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2021国家开放大学电大本科管理英语4期末试题及答案(试卷号:1389)一、交除用(共计I。分,每小通2分)1-5:选择正的现句完成下列引话.并将答宴序号写在答低上.L Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?A. PH do that.B. 1 think soC Id love to.2. How did your meeting go ycstrnhty?actually it was really frustrating.A Not so goodB. Very goodC Nothing spccinl3. I think things have been a bit difficult (or u the last couple of months Wcfve been working hard* but still getting behinctA. YmTre rightB Pm afraid.C. I donft think so.4. Will you help me Arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown# please?A. No. no way.R No. 1 can1!.C Sorry 1 cant. I have to Gnish my project right now Youd better not push youraelf too hunt You can ak the team and liMemA. You nre right-B- Not we can ft do thotC ! think it will kill our time.二、现汇与堵构供计30分,每小麟2分)6-20也网读下面的句礼从ABC三个g中选出-个能填入空白处的正确逸项,并将答室序号耳在答雄纸上6. AT6 T found thflt employees with better phnning ond decisionmaking skills were to br promoted Into fnanngrmtiiit johAi more likely队 morr likeC niorr unlikelyZ mMnitRtr Bpeiul moM ol their time in lure tu face contart with uihrrna but they spend much of it ohtntninK und hnring inforinwtiorhA, Not onlyB. l)t)not onlyC Not only do8. his nngrr. thr rmployrrft CAllcd hi tn Mr. Thunder buth,y loved him.A BecaucH. In tpit of( Dur to9. dcurly cornnmniCAlr with ami activrly Ihtm to tmplnyc ia cnsctitlAl iu improve ihdr pcrfonnunce.A. Ik able to氏 Heing Able(5. Hemg blr toIIX I lirllrvr thni I hiivr lot to conttibuk Icnni rnvironmentt mid imcomforublr in hoih Iradrrnhip wrul pUycr rok.A toFt withG lor11 (vtini|urrdEfighnh Chincne K gcncmlly brlicvcd to br more mull iolearnA. withK from(:.againfitI2. thr importancr of En/ih we hou!d put more effort into it and try co learn it wcILA Gave11 GivingC Given13. un the hilltopi you could cn)oy thi nrcncry of the city bnthed in the suilA StnndinicK Si a ndC. Stgd14. There m no the het thni he in the best mudrnl in the cIaxkA denyK deniesC clrnying15. Her doirc for the of a bvnutiiul tciwn rrniainud.:A thousaticltt of people have(o be.A* 建切感H repeatedC reopenH18. Good work good pay.A doAervesa requests *C deserts19. At a rough we will lake another four weeks to fininh this pUnA valuea C5timauG account2。. Even the beat continually xeek ways totheir skills”harpH. shftrpcnerCe shftrprn三q读理解(共计40分,每小姻4分)21-25购:闻读短文,从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个正答案,井将答案序号弟在答题纸上If iheres one word fhnt captures the essence ol what is occurring in the world todays it9s change. Downsizing reorganizing and cutting cosits arc now the norm for survival. No industry ia t?xeEpL Even the most conservative institutions are underftaing signifioint change just to survive.Change mArugement has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars: how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change procesx? And what can employrvs do to get through it?Tips for dealing with change in the workplace. Make yourself aware that change happensi it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional Iife You cannot live in the past, so denying that change could occur only mnkes things more complicated for you Stay alert in the workplace: know what is happening around yon. When you come acrotis clues that hint chanfte is on the wayt acknowledge them! Maintain open comTnunieafion ehnnneis: Dont lay back and expect things to pass you by smoothly. You need to et acquainted with the occurnng changes. Seek more dcUih from your management and peers to form an accurate understftneiing of the mutter. Be transparent and honest about your fcarjt deftling with the unknown is often resented and daunting. Make the piclum as clear as you can. Assess yourself: Change is n time when one * s confidence about onef s skills nnd capabilities gets shaky. Recognixc your strengths and where you could bring them into piny-At the same time, stay aware of your developmental areas and work on improving mog Don* t be stiffr exempted23. The (olluwanM qurfitionn Arc nftrn dhruiMrd Amann JurhoMz EXCEPT.A How can bm心 crrie favombk conditions (or 血叫。