Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks

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瑞安市新纪元实验学校三学循环导学案学科: 英语 课题 Unit2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. SectionA2 授课教师 学习水平知识目标细化识记领悟运用分析综合评价目标一1.巩固及熟练掌握以下词汇与句型: clean up. Volunteer, give out, cheer up, come up with, put off, sign , notice ,give up, help out with, lonely2.she volunteers to help kids learn to read.3.you could help to clean up the city parks.Im making some signs to put up around the school.目标二1进一步掌握和巩固could用于提建议的用法,。2能够巩固并且在对话中准确使用其他提建议的句式。3. 能够对动词不定式有准确的了解目标三能对志愿者工作有一个深入的理解,并且能够就自己和他人的水平对志愿者工作实行提建议,如如何实行宣传等。导 学 过 程 设 计课前自学I . Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box.Put up hand out call up cheer up come up with give out put off1. I want to _my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. Im too busy with my studies this year.2. she hopes to _at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs. 3. our class is trying to _some ideas to _sick children because they are often sad.4. we decided to _signs around the school and _notices to tell students about the book sale. We will _the money from the sale to homeless people.II.自主预习课本P-10-2d and p-11-3a.先读懂文本意思,划出重点词组和句型。背诵其中一篇课中三学1. 自学完成2d阅读,并回答问题;1). What are the plans for?2). What did Tom do last summer in the old peoples house?2. 议学小组合作并划出本部分的重点词组和句型,相互帮助分角色背诵本课文3. 阅读3a并回答问题1) why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others?2)what do they say about volunteering?3)use the information to complete the sentences below.Mario would like _an animal doctor.Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _about how _for animals. Mary decided _for a job at an after-school reading peogram last year. She still _works there now_kids learn to read.Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves_.4. 悟学What can you learn from the above about the infinitives .学生通过小组讨论熟悉动词不定式的用法并且做一定的总结归纳。.课后巩固延伸I 单选1. many social workers went to Yaan to help _clean water and food to local people.A put out Bcome out C work out D give out 2. my aunt goes to climb the mountains every Sunday. Oh? But she _hate climbing the mountains.A used to Bwas used to C is used to D use to3. lucy is sad because of the death of her dog. Lets do something to _.Acheer her up Bcheer up her C cheer up she D cheer she up4. what are you doing, Gramma?Im _your bedroom.A giving up Bcleaning up Cputting up D putting off 完成P12 4b-4c新课 标第 一 网


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