冀教版(一起)五上Lesson 6 Who Is Thirstyppt课件

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uWhat would you like to drink?uWould you like _?teaa cup ofa bottle of watera bottle of popa glass of milkteasomesome watersome popsome milksome applessome orangesSome的用法:的用法:Some后可加后可加可数可数名词名词 的复数的复数不可数不可数名词名词Jenny would like a cup of tea .2.What would Danny like ?Danny would like some pop .3.What would Li Ming like ?Li Ming would like some tea.5.Why Jenny and Li Ming are slow ?Their tea is too hot to drink .Danny is quick.4.Is Danny quick or slow ?The car isfast . quick .The bicycle is slow .too.to :太:太.而不能而不能eg. He is too old to walk. The boy is too young to go to school.Yes, please.No, thanks .肯定回答否定回答1.Who is thirsty ?2.What would they like to drink ?a cup of _ a glass of _a bottle of_ ( C )A. drink B. to drink C. dinking (B)自自 主主 检检 测测2.火眼金睛来找错火眼金睛来找错1)( )Would you like some pops ? _AB2) ( ) Would you like a glass of tea ? _AB3) ()3) ( )Their tea is to hot to drink . _ABBpopBAcuptooBye bye !


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