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电大开放英语4期末复习题第一部分交际用语1. Sam, this is my friend, Jane. _. B. Glad to meet you, Jane 2. Whats the matter with you? _. C. I feel a bit sick3. Could I talk to Prof. Lee? _. A. Yes, speaking4. Ive got a bad cold today. _.B. Oh, dear! I hope you get better soon5. Can you tell me where I can park the car? _. C. Well, just over there6. Whats the best way to get to the Empire Hotel from here? _.B. Walking through the wood7. You neednt do the work till after the New Year. _.B. Oh, good! Thank you.8. Have a nice holiday, Ted. _. C. Thank you, and you too9. How was the journey to London? _.A. It went very well10. Can you help me clear up the mess? _.D. No problem11. Are you on holiday here? _. C. No, we arent. We live here12. Whats the fare to the museum? _. D. Five dollars13. Is it going to be warm next week? _.A. Yes, it is14. What do you usually do in your spare time? _.B. Reading15. Do you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? _.B. Go ahead, please16. May I speak to Prof Li please? _.D. Im afraid youve got the wrong number 17. Here you are, Sir. _.D. Thank you very much18. So sorry to trouble you. _.A. Its a pleasure19. Would you like a tea? _.A. Yes, please20. What does your English teacher look like? _.D. She looks much like her mother21. How long will you be away from Italy? _.B. About a month22. Whats the weather like in this area? _.B. Its rainy23. How are you feeling now? _.A. Much better24. What time does the train leave? _. C. At half past five25. Have you ever been to Tokyo? _.B. No, but I hope to go there next year26. What do you do? _.D.Im a teacher.27. Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? C. Its on the right corner just ahead28. How are you this morning? C. Very well, thank you29. I wish you success in your career. D. The same to you30. May I speak to Jack please? D. Im afraid youve got the wrong number31. May I use your bike to go shopping? B. Certainly. There it is第二部分:词汇与语法结构1. My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs .A. cleaning2. We are going to have our office _ to make room for a new engineer.C. rearranged3. Mary said to me, “If I had seen your bag, I _ it to you.”B. would have returned4. We shall have an opportunity to exchange _ tomorrow.C. views5. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning, it _ last night. C. must have rained6. You will get used to _ here when you have settled down.A. living7. She is very careful. She _ very few mistakes in her work. C. makes8. Unfortunately the poor girl cant do anything but _ all her belongings at a low price. B. sell9. Do you think Tommy is _ the truth?C.telling10. _ she couldnt understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for help.B.What11. They were asked to avoid _ any water which had not been boiled.A. drinking12. John fell asleep _ he was listening to the music.C. while13. 1 have taken many photos. Im going to get the film _ B. developed14. If the weather had been good, the children _ out for a walk. C. could have gone15. The car wont start because the battery has_.A. run out16. The hall was almost empty. There were _ people in it.C. few17. Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village _ he belonged.B. to which18. The doctor advised her _ enough rest before going back to work. B. to get19. _ of them has a bedroom and a study.C. Each20. The workers are busy _ models for the exhibition. D. making 21. My boss is _ holding pointless meetings. It really annoys me.B. always22. That dinner was the most expensive meal we _.D. had ever had 23. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A. to have been studying24 If he _, he _ that food. - Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.B. had been warned; would not have taken25. I was sick, but I _ it at the weekend.B. got over26. John was bored, _ he left his life in England.B. so27. These new processes _.A. should be controlled28. This is very important. You _ remember to shut down your computer every evening.B. must29. John Walters claimed that this lack of information _ in negative feelings towards the media.B. had resulted30. _ you change your mind, I wont be able to help you.B. Unless31. It is one of the best concerts I _. C.have ever been to32. He _ his father for both of them love walking in the countryside.B. is like33. Then she cheered _ a lot when they got _ the taxi.D. up into34. Does this patients record need _ now? No, you can finish it later.C. completing35. Could you tell me _?C.how long you have lived here36. There are many cities _ very fast.D. expanding37.Last year _ of new books were published on environmental protection.A. hundreds38. Waste