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初中英语译林牛津版七年级下册Unit4 Finding your way单元练习初中英语译林牛津版七年级下册Uit4 indngyou w单元练习一、听力(听力)(共0小题;共20分) 听力部分(2分)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 1.A. reeB. tri. travl 2. xcitedB. exctingC. exeive .A. 428B. 728C78 4.A. bllB. ieC. leve 5. They are in a lan oLanzhoB. They are going on ariptoanzhou by train.C. The will tke aplae toLanzou. II.听对话和问题,选择正确答案(5分) 6. Hw aris Jacshome rote entr o thcity?A. 20minuts by bu.B. 40 minutes by underrunC 40 minutes ybu. 7 When os th rain eave?AAt5:0.B At 4:3. A 6:30. 8owmuch is thear?A. 3,00 yun.B. 30,000yuan.C. 30 yun. Where s he m ong?A. B. C. 10. hat oesthe mn ike?A. B.C. .听长对话和问题,选择正确答案(分)1. hat is te womading ow?A. aking a phone cal.B. Giviga leso.C Askn te way.12. What plac is h wman goi to?AAscool A cineaC shop.3.Which us ith wan ging ake?A.No. 4.B. N. 14. o.44.14. hreis thbus stop?. On terght alogtheroadB.n the left lngthe road. I theidl ft road.5.Howlowilittake the womnt ge here?A. 0 minue.B. 12 ints.C miuts.IV.听短文填空(分)16.Jack Wiln sfr Tront,  .17. Jack scholboy.e nows Chias   couty1.ack wts to n a   o China1. here e   sdensi hi cass20. Jac and hifriens ofen la footbl o  afternon.二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)1.hei   odpencl in   ecl box.A ;te a; heC. an; aD. the; a22.here snobridge   the rive, o w   the rvbyboatA. cross; croB. crss;arosC. aros; ross.acrss; acss3.- hy are yo standinghere, na?- I can'sehe wrdson the lackoard.Ttall baresttig  meinfrnt fB.behdC. xt toD. bside2Cul yohlp m  ?A. withpen wndowB. en the nowC.to pnng thewindowD. oping te winw25- Y cugin baly. Haveyo gone oseea doto?- N, but  A. m goin toBill nt. mnot goingtoD.hn't26Wua wats o buy  dressfor hermotr o   othr'sDaA. a; heB./; aC a;/ ; a27.Turn iht  tseonrssinanthaki  yurlet.A in; onB. in; at.a;inD t; n28.-   havedinner with my wfe andenex wekend?- Yes, d ket. hnk you.A. Would ou likeB.o yolikeC. Wuldou like o. D you29.There s a big  thever.Many bats go   i evy ayA.over;trough. oer;belwC. n;trogD. abe;uder30.- Excuse me,ho can Igetto the pooffe?-  .A.Never mind.Srry, I am nw eC hat's K.- Whatdoeyour Egish techer  ?- e is tallandtin. 's real hadsome. ooB. likC. lk likD. b lik32Help thers,   ou'le hapir!A. and. orC.tD. he33.  more,n yuwill mpove yupoen Elish.A. ospekB. SpekC. Speak. Speaig34.   he   frwd   a clas trip?A. Is;ooking; to haeB. Dos; loo;havingC. ; ooking; t avingD oes; oki;to hvin3- on't care whatmy achersthnk- l, ou  .A. coudB. wouldC. houldD. might三、完形填空(共0小题;共15分) y aunt, nnLee live i a toi Canad. Seas 36  fclke th n. Heavorte 37  is Hu Xing Now e's in 38  WonderulFried (奇妙的朋友) wh ive ote st. Tey ive a ly wi a knd 9  in thezoo inGuanhu. hese amal are ver cte. My unt ofe tlls stris abou anas th so.Today she wans ttak h othe 40   to se iml. In the mornig, Jeny gets up earlyand hps hr so getsd Ty c 41   esubwat thzo easily.Her soniony fv yea od,so he sn't eed t ay frthe tict(票) It' 42  . t the zoo, thewtch t nke 43   the trs. Aftr lunch they ny drinkng 44   n the prk. Thy ketend im in the park. I the ening,theyae dinr i a 5   adghoe. h estaurant is near their use.3.A.long. rounC.shorD. tall37.A. aorB. actess pliceDtecher38. oieBbookC.nwspaperD. show9. persns.aimal.montinsD. tee40.A. cnemaB nk.hpita. zoo41.A. bygC. takeDie42. busB baC. freD ong43. cosng.ptingC. mkgD clibing44.A. juie. a.vgetabeD. fuis5.A. etaurantB. schooCb