给人的感觉不美观。感觉不美观。点评文章层次分明,结文章层次分明,结构清晰。文章中使用构清晰。文章中使用了一些高级词汇,如:了一些高级词汇,如:in addition,win the confidence和和overcome all the difficulties等。另外,等。另外,一些简短句式的运用,一些简短句式的运用,让人读后倍感亲切。让人读后倍感亲切。具体表现如下:具体表现如下:【满分作文】【满分作文】1.第二段第一句第二段第一句中的中的on earth意意为为“究竟究竟”,常,常用于疑问词之后,用于疑问词之后,表示强调。表示强调。2.第二段中的第二段中的care too much about ourselves意为意为“太多地关太多地关心心(注意注意)自己自己”,与下文形成对照。与下文形成对照。3.第二段中的第二段中的“which will make it hard for us to achieve success in our life”是是which引引导的非限制性定语从导的非限制性定语从句,句,which指代上一指代上一句的内容。句中的句的内容。句中的achieve success是一是一种高级表达。种高级表达。4.第二段中的第二段中的Whats more意为意为“此外,而此外,而且且”,用于此处很好,用于此处很好地起到承上启下的作地起到承上启下的作用。用。5.第二段中的第二段中的follow fashion blindly含有含有“盲目盲目追求时尚追求时尚”之意,之意,用在此处较好地用在此处较好地表达了提示材料表达了提示材料的具体意义。的具体意义。6.最后一段中的最后一段中的First,Second,Finally等词语,既等词语,既可起到连接作用,可起到连接作用,又可增加文章的又可增加文章的层次感。层次感。1She is in a rather_ position, as her job is different from anyone elses. Aunfortunate Bprecious Cfantastic Dunique解析解析句意:她的职位相当独特,因为她的工作不同于句意:她的职位相当独特,因为她的工作不同于其他任何人的。其他任何人的。unique“独一无二的独一无二的”;unfortunate“不幸的不幸的”;precious“珍贵的珍贵的”;fantastic“极极好的好的”。答案答案DVI 单项填空单项填空2There are_ flowers and trees shown in the park and_ people go to have a look.Aa plenty of; many Bvarieties of; variousCvarious;many Dquite a few; quite a little解析解析various“不同种类的;各种各样的不同种类的;各种各样的”,作定语相,作定语相当于当于a variety of或或varieties of,但,但various用来修饰人不用来修饰人不妥,所以妥,所以B项不合适。项不合适。答案答案C3(2012湖北八校联考一湖北八校联考一)While our city tries impatiently to change its appearance by tearing down old buildings, more and more citizens are suggesting ways to _ the historically important architecture.Adecorate BdevelopCpreserve Dadvocate解析解析preserve 保护。句意:尽管我市通过拆毁旧楼保护。句意:尽管我市通过拆毁旧楼房迫不及待地改变它的面貌,但是越来越多的市民建房迫不及待地改变它的面貌,但是越来越多的市民建议保护历史上的重要建筑。议保护历史上的重要建筑。decorate 装饰;装饰;develop 开发;开发; advocate 提倡。提倡。答案答案C4He made a(n)_ that he was the thief.Aentry BadmissionCsuccess Dapproach解析解析句意:他承认自己就是那个窃贼。句意:他承认自己就是那个窃贼。make an admission that“承认承认”。答案答案B5The idea of travelling to the moon holds little _ for me.Ascene BviewCattraction Dsight解析解析句意:到月球去旅行这个主意对我没有吸引力。句意:到月球去旅行这个主意对我没有吸引力。attraction 吸引力。吸引力。答案答案C。6 The design of this building is modelled_ classic Greek forms.Aafter BwithCat Dfor解析解析be modelled after根据根据仿造。仿造。答案答案A7 Our hometown is famous_ its fresh fruit.Afor BasCto Dwith解析解析be famous for以以出名。出名。答案答案A8 To keep safe_ an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.Ain search of Bin advance ofCin terms of Din case of解析解析in advance of在在前面。前面。in search of 寻找;寻找;in terms of 就就而言;而言;in case of 以防,万一。以防,万一。答案答案B9John is said to have learned Italian in Italy for five years._ he speaks it like a native speaker.ANo doubt BNo problemCNo wonder DNo reason解析解析no wonder难怪。难怪。no doubt 无疑;无疑;no reason 毫无毫无理由;理由;no problem 没问题没问题。答案答案C10Word came that the young businessman got close to_ in the train accident.Akill Bbe killedCkilling Dbeing killed解析解析get close to being killed几乎被杀死。几乎被杀死。答案答案D11I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the toys, and in my imagination, the toys_.Agot close to life Bbrought back to lifeCcame to life Dwere close to life解析解析come to life恢复生机。恢复生机。答案答案C12 . Not only _ strict with us, but also _ for us. A. was the teacher; did he careB. was the teacher; he caredC. the teacher was; did he careD. the teacher was; he cared【解析】【解析】选选B。