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TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDEstablished/Revised:Rev. 12( Oct. 2010)NO.:TSM0500GTITLE:Flammability test method for interior non-metallic materialsCLASS:C1TOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDThis sta ndard has bee n revised as a result of the follow ing cha nges:(1) con siste ncy has bee n en sured with intern ati onal sta ndard (ISO 3795) and Chin ese sta ndard (GB8410-2006);(2) te st piece con diti oning regard ing humidity has bee n cha nged;(3) te st en vir onmen tal con diti ons have bee n cha nged;(4) tole rance has bee n added to dista nee betwee n bench marks (A) and (B); and(5) n atural gas has bee n added to gas types.Prepared and Writte n by: Orga nic Material Dept. Vehicle Material Engin eeri ng Div.Desig n Quality Inno vati on Div.? TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATIONFor Limited DistributionDo Not Reproduce CLASSTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500G一C1Flammability test method for in terior non-metallic materials1. ScopeThis sta ndard covers the test method for flammability of non-metallic materials used for automobile in terior.2. Flammability Test Method2.1 Test Apparatus(1)This shall con sist of the metal cab inet and bur nershow n in Fig. 1 and U-shape clamp show n in Fig. 2.Note (1): When a test correspo ndi ng to Chin ese regulation (GB8410-2006 Flammability of automotive in terior materials) is con ducted, the test may be con ducted using a test device specified in 4.2.1 A test cabin et which is made of steel plate of GB8410-2006. In such a case, a stateme nt say ing that the test device corresp onding to GB8410-2006 is used shall be writte n in the test report.0GR o,61?.01e1卫19/XOooooToFig. 1 (Unit: mm)NOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retu rn to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedin thissta ndardwheare no lon ger n ecessary due to the term in ati on of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formati on related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbe din whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.n they sclosedRev. 12Oct. 20101 / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500GRemark: A: ven tilati on cleara neeB: ven tilati on holeC: test piece (with the material surface facing dow nward)D: guideE: guide support (on the door side, remove the porti on preve nti ng door moveme nt.)F: doorG: in specti on windowH: burner I: ventilation leg2.1.1 Cabi netWidth shall be 380 二 5 mm, depth 205 二 5 mm and height 355 士 5 mm. Provide on the front a heat-resista nt glass window to in spect in side and on one side a door en abli ng insertion and removal of the test piece and burner. Drill ventilation holes on the top and bottom plates, and place a guide to hold the test piece in side.2.1.2 BurnerThis shall be a Bunsen burner with the bore of 9.5 士 0.5 mm.Use natural gas, city gas, or liquefiedpropa ne gas (LPG).2.1.3 U-Shape ClampUse two pieces with dime nsions as show n in Fig. 2. Place bench marks (A) and (B) as show n in the same diagram. The clamp shall be made of steel whose surface is provided with corrosi on resista nt plat in g.2.2 Test Method2.2.1 Test Piece Dime nsionsA test piece shall be 350 mm long, 100 mm wide and 12 mm thick. Cut out test pieces from the practical product whe never possible. If it is not possible to cut out this size of recta ngular parallelepiped because of the dime nsions or shape of the product, determ ine the possible test piece dime nsions in accorda nee with the provisi ons in Sectio n Test Piece Cut-Out and Processi ng MethodsCut out and process five test pieces accord ing to the follow ing procedures.(1) Choose a flat portion of the interior material (if the flat portion does not permit cut-out of test pieces in the dimensions specified in Section 2.2.1 because of the material shape etc., choose a gently curved portion) and cut out pieces in the length and width specified in Section 2.2.1 to the depth of 12 mm. If bon ded joints of two differe nt in terior materials exist with in this depth, obta in test pieces in either of the follow ing methods depe nding on the method of bonding.(a) All con tact points are bon ded with adhesive or the like.Considering the interior material consisting of two types of material bonded to each other as a sin gle composite, cut out pieces as bon ded to the depth of 12 mm from the cab in surface.(b) None of the con tact points are bon ded with adhesive or the like. Separately cut out the cab ine surface material and the material undern eath. e r r-r qASeparately cut out.El* I亠“if - - - = - 3 a. i -1. 1. b J J. s. a B. a I B(Th已 joint is not bondedJ Cut nut as a single composite.(Cross sectio口) Cut the materialC.-on this section.Fig. 3 (Unit: mm)(Expla natio n of Fig. 3)Material A is not bon ded to material B. Therefore, cut out test pieces separately from A and B. Material B is within 12 mm from the cab in surface and is bon ded to material C at all con tact points betwee n them. Thus, test pieces should be cut out from materials B and C as a sin gle composite. In cutt ing out test pieces, be sure to make cuts to the depth of 12 mm toward the interior of material C as shown in the diagram.