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窗体顶端一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 What are your teammates like?_选择一项:A. They are all warmhearted and helpful.B. They all like sports and games.C. They are all good friends.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“如何评价人”的交际用语。根据第一说话人的询问“你的队友怎么样?”,可以确定这里是询问对他人的看法,所以答案是A。题目2未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 Could I borrow your iPad for a few hours?_选择一项:A. Yes, you can.B. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your time.C. It doesn't matter.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“征求允许”的交际用语。常用的答语一般有Sure/Of course/No problem等表示同意。根据第一说话人传递的信息,这是征求允许,所以答案是B。题目3未回答满分10.00标记题目题干Team members are _ as unique people with irreplaceable experiences, points of view, and knowledge to contribute.选择一项:A. treatedB. viewedC. known反馈你的回答不正确译文:团队成员被看成一群有不可取代的经验、观点和知识可以贡献出来的特殊人群。解析:从句子结构分析,viewed和known都能与as连用。treated 对待;be viewed/considered/regarded/seen as(被认为;被看成);be known as被称作的;以闻名的。根据句意“团队成员,与众不同的,独特的人群”,所以答案是B。题目4未回答满分10.00标记题目题干Regular and concrete feedback is important _ who is not performing up to her potential.选择一项:A. when to deal with a workerB. when dealing with a workerC. when dealt with a worker反馈你的回答不正确译文:在应对那些没充分发挥潜力的员工时,定时提供具体的反馈是很重要的。解析:在时间状语从句中,如果从句主语也是主句主语,则从句中可以省略主语和系动词,所以答案是B。题目5未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 How do you get your members to _ as a team?选择一项:A. pull apartB. pull upC. pull together反馈你的回答不正确译文:你如何把你的成员聚在一起,像一个团队一样齐心协力地合作?解析:短语put apart使分开;pull up(车)停下;(某人)把车停下;pull together齐心协力,通力合作。根据句意,应选择“齐心协力”,所以答案是C。题目6未回答满分50.00标记题目题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题(共50分)。A Teamwork GameA team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young, bright and enthusiastic team. However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn't share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team. As a result, she brought them all into the cafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stored away, and fun decorations and hundreds of different colored balloons had been placed around the room.In the center of the room was a big box of balloons that hadn't been blown up yet. The team leader instructed everybody to pick a balloon, blow it up, and write their name on it, but they had to be careful not to burst the balloon.Although they were given a second chance if their first balloon popped, they were out of the game the second time round. In the end, about 30 team members wrote their names without their balloons popping. They were then asked to leave the room and, after five minutes, the team leader brought them back in and asked them to find the balloon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room. After 15 minutes of searching, no one had found their balloon, and the team were told that they were then going to move on to the third round of the activity.In this round, each team member was instructed to find any balloon with a name on it and then give that balloon to the person whose name was on it. Within two minutes, everybody had their own balloon. The team leader summarized the activity thus: “We are much more efficient when we are willing to share with each other and much better at problem solving when we are working together, not individually.”Sometimes, members of teams create obstacles by focusing solely on their own pursuits and goals. Every member of the team should ask themselves on a regular basis what they are doing and what they can do for the team.操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. This team building event was aimed at 回答.  A. helping these young, bright and enthusiastic employees become more concentrated on their work  B. making the team members know how to share information or solutions and cooperate with each other   C. building up team morale2. This event was held in 回答.  A. a self-service restaurant  B. a coffee shop  C. a classroom3. About how many team members were out of the second round of the activity?回答  A. 30.  B. 35.  