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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级英语单元检测题(一)Unit 1 Will people have robots?题号 总分得分.听力部分(20分)A)听对话及问题,选择正确答案。( )1.A. It will be more beautiful. B. It will be more crowded. C. It will be richer and stronger.( )2.A. In 1988. B. In 1990. C. In 1992.( )3.A. In the book shop. B. In the clothing shop. C. In the library.( )4.A.Tony. B. Kevin. C. Dave.( )5.A.Friendly. B. Unfriendly. C. Kind.B)听长对话及问题, 选择正确答案。( )6. A. Bills father. B. Bill. C. Bill and his father.( )7.A. Because they like making things. B. Because they want to help Bills mother. C. Because it can help Bill do homework.( )8.A. Hes a teacher. B. Hes a writer. C. Hes an engineer. ( )9. A. To do housework. B. Just to do the laundry. C. To cook. ( )10.A. Two years. B. One year. C. Three years.C)听短文,然后根据短文内容完成下面表格的填写。The subject Zhang Mei majors in11._The job she will do12.A _The place she will live in13._The kind of dogs she will keep14._What will she do when she has long vacations?15._.单项选择(10分)( )1.There _ more students in our school next term. A. will have B. is going to have C. will be D. is( )2.Youre a little heavy. You should eat _ meat. A. few B. little C. fewer D. less( )3.These magazines are _. You neednt pay money for them. A. free B. cheap C. expensive D. important( )4.-When will your father come back?-_ a week. A. After B. For C. At D. In( )5.Manuel always talks _ but does _. So everyone likes him. A. few, little B. little, much C. less, more D. more, less( )6.It _ them a year to build the tall building. A. used B. spent C. took D. found( )7.He is _good teacher. We all like him. A. a such B. such a C. so a D. so( )8.Changjiang River is one of _ in the world. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest( )9.Jim _ in the library. I saw him there just now. A. maybe B. may be C. can D. might is( )10.You have a dictionary, too. Why dont you use _? A. yours own B. your owns C. your own D. you own( )11.She likes in the same color _ I do. A. like B. with C. and D. as ( )12.He fell _ love _ the city when he came here for the first time. A. in, to B. in, with C. for, of D. to, with( )13.His sister is too young to _ herself. A. dress B. wear C. put on D. have( )14.-Do you think its easy to _fish? -No. You have to know how to feed them, change the water and so on. A. buy B. look for C. keep D. find( )15._ people lost their lives in the earthquake. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundred of.根据句意,用适当的词填空。 (5分) 1.Does the old man live with anybody? -No, he lives _. 2.He wasnt _ to pass the exam, so he felt very sad. 3.It was an _ trip. We didnt have any fun. 4.It may not seem possible now, but who knows what will _ in the future. 5.Dont worry about me, Mum. Im old enough to look after _.补全对话(10分) Alan: Hey! You are all here. _ you doing? Ben: We are discussing what the world _ in fifty years. Alan: Whats your prediction, Peter? Peter: I think we will study at home _computers. We dont _ go to school. Well also have long vacations. Alan: _ do you think well _ our vacations? Peter: On the moon. Alan: Sounds interesting! _ you, Ben? Ben: I think there _ less pollution because well plant _ trees. Alan: I think people will live to be_ than we are now.句子翻译 (10分) 1.我确信你的梦想会实现的。 _. 2.你经常帮助父母做家务吗? _? 3.将来有的空闲时间会更少。 _. 4.哪个国家会赢得下届世界杯? _? 5.她昨天没有去滑冰。 _. 完形填空 (10分) Today more and more families have their own computers. Parents buy computers 1 their children. They 2 computers can help them improve their studies in school. However, many of their children 3 computers to play games, to watch videos 4 to sing karaoke instead of(而不是) studying. So many teachers and parents complain(抱怨) that computers can not help children study _5_ make them fall behind. So computers are put away _6_ parents. In 7 countries, even some scientists also 8 computers. They say computers let many people 9 their jobs or 10 them a lot of trouble(麻烦).( )1.A.to B. on C. with D. for( )2.A.hope B. want C. thinks D. let( )3.A.make B. get C. use D. have( )4.A.and B. or C. but D. so( )5.A.and B. or C. but D. so( )6.A.for B. by C. with D. in( )7.A.other some B. some else C. else some D. some other( )8.A.like B. want C. hate D. buy( )9.A.to lose B. lose C. have D. to have( )10.A.take B. get C. bring D. find.阅读理解(20分)(A)Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone somewhere in the world without a stamp on it? Using a computer you can send e-mails quickly and easily. The post is much slower than e-mail. