英语作文30词左右 [抗击疫情英语作文50词]

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英语作文30词左右 抗击疫情英语作文50词 抗击疫情的英语作文 50 词 3 篇 抗击疫情的英语作文 50 词 1 XX 新冠肺炎疫情的优秀英语作文 800 字带翻译 以对生命负责名义,联防联控新型肺炎疫情 Joint prevention and control onew pneumonia in the name oli e responsibility 临近春节,新型肺炎疫情却不期而至。据国家卫健委披露,截至 1 月 20 日 24时,已收到国内 4 省(区、市)累计报告新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎确诊病例 291 例(湖北省 270 例,北京市 5 例,广东省 14 例,上海市 2 例),另有 14 省(区、市)累计报告疑似病例 54 例。 Near the Spring Festival, the new pneumonia epidemic is une*pected.ronavirus has been reported in 291 provinces (270 cases in Hubei, 5 cases in Beijing, 14 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shanghai) and 4 cases in suspected cases in 24 provinces (districts and municipalities), according to the National Health Protection Committee, as at January 20th, when the new 4 cases were reported. 随着近日确诊病例增加,社会关注度提升,有关各方的防控力度也在提升。1月 20 日,国家卫健委决定将新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎纳入法定传染病乙类管理,采取甲类传染病的预防、控制措施;同日,武汉成立疫情防控指挥部,指出武汉市要启动战时值班备勤机制,明确将采取更严格的举措,内防扩散、外防输出。21日,指挥部又召开新闻发布会称,武汉所有新型冠状病毒感染患者救治均由政府买单。 With the increase ocon irmed cases in recent days, the degree osocial concern has increased, and the prevention and control e orts oall parties concerned have also increased. In January 20th,ronavirus in ection was classi ied into class B management by the National Health Protection Committee, and the prevention and control measures or class A in ectious diseases were taken. On the same day, the epidemic prevention command headquarters in Wuhan was established. It was pointed out that Wuhan should launch a wartime duty attendance mechanism, and cre stringent measures to prevent proli eration and prevent e*ternal ronavirus in ection in Wuhan was paid by the government, the 21 day, the headquarters also held a news con erence. 事实上,不只是国家卫健委跟武汉当地采取了针对性的防控强化动作,很多地方也都采取了相应的防控措施。不少地方都明确,未来将加大新型肺炎确诊病例监测筛查,在机场、火车站、长途汽车站等重点场所启动体温监测机制,并做好隔离治疗和病例救治,有的全面禁止市场销售活禽,有的为此召开调度会;部分航空、铁路及旅游平台也出台了免费退订措施。 In act, not only the national healission and Wuhan local government have taken targeted prevention and control actions, but also many local governmentrresponding prevention and control measures. Many places have made it clear that in the uture, they will increase the monitoring and screening onew con irmed cases opneumonia, start the temperature monitoring mechanism in key places such as airports, railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and do a good job in isolation treatment and case treatment, some prohibit the marketing olive birds in an all-round way, some hold scheduling meetingsor this purpose, and some aviation, railway and tourism plat orms have also introduced ree cancellation measures. 抗击疫情的英语作文 50 词 2 关于新冠肺炎疫情的英语作文带翻译 今年春节,无论是在手机上、电视上,还是在小区里,我听得最多的话不是新年快乐,恭喜发财,而是勤洗手、勤通风、少出门,出门一定要带口罩的宣传,而造成这一现象的就是从武汉扩散出来的主角新型冠状病毒,须全民防控及自我隔离。 Happy new year, mobile phone,ronavirus, the most important thing I heard this Spring Festival is not happy new year, but I am glad to be rich. Instead, I am washing hands requently, ventilation and going out, and I must wear masks. This phenomenon is the new type ocoronavirus, which is the main character di used rom Wuhan. 这种肺炎非常可怕,一人病了就会迅速传染开来,甚至还会威胁到生命。据传本次事件的源头是一些无知的人为满足自己的口腹之欲食用野生动物及国家保护动物,而动物身上携带的大量未知或已知病毒,从而导致了这次悲剧的发生。 