not only置于句首时,置于句首时,not only后的句后的句子要用部分倒装,子要用部分倒装,but also后的句子不倒装。后的句子不倒装。132010上海,上海,33 Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues _ with her stories. A. amused B. amusingC. to amuse D. to be amused【解析】【解析】选选A。amused感到快乐的;感到快乐的;amusing有趣的有趣的,逗乐的。分析句意可知应用逗乐的。分析句意可知应用amused描述描述her colleagues。14 _team wins on Saturday will go through to the coming Asian Games.ANo matter what BNo matter whichCWhatever DWhichever解析解析whichever team无论哪一个队,引出主语从句。无论哪一个队,引出主语从句。no matter which 只引出让步状语从句。只引出让步状语从句。答案答案D15 All people,_they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.Aeven if BwhetherCno matter Dhowever解析解析whether.or无论是无论是还是还是。答案答案B 16It is said that the_ for next Wednesdays conference is education as well as child care.AshuttleBengineCbrand Dtheme解析解析theme 主题。主题。shuttle 往返汽车;往返汽车;engine 发动机;发动机;brand 商标。商标。答案答案D17Young children sometimes cant distinguish between _ and reality.Afantasy BsouvenirCsneaker Dcreature解析解析fantasy 虚幻。虚幻。souvenir 纪念品;纪念品;sneaker 运动运动鞋;鞋;creature 生物。生物。答案答案A18As she shook her head, her earrings _ back and forth.Adashed BswungCslid Dexpanded解析解析swing 摇晃。摇晃。dash 急冲;急冲;slide 滑动;滑动;expand 扩扩大。大。答案答案B19The idea of working for stateowned enterprises has little _ to young people nowadays.Aadmission BappointmentCattraction Darrangement解析解析attraction 吸引力。吸引力。admission 进入;进入;appointment 约会;约会;arrangement 安排。安排。答案答案C20As we all know, each person has his own _fingerprint.Aunique BdirectCcentral Dathletic解析解析unique 唯一的,独特的。唯一的,独特的。direct 直接的;直接的;central中心的;中心的;athletic 体育的。体育的。答案答案A21The local government has taken measures to_ the districts historic buildings.Aswing BconvinceCintend Dpreserve解析解析preserve 保护。保护。swing 摇摆;摇摆;convince 使信服;使信服;intend 打算。打算。答案答案D22The beautiful bird is small, with a total _ of about three inches.Afunction BlengthCleather Ddecade解析解析length 长,长度。长,长度。function 功能;功能;leather 皮革;皮革;decade 十年。十年。答案答案B23There are not many,only a tiny _,who are in favour of the scheme.Arank BbudgetCminority Dbattle解析解析minority 少数。少数。rank 军衔;军衔;budget 预算;预算;battle 战役。战役。答案答案C24Information technology has _ rapidly since the 1960s,bringing great convenience to peoples life.Areduced BpreservedCconfused Dadvanced解析解析advance前进。前进。reduce 减少;减少;confuse 使迷惑;使迷惑;preserve 保存。保存。答案答案D25If they have passed the examination, students can apply for _ to more than one university.Aattraction BadmissionCamusement Dassociation解析解析admission 进入。进入。attraction 吸引力;吸引力;amusement 娱乐;娱乐;association 协会。协会。答案答案B26To keep safe_ an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.Ain search of Bin advance ofCin terms of Din case of解析:解析:句意:一旦发生地震,为了保证安全,在房间句意:一旦发生地震,为了保证安全,在房间里你应在没有东西能砸到你的地方。里你应在没有东西能砸到你的地方。in case of一旦,一旦,万一;万一;in search of寻找;寻找;in advance of 超过;超过;in terms of 鉴于,依据。鉴于,依据。答案:答案:D27Her father is very rich._She wouldnt accept his help even if it were offered.AWhat for? BSo what?CNo doubt. DNo wonder.解析:解析:句意:句意:她父亲非常富裕。她父亲非常富裕。那又怎么样?那又怎么样?即使他主动给她帮助,她也不会接受的。表示即使他主动给她帮助,她也不会接受的。表示“那又怎那又怎么样?么样?”用用“so what?”。what for?表示?表示“为了什为了什么?么?”;no doubt 表示表示“毫无疑问毫无疑问”;no wonder 表示表示“难怪难怪”。