高中英语外研版天津专用配套课件:选修7 Module 3 Literature Period 3高考

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_ nan instrument for finding direction,with a needle that always points to the north_ vto gradually get more and more of something over a period of time_ na large business company_ na structure from which water is sent up into the air by a pumpPeriod ThreeCultural Corner.单词识记单词识记1234compassaccumulatecorporationfountain_ nthe female head of a house_ vto succeed in doing or completing something_ nan official who lives in a foreign country as the senior representative there of his or her own country_ na person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle_ vto feel and show sadness because somebody has died_ na formal examination of evidence in court by a judge5678910 mistressaccomplishambassadorpedestrian mourn trial.短语天地1_对不关心2_一束花 3_可以接受的生活标准 4_由于缺少食物 5_世界上所有地区的船只6a huge/large amount of _7bring sth to the attention of sb_8in ones thirties _9in the middle of the 19th century _10suffer from _be of no concerna bunch of flowersan acceptable standard of livingbecause of a lack of foodships from all points of the compass 大量的大量的 使某人关注某事使某人关注某事 在某人三十几岁时在某人三十几岁时 在在19世纪中叶世纪中叶 遭受遭受If you fell in,it was dangerous to swallow the water.信息提取it是形式主语,to swallow the water是真正主语。例句仿写夏天在那条河里游泳是很危险的。It is dangerous _ _ _ _ _ in summer.Many people suffered from the effects of poor nutrition and even starvation because of a lack of food.信息提取because of表示原因,后接名词或代词。例句仿写因为有雾所有航班都已取消。All flights have been cancelled _ _ fog.句型搜索句型搜索 1 2 to swim in that riverbecause of.预读理解Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.Period Main informationBeing a childHe was born in 1._. His father was put in prison because of his not paying bills.He started work in a factory at the age of 13 and 2._ real poverty.Being youngHe always had a huge amount of 3._. He worked for newspapers as a(n) political 4._.He started writing novels in his early thirties and became 5._ almost immediately.His second novel,Oliver Twist brought child 6._ to the publics 7._.Period Main informationThe next 25yearsHe wrote a large number of novels,which are still 8._ today. He often wrote about the problems of poor people and therefore the lives of the poor were 9._.His ending He is believed to die from a heart attack because of his 10._ during reading the final part of Oliver Twist.答案1.London2.experienced3.energy4.journalist5successful6.poverty7.attention8.popular9.improved10.excitementswallow v吞下;咽下(食物或饮料);轻信n.C吞,咽The snake swallowed a frog.那条蛇吞下了一只青蛙。He flatters her,and she swallows it whole.他奉承她,而她竟轻信了它。1 【归纳拓展】swallow up 吞没,耗尽swallow ones words 收回自己的话swallow ones feeling 压抑情绪chew咀嚼digest消化【完成句子】有些书浅尝辄止,有些书可以囫囵吞枣,少数书则需要咀嚼消化。Some books are to be _,others to be _,and some few to be _ and _.tasted swallowed chewed digestedattain v获得,达到After hard work,he attained the purpose.经过努力,他达到了目的。He attained the age of 30 before marrying.他三十岁才结婚。【比较网站】 achieve/obtain/attain(1)achieve指取得成就、幸福等。(2)obtain通常用于正式文体。(3)attain通常用来指经过坚持不懈的努力得到意想不到的结果;还可以指达到某一目标。2 他最终在公司获得了领导权。He finally _ a position of power in the company.详细资料可以从总部获得。Its said that further information can be _ from head office.假使一个人健康什么事都能做得到。Given good health,one can _ anything.【完成句子】【完成句子】attained obtained achievewelfare nU幸福,福祉;健康;福利制度In making this decision,the courts main concern is for the welfare of the child.法庭做出这一裁决考虑的主要因素是孩子的幸福。She cares about the welfare of everyone who loves her.她关心每一位爱她的人的幸福。【归纳拓展】on welfare依靠社会福利for the welfare of sb为了某人的幸福3 他学业无成,靠社会福利金为生。He fails in school and ends up _ _.他为了穷人的幸福捐赠了所有财产。He donated all his wealth _ _ _ _ the poor.我们关心他的健康。We are concerned about his _.【完成句子】【完成句子】on welfare for the welfare of welfareaccumulate vt.积累;聚集vi.增加By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。【归纳拓展】accumulation n积累;堆积物accumulative adj.积累的,累积的4 他亲自做实验积累第一手资料。He himself did the experiment to _ firsthand data.“希望工程”七年来已累计接受捐款9.78亿元。Over the past seven years,the “Hope Project” has received an _ total of 978 million yuan of donations.【完成句子】【完成句子】accumulate accumulativeaccomplish vt.完成(任务等),取得(成功)The bridge will be accomplished in a year.这座桥将在一年内完成。The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.计划的第一部分已顺利完成。We have accomplished all we set out to do.所有计划要做的事情,我们都已完成。5 【比较网站】 accomplish/complete/finish/achieve(1)accomplish常接task,aim,journey,voyage等名词,有时兼有“达到(效果)”之意。(2)complete比accomplish具体,可接建筑、工程、书籍等名词,指“按预期目的把未完成的工作经过进一步的努力使之完成”,主要含义是“补足缺少的部分”。(3)finish在许多情况下可与complete换用,但不如complete正式,常含有认真仔细地完成工作的最后阶段的精工修饰,使之完美的意思。