How cun prcMluctiviiy be increnurd( Whiii enn workers da Ui Ret Through chun好21. How many uHgrstionM docs the author put forward?A. 4B. 5C. fi25. Krom the pujunRj we know thnt Robin SharmA m.A nn eApert on IcuderMhipe nnd personal siucce”It a lenderC. wnmeone who like% to play the raev of Hide nnl Seek26-捎#;靖根第短文内舀判晰岭出的阔句是否正正奥的的写“F”,并将答案 府在答n帐上.P岫好2IE no rcrc that good lemlern in also good cnmrnunicuturi. Indeed ruinrnunkntinn aihJ Iraiitrthip Mfr in(xtricubiy tiriL IFtiw can you Knlvnnitc* inupirr nr &uida orhertt if you Mind the do I ruaf is the bedrock of cffcclivc IradcrMhip your beh/ivior yui Me grcutrit nwdr ol cotmmunicAtion istid it muNt be cungrurnf with whnt ym iy. If your nctiona dmft ahin with your worth you arc storing up trouble for the future2)M.ikr the complex simplr. ElftiCtivc lenders diMtill complrx thought* and Atrnlcgirn into simple, mernorMbk termn thm 心 nnd custornrrn can grasp and act upon. The mom important thing 帽 tn ul/irify whnt you want to Miy. look out (or tcrhnknl jnrKtin und void l)uineswhich ndd complexity, Sy what you nir/m in ii lew wnrdhpossible.(3Vint yaur own voic.m? ImguiiRe that distinctly your awn about letting your key t&keholders get feel for who you are and wha others may be reluctant to express their red! opinion* to you dirrctlye You won * t always tfet direct feedback* 1O you need to alo be alilr lo raid between the lme and look for the non verbei cues.26. Communication and Iradrrwhip dont always go hand tn h,nd.27. The say do gap hnppen* when people miundermand their leadcrs intentione2& Using technical jargon make* a Icodcr convincing.29. Communicating sincerely is alway thr best.30 Observation is ar imporUnt aa communioitian when you want to know what people really think.四邳作(找20分)31.-椎部号作要求有出一作文.Write at 100 words about an event based on the followtn tnformAtion. You may need the SWi and 1H eiements- ( /who/when? where why/ what and how)Titanic31 My 1911She w” hunchedThe large#: iihip afloiivi with a 只rom tonrmge of 46 328 ton10 April 1912maiden voyagefrom Southamptpn to New Yorkat 11 e40 p. nu on Sunday 14 12hit an iceberg i badly damaged2227 pasengeni and crew an bcuird” 2i2O d m an Monday 15 April 1912sank1522 were drowned i705 escapedAt dawn on 15Some of the survivorsThe Cunard liner Carpathia heard theApril 1912weir picked upwircles diafrcs calls试题答案及评分标准一, 交际用增(共计10分,每小鹿2分)15囊;选得正确的语句完成下列对话并将答案序号彩在答IB纸上.I. B2. A3. A4. C5 A二、谢汇与益构(共计30分,每小H 2分)6-2。聊:08波下面的句于.从A.H三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的正确逸项,井将答案摩号可在答题蛾上6. A9.C10. AIl A12. C13. A14. C16. B17. A 1. A mH 20 C三、阅读炽解(共m分.每小IB 4分)21 25M;tBWA.从A.H,(三个选琐中也出一个正答猥,弁代答案停号葛在答BI蛾上.2L C 22. A 23. H 24. C 25. A2d-3OH:tW*M文内WMBitt出的曜句是否正编,正确的WTMiW的耳“F。并将答案 珊在26. F27. F2& F 29. T 30. T四, 耳作(共20分)31.楸据片作JF求.町山一剧作文.Wrhc m leot 100 wordM nbout nn event bated on the following information. You may nrvd the 5Wti and III element( /who/when/ where why/ what and how)Titanic31 May Wl)She wa hunchedThehipwith sroia tonnage ol 46328 tana10 April 1912nmiden woynffr(rnm Sn to Nrw Yorkt li i6 a m. on Sunday 14 AwiH!2hh nn iceberg i Ixidly inm”rd2227 pnBneriumi und crew an boardat 2146 m. on Moruhy )5 Ag I91XMnk1522 were drowned i706 eMmpcdAf iwn on 15Some a( the NurvivorwIhr Cunard liner Crpathui hcurd theApril 1912wrre picked upwireleii* tre eatlTitanic wm hunclicd nn 31 M 1911 nd Milcd nn hr *iya*r fnim Semthampion Io New Yorkt (vln Chrrhourg and Qirmiilmn9)fHi tO April HH2ngt 92 fed wMr. 8 deck* rlin Io I be height if an IH Morey balldlnx )Fr day* und teentren bnun after Iterbnpm Hl I! :4D p. m.onII Aprilt the till ” terbert aid wa* bmll, diinuiu Twu houni and tort minulrw htrr the tank. OF (he 2227 pawrngm nnl crewt 705 rwcMpnl in Iwmty lirrtMuatfe niuI nifK; including her niABlert Cuplain Edwant Smllb, Al dawn on 15 April Hit Cunnrd Hnrr Crpiillilw hMving hnird the ritanlc* wirrlrM dhtrm mlh SR ml let usiiy. rrhcd al the ccnr nd yn pkklng up tnrwhorK


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