This kind opneumonia is very terrible. Ia person is ill, it will spread quickly and even threaten his li e. It is said that the source othis incident is that some ignorant people eat wild animals and national protected animals to satis y their appetite, and a large number ounknown or known viruses carried by animals lead to the tragedy. Animals are good riends o human beings and a key link in the ecological chain. I have seen a movie pet, which tells an interesting and touching story between people and animals. How can you bear to kill a small, weak and evil black hearted human? 疫情当前,全国人民在党中央的领导下,上下一心,同疫情战斗到底,我们一直在一起!为了战胜病毒,众多的白衣天使逆行而上,为了节省防护用品,他们不喝水、不上洗手间,穿着厚重的防护服,好些小姐姐因长时间戴口罩,脸都磨破了,露出红红的血丝,甚至部分医护人员因夜以继日的救治工作而感染病毒,他们是最可敬的,值得我们学习的! At present, under the leadership othe Party Central Committee, the whole nation is working together toight the epidemic. We are always together! In order to ight against the virus, many angels in white are retrograde. In order to save protective equipment, they dont drink water, go to the bathroom, wear heavy protective clothing, and many young ladies wear masks or a long time, their aces are worn, showing red blood, even Some medical staare in ected with virus because othe day and night treatment work. They are the most respectable and worthy oour study! 目前,全国上下有钱出钱,有力出力,国外的华人华侨也到处购买口罩等防护用品邮寄到国内,支援国家。我也将今年的压岁钱委托爸爸捐给武汉了,疫情当前,人人有责! At present, the whole country has money to pay and make great e orts. Overseas Chinese also buy masks and other protective articles and mail them to China to support the country. I also entrusted my ather to donate this years new years money to Wuhan. At present, everyone is responsible or the epidemic! 我相信在大家的共同努力下,一定会很快战胜疫情的! I believe that with the joint e orts oall oyou, we will de eat the epidemic soon! 中国加油!武汉加油! Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan! 关于这次疫情的英语作文带翻译 春节是人人喜爱的节日,举国上下,热闹非凡。家家都处于忙碌之中,买年货、包饺子、贴对联等。而就在这家家欢乐的氛围之中,病毒趁虚而入。 The Spring Festival is a estival that everyone loves. The whole country is very busy. Every amily is busy, buying new years products, making dumplings, pasting couplets, etc. And in the happy atmosphere othisamily, the virus takes advantage othe situation. 新型冠状病毒是 XX 年年末发现的最为严重的病毒。而它的到来,让我们大失所望,热闹的大年没有了往日的热闹,本来应团聚的亲人被它弄得支离破碎。 ronavirus was the most serious virus ound at the end oXX. But its arrival, let us greatly disappointed, the bustling new year did not have the past bustling, should have reunited theamily member to be broken by it. 现在,这种新型病毒处于高发期,主要发生地为武汉。并涉及到周边省市,现有病例上万,死亡上百。新型病毒不仅存在于我国,还涉及到了其他二十三个国家。 Now, the new virus is in a high incidence period, mainly in Wuhan. And related to the surrounding provinces and cities, there are tens othousands ocases and hundreds odeaths. The new virus e*ists not only in China, but also in 23 other countries. 这种病毒全名为:新型冠状病毒 XX-nCoV,病毒经呼吸道飞沫即可传播,老年人感染后病情会比较严重,据专家介绍,人们主要传染源是因为接触了一种野生动物;中华菊头蝠,这种病毒还具有潜伏期一般为 14 天左右,潜伏期内还存在传染性。 ronavirus XX-nCoV is the name o the virus. The virus can spread through respiratory droplets. The in ection othe elderly will be more serious. According to e*perts, the main source oin ection is a contact with a wild animal, the Chinese chrysanthemum bat. The virus has a latent period oabout 14 days, and there is still contagion in the incubation period. 人体病毒是能在人体寄生繁殖,并能致病的病毒引起的传染病。