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国家开放大学试题国家开放大学电大本科商务英语4期末试题及答案试卷号:13912022盗传必究交保用18 共计1U分,罚小U2分1-5 H;根裾对话内容虏符恰当的燃项,I Im really fed uj with I.ArryIA. Im wrry to heur that.It RrMlly?: Hey whnte up?2. Aunt ,ndy do you hcp online often?A. Ntu I dorri think eH. Thin fi a Rood idcaC. Yen. very ronvrnirnu3. Arc I here any ciiftxidvnfHnKes to chopping nnhnrKui I think thl* problrrn will hr solved soon.A. h make lifr mw.K II iMktn wmr hrn? fur the you buy anlinr to nrnve there a Irnnk nenr hrtr?A. Ne I don11 like ILH. Vr. I miw him hi morniitg.:.Van. fherr k una juwl down I he rond.& PH br nwny on n biiAineM* trip. Would you mind signing for my exprcus drlivrry?A. 1 hnvc no time.IL Ycm. I do. rd be hftppy lOt二、词it与纳梅共计30分.每小度2分6-2。制:阅读下面的句子从AMC三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的选虱6, Wc used tocash advancesA. had&5W国家开放大学试题C. unlcntindividunl proprteiorHhipfc.A of9. When thr rrt a( the roomrmotionrtl. Rtay coal nnd umc logic ta ncxulintrA. gelH. get*C. aoi】0. But Jrrry hnvr you really thought thi* 一.up ihr company that your Mrent urandfnthcr built-H.ofy You would mnentiMlly br wivingA. throughC. nlxiut(riendft And cdlmgus Kretird ch other with fhm dny wm BoughtAnything lodny?HA. ThatK Who(: What12 I hc Irnnchiwurthe (rnn(hi%n should obMervr lhe reguhtions to mkr thebuwincAM s wdl.A. orC be observed(L being observed11- CuMomers won1: find store dtrks sitting aroundA watching TV nr phiyinR cardsft to watch TV or play card(L watching fV ar to play cnrd15 rhe long term assetn are known os/X. fixedB. currentC netIn business whatever you do, do notillegal benefitA.rhftse11 chooseyon pAy for thr inTullAtioniA. ifK when国家开放大学试题C ehAllcnuebvrn ihciUK he out of enllcgr and till a hit green he in reatco-worker.A. flcnhB, frcjihC. flanh18. It willrtboiH eight percent more thnn ininnlly projnicd*A.upendK payC. cont19. Im tttll working on a few prol!ernA. iron inH to iron ntC. ironing out20. Ahhoux hr tought to find 1 prnceful hr facing more pressure fromhtA butiineB rivwh.A. wlutcH. Aoiyo(二 Mohjfion3. Trndemnrks, propnetary service marks and regulations needcarefully.A. to be obKprvedB be observedC. bring observed14. ( ustomern won ff find store elerM sitting nround .A. watching TV or phying enrdsH. to wntch TV or piny cardsC. wntching TV or to piny card&15. Tile long term assets arr known as ansctM.1 A Drt】6 In business, whatever you do do rK)t illegal benefit.chiiscB. chooseC chitllcnge17. Even though hesout of college and siill a bit green he 3 r greatco worker.X HeshH. frefthC. flashabom right pcrrmt norr than inihAlly projectr ipend二 CORt19. Im Rtlll working onn Few problrrnutA. iron inH. to iron hi国家开放大学试题国家开放大学试题C. iruninx out he mcing more prrMurc from20. Although he hnji Aoughf to find pcHcrful hit husineMH nva|tH. solveA. nohitrC. solution三, 阅读理解共计4分.每小警4分21-25 H:阅读下列短文从A、8.C三个选项中选出一个正携答案。Cyber Monday rocked while mobile Miles roared-Tin dsy widely regarded as the Super Bowl of online unles created n record day Inr retailers# inrludinx Walmart t nnd marked a uhifi in shopping preference* x *mnrt phones nnd uiblcts drove nearly a third of traffic - and for Marne retailers more than hall.Wflhnarb com expects to register its biggest Cyber Mondny yet on TV and tablets also encouraged shopping。 fiays Joel Anderson CEO of Walmnrt. com.RctAikrs from Target io Sears ore Um evolving Cyber Monday into something more akin to Cyber Week, as online dealn stretch well beyond Mundfty CEO of Channel Advisor.Fl肛hm* site Rue La Ld started Cyber Monday doU n Sundny with a Cyb廿ihcm that drew more than 350.000 people to the siiu. The sale promoted as much as 80% off on more than 150 brands. On Monday sale* of Col Haan and Pandora Jewelry merchandise were strongest CESieve Davis says-2L Retailers used mobile devices and drove nearly b third of traffic or even more thanhalf tn online hoppinK An wr know that血enl belong iu the moblk deviceA. tabkuIk uttiurt phunrV. pcrwnnl compulrt22. PlnyStation 4 and Xbox One consoles were sold nut on the nfternoonMonday although they werent even dincoi;nte(LA. eBav. comLt Walmaru com(:. Amazoru com23. According tosales on Arnftion were up 44. 3% over last yrar while salesat eBay were up 32. I %.A. WolmortB. Rue La La(:Channel Advisor24. Cyber Monday denk on Sunday with a wCybertho(r that drew more than people to the site-Atumcr with an unanswered questionMuni o( the uomnmnitwtion that you relay to others is done through body langurtgn. H you hnve negativr body languitgn when you cornrnunicaic with mhm. H show* that you Hon 11 eare. Two of the most important aspects of positive body Unguagt are smiling and eye contact. Make ure to look your customer! tn the eye. It uhows that we are listening 29 Eye contact * one of the moxt important aspects of positive body language30. HGoing the exrro mile to hrlp them1* in the Iasi paragraph means going a long way to help them.四、写作(共计2。分)3L根据要求,完成作文According to the nmple letter nbove nnd based on the following infurmuTion* you irr required to wrilt1 an invitation letter ro your Lusins punners and invne them to Chiniu(1) Your name and position: Simon Zhang. President of Tianjin Trust lnlf I Tridc between Jg 28 and Feb. 44PurpO2 of visit: potential financing Expcn5es to be borne byt your business pnrtnersi试题答案及评分标准:一,交际用眉(tti+ !.小H2分I h制网 估也 爪岬恰的诙二,U0汇分.岛小H 2 分6也WhRH; 1汹的I .从A.ILC t网中1S川1血填入的姑0。7.C8.B9. A10.AH.C12. II13. A11. A15.Al. AI7 Bl.C10. C20CH.fflitlfMIMH I。分v/hH i 分21 ZSMhIW偈加削龈攵内时从A.ILC 个iftq中选出-个2h 22. II23.C24. A2 Hm 30 * 1Nit JAI 2NUK山 414 Witt on断H 喝叮 LWH妇厂 12LT2B. V2fh T;IO.F四写作共20分3L根抿要求写作文.答案略


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