electrical goods _ safely.B. must be disposed of 39. There is a lot of crime on television. _ other issues are pushed out.A. Therefore 40. China is no longer what it _.A. used to be41. I _ reading the novel by the end of this week.D. shall have finished42. He didnt want anything to eat because he _ already eaten.C. had43. The best thing _ to sleep.A. to do is44. You had better _ a coat with you.C. take45. The food was _ good, but not good enough for me to eat there again.B. quite46.He has three companies _.A. employing 50 people each47.She was _ late that she missed the last train.C. so48. Could you tell me _?A. where I can find a toilet49. The new computer allows me _ work more efficiently.A. to50. The trip to the countryside was great _.C. fun第三部分:完形填空Passage 0:Genetic EngineeringMany people are unaware 16_ a lot of the foods they eat every day, 17_ bread ham and cheese, have been altered by using new technology. Food can be changed. It can be made to taste 18_or to look different-carrots can be made to taste of chocolate and apples can be made redder. Some food that appears the same has been 19_ improved, for example, fish can be made to grow faster. Should we be pleased or worried? Will new technology bring benefits, or is it about to go 20_ control?Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking genetic material from one species and transferring it 21_ another. For example, an antifreeze gene which appears naturally in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and strawberries 22_ they dont freeze in cold weather; a human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them 23_more quickly. Some claim great advantages. They point out that crops can be made stronger and more disease resistant, 24_ pesticides can be reduced. They also maintain that food can be made more nutritious or that the fat content can 25_ to make it healthier.16. A. that 17. B. such as 18. C. different 19. A. scientifically 20. D. out of21. B. to 22. C. so that 23. A. grow 24. D. so 25. B. be reducedPassage 1:The biggest adventure Ive ever had was trekking in Thailand. We hired a guide (1)_us to a village in the jungle. We didnt know that he (2)_ there before. (3)_ we reached the village, we wouldnt be able to find somewhere to sleep, (4)_ we wanted to get there in about 8 hours. After two hours we all realised we were lost. The (5)_ we walked, the more confused we became. Luckily after a further 4 hours we met some hunters. They didnt speak the same language as our guide, but we were able to (6)_ that we were lost. They (7)_ us towards the village. It was after dark when we arrived there. We had been walking (8)_ over 14 hours and we were (9)_ exhausted. We had been very lucky; if we (10)_ the hunters, we would have had to sleep in the jungle.1. C) to take 2. B) had never been 3. A) Unless 4. A) so 5. C) further6. D) get across 7.B) redirected8. A)for9. B) absolutely10. D) hadnt metPassage 2:Scientists are working hard to develop better aerials for mobile phones, a spokesman for Phikia Phones said today. It really (11) _ users when they lose the signal in the middle of a call, so we are developing new aerials that will enable users (12) _ stronger signals. Many users reported that when they (13) _, the signal was often lost, said the spokesman. The new aerials are designed to avoid (14) _ the signal by receiving the message on a wider range of radio frequencies. We (15) _ that this is a major concern for phone users said the spokesman. The new phones have a flexible external aerial, which users will have (16) _ touching their ear or head. The aerials (17) _ make the phones able to pick up a wider range of signals. The company spokesman insisted (18) _ this was not a potential danger “(19) _ safety regulation has been followed”, he told our reporter. “If (20) _ one of these phones this morning, I wouldnt have missed my train coming here”, joked the spokesman.11. A. irritates 12. C. to receive 13. B. were travelling 14. A. losing 15. C. have learnt16. D. to get used to 17. B. - 18. D. that 19. C. Every 20. B. Id hadPassage 3:Ian and Shiree are a very unusual couple. Although they (21) _ in the heart of London, they try to grow as much of their own food as possible. At the moment they (22)_ an allotment from the local council to grow food on, but they plan (23) _ more land soon. We (24) _ growing our own food five years ago, said Ian, Since then we (25)_ about half of the vegetables we need and a quarter of the fruit. We (26)_ on the allotment for three years. We (27)_ our own garden before that. They do not plan to stop there though, By this time next year we (28)_ enough land to grow about 75% of our food, said Ian. Why do they do this? We (29)_ about the chemicals used to grow our food, said Shiree. More and more people (30)_ the same in the future, predicted Shiree. 