stopD. hoel四、阅读理解(共6小题;共分)A t :0, ypaents ndI are driving a cartom randaents'hm Tody ste Dagn Bot Feival. Everyoe wants tb with his orhe amlthisay. At 1:40, at my radprets' hom, y rafatherd grandtherarmingonzi Tey hapt e viithem. A 11:30, weare itn in the yrd(院子). My father an uclear helpng m mother nd autook unh. Thearereparin some chicken,fish andfruit. oeiious the food is! A12:, we resitti t the tabe.Beo l,w ay sothing good t my grandparents. We wih em tolive a hppy n healthy lif.Ty are soappt ear that. A1:10, y mother ndunt are theishes. Myfaherdunle atcng aastblgme on T.My grandparents ar linwit myousi ame.e rl have funIt's s godto be with ur famly.46. hat'teriter' randarnts kng?A. Soup.Fish.C Zongz. Moncake.4.When mayte writer'su get t hi andares home?. tweny past leven.BAt a qurter o wlve. At haf st twev.D.Atelve o'clok.4. hey can't  .A. fish hicnC zongziDsalad49. Wo is taling wih my cosina e at 13:0?AMy ftr.My unc. y aunt.D.My gndarents.50.ich of the folowin tamns iTRE?A. Th wrter gsto his grandparent'eb bs.B. At 10:4, he rier's ftheris readingi th livig room.C. writer' andmoter isaing the dishes 13:10D. Te writer s a good time haday.B Oef myfavorite his to doisiing n mountis. Bcause nobodylie te iea o gettiglo, I waysprae bere verytrip. Bu hat'sthe best nvigat too, a Globalositioning ystem(P) or agood ld maand ompas? ve of y rends and I hikdthgh he ontainsnatai Imarked. One eam of hr carried aGPS, and the other team u a map nd copass. t took thGPtam 3 hours and1 mites tget through th holike, howev,it took themp ncopas team only 2 hours and 49mnts The bg olm the P tem mews ththy lost teselite sigal (卫星信号) n oe pces. ih o mp compss, te hto wl round tltey were n pae where ignalwagood. he map an compas team wa ale spt(认出) differn landmrks,opare themo their apsnd then se tecomast poihm in he rih rectio. en ead out my future hikes,I'bringin a m, comass and GPS to hw m e way. The riter reparesbefreeverytripbecuse he doesnt  .likthe od map or opasB. kn how to use the PSC. ant to gtlst inmountains.want toget nto the mouisaloe2. he to tea  A. hahse naviain tool. ent aog h me taiC. had th me oemD. fnised theoehiat th same time53 In heed, thewter found ut  A. te ap and the compaswere oold navigationtols use any moeit asnt necer t bi ama and compss ogeter ith aGPCthe GShd some disadvantages n hing in munainsD. heould' use a GPS an moreC Scol trp are one of the hin at schoo chden hofor abuschool heyre one way to showchildren that ty ca also earn much td the classroom A odsid hvng a school tri s tht chldr ca us th lrne or thlarninghingsi cass in tr lfe.Knoledein scice and mths cabeusedTenstuent will remeberthir lessos ell.lso, students will hae rst-handinformatio onhow heir schoo subects wok utsielassrom Fr exampe, a vst o amuseuca ot oly learn aboutisoybut can als lern about sience r eogy. Wt'smoe, lwys leang lasrom maymk sme kids se iteet i a ubject Thsis really treforsome ificut sject However, idca lerni ne nvronmets during schol trps and te n as much infrmation ahe wantand can. Schol trps also helkids get onow eachohr in a more relaxedenionmet, without tining about te orgade. Showin sudents the larger wr aroun thm careallyep them learnre.54 Whyan stdent mmber heir lesons eaiyakgscholtrips?A Becus thy cn et tefirsthad informtonB. Bcaus thy lik vngmuseumandlearningsience ecuse hy can putw heylarned in class toactinD. Becuse te kowtgood ide of