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阳安中学2013-2014学年度第二学期半期考试试卷 科目: 英语 命题人:杨慧 审题人:段英 做题人:徐琼本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I卷 (选择题 共110分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15. B. 9.15. C. 9.18 . 答案是B。1. What will Dorothy do on the weekend? A. Go out with her friend B. Work on her paper C. Make some plans2. What was the normal price of the T-shirt? A. $15 B. $30 C. $503. What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To attend a wedding B. To visit an exhibition C. To meet a friend .4. When does the bank close on Saturday?A. At 1:00 pm B. At 3:00 pm C. At 4:00 pm5. Where are the speakers?A. In a store B. In a classroom C. At a hotel第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前后,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6. What do we know about Nora?A. She prefers a room of her own B. She likes to work with other girlsC. She lives near the city center.7. What is good about the flat?A. It has a large sitting room B. It has good furniture C. It has a big kitchen 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. Where has Barbara been?A. Milan. B. Florence C. Rome.9 What has Barbara got in her suitcase?A. Shoes B. Stones C. Books听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. Who is making the telephone call?A. Thomas Brothers B. Mike Landon C. Jack Cooper11. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?A. His wife B. His boss C. His secretary12. What is the message about?A. A meeting B. A visit to France C. The date for a trip听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. Who could the man speaker most probably be?A. A person who saw the accident B. The driver of the lorry C. A police officer14. What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?A. Walking along Churchill Avenue B. Getting ready to cross the road C. Standing outside a bank15. When did the accident happen?A. At about 8:00 am B. At about 9:00 am C. At about 10:00 am16. How did the accident happen?A. A lorry hit a car B. A car ran into a lorry C. A bank clerk rushed into the street.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the talk mainly about?A. The history of the hotel B. The courses for the term C. The plan for the day18. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?A. In the school hall B. In the science labs C. In the classrooms19. What can students do in the practical areas?A. Take science courses B. Enjoy excellent meals C. Attend workshops20. When are the visitors expected to ask questions?A. During the lunch hour B. After the welcome speech C. Before the tour of the labs第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项选择(共10个小题,每小题1分,满分10分)21. The postman wanted to know how to get to_ Toms,but there isnt _ Tom in our neighborhood. A. the; a B.the; / C./; / D.the; the 22. I was very glad to know that our first aircraft carrier(航母)had come into use and I had never felt _ in my life. A.most exciting B. most excited C.more exciting D.more excited23. My parents, both of _like music very much, have worked in Chongqing since they graduated from college. A.them B. which C.those D. Whom24 She came to Beijing on April 28, _ May Days concert in the Birds Nest.A. to expect B. expecting C.expected D. expect25. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,_ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. A.which B. Where C.who D.that26. -You shouldnt have treated me that way. My heart is broken. -Im sorry,Paul. I dint mean _you. A.hurting B.to hurt C.hurt D.having hurt 27. It was not until I came here_ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather. A.who B.that C. where D.before28. I happened to see a new-born baby elephant in the zoo and to my surprise, it was only about half an hour _ it could walk. A.when B. after C.since D.before29. _ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. A.Being bitten B.Having bitten C.To be bitten D.Having been bitten30.- I am nervous about my driving test. -_. Keep calm and youll pass it. A.Its up to you. B. Its a deal. C. Take your time D.Take it easy第二节:完形填空(共20个小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 April Harper is bringing up her four children just like any other mother- despite having no hands. She brushes their hair,_31_ tea and cooks their meals. She can do almost _32_ for her children with her two metal grips (抓手) for hands, which work as well as a pair of _33_hands. But she has been called bad names over the years, like Captain Hook, by _34_ strangers who dont know of her battle to be a normal loving _35_. She said, “ It does _36_ my feelings but I wont let them ruin my _37_. Ive got four beautiful children and when I see them smile thats all that _38_”. At the age of 11 April suffered from a cancer, which spread to her bones. Doctors tried drugs, but they didnt _39_. Finally she had no choice but to have her hands _40_. However, the disease didnt stop April from finding _41_. She married her husband, Steward. “Steward has never considered me _42_. He loved me for who I was.” she says. April was told by the _43_ that the chemical treatment could _44_ her from giving birth to a child, but a _45_ examination then discovered she was pregnant (怀孕的). In 1998, her first child was _46_ and then went on to have four. Her children are now leading a normal _47_ at the family home in Old Colwyn, Colwyn Bay. She said, “Its amazing how people treat you so differently when you are _48_. I am exactly the same on the inside. My metal hands are part of who I am. They _49_ have fingers so I can tap way on a keyboard. I have had so much taken away from me but I feel so lucky. I may have lost my hands but Ive