为了防止我们受到病毒的传染,就要注意以下几项了:1。定时开门窗通风。2。接种疫苗。3。养成良好的卫生习惯。4。加强锻炼。5。生活要有规律。6。衣、食细节要注意。7。切莫讳疾忌医。8。少出门,戴口罩。 Human viruses are in ectious diseases caused by viruses that can parasitize and reproduce in human body and cause disease. In order to prevent us rom being in ected by the virus, we should pay attention to the ollowing items: 1. Open doors and windows regularly or ventilation. 2. vaccination. 3. Develop good hygiene habits. 4. E*ercise more. 5. Li e should be regular. 6. Pay attention to the details oclothes andood. 7. Dont shy away rom medical treatment. 8. Dont go out. Wear a mask. 1 月 28 日,中国工程院院士、国家卫健委高级别专家组成员李兰娟透露,她所在国家重点实验室已经成功分离出了新型冠状病毒的毒株,而这就意味着我们离拥有疫苗就更近了一步,意味着我们将赢得这场病毒阻击战的胜利。 Novel coronavirus strain was success ully isolated rom the Key Laboratory othe National Key Laboratory othe national healittee oChina, Li Lanjuan, member othe Chinese Academy oengineering and National Health Protection Committee othe high level e*pert group in January 28th. 所以,我们现在更应该远离病毒。殊不知我们一个微妙的举动就会让在前线的工作人员功亏一篑,但近几日来我发现我国又增添了许多病例,这很让我懊恼,而前线的工作人员恐怕更是有苦说不出。 So, we should stay away rom the virus now. I dont know that our delicate action will make the staon theront line all short. But in recent days, I ound that there are many more cases in China, which makes me very upset. Im a raid the staon theront line cant tell. 抗击病毒,从我做起。抗击病毒不是一个人的事,更不是两个人的事,而是我们大家的事。相反,我们更要以身为样,让大家像我看齐。 Fight against the virus, rom me. The ight against the virus is not about one person, or two people, but about all ous. On the contrary, we should be more like ourselves and let everyone look like me. 我相信,我们一定会赢得这次病毒所基站的胜利。加油! I believe that we will win the victory othe base station othe virus. Come on! 抗击疫情的英语作文 50 词 3 抗击疫情的高中英语作文带翻译 1 一场突如其来的病毒,让今年的春节大不一样,往年的新春旅行,走亲访友,欢聚一堂都取消了。疫情牵动着举国上下每个人的心,人人都在用自己的方式抗击着病毒,我们一家三口也不例外。 A sudden virus made this spring estival very di erent. The previous Spring Festival trips, amily visits and riends gatherings were all cancelled. The epidemic a ects the hearts oeveryone in the country. Everyone isighting against the virus in their own way. Our amily othree is no e*ception. 我的爸爸妈妈都是警察,大年初三他们就回到了工作岗位,和很多行业的叔叔阿姨们一起奋战在疫情的第一线。他们不停的在辖区里巡逻,提醒市民戴上口罩。他们查宾馆,查饭店,查消毒器材是否齐全。他们进社区,入各家宣传疫情防护。他们还到疫区回来的人员家走访,询问隔离情况,翻阅体温记录表,我每天都为他们提心吊胆,怕他们接触到可怕的冠状病毒。那天我在电视上看到逆行者这个词,我觉得他们和所有冲在抗击冠状病毒第一线的叔叔阿姨们,都是最美的逆行者!s are all policemen. On the third day othe lunar new year, they went back to work andought in the ront line othe epidemic together with uncles and aunts in many industries. They constantly patrol the area to remind people to wear masks. They check hotels, check hotels, check whether the disin ection equipment is complete. They go into the community and publicize the epidemic prevention. They also visited the homes othe people who came backrom the epidemic area, inquired about the isolation situation, and looked through the temperature records. I was very worried about them every day or ear that they would be e*posed to the terrible coronavirus. I saw the word rebel on TV that day. I think they and all the aunts and uncles in the ront line otheight against coronavirus are the most beauti ul rebel! 爸爸妈妈冲在抗击疫情的第一线,作为一名红领巾我也不能落后,虽然我只能宅在家里,但是我也能用自己的方式为抗击病毒贡献一份力量。我听从学校的安排,乖乖待在家里写作业,每天认真做到:勤洗手,多通风,好好吃饭,作息规律,不给病毒可乘之机,不给祖国妈妈添乱。我用画笔画出武器,打败冠状病毒,我还编了一首防治冠状病毒的儿歌,提醒大家做好防护,还有幸在铜陵日报小记者专栏发表了。 