(2) When it is difficult to cut out test pieces in the specified dime nsions because of the dime nsions or shape of the product, cut out test pieces from the product accord ing to the foldow ing method. Test piece length or width possible to cut out from the product does not meet the specification: if it is possible to cut out to 293 mm or more in length and 25 mm or more in width, cut out from the product. For products whose thick ness is less tha n 12 mm, cut out to the product thick ness.(3) When the product shape does not permit the cutt in g-out of flat test pieces, it is permissible to use a flat plate con sisti ng of the same materials and con struct ion as the subject in terior material.The thick ness of this plate shall be equal to or less tha n that of minimum thick ness in the flattest portion of the subject interior material.(4) If a certa in tendency is no ted with the direct ion of expa nsion of the bur ning area whe n the subject in terior material is burning, cut out test pieces so that their Ion gitudi nal direct ion equals that direct ion in which burning proceeds fastest.(5) When the interior material has soft fiber or tassels on the surface, before cutting out test pieces, place the material on a flat plane and draw a comb with a row of 7 to 8 round-tipped teeth per 25 mm through it twice.2.3 Test Con diti ons 2.3.1 Test Piece Con ditio ning(1) Origi nal stateLeave test pieces in the atmosphere con trolled at 23+ 2 C and 50 二 5% RH for 24 h or Ion gerbut within 168 h.(2) After heat aging Place test pieces in a hot-air circulation type thermoregulator adjusted at 70 士 2 C and let them sta nd for 336 h. Take out the test pieces from the thermoregulator, and leave them in the atmosphere con trolled at 20 5 匚 and 50 二 5% RH for 24 h or Ion ger.Notes:(2) It is permitted to skip testing under this condition if the quality of a test piece has been guaranteed after heat aging at 70 C for 336 h.(3) Exposure at a temperature higher than 70 C for 336 h is permitted if it is not possible to con duct testi ng at 70 C due to the capability of test equipme nt or the like.2.3.2 In stallation of Test Piece(4)San dwich one of the test pieces prepared in Sectio n 2.3.1 betwee n two U-shape clampsshow n inFig. 2 and hold the clamps on the guide in the cab inet show n in Fig. 1.Note (4): When the test piece width is 50 mm or less or whe n test pieces cannot be horiz on tally held because of softening and deformation as a result of burning, provide wire to the bottom clamp. The wire shall be heat-resista nt and approx. 0.25 mm thick. Wind it around the clamp at an in terval of 25 mm perpe ndicularly to the clamp Ion gitudi nal directi on as show n in Fig. 4. Orient the test piece front face dow nward. Example materials for which wire-provided U-shape clamps should be used to preve nt abno rmal bur ning in clude genuine leather, PVC film and leather, fabrics, rugs, various types of foam, materials lam in ated with foams, and rubber. Examples not requiri ng such clamps in clude various types of boards and hard resi n.If abno rmal burning occurs even to these materials, however, wire-providedclamps may be used.NOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retun to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedin thissta ndard whare no lon ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbecin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.n they Rev. 12iscbsedOct. 20103 / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500GNOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retun to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedin thissta ndard whare no lon ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbecin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.n they Rev. 12iscbsedOct. 2010# / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500G、貞IWireFig. 4 (Unit: mm)2.3.3 Adjustme nt of Burner FlameAdjust burner flame height to 38二 2 mm via the gas adjustment valve under the condition that no airis fed.2.3.4 Test En viro nmen tal Con diti onsCarry out tests in the atmosphere of 23 二 2 C and 50 5 % RH.NOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retun to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedin thissta ndard whare no lon ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbecin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.n they Rev. 12iscbsedOct. 2010# / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500G2.3.5 TestIf flammability differs depe nding on test-piece directi ons, con duct prelimi nary test for all directio ns to determ ine the direct ion in which the bur ning rate is the highest, and carry out the test for this direct ion.(1) Use five test pieces for the test.(2) If the maximum burning rate exceeds 60 mm/min in (1), add another five test pieces.(3) If the maximum burning rate exceeds 80 mm/min in (2), add ano ther 20 test pieces.(4) If the maximum burning rate exceeds 80 mm/min in (1), add another 25 test pieces.1 Adjust dista nee betwee n the test piece bottom surface and the burner no zzle to 19 mm (Fig. 5).Place the burner nozzle center beneath the clamp opening center so as to expose the test piece front face to the flame for 15 s.