scholti55. How will studnts elhen the arennew nvrmnt school tis?.nterstingand acive. Dficultad ird.Friedlyand sy. Rexed ad fu.56. Wht' te an oit abt shool tris n the passage?A. he ar epfl fokids to shw whthey lerned at shol.B. Kidssould learn mor bout ciene utside classromC. s su lear or rom shool rsD. They aegoo for imprvingstuents' eanig.D Christope luus is faos easehfun ometin hewasntokingfor I 492, Colubu sailedacrosshe Atlanic Ocen n rde reh India. Wht efoun wassomehinfar dfert.e fon the New Wrld. Ho did thscme out? tll arted n Ialy. hitophe Columbu s bon in Gea i 41Hs famlydt v a lotof money,andCristherasn' an onl chld. He dd't hve mcofan ecatio ntil hew uh oe. Instead, he wn to se. He saile aroud h edterraea(地中海) and a far noh a Eglnd ndIreland. urighis traves,Clumbu hear therport of landthe estofthe Maraand Azore Isads. hey were in the Atantic Ocean westof Potugal. wted knw more ad go mapsand books o egraph Maco Polo sad hat Japan aonly 1,500 mis esto hna. Asa eslt, Coumbustougt hat aanwaonl 3,0 miles st o Prtugal A 3,000 mie was tcethashis culdtravel in those das. So,Colmbusecded thahe anted t getthe ast by going es. Htuh tha if he aild fr nouhwest, hwuld al aroundtheworlenouhto ah te Est Basedohs cacations(计算), Japanas onl3,0 les ay, ftr l57. Whrdid Clmbus wan too wh e sled arosh tlantiOcean 142?. Amera.B. IndaC.Japan.D. Chin.58.hch e folowig istrue acring o the hird parara?A. The were manyeopl iColumu famly.B. Columbu as anoloyofhi paents.Combu di ell choohen hwasung.D Clumbus on traeledt relan.59 Durig is tavels, Colmbus as nterested i  .A goraphyhscsC. chemisryDhistoy60. We an ifer from the pas tha  .A. Columbs ha a drea to visitAmcaB. arcoPlo wa a g rvelerfom PortugalClumbus had t ideatha art as rudD. o belee Columbuscoulrch China61. Thepassage s minly bout  . ColumbusscildhoodB.theeport o ores IslsC. how lumus ega ssailD. wat McoPl sa n his ook五、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)62. There is alaysuch  (交通)on theity rods.3hey wantt g o a ong  (旅行) to h wst f hna.64 msits i te  (角) of the classoom, he rght d.6.  (跟随) him to se at he isgoing to d.6. M sistrwors in a  (银行).67.e still  (记得)those wondeful dys.68. The  (桥梁) make eoplrosste ivers esly.69 Dont play with theknie(小刀). t's  (危险的).0. Lok, that lephan s ati tr  (叶)1 Te li is re. Youcan't  (过) the oad.六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)7. 大卫的父亲病了, 他不得不照看父亲。ai's fter is ill. H  him.7. Tom  (准备) for the fnal exam. Pleasee quie!7. 我们有充足的时间,用不着太急促。e've ot     time; theres no ne to rush.7. 她是一个害羞的女孩,所以不敢在别人面前唱歌。Sh i a sh il, o sh isafrd  .76. 多交朋友,你就会减少孤独感。Make mor friend,   u wll fel es  .七、阅读与表达(表格式)(共5小题;共10分) My htw i a smll lage. Ithe norh ofteviage, here ia bi lakeIts not deep. ere ar mn kindsof fishin i hn summer me,cildrenftngo sig n it. o the suh oft lk, thee are may bamboo. n he wst,there ar moains You casee a otof green tre te outaisThe trees gie us lot o ooand clean airBt therewe not o any tresn he mountais teyers go. Th fieldsareal in he t of the vilg. Wepan kds f vetables and cops tee. n themide of th vilag tee isand tow.Onhtoof thetoer, yo cn seeth vilage,thmountainsnd helae. My home is jst ehind it Thenly rd t ourvillg sintout. n my vlag thee areno cars, n nise d no olution. I like my oetown better thanmany big cite根据短文内容,完成表格。 Water 77  n the north theilaganybos78.  7.   n teest of the viaeMy hom.   8.  