Mom and dad rushed to the ront line otheight against the epidemic. As a red scar , I cant all behind. Although I can only live at home, I can also contribute to the ight against the virus in my own way. I listened to the arrangement othe school and stayed at home to do my homework. Every day, I did it care ully: wash hands requently, ventilate more, eat well, work and rest regularly, do not give the virus a chance, and do not make trouble or my mother country. I used my brush to draw weapons to de eat the coronavirus. I also compiled a nursery rhyme to prevent and control the coronavirus, reminding you to do a good job in protection. Fortunately, I published it in the small reporter column oTongling daily. 虽然冠状病毒来势汹汹,但疫情只是暂时的,只要我们手拉手心连心,众志成城,用我们自己的力量抗击疫情,就一定能战胜病毒。祖国加油!武汉加油 Although the coronavirus is coming, the epidemic situation is only temporary. As long as we join hands and hearts, unite as one, and ight against the epidemic with our own strength, we will be able to de eat the virus. Come on, motherland! Wuhan re ueling 抗击新型冠状病毒的英语作文带翻译 2 当前,疫情还在进一步控制。人们的一个谈论重点也是各地的疫情变化情况、安全防护提醒、对医务人员的敬意等,甚至连新春祝福都有意识地变成了做好防护,保护身体。这个新春,在疫情的氛围下,很多人坚持在工作第一线,很多人无法与家人团聚,很多人以实际行动做着防范与自我防范工作。人们的期盼就是,众志成城,早日战胜疫情。 At present, the epidemic is still under urther control. One o theocuses opeoples discussion is the change oepidemic situation, sa ety protection reminder, respect or medical personnel, etc. even the blessing onew year has consciously become do well in protection, protect the body. This Spring Festival, in the atmosphere othe epidemic, many people insist on theront line owork, many people can not be reunited with theiramilies, many people do the work oprevention and sel -de ense with practical actions. Peoples e*pectation is to unite as one and de eat the epidemic as soon as possible. 疫情在新春时节肆虐,让抗击疫情发展有了更大的艰巨性。考虑到人员流动性大、聚集程度高、扩散频率大,对抗击工作产生了不小压力。看着各地增加的病例数量,人们在揪心之余,同样在思考:如何能从自我做起,为抗击疫情尽一份努力?如何从治理做起,为抗击疫情筑牢防线?如何从周边做起,为抗击疫情注入力量?这不仅是政府的责任,不仅是医护人员的使命,也是属于每一个中国人的分内之事。唯有每个人绷紧那根弦,才能以努力狙击病毒。 The epidemic is raging in the spring, which makes the development o ighting against the epidemic more arduous. Considering the mobility opersonnel, the high degree oaggregation and the highrequency odi usion, there is a lot opressure on the Anti Japanese work. Looking at the increasing number ocases in di erent regions, people are also worrying about how to make e orts to ight against the epidemic rom the sel ? How to build a de ense line or ighting against the epidemic rom the governance? How to start rom the surrounding areas and inject strength into the ight against the epidemic? This is not only the responsibility othe government, but also the mission omedical staas well as the responsibility o every Chinese 。 Only ieveryone tightens that string can we try to snipe the virus. 必须看到,春节是中国人的传统节日,但是病毒不过春节。越是阖家团聚的时候,越容易放松警惕,也越有可能让病毒有机可乘。这个时候,我们应该做的不是歇歇脚、喘口气,而是一刻不松、一步不停,对病毒步步紧逼,才能让健康节节胜利。这个年,是团结的年,不是单纯的合家欢,而是以团结的力量战胜不安的病毒,以团结的意志取得抗击疫情的胜利,以团结的精神最终让其乐融融的新春氛围回归常态。可以说,这是一场必须打赢的团结战。 