(4)achieve多指排除困难,完成宏伟计划或大业。【单项填空】The project,_ by the end of last month,will expand the citys telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.Aaccomplished BacceptedCaccompanied DAccounted答案Alack vt.缺乏,没有n.缺乏,短缺的东西Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。Indeed,we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with this kind of problem.确实,我们现在缺少处理这种事的实践和经验。6 【归纳拓展】lack(in) sth缺少,缺少某物be lacking in sth缺少某物lack for需求,需要be_lack_of_sth缺乏某物a lack of sth缺乏某物他们并不缺资金。They do not _ _ funds.勤奋工作往往可以弥补智力的不足。Hard work can often make up for a _ _ intelligence.【完成句子】【完成句子】lack for lack of as well as既又Tom as well as his friends likes playing basketball.汤姆和朋友们喜欢打篮球。注意:A as well as B 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词与A一致。类似的还有:A including B,A(together/along) with B,A besides B等。1 【比较网站】 as well as/as well/not only.but also./too/alsoas well as连接两个并列主语时,侧重前者;连接连接两个并列主语时,侧重前者;连接两个不定式时,后面的一个要省略两个不定式时,后面的一个要省略toas well是副词,用于句末,不用逗号分开是副词,用于句末,不用逗号分开not only.but also.连接两个主语时,侧重后者,谓语动词连接两个主语时,侧重后者,谓语动词遵循邻近原则遵循邻近原则also用于句中,位置在实义动词之前,用于句中,位置在实义动词之前,be动动词、助动词或情态动词之后词、助动词或情态动词之后too用于肯定句句末或句中,要用逗号分开用于肯定句句末或句中,要用逗号分开Tom,_ Mary,_ going to supermarket by bike.Aas soon as;is Bas far as;areCas well as;is Das long as;areThey havent seen each other for ten years,and they havent phoned,_.Aas well BeitherCto Dalso【单项填空】【单项填空】You cant expect her to do homework as well _ after her little sister.Aas looking Bto lookCas to look Das lookE-mail,as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily communication.Ais playing Bhave playedCplay Dare playing答案CBDAa huge/large amount ofhuge/large amounts of大量的;许多的(一般修饰不可数名词)There is a huge/large amount of water in the pond.池塘里有很多水。Dickens wrote a large number of popular novels.狄更斯写了大量受欢迎的小说。a large number of“大量的;许多的”, 常修饰可数名词复数。2常修饰不可数名常修饰不可数名词的有词的有much, quite a little, huge/large amounts of,a huge/large amount of,a good/great deal of常修饰可数名词常修饰可数名词复数的有复数的有a good many, quite a few,many,a(large/great)number of many a单数名词单数名词(谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数)修饰可数和不可修饰可数和不可数名词的有数名词的有some,plenty of,lots of,a lot of,a quantity/quantities ofWe always keep _ spare paper,in case we run out.Atoo much Ba number ofCplenty of Da good manyA large _ of food has been sent to the flooded area.Anumber BmuchCamount Ddeal【单项填空】【单项填空】He said a large number of guests _ present at the meeting.In fact the number of the people present _ only 15.Awere; was Bwere; wereCwas; was Dwas,wereMany a _ able to work out the difficult problem.Astudents was Bstudents wereCstudent were Dstudent was答案CCAD3bring sth to the attention of sb使某人关注某事The newspaper brought the news to the attention of the public.这家报纸让公众关注这个新闻。【归纳拓展】call ones attention to sb叫/引起某人关注某事pay attention to注意give ones attention to注意catch/draw ones attention 引起某人的注意请对此多加注意。Please _ _ _ _ _.刘翔在16届亚运会获得金牌引起了我的关注。It has been _ _ _ _ that Liuxiang won a gold medal in the 16th Asian Games.学生们必须全神贯注于正在做的事。Students must _ _ _ _ _ what they are doing.【完成句子】【完成句子】give your attention to it brought to my attention give all their attention toIf you fell in,it was dangerous to swallow the water.如果你掉进河里,喝了河水是很危险的。本句是it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。It is a great honour to be invited to speak at the meeting.很荣幸被邀请在会议上讲话。It is necessary that you get down to the work right now.你立即着手工作是很必要的。注意:Itbeadj.for/ofsbto do sth句型中it作形式主语,to do不定式作真正的主语。选用of sb时,其前的形容词应是表示sb的品质、性情的形容词。1 _seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter universities does exist in other countries as well.AIt BThere CWhat DThatIt is _ to spend money in preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people _ after they are ill.Agood; good Bwell; betterCbetter; better Dbetter; good答案CC【单项填空】【单项填空】Close by are the Law Courts,where lawyers and their clerks,carrying piles of paperwork,would hurry to the trials.旁边是法院,在那里律师和职员们拿着成堆的文件匆匆赶去审理案件。这是一个完全倒装句,表语提前构成倒装。where .引导定语从句修饰主语 the Law Courts。carrying piles of paperwork是伴随状语。Green is the wall that they will ask somebody else to draw some pictures on.他们准备找人画些画的墙是绿色的。Such was Einstein,a man of achievements,deep thoughts,but with simple habits.这就是爱因斯坦,一个成就巨大,思考深刻,但是习惯简单的人。2 So sudden _ that the enemy had no time to escape.Adid the attack Bthe attack didCwas the attack Dthe attack wasSo difficult _ to live in an Englishspeaking country that I determined to learn English well.AI have felt Bhave I feltCI did feel Ddid I feel答案CD【单项填空】【单项填空】


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