21. A. live22. C.are renting 23. B. to buy 24. D. started 25 B. have grown26. C. have been working 27. D. had only used 28. A. will have bought 29. C. worry 30. B. are going to doPassage 4:2 Patten CloseDerby DJ5 6XX 16 April 2003 Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing (31)_ about a recent stay at your hotel, The Grand. My wife and I arrived on 21st March and stayed for two nights. Firstly we waited twenty minutes at reception because there was nobody (32)_ the desk. Then we waited a further twenty minutes because the receptionist could not find our booking. (33)_our luggage was left unattended in reception for three hours until we finally took it to our room ourselves.Our room was not available immediately when we arrived. Therefore we had to wait another hour (34)_ we could go to the room. When we saw the room, it had two single beds and we (35)_ _ a double bed, so we had to change it. Unfortunately the second room was on the top floor and the lift was (36)_. And although we had asked for a room with a sea view, it was facing the road.Although the food in the restaurant was quite good, we were unhappy with the (37)_ _ we received. We had booked an evening meal inclusive in the price of the room. Consequently we did not take money to the dining room and then discovered (38)_ we had to pay for the wine immediately. Unfortunately, the waiters were rude and (39)_. However the manager did agree that we could pay the wine bill in the morning.To sum up I was most dissatisfied with the entire experience and I expect full compensation for the inconvenience caused. I look forward (40)_ from you.Yours faithfully, Arthur Mullard31.B. to complain32.D. at 33.A. Moreover34.D. before 35. C. had asked for36.A. out of order37. D. service 38. B. that39. C. unhelpful 40.A. to hearingPassage 5:I was travelling alone in Western Australia last year, and one day I set 41 to climb a high peak in that area. Although in the summer there are many tourists, I was there out of season 42_ there werent any tour groups. Soon after I reached the top, it began to drizzle and the fog came 43 . Very soon, it was so thick 44 I couldnt even make out the path. I take my phone with me everywhere 45 you never know when you will need it. Eventually I called my dad, 46 was 9,000 miles away in the UK. He told me to phone the local emergency services, but I felt 47 stupid that I didnt want to. 48 , my dad realised this and made up his mind to call them himself. The rescuers called me 49 my mobile to find out exactly where I was, but unfortunately the battery ran out after five seconds. I lay down under a rock and waited it was nearly night-time and I was cold and wet. Just as they were about to call off the search for the night, they found me. Fortunately one rescuer had said Lets try for just five more minutes. 50 they had given up, I would have died.41. B. off42. B. so43. D. down 44. D. that 45. C. because46. A. who 47. B. so 48. A. Luckily 49. C. on 50. A. IfPassage 6:Dealing with waste is a huge global problem. Unfortunately, many people dont usually think much about what happens 51 their old fridge when they update to the latest model. A few just dump it 52 the street without another thought.53 , Britain currently has over a million old fridges rotting in dumps in fields and in warehouses because the country does not have enough equipment to dispose 54_ them. New European Union regulations say that from 1 January 2002, all material 55 depletes the ozone layer, such as CFC coolants, must 56 fridges before they are put in landfill sites. It is 57 to take quite a while to solve the problem. But it is not only fridges 58 are difficult to get rid of. What about old computers, TVs and other hi-tech junk? For example, Guangdong Province, in the southeast of China, has been suffering 59 problems caused by imported waste electrical goods like computers. Workers there have been breaking up old computers to extract the recyclable parts like chips, and precious metals 60 gold and platinum.51.A. to 52.B. in 53.D. As a result 54. D. of 55.C. that56.C. be removed from 57. D. likely 58.C. that 59.A. from 60. B. likePassage 7: E-tiquette!Emails- do you love them or hate them? Whatever you feel, they are here to stay. Here are some tips and ideas for improving your email writing. First, starting with a greeting and ending with a closure may seem old-fashioned, but it avoids upsetting people by appearing rude. It neednt be Dear Sir or Madam, and Yours faithfully, but just say Hi or Hello or Dear (and a first name), then close with Regards (for more formal contacts ) and Cheers or Bye for friends. In offices and with people you know well and email frequently, you can just begin with their first name.Getting emails that are not directly relevant to you is very irritating. Having wide mailing group lists doesnt necessarily keep people informed. It is estimated that 40% of all emails are deleted immediately because they have an irrelevant or frivolous subject-line. Try to organize your mailing groups accurately and keep updating your mailing lists regularly. If you dont do this, your messages may not get through to the people you want to send them to because they delete them automatically without reading them. If your contact is used to deleting irrelevant emails from you, they may also delete any relevant ones automatically.Emails are usually quick and casual they should convey a simple message. If you need to send important documents or letters always send them as an attachment and use all the normal formal writing conventions. The receiver can then download the attachment and save it or print it out for careful reference. Finally, using acronyms and smiley that your reader doesnt understand is very frustrating. America Online (AOL), the biggest internet service provider, list 181 common acronyms and 60 common smiley. Try to use ones that you are sure your reader will understand.第四部分:阅读理解(单选)短文理解1:Blocks of “high-rise” flats have been built in large numbers in London and in many other big cities. Just after the Second World War these big, twenty-to-thirty storey buildings, hundreds of feet in height, were thought to be the ideal solution to the housing problem. For on the one hand, there was severe housing shortage, but on the other hand, there was lack of space to build houses in urban areas. Blocks of “high-rise” flats seemed, at first, to be able to solve the problem, since they can offer space for more families to live in on less land. The beautiful, modern apartments in the highrises were much sought after by people who lived downtown. Hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not. Are they suitable places for people, children especially, to live in? A well-known British architect, who personally designed many of these buildings, now believes that the high-rises may well make those people who have been housed in them suffer a great deal. Evidence has been collected by social workers, which suggests that people do suffer. They complain about severe loneliness and deep depression living within these great towers. People also talk about lack of communication with others, no easy access to a playground for children, no chances for adults to get familiarized with each other. Many people say that they have lived next door to each other for years in the same building, but they never know who their neighbors are. Some experts say that a large number of people living in the high-rises suffer from mental disorder and have even developed criminal tendencies. As a result of these new discoveries, plans for new high-rise blocks are being reconsidered. We are now building up many high-rises in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Perhaps we should also reconsider the idea too. 1. There was a big housing problem after the Second World War _.C.in many big cities2. Blocks of “high-rise” flats were thought to be the ideal solution to the housing problem, because _.D.they were built on less land and were able to house a lot more people3. The sentence “Hundreds of the vast blocks had been built before anyone began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not.” means _.it was not until hundreds of the vast blocks had been built, people began to doubt about whether they were good solutions or not4. The author takes a well-known British architect as an example to show us that _.B.even a well-known designer of the high-rises believes they are no good for people5. What is the greatest danger for people living in a high-rise according to some experts?C.Developing criminal tendencies.短文理解2:Sura Elmer came to Shanghai last July from the Netherlands, and will remain here for the next couple of years. He worked at the Holiday Inn Hotel as a sales manager, “One important part of my job consists in staying in contact with consultant-generals here. With a white face, it is easier for me to persuade people,” he said. Before working in Shanghai, he worked for a Holiday Inn Hotel in Amsterdam. He was transferred here by an arrangement between the hotels in Shanghai and Amsterdam. Asked to comment on the differences between working in China and


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