It must be seen that the Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese estival, but the virus is not the Spring Festival. The more amilies get together, the easier it is to rela* their vigilance and the more likely it is to give the virus a chance. At this time, what we should do is not to rest and take a breath, but not to rela*, step by step, to press the virus step by step, so as to win every day. This year is a year ounity, not a simple happyamily, but a year ounity to overcome the restless virus, a year ounity to win the battle against the epidemic, and a year ounity toinally return the happy New Year atmosphere to the normal. It can be said that this is a unity war that must be won. 战,则胜;不战,则败。合,则利;不合,则伤。公共健康是全民健康,公共安全是全民安全,具有公共属性,不能有个别得失之分、利益之别、属地之界。抗击疫情,不是一城一地之事,不是医疗卫生战线的事,而是全国人民的事。医护工作者换上防护服,义无反顾地走进病区;武汉采取应急措施,留下阻击疫情的决心;厂家加紧生产口罩等医疗用品,承诺不加价、不断货,驰而不息地运往各地从政府到个人,从救治前线到支撑后方,全社会各方面力量只有积极行动起来、主动作为起来、誓死坚守起来,才能以自我之强大压制住病毒,全社会的免疫系统需要在恢复中增强抵抗能力。 Iyouight, you win; iyou dontight, you lose. Iit is not, it will hurt. Public health is the health othe whole people, and public sa ety is the sa ety othe whole people. It has a public attribute and cannot have individual gains and losses, interests and territorial boundaries. Theight against the epidemic is not a matter oone city, one place, one medical and healthront, but othe whole people. Medical workers put on protective clothing and walked into the ward without hesitation; Wuhan took emergency measures, leaving the determination to stop the epidemic; the manu acturer stepped up the production omasks and other medical supplies, promising not to increase the price, not to cut othe goods, and rushed to all parts othe country From the government to the individual,rom the ront line otreatment to the rear line osupport, allorces othe whole society can suppress the virus with their own strength only ithey take active actions, take active actions and stick to the oath odeath. The immune system othe whole society needs to strengthen their resistance in the recovery. 不隐瞒,才能擦亮防护的眼睛;不侥幸,才能筑牢抗击的堤坝;不懈怠,才能屏住奋战的气息。重视,重视,再重视!行动,行动,再行动!科学,科学,更科学!在这个新春,抗击这场疫情,没有人是孤军奋战,惟其*亿中国人民勇毅、同心,才能势不可挡、战无不胜。 Only by not concealing, can we polish our protective eyes; by not luke, can we build a strong dike to resist; by not slacking, we can hold the breath ostruggle. Attention, attention, attention! Action, action! Science,re science! In this new spring, no one isighting alone in the ight against this epidemic. Only the 1.4 billion Chinese people are brave and United, can they be unstoppable and invincible. 抗击新型冠状病毒的英语作文带翻译 3 春节是我国最隆重的传统节日,也是我们小孩子最喜欢的节日,因为过春节时我们可以放鞭炮、收压岁钱,可以和哥哥、姐姐们一起吃美味的大餐。然而,今年春节期间,武汉一种名叫新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情突然造访,打破了这份欢乐祥和的节日气氛。残酷的病毒威胁着广大人民群众的健康和生命安全,它的传播速度异常迅速,使人们一度陷入焦虑、恐慌之中,家家户户都大门紧闭,昔日繁华热闹的街道变得冷冷清清。 Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional estival in China, and also the avorite estival or our children, because we can set o irecrackers, collect new years money, and eat delicious meals with our brothers and sisters during the Spring Festival. However, novel coronavirus in ection in Wuhan suddenly broke through this Spring Festival, breaking the joyous and auspicious estive atmosphere. The cruel virus threatens the health and li e sa ety othe masses opeople. Its spread speed is veryast, which makes people all into an*iety and panic or a time. The door oeveryamily is closed, and the bustling streets in thld and clear. 一场没有硝烟的战争也悄然拉开了帷幕,在这生死攸关之际,全国各地涌现出了很多令人敬佩的医护工作者,他们惜别家中团圆的老小,义无反顾地奔赴在抗疫第一线。他们,每天穿着厚厚的防护服去治疗病人,由于防护服不透气使他们全身大汗淋漓,但他们没有半句怨言,他们用血肉之躯为人民铸就着生命的安全防线。 