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Unit 3Language in useHe was born in Shanghai.Yao MingShanghai1980He was born in 1980.When was he born ?Where was he born ?Zheng ShuangLiaoning1991When was she born?She was born in 1991.Where was she born?She was born in Liaoning Province.When were they born?They were born in 1999WhereThey Twins Taiwan 1999were they born?were born in Taiwan.I was born in Quincy.My first teacher was Mrs Lane. I wasnt bored in Quincy.Were you difficult in class too?No, I wasnt.Where were you born?本单元例句本单元例句:英语不同时态的最大的区别之一是英语不同时态的最大的区别之一是动词的动词的变化变化。试比较:。试比较:This year is 2013. The twins are 4 years old. Last year was 2012. The twins were 3 years old.Next year will be 2014. The twins will be 5 years old.从例句可以看出,英语一般过去时中动词从例句可以看出,英语一般过去时中动词be的过去式为的过去式为_, _。今天就讲动词。今天就讲动词be的一般过去时。的一般过去时。今年今年是是2013年。那对双胞胎年。那对双胞胎4岁了。岁了。去年去年是是2012年。那对双胞胎年。那对双胞胎3岁。岁。明年明年是是2014年。那对双胞胎将是年。那对双胞胎将是5岁。岁。was were 一般过去时一般过去时I (be 动词动词)若主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单若主语是第一人称单数或第三人称单数时,谓语动词用数时,谓语动词用was;主语是第二;主语是第二人称或其它人称的复数时,谓语动词人称或其它人称的复数时,谓语动词用用were。例如。例如:He was in a bank a moment ago. 刚才他在银行。刚才他在银行。 They were at KTV last night. 昨晚他们在昨晚他们在KTV。You were at home yesterday. 昨天你在家。昨天你在家。GrammarTom and Li Ming were not (=werent) in the classroom just now.汤姆和李明刚才不在教室。汤姆和李明刚才不在教室。He was not (=wasnt) in Chengdu last year.他去年不在成都。他去年不在成都。I wasnt in Grade Six last year.我去年不是我去年不是6年级。年级。Tony wasnt a teacher two years ago.托尼两年前不是老师。托尼两年前不是老师。否定句否定句在在was/were后后 + not 即可变为否定句。即可变为否定句。把把was/were提到句首提到句首, 句末用问号句末用问号?即即可变为一般疑问句。即:可变为一般疑问句。即:Was / Were主语表语其它?主语表语其它?若对一般疑问句做出回答,若对一般疑问句做出回答,肯定肯定形式用:形式用:Yes, 主语主语was / were. 否定否定形式用:形式用:No, 主语主语wasnt / werent.一般疑问句及回答一般疑问句及回答 Were you on the farm yesterday? 昨天你在农场吗?昨天你在农场吗? Yes, I was. 是的,我在农场是的,我在农场。 No, I wasnt. 不,我不在。不,我不在。1. Lingling _ (not) here last weekend. She _ in Xun.2. _ Tony born in Cambridge? Yes, he _. 3. _ Daming born in Beijing? Yes, he _. 4. _ they at school on Monday? No, they _.Complete the sentences with the correct form of be.3wasntwasWaswasWaswasWerewerent5. _ they at home this morning? No, they _.6. _ your first teacher strict? Yes, she _.7. _ your friends at your first school difficult? No, they_.8. _ you happy at your first school? Yes, I _.WerewerentwerentWereWaswasWaswas4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions from the box.be bored be born lots of on the east coast of primary school town1. I was a good pupil in _.2. Where _ you _? In Newton, a small _ in America.primary schoolwereborntown3. Can I play a computer game, Mum? I _. You can read your book.4. Qingdao is in Shangdong Province and it is _ China.5. There was a new film on yesterday and there were _ people at the cinema. was boredon the east coast oflots ofI was born in 2000 in Jiashan. My first school was big and nice. My first teacher was Miss Zhou. She was strict but very nice. My first friends were Betty and Tony.Betty was good in class but Tony wasnt. He was very difficult.I was born in 2000 in Jiashan. I lived in a big house with my parents. There was a living room with a TV, a bathroom and two bedrooms. There were some pictures on my bedroom walls. Behind the house, there was a garden with lots of trees and there was a lake with fish in it. I was happy there.1. Bill Gates _ in Seattle when he _ young. A. was; were B. was; was C. were; was 2. Who _ your first friend? A. were B. are C. wasI. 单项选择。单项选择。Quiz3. What is he _? He is very tall. A. / B. like C. look like4. The last time I was in China _ in 2005. A. were B. was C. /5. My first teacher was strict _ us. A. on B. in C. with6. Were you good at your primary school? Yes, I _. A. were B. am C. was7. Whos there? _ me. A. Its B. Shes C. Hers8. The water _ the lake is very clear. A. on B. in C. at 9. There were many beautiful pictures _ the bedroom wall. A. on B. in C. under10. Many foreigners were looking forward to _ China. A. come B. coming C. coming to II. 用用be的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。 1. The last time I _ in Shenzhen _ in 2003. 2. _ you born in 1990? No, I _. 3. There _ many fish in the pond now, but two years ago there _ no water.waswasWerewasntarewas4. Where _ they yesterday? They _ in Beijing yesterday.5. _ that boy born in Shanghai? No, he _.6. Who _ the woman over there? She _ my teacher.werewereWaswasntisis1. Where _ Mei Fang last night?2. He _ here five minutes ago.3. It _ Sunday yesterday. My parents and I _ in the park. 4. They _ in Japan yesterday.5. When I _ a child, I often listened to music.waswaswaswaswaswaswerewereIII. 用所给用所给be动词的适当形式完成句子。动词的适当形式完成句子。werewerewaswas6. My father _ at work yesterday morning.7. We _ students two years ago.8. She _ happy yesterday.9. The mobile phone _ on the sofa yesterday evening.10. They _ on the farm a moment ago. waswaswerewerewaswaswaswaswerewereHomeworkWhen were you born? Where were you born?Write down your past life.


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