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Module1 Nice to meet you Unit 1The first English lesson Listen to the dialogue,answer the question.1.Who are talking ?2.Is Wang Hui a new student?3.Is Lingling a new student?Wang Hui and LinglingYes,he is.Yes,she is.Look at the activity 3, listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.1.Where is Miss Li from?2.How old is Daming?Miss Li is from Wuhan.Daming is twelve years old.Listen to the dialogue again and choose the answer.1.Miss Li is a _.A.student B.teacher C.farmer2._is thirty years old.A.Lingling B.Daming C.Wang HuiBC3.Wang Hui is from_.A.Beijing B.Wuhan C.Shanghai 4.-_your name? _name is TomA.What,My B.Whats,My C.Whats,I CBListen to the tape again and check.1.Miss Li is a teacher.2.Lingling is from Beijing.3.Daming and Lingling arefriends.4.Daming and Lingling are English.5.Wang Hui is twelve years old.TTTFFRead the dialogue and you can choose Miss Li、Daming,then show your action.各组分角色朗读对话,可以选择扮演各组分角色朗读对话,可以选择扮演老师、大明、玲玲和王辉老师、大明、玲玲和王辉,然后展示然后展示你们的对话。你们的对话。Fill in the blanks.Miss Li is a new teacher,in the first English lesson,she says to Lingling:”Hello.My names Miss Li.I am a t_and Im C_.Im from Wuhan. _your name? Where are you f_?”Lingling says:”My names Lingling.Im from Beijing.This i_my friend,Daming.Wre s_.”Daming says:”My name is Daming.Im twelve y_old.This is Wang Hui “eacherhineseWhatsromstudentsearsWang Hui says :Im t_ years old and Im from Shanghai.Im i_Class One.Nice to meet you,Miss Li.”Nice to meet you,t_”Miss Li says.welvenooGame1Found a new family.(组建一个新家庭组建一个新家庭)规则:每个组就是一个大家庭,找到适规则:每个组就是一个大家庭,找到适合你的角色,然后向你的同学介绍。合你的角色,然后向你的同学介绍。角色:角色:father mother son daughter sister brother elder sister(大姐大姐) elder brother(大哥大哥)挑战自我,勇创和谐小组。挑战自我,勇创和谐小组。Do the following exercises,if you meet difficult exercises,you can ask your group or other groups for help.做下列练习题,如果遇到难点你可做下列练习题,如果遇到难点你可以小组讨论或者向其它小组寻求帮以小组讨论或者向其它小组寻求帮助,只到明白为止。助,只到明白为止。Game2Make friends(结交朋友为奥运加油结交朋友为奥运加油)规则:规则:Find your good friends in our class and introduce your friends to the teacher and classmates.在我们班找到你的好在我们班找到你的好朋友,先自我介绍然后再把你的朋友,先自我介绍然后再把你的好朋友介绍给老师和同学。好朋友介绍给老师和同学。What we learned in this lesson?1.Whats your name? My name is Tom2.Where are you from? Im from Beijing3.How old are you? Im thirteen years old.4.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.Homework假设你叫李雷,写六句话假设你叫李雷,写六句话介绍一下你的朋友刘明。介绍一下你的朋友刘明。


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