A war without smoke ogunpowder has also begun quietly. At this time oli e and death, many admirable medical workers have sprung up all over the country. They cherish the amily reunion and go to the ront line oanti epidemic. They wear thick protective clothing to treat patients every day. Because the protective clothing is airtight, they sweat all over, but they dont have hala complaint. They use theirlesh and blood to build a li e sa ety de ense line or the people. 还有这样一位爷爷,已经 84 岁高龄的中国工程院院士钟南山,他依然挂帅亲征,与时间赛跑,与病毒抗衡,钟爷爷的挺身而出就像是旱灾里的一场及时雨,他滋润了人民的心田,给人们带来了无限的希望。钟爷爷这种临危不惧,有勇有谋,尽职尽责的精神难道不值得我们敬佩吗? There is also such a grand ather, Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old academician othe Chinese Academy oengineering, who is still in charge ohis own battle, racing against time and viruses. Grandpa Zhongs comingorward is like a timely rain in the drought. He has nourished the hearts othe people and brought unlimited hope to them. Is Grandpa Zhong not worthy oour admirationor his earless, resource ul and conscientious spirit? 榜样的力量激励着我们前行,我们青少年也要发奋读书,用知识和学问来武装自己的头脑,将来做一个像钟爷爷一样顶天立地的国家栋梁。 The power oe*ample inspires us to moveorward. Our teenagers should also study hard, arm their minds with knowledge and learning, and become a pillar othe nation like grandpa Zhong in theuture. 我坚信,从现在起,只要我们每个人都听从钟爷爷的防控防疫指挥,同舟共济,勇往直前,疫情一定会逐步抑制,胜利的曙光一定属于我们!加油中国!加油武汉 I irmly believe that rom now on, as long as we all ollow grandpa Zhongs command oepidemic prevention and control, work together in the same boat, marchorward bravely, the epidemic will be gradually suppressed, and the dawn ovictory will surely belong to us! Come to China! Come to Wuhan. 抗击新型冠状病毒的英语作文带翻译 4 这是一场艰巨但又必胜的战役,这是一场全民动员、众志成城的战斗。面对疫情,要牢筑我们的身体和精神防线,在党和政府的领导下,统一包含人民群众、医疗科研、社会组织等强大战线,坚决打赢这场疫情防控阻击战。我们聚焦微观人群,不得不提的是老党员这个群体,在疫情面前,他们坚决亮剑。 This is an arduous but inevitable battle, a battle in which thebilize and unite as one. In the ace othe epidemic, we need toirmly build our physical and mental de ense line, under the leadership othe party and the government, uni y a strong ront including the people, medical research, social organizations, and resolutely win the Resistance War oepidemic prevention and control. When weocus on the micro population, we have to mention the old party members. In ront othe epidemic, they are determined to shine the sword. 战疫中他们带头讲自律,坦诚不隐瞒。这段时间来,一些人知道自家有或者接触武汉旅居史的要隔离观察,过不了心理和思想关,所以存在瞒报情况,最后导致了更多的伤害。我们的一些老党员就主动站出来,不但坦诚自己的真实情况,还主动协助我们的医务人员、政府工作人员等工作,更好地对当地的返乡人员进行了全面的摸排,这其中难免会遭到一些人的埋怨,但他们出于整个疫情防控的全局和大义,承受住压力,做好表率。 In the war epidemic, they took the lead in sel -discipline and were honest. In this period otime, some people know that they have or contact with the history oresidence in Wuhan to observe in isolation, unable to pass the psychological and ideological hurdles, so there is a situation oconcealment, which eventually leads to more harm. Some oour old party members took the initiative to stand up, not only to berank with their real situation, but also to assist our medical sta , government staand other work, and better to conduct a comprehensive search and arrangement olocal returning personnel, which inevitably met with complaintsrom some people, but they took the pressu


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