答案:答案:B28I stood in the middle of the room,staring at the toys,and in my imagination,the toys_.Agot close to life Bbrought back to lifeCcame to life Dwere close to life解析:解析:句意:我站在房子中间,盯着玩具,在我的想句意:我站在房子中间,盯着玩具,在我的想像中,这些玩具好像动了起来。像中,这些玩具好像动了起来。come to life活动起来;活动起来;(仿佛活着仿佛活着)开始动起来。开始动起来。答案:答案:C29 21st Century,_ weekly newspaper, provides us with _ variety of fresh articles about campus studies and life.Aa;the Bthe;a Cthe;/ Da;a解析:解析:二十一世纪报是一种周报。空格处的冠词应为二十一世纪报是一种周报。空格处的冠词应为不定冠词,表泛指;不定冠词,表泛指;a variety of 各种各样的。各种各样的。答案:答案:D30.Most members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion; only a(n) _ were against it. A. majority B. minority C. quantity D. amount 解析解析 对应于前面的对应于前面的“most members” (大多数大多数 成员赞成这个建议成员赞成这个建议),only引导的应该是引导的应该是“少部分少部分 人反对人反对”,所以用,所以用minority (少数少数)。majority大大 多数;多数;quantity和和amount都表示都表示“数量数量”,但与后但与后 面的谓语不相符。面的谓语不相符。答案:答案:B31.Yao Ming,the Chinese basketball star,is _ many American people. A. familiar to B. familiar with C. familiar of D. famous as 解析解析 be familiar to为为 所熟悉;所熟悉;be familiar with熟悉熟悉。答案:答案:A32.Can you tell me why more and more people choose to shop in a supermarket? Because it offers a great _ of goods. A. variety B. mixture C. connection D. combination 解析解析 a variety of多样性多样性;各种各样的各种各样的;mixture 混合;混合;connection联系联系,关联;关联;combination联合联合; 结合。这里指超市里提供的商品种类齐全,所以结合。这里指超市里提供的商品种类齐全,所以 选选A项。项。答案:答案:A33. Jenny suggested our going on a(n)_ to the countryside next weekend,but the rest didnt sound very enthusiastic about the idea. Adeed Bfantasy Cproject Douting 解析解析 D句意:珍妮建议我们下周末到乡村去郊句意:珍妮建议我们下周末到乡村去郊游,但其他人似乎对这个建议不热心。游,但其他人似乎对这个建议不热心。A项意为项意为“行为,行为,行动行动”;B项意为项意为“幻想,想象幻想,想象”;C项意为项意为“工程工程”;D项意为项意为“郊游,远足郊游,远足”。34Whats the _,in your opinion,of helping him if he doesnt make an effort to help himself?Asympathy Btheme Cpoint Dobject 解析解析 C句意:依你看,如果他自己不努力帮他自句意:依你看,如果他自己不努力帮他自己,那我们帮他是为了什么呢?己,那我们帮他是为了什么呢?A项意为项意为“同情同情”;B项意为项意为“主题主题”;C项意为项意为“目的,意图,要点,见目的,意图,要点,见解解”;D项意为项意为“物体,对象,宗旨物体,对象,宗旨”。35These customers are told in detail that several cars are available within this price_Arange Bcondition Cinfluence Dmodel 解析解析 A句意:这些顾客被详细地告知在这种价格范句意:这些顾客被详细地告知在这种价格范围内,有几款车是能够买到的。围内,有几款车是能够买到的。A项意为项意为“范围范围”;B项意为项意为“条件条件”;C项意为项意为“影响影响”;D项意为项意为“模型,模型,样式,典型,模特样式,典型,模特”。36Professor Smith has_ the deadline for handing in essays by one week! Weve got to hurry.Aadvanced Bpostponed Cdelayed Dquickened 解析解析 A句意:史密斯教授把交论文的最后期限提句意:史密斯教授把交论文的最后期限提前了一周!我们不得不加快速度。前了一周!我们不得不加快速度。A项意为项意为“提前,前提前,前进,进步进,进步”;B项意为项意为“延迟,延期延迟,延期”;C项意为项意为“延延迟,推迟迟,推迟”;D项意为项意为“加快加快”。37We can produce shoes _ after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers samples.Amodelled BdesignedCrequested Dmade解析解析 A考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们能按不同市考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们能按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样制作不同款式的鞋子。场的流行款式或客户来样制作不同款式的鞋子。be modelled after仿造。仿造。38The supervisor didnt have time so far to go into it _, but he gave us an idea about his plan.Aat hand Bin turnCin conclusion Dat length 解析解析 Dat hand意为意为“在手头,可供使用在手头,可供使用”;in turn意为意为“轮流,交替,反过来,转而轮流,交替,反过来,转而”;in conclusion意意为为“结论结论”;at length意为意为“详细地,最后详细地,最后”。整句话。整句话中有个中有个but,所以前后相反,后面是,所以前后相反,后面是an idea表示概括性表示概括性的,前面应该是的,前面应该是“详细地详细地”。


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