C. 5.4. Which statement below is correct?回答  A. In the second round, every one of the team had found their balloons after 15 minutes.  B. In the third round, the team members were asked them to find the balloon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room.  C. In the third round, everybody had their own balloon with help from others within 2 minutes.5. What was the event going to teach these employees?回答  A. Sharing and cooperating with other team members is more efficient when they are working together.  B. Focusing solely on employees' own pursuits is not allowed in workplace.  C. Failure of teamwork is caused by individual.反馈答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A解析:1. 这是一道主旨题。本题询问“本次团队建设活动的意义何在”。从文章第一段的However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn't share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team可知,这些员工主要的问题是太以自我为中心,忽视了团队合作,不擅长于与他人分享,所以选B。2. 这是一道词义辨析题。主要考察学生对于词汇“cafeteria”的理解与掌握,“cafeteria”的意思是“a restaurant, often in a factory, college etc, where you choose from foods that have already been cooked and carry your own food to a table”,与中文的“自助餐厅”意思相近,所以选A。3. 这是一道细节题。本题询问“有多少名团员没有能参加第二轮的游戏”。此题信息对应文章的第二段,Although they were given a second chance if their first balloon popped, they were out of the game the second time round. In the end, about 30 team members wrote their names without their balloons popping,只有大约30名成员的气球没有爆炸,其他5名的气球已经爆炸的没能进入下一轮游戏,所以选C。4. 这是一道细节题。本题询问“以下哪一个描述是正确的”。选项A对应文章第二段提到After 15 minutes of searching, no one had found their balloon,所以A不对;选项B对应文章第三段In this round, each team member was instructed to find any balloon with a name on it and then give that balloon to the person whose name was on it,成员需要把找到的任意一个气球递给相应的人,所以B不对;选项C对应文章的第三段,Within two minutes, everybody had their own balloon,信息是正确的,所以选C。5. 这是一道归纳题。本题询问“本次活动要教会员工们什么”。活动主旨并不是禁止员工单打独斗,只关注于自身追求,或者把团队合作失败的原因推卸给个别成员,而是要让成员明白,作为团队,相互分享与配合的工作方式比一个人工作更有效率,所以选A。一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?_选择一项:A. No, no way.B. No, I can't.C. Sorry I can't. I have to finish my project right now.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“寻求帮助”的交际用语。拒绝他人请求帮助的答语通常有“I'm afraid/Sorry, /I'd be glad to, but”,所以答案是C。题目2未回答满分10.00标记题目题干_  I'd like to have this film developed.选择一项:A. What's it?B. May I help you?C. What do you want?反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“询问”的交际用语。根据答语“我想把胶卷冲洗出来”,可以推断对话发生在相馆,第一说话人肯定是服务人员。服务员看到顾客会主动询问“May/Can I help you?”“What can I do for you?”,所以答案是B。题目3未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 The team creates an environment _ people are comfortable in communicating, advocating positions, and taking action.选择一项:A. thatB. whichC. in which反馈你的回答不正确译文:一个团队能营造出一个舒服的环境,让大家沟通交流、表明立场和采取行动。解析:此句定语从句,根据句意,需要选择修饰先行词environment的关系副词,where/介词+ which,所以答案是C。题目4未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 I like to think _.  I am always the one finding new ways to a situation or challenge.选择一项:A. inside of the boxB. of the boxC. outside of the box反馈你的回答不正确译文:我喜欢跳出固有的思维模式,常常是打破现状、应对挑战发现新出路的那个人。解析:think outside of the box为固定搭配,暗喻“跳出固有思维模式;跳脱框架思考”,相同的表达还有thinking out of the box or thinking beyond the box,所以答案是C。题目5未回答满分10.00标记题目题干I believe that I have a lot to contribute _ a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles.选择一项:A. toB. withC. for反馈你的回答不正确译文:我相信我能为团队环境做很多贡献,把领导力和参与者角色平衡到一个恰当的点上。解析:动词contribute,意为“贡献,奉献”,后接介词to,所以答案是A。题目6未回答满分50.00标记题目题干阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。Tips for Team BuildingWhen you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work.I'm not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities in fact I lead them but they have to form part of a much larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by “retreating” as a group for a couple of days each year, instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day. Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team expends its energy on the project, not on trying to work out how to work together as a team to approach the problem. Hold department meetings to review projects and progress, to obtain broad input, and to coordinate shared work processes. If there is friction between team members, examine the work processes they mutually own the problem is not usually their personalities; instead, it is often the fact that the team members haven't agreed on how they will deliver a product or service, or the steps required to get something done. Build fun and shared occasions into the organization's agenda hold pot luck lunches, take the team to a sporting event, sponsor dinners at a local restaurant, go hiking or go to an amusement park. Hold a monthly company meeting, sponsor sports teams and encourage cheering team fans. Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings these help team members get to know each other, share details about each others lives, and have a laugh together. Celebrate team successes publicly. There are many ways you could do this, for instance by buying everyone the same T-shirt or hat, putting team member names in a draw for company merchandise and gift certificates. The only thing limiting you is your imagination.If you do the types of teamwork building listed above, you'll be amazed at the progress you will make in creating a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible together.操作提示:正确选T,错误选F。1. Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort.回答2. The author claims that playing games together is as important as form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes for team building.回答3. “Retreat” in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat.回答4. Ice breaking motivates team members compete with each other.回答5. A good teamwork culture enables individuals make more efforts together.回答反馈答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T解析:1. 这是一道细节题。本题询问传统团队建设活动是如何进行的。文章第一段指出When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way所以传统的团队建设就是玩游戏一类的活动,所以选T。2. 这是一道主旨题。根据文章内容作者认为玩游戏的作用不大,组织团队去解决工作中的实际问题,促进工作进程才是好办法,所以选F。3. 这是一道词义辨析。此题对应文章第一段的内容,retreat的原意是撤退,结合上下文的意思是休息寓所,所以选F。4. 这是一道细节题。文章第六段指出Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings these help team members get to know each other, share details about each other's lives, and have a laugh together,所以破冰活动的功能是让团员相互认识了解,增进感情,并不是激励他们相互竞争,所以选F。5. 这是一道理解题。文章第八段的a teamwork culture, a culture that enables individuals to contribute more than they ever thought possible together的意思就是好的团队文化能让个体聚在一起做出更多努力,与题目意思一致,所以选T。窗体顶端一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 I am sorry for what I have said to you._选择一项:A. No problem.B. I'm sure about that.C. Don't think any more about it.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“表达道歉”的交际用语。答语一般使用Never mind/ That's OK/ It can't be helped/ Don't think any more about it等句型表达原谅。根据第一说话人包含的信息,确定是道歉,所以答案是C。题目2未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?_选择一项:A. No, no way.B. No, I can't.C. Sorry I can't. I have to finish my project right now.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“寻求帮助”的交际用语。拒绝他人请求帮助的答语通常有“I'm afraid/Sorry, /I'd be glad to, but”,所以答案是C。题目3未回答满分10.00标记题目题干I have been very lucky to have had _ managers during my career so far.选择一项:A. terrificB. terribleC. terrifying反馈你的回答不正确译文:我很幸运在我目前的职业生涯里已拥有了很棒的经理。解析:此题为选择正确的词语。terrific极好的;terrible糟糕的;可怕的;低劣的;terrifying很可怕的。根据语境lucky,应选择词意“好的”,所以答案是A。题目4未回答满分10.00标记题目题干The majority of these team challenges _ anywhere.选择一项:A. can deliverB. are deliveredC. can be delivered反馈你的回答不正确译文:这些团队性的挑战绝大多数都是无处不在的。解析:情态动词can表示推测,be + 过去分词为被动语态。根据句意,所以答案是C。题目5未回答满分10.00标记题目题干If I take the time to talk with my manager at the beginning of a project, we _ off to a great start on the same page.选择一项:A. can getB. have gotC. get反馈你的回答不正确译文:如果我在项目开始时就花时间和我的经理交谈,我们就可以保持意见一致,有个良好的开头。解析:此句是由if引导的条件句,使用的时态为一般现在时,固定搭配on the same page,意为“意见一致”,所以答案是A。题目6未回答满分50.00标记题目题干二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题(共50分)。