孑 Measure burning time for the flame to reach from bench mark (A) to (B)(5) and calculate the burningrate using equation (1) (6).Distance between benchmarks (A) and (B) (mm)Burning rate = x 60- (1)(mm/min)Burning time (s)If the flame goes out naturally before reaching bench mark (B), measure the distance to the point where the flame has gone out and burning time for calculation.Notes:(5) If flashi ng occurs to the test piece surface, calculate the burning rate un der that con diti on. However, this shall not apply to flash ing on the test piece cut secti ons.Also, in spite of the bottom surface or upper surface of the test piece, in the case where the burning progresses while flash point is divided into one or more, measure the burning time until the respective flash point stops and record a burning rate of a flash point that acquires the Ion gest bur ning dista nee in the end.(6) After test, before beginning the next cycle of test, make sure that temperature and humidity in the cab inet and clamp temperature have retur ned to the levels in Section 2.3.4 and that smoke does not rema in in side, and remove bur ning residue.2.4 Test Results ReportTest results shall be reported in the form show n in Attached Fig. 1. However, i n terms of the overseas supplier, Attached Fig. 2 may be used. In such a case, if the burning rate exceeds 100 mm/min, Attached Fig. 3 shall be submitted at the same time.Report ing procedure(1) Round bur ning rate values to the n earest in teger, rounding up the tenth and n eglect ing the 100th and below.(2) For temperature and relative humidity, round measurements to the nearest integer, rounding up the ten th.(3) For storage time, round to hours, neglecting minutes and lower.(4) For burning dista nee, round to the n earest in teger, rounding up the ten th.(5) For bur ning time, round to the n earest in teger, rounding dow n the ten th.(6) For test pieces which stop burning before bur ning time reaches 60 s and whose bur ning dista neeis less tha n 50 mm, en ter - in the colu mns of bur ning time, dista nee and rate.When burningexceeds bench mark (A) and stops before reach ing 60 s and less tha n 50 mm and whe n the burning rate is 250 mm/min, however, write in the measureme nts.(7) When the test piece does not ign ite or whe n bur ning stops before reach ing bench mark (A), en ter /in the colu mns of bur ning time and dista nee and 0 in the colu mn of bur ning rate.Table 1Test reporlItems to be reportedNo. Burningstate/c on diti onBurning timeBurning dista neeBurning rate1Test piece does not burn or burning stops before it reaches the bench mark A./ /0 (zero)2In the case the bur ning dista nee is less tha n 50 mm and the burning time is less tha n 60 s3In the case the bur ning dista nee is less tha n 50 mm and the burning time is less tha n 60 s, and the burning exceeds the bench mark A and the burning rate is 250 mm/min or moreEn ter the no rmal calculati on result (see Sectio n 2.3.5.)4Other tha n above No.1,2 and 3 cases(8) Except for the followi ng cases, en ter the maximum burning rate of all test pieces tested in the box for the bur ning rate maximum value. If all boxes of bur ning rate are all 0, en ter non flammable in the box. If all boxes of burning rate are all -, enter self-extinction in the box.If all boxes of burning rate are 0 and -, enter self-extinction in the box.NOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retun to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedin thissta ndard whe ntheyare no lon ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbe cisclosedin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.Rev. 12Oct. 20105 / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500GAttached Fig. 1NOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retu rn to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedinthissta ndardwhe ntheyare no Ion ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbe cisclosedin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.Rev. 12Oct. 20107 / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500GAttached Fig. 1MnluwM-ln.En?nIHUart-d 宀寺 j_ co mD盘 J $cr-=dl K rccfc uop -刃?!舁XQ; AH 血目IDIMI.4lr;lplclnporilAIIquAwxe GwtPJurlu-c mzm-l-ld. cuTS NOE-tanu factor eruD n 口i-l | CM 一 1IMTHe-pcTn 40口znLlj: 口 UOT-P町LiwuUJcrI 宀 I】f - _5R 1 口册?tlTlH qupbrlH-JCaB-sfl-l盲 ger imp. WBBT mT 占屯20 -0 i 口叽楓 Etir- w 5 uarpil1TUIQG&l-nlgmJLhITrJiql.unj:a:o-imJ?TTrjpdiEJd+J0&-L! MnK, burning rate|XJM_LL-T JnTO/min)I11科0 ; BLEoirvg diataji;:* :in叫g iC.-MOiN WINNIfh 讯9 r- CJ TM(S?i T 1 -an1谒Ep H3nm |I ryrngIr8O I-iiCM rii-ri-luFi 1I1T J 1 U d U H 41 ja 4 9艰Fart riMiis8 1 LHU 艺 d c o匚I u3 m o1EAo3 Xq r:i ,p * -K X r ri E巨u rfz c! E ? *对4 E EUsed Eot ubEdTcsTraiTi-.irfl王1S a e 备Wir*-provideJ retain, er禺0) p 口0 , 1 a 汀看 il l-: J 47* -! -i-l .i召勺 曲述ECl 11Md o u E J: n +- a E E -IiioHnuDd npajupQCI-H4JEI ng 口 (clmcc-HEELil甲 uflT+J-HpscuHmp-ddlIH.&hTQ) m 口-Hmw 4c訂*3知出XIEA 切 “mlq-dSJI.HxoNOTES: The recipie nt of this sta ndard shall un dertake the follow ing con fide ntiality obligati ons upon the receipt of this sta ndard.-The recipie nt shall discard by shreddi ng or fire, or retu rn to Toyota Motor Corporati on if appropriate, the docume nts containedinthissta ndardwhe ntheyare no Ion ger n ecessary due to the term in atio n of the work con cer ned or the revisi on of curre nt versi on of this sta ndard,-This sta ndard and the tech ni cal in formatio n related thereto are owned by and un der sole con trol of Toyota Motor Corporati on.Theyshallnotbe cisclosedin whole nor in part to ant third party without prior written consent of Toyota Motor Corporation.Rev. 12Oct. 2010# / 9For Limited DistributionDo Not ReproduceTOYOTA ENGINEERING STANDARDTSM0500GAttached Fig. 1


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