nhe ot of hevllage八、阅读与表达(问答式)(共5小题;共10分) hewinter hliay is coming.Whatre th stdets goig todo urin the witr hliy?We didsurveyandtis i what w learned. All the studnt lk the wer holiday beaus thee s a imorant fesvaltheprin Festival. os tens a thy are oing tofnsthei omerk firs. Ater finihinghmework,they cnavegod tim. Durinhe Spri Fiv,thear ong ovisit ther friends and relatives(亲戚) Theyrgoing to by ome ewcloteand goodfood. Ms stden aegoing to ac ihtir fmlie.e aregog to playoputer gaes with frends. L ei i goig t travel wih hs arent Thergng oHainnIln bcuseit'svery armn winte.Hng Jing i ong to the countrysto see he gandpaent th herats.YngFani gngto tke guitar lsso.H oves to ply th uita. Ln Juan s goingtopla ngon every day in te nterliday. wt to ave a ethybody. I o all of th ca enjoy themeves dnthe hliday.根据短文内容,完成下列小题。2.Isthere animportatfestiva drig the wnte liday?          83. Wh ar os stuents going t o fist?          84. Who ar mot stuet gointo wthVih?          8.Wh is LiLeioi o Haan slan?          6. at s Li Jangoig o pay png-pog or?          答案一、听力(听力) 1.B 2. 3 B . C C 6. C 7. A 8. B9. 1. .C12. B3C14. B15.16. Canada17. gret18. trip19. twetyfour2420 ray听力原文 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息. Let's goon trip et Suna.2. He tells me apiece o exciing nw3.Thee ae728 stunts. I belieetayoure rih.5.They'egoing ona trp toLanzhoy ae. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案6. W:Hw ar i your he from th ntre ofhe cty,Jac?M: Abotwenty inutes y undgrund,t it'll te fortminutes if tae a bsQ:ow fa is Jack'some froh cente o e city?7. : Hurry up,anny.Or ewil e atfor he rain.M: Dot wy.It's 4:30.The trainleavest :0.Q: Whn desth tin lv?.W: Homuchi ur car?M: Thirty housand an.: Hw mch is thcar?9. W:Will ygo t te et Wal,anHao?M: No,I will o e ir'sNest: her is the mangong?10.: Dou lik he ra Cota Warors o th Du Tor?M:I lke eTera Cottaario.Q:haoe he ma like?. 听长对话和问题,选择正确答案W: Exuse m,butcoul you ell me ho to geto teciema?M:ich cem?: he Caitl nea.M:Oh,its a lngwy from herYou'dbete tkea bs.W: Wich one,plase?M: Ihik y nd a numbe4: hr ishe nrest s stp?M: Wak long this roa,a tae tfistturnin on the ghTh bus sto is abut 10 mrealongon t leftW: Hoonwill ittake meto get the ciema?M: nl twen minutes.W: Thank you vermu.M: u're wcome.uesins:11. hat is he wman og ow?12 What place is the oan gog ?13.Whch bs isteomn goingto ?1. her s the bsstop?5. Ho log wilit tke te woan ettere?. 听短文填空 : ame is ack Wilson. fom Torono,ana.t' far frm Shizhang.I am 13 yers old.Iamaschoolb.I now Cna i great untry will o on trp t hna.Iwan viit theGret Wall an h ik Road.ere ae wnty-our tuents y classAnd thre a fve Chinese stunts ere in Toront.Wearegood iend.We fen pl fball tghr oFrdy aftrnon二、单项选择1.B223. A4 B25. A26.C2. 28. 2. B30. B31.32. A33. C34. C35.C三、完形填空.B37 B3. A3. B40 D41. C43 D4A45 A四、阅读理解6 47 4. D9 D50. D1 C52. B53. C5 C55.D56.D. B8. D9.A60. C61. 五、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)62. taffc63. orney/ip6. coner65 follo6ban6. rememer6 brdges69.dnerou70.laves71. cross六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)72. h o looater3. is preaing74.plentyof75. to sing infront f ter peop76 and,lonely七、阅读与表达(表格式)7. A bi lae8. Tothesouth f th lak79.Te fd80.Bhinhe tower1. The ony rd八、阅读与表达(问答式)82. Yes,hee 83.The are going to inish thrhmok fist.8 Teir amiie8. Bease's warm n winer86. Se wnts to ve healthy bo.


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