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world in seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it saves time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not matter when sending e-mail. Its twenty-four-hour service that you can send e-mail at any time of the day or night. No one has to be there to get e-mail. It does not matter if your friends are in beds when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a movie at the movie theater when they send e-mail back. ( )1.We can use a _ to send e-mail. A. robot B. video C. computer D. letter( )2.E-mail is _ the post. A. faster than B. as fast as C. much slower than D. not so fast as( )3.It takes_ to send e-mail to the other side of the world. A. minutes B. seconds C. seven days D. hours( )4.You can send e-mail at any time_. A. in the daytime B. at night C. on weekends D. of the day or night ( )5._ send e-mail to your friends when they are sleeping. A. You cant B. you must C. You can D. You shouldnt(B)You will see a new doctor at a hospital near London if you go there. Hes very clever, but he never speaks and has not been to a medical school. He can work 24 hours and never gets tired. Hes one meter tall and has a face like a TV screen. Hes Dr Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patients many questions. Busy doctors usually ask each patient a few questions. But Dr Robot can ask a patient questions for an hour if it is necessary. With the help of Dr Robot, a human doctor can have a lot of information when he meets his patient. How can Dr Robot do this? A computer “tells” him what to do. Dr Robot can do lots of things people can do, though he cannot completely (完全) take the place of human doctors.6.In which country does Dr Robot work? _.7.What does Dr Robot look like? _. 8.Does Dr Robot need any rest? _. 9.What help can a human doctor get from Dr Robot when he meets his patient? _. 10.What does the phrase “take the place of” mean in Chinese? _.书面表达 (10分) 每个人都有自己的理想和追求。你的未来理想是什么?你想从事什么职业?你对你的生活设想又是什么?你想怎样实现你的理想呢?请用5060词把你的想法写出来。八年级英语检测题参考答案及听力材料(一). A) CCCBB B) CBCAA C)11. Chinese 12. reporter 13. Beijing 14. a small white dog 15. Shell take her parents to travel around the world. CDADB CBDBC DBACC. alone able unpleasant happen myself. What are, will be like, on, have to, Where, spend/have, How/What about, will be, more, olderV. 1.Im sure your dream will come true 2. Do you often help your parents with housework3. There will be less free time in the future 4.Which country will win the next World Cup 5.She didnt go skating yesterday. DACBC BDCBC. A) CABDCB) 6.England/The UK 7.Hes one meter tall and has a face like a TV screen8.No, he doesnot 9.He or she can have a lot of information 10.代替/取代.略A) 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。1.M: What do you think China will be like in twenty years, Jenny?W: I think it will be richer and stronger. What about you, Nick?M: There will be more people in China. Q: Whats the womans prediction about China?2.M: When was Mary born? W: She was born in 1990. What about Jim? M: Jim is two years younger than Mary. Q: When was Jim born? 3. W: What can I do for you? M: I want to borrow some new books. W: They are over there. M: Thank you. Q: Where are they now? 4.W: Could I use your bike, Tony? I want to go shopping.M: Sorry, my bike is broken.W: It doesnt matter. I can ask Kevin for help. He has one.Q: Who is the woman going to borrow a bike from? 5.M: Did you go to meet Lisas parents last Sunday?W: Yes.M: Were they friendly to you?W: No, they werent.Q: How were Lisas parents to him?B) )听长对话及问题, 选择正确答案。W: What are you doing, Bill? M: Im making a robot with my father. W: Why are you doing that? M: Because I want to make a robot to help my mother. My mother is always too busy and tired. Every day she has to go to work and also do houseworkW: Do you know how to make a robot? M: No. But my father is a robot engineer. He knows a lot about making robots. He is helping me do it. W: What do you think the robot will do?M: I think it will be able to clean the rooms, do the laundry and so on. Then my mother will have enough time to relax. W: How long will it take you to finish the robot? M: It will take two years. W: I hope to see your own robot soon. M: Sure. Qs:. Who is making a robot? . Why are they making a robot? . What does Bills father do? .What does he think the robot will help his mother to do? 10. How long will it take them to finish the robot?C) 根据所听短文内容在空白处填入一个适当的词。Hello. My name is Zhang Mei. Im a college student now. I major in Chinese. I will find a job as a reporter when I leave college. I like traveling, and as a reporter I will be able to travel to many places. I will live with my parents in Beijing. I like dogs, especially the kind of small white dogs. I will keep one dog of this kind. I love cars, and I will have a car of my own. When I have long vacations, Ill take my parents to travel around the world.星沙英语网专心-专注-专业


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