been _50_ with my wonderful family.” ( )31. A.drinks B. makes C.produces D.tastes ( ) 32. A. anything B. something C.nothing D. Everything ( ) 33. A.normal B.special C.pretty D.young ( ) 34.A.kind B.friendly C. Cruel D. Humorous ( ) 35. A .driver B.patient C. woman D.mother ( ) 36. A.hurt B.cheat C. Show D.hide ( ) 37.A.happiness B.sadness C. kindness D.illness ( ) 38. A. happens B. matters C. appears D.lies ( ) 39.A.do B. act C. work D. move ( ) 40.A .replaced B. repaired C. rejoined D. removed ( ) 41. A.cure B.love C. Advice D. news ( ) 42.A. different B. clever C. wrong D. dishonest ( )43. A. husband B. doctor C. stranger D. teacher ( ) 44. A. protect B.separate C. prevent D.encourage ( ) 45. A. Chemical B.mechanical C. musical D. physical ( ) 46. A. born B. treated C. injured D . killed ( ) 47. A.way B. life C. style D. habit ( )48. A.frightened B.married C. disabled D. hurt ( ) 49.A.even B. never C. ever D. always ( ) 50. A.come up with B.got along with C. give in to D. made up for 第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AMy name is Toby. Im eighty-three years old now. I once knew the greatest man in England. William Shakespeare was his name. I first met William near a big field of apple trees in the town named Stratford in October, 1579. He told me he was 15 years old. He was two years older than me. He had a sister, Joan, and two younger brothers, Gilbert and Richard. And the next year he had another brother, Edmund. After Williams parents died, he and his sister lived with his mothers brother. I became his friend from that day until he died. We met nearly every day. We were friends for thirty years.I once worked with him in the theatre, through the good times and the bad times. William was good at acting. He could make all kinds of people pleased. By 1592, he became very famous. He was always busy day and night. I dont know when he slept. He not only acted in plays, but also wrote his own plays. In his whole life, William wrote 37 plays in all. He was the best playwright in England.He wrote a play about love in 1595. It was Romeo and Juliet. He once used my name, Toby, in his playTwelfth Night. In this play, Sir Toby Belch was a big fat man, who liked drinking too much and having a good time. Queen Elizabeth the First watched this play on the 6th of January, 1601. She liked it.William Shakespeare is dead now, of course. He has been dead for more than thirty years. Theres no singing, no dancing, no plays. It isnt like that in my young days. But I can still thinkand remember when William and I were young, we had a good time in London, William and I51. Toby and William first met in _. A. 1601B. 1595C.1592D. 157952. Who was Williams youngest brother? A. GilbertB. EdmundC. RichardD. Joan53. In the second paragraph, the underlined word “playwright” means “a person who _”. A. writes playsB. performs in plays C. watches playsD. works in a theatre54. Romeo and Juliet is a play about _. A. warB. peaceC. loveD. friendship BWild animals are our friends, but many of them are getting fewer and fewer. We should try to protect them. The four animals below are now in danger.Tibetan AntelopesTibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) are medium-sized animals. They mainly feed on grass. They are usually found in groups of about 20. They are killed for their wool, which is warm, soft and fine and can be made into expensive clothes. Although people can get the wool without killing the animals, people simply kill them before taking the wool. The number of them is dropping year by year. There are less than 75,000 Tibetan antelopes left in the world, down from a million 50 years ago.Golden Monkeys Golden monkeys are mainly found in Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi provinces and Shengnongjia mountainous area of Hubei Province. Golden monkeys have golden-orange fur. They move around in the daytime, usually in groups of as many as 100 to 200 heads, or 20 to 30 heads. They feed on fruits and young leaves of bamboos. But people are destroying the environment where they live. Trees and bamboos are disappearing, so golden monkeys have less and less to eat.ElephantsElephants are very big and strong. They are bigger than any other animals on land. They are grey and have long trunks and tusks. They have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell. They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks. Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbors. Normally, they live in a group for many years. Young male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 years old. Now, there are very few elephants in the world. The number of them is becoming smaller and smaller because their living areas are used for farming. Also, people hunt them for their tusks.WolvesWolves are not very big. They have gray fur. Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. Wolves food is various. They eat animals, insects and snails. They are friendly to each other and never attack people. They do not kill for fun. Wolves are in danger, too. They are losing their living areas because people cut down forests. Soon they will have no home or food.55. Tibetan antelopes usually live in groups of about _. A. 20B. 30C. 100D. 20056. Which of the following animals are the biggest on land? A. Tibetan antelopes.B. Golden monkeys.C. Elephants.D. Wolves57. Which of the following sentences is right? A. There are less than 7,500 Tibetan antelopes left in the world now. B. Golden monkeys usually move around during the night. C. Elephants have good eyesight, but very poor hearing and smell. D. Wolves are friendly to each other and they never attack people.58. What can be the best title of the passage? A. Wild animals in danger B. How to hunt wild animals C. Animals in the zoo D. How to train the animals C This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He was different from other dogs because he was born with only two legs. The poor dog of course could not walk and even his mother Sarah did not want him. His first owner Michael Johnson also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of killing him. But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. She decided to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself. She called him “Faith”. In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard (滑板) to let him feel the movement Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure (诱惑) and reward for him for standing up and jumping around. Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, after only six months, Faith learned to balance on his legs and jump to move forward. After further training in this snow, he could now walk like a person. Faith loves to walk around now. Wherever he goes, he attracts peoples attention. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows. A book named With a Little Faith is now being published about him. He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies. Jude Stringfellow, his present owner, has stopped working and plans to take him around the world to tell people “that even without a perfect body, one can have a strong will (意志)”. Faith is a good example of the strong will and wonder of life. In life there are always unpleasant things. So, in order to feel better, you just need to look at life from another direction. I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.59. Faith is different from other dogs because _. A. he doesnt have a tailB. he has only two legs C. he was born on Christmas DayD. his mother loves him best60. Faiths present owner is _. A. SarahB. Michael Johnson C. Harry Potter D. Jude Stringfellow61. Which of the following is the correct order for Faith to learn to walk around like a person? jump to move forward train in the snow feel the movement on a surfboard balance on his legs use peanut butter on a spoon as a reward A. B. C. D. 62. What can we learn from the passage? A. Faiths mother can walk with two legs like a person. B. If we dont have a perfect body, we cant be successful. C. When we meet with difficulties, we should never give up. D. When we have difficulties, we should wait for others help.DFrank Woolworth was born in Rodman, New York, in 1852. His family were very poor farmers, and there was never enough food to eat. Frank decided he did not want to be farmer. He took a short business course, and went to work as a salesman in a large city.Woolworth realized he had a natural skill for displaying goods to attract peoples interest, but he soon learned something more important. One day his boss told him to sell some odds and ends (零碎的东西) for as much as he could get. Frank put all these things on one table with a sign which said FIVE CENTS EACH. People fought and pushed to buy the things and the table was soon cleared.Soon afterwards, Woolworth opened his own store, selling goods at five and ten cents. But he had another lesson to learn before he became successful. That is, if you want to make money by selling low-price goods, you have to buy them in large quantities directly from the factories. Once, for example, Woolworth went to Germany and placed an order for knives. The order was so large that the factory had to keep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this way, the price of the knives was cut down by half.By 1919, Woolworth had over 1,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada, and opened his first store in London. He made many millions and his name became famous throughout the world. He always ran his business according to strict rules, of which the most important was: THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. 63. Frank took a short business course in order to _. A. earn more money for his family B. learn something from a salesman C. get away from the farm D. get enough to eat.64. Frank sold the odds and ends quickly because _. A. he knew how to get people to buy his goodsB. he cut down the price by halfC. he had put the goods on a table in a very nice wayD. the sign he put on the table was well designed65. The price of the knives was cut down by half because _. A. the factory workers worked 24 hours a day B. knives were ordered in large quantities directly from the factory C. the knives were made in Germany, where labor was cheap D. the knives were produced in one factory66. _made Woolworth a world-famous man. A. His business skills and his wealth B. The low price of the goods he sold C. His trip to Germany and his huge order of knives D. His natural skill for displaying goods EIn todays throw-away society, dealing with the citys growing mountain of waste is an increasing challenge for the city council(市议会).Recently, Edinburgh is faced with the problem of disposing of(处理)about 250,000 million tons of waste a year. Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner largely through encouraging recycling its aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.The European Union (EU) has issued a new policy, regulating(规定) how such mountains of waste are to be disposed of. The five councils ( Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian, Midlothian and Borders ) face fines around 18 million a year from 2013 if they dont increase recycling levels and depend less on landfill. With this in mind, the councils go


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