A Teamwork GameA team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young, bright and enthusiastic team. However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn't share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team. As a result, she brought them all into the cafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stored away, and fun decorations and hundreds of different colored balloons had been placed around the room.In the center of the room was a big box of balloons that hadn't been blown up yet. The team leader instructed everybody to pick a balloon, blow it up, and write their name on it, but they had to be careful not to burst the balloon.Although they were given a second chance if their first balloon popped, they were out of the game the second time round. In the end, about 30 team members wrote their names without their balloons popping. They were then asked to leave the room and, after five minutes, the team leader brought them back in and asked them to find the balloon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room. After 15 minutes of searching, no one had found their balloon, and the team were told that they were then going to move on to the third round of the activity.In this round, each team member was instructed to find any balloon with a name on it and then give that balloon to the person whose name was on it. Within two minutes, everybody had their own balloon. The team leader summarized the activity thus: “We are much more efficient when we are willing to share with each other and much better at problem solving when we are working together, not individually.”Sometimes, members of teams create obstacles by focusing solely on their own pursuits and goals. Every member of the team should ask themselves on a regular basis what they are doing and what they can do for the team.操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. This team building event was aimed at 回答.  A. helping these young, bright and enthusiastic employees become more concentrated on their work  B. making the team members know how to share information or solutions and cooperate with each other   C. building up team morale2. This event was held in 回答.  A. a self-service restaurant  B. a coffee shop  C. a classroom3. About how many team members were out of the second round of the activity?回答  A. 30.  B. 35.  C. 5.4. Which statement below is correct?回答  A. In the second round, every one of the team had found their balloons after 15 minutes.  B. In the third round, the team members were asked them to find the balloon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room.  C. In the third round, everybody had their own balloon with help from others within 2 minutes.5. What was the event going to teach these employees?回答  A. Sharing and cooperating with other team members is more efficient when they are working together.  B. Focusing solely on employees' own pursuits is not allowed in workplace.  C. Failure of teamwork is caused by individual.反馈答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A解析:1. 这是一道主旨题。本题询问“本次团队建设活动的意义何在”。从文章第一段的However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn't share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team可知,这些员工主要的问题是太以自我为中心,忽视了团队合作,不擅长于与他人分享,所以选B。2. 这是一道词义辨析题。主要考察学生对于词汇“cafeteria”的理解与掌握,“cafeteria”的意思是“a restaurant, often in a factory, college etc, where you choose from foods that have already been cooked and carry your own food to a table”,与中文的“自助餐厅”意思相近,所以选A。3. 这是一道细节题。本题询问“有多少名团员没有能参加第二轮的游戏”。此题信息对应文章的第二段,Although they were given a second chance if their first balloon popped, they were out of the game the second time round. In the end, about 30 team members wrote their names without their balloons popping,只有大约30名成员的气球没有爆炸,其他5名的气球已经爆炸的没能进入下一轮游戏,所以选C。4. 这是一道细节题。本题询问“以下哪一个描述是正确的”。选项A对应文章第二段提到After 15 minutes of searching, no one had found their balloon,所以A不对;选项B对应文章第三段In this round, each team member was instructed to find any balloon with a name on it and then give that balloon to the person whose name was on it,成员需要把找到的任意一个气球递给相应的人,所以B不对;选项C对应文章的第三段,Within two minutes, everybody had their own balloon,信息是正确的,所以选C。5. 这是一道归纳题。本题询问“本次活动要教会员工们什么”。活动主旨并不是禁止员工单打独斗,只关注于自身追求,或者把团队合作失败的原因推卸给个别成员,而是要让成员明白,作为团队,相互分享与配合的工作方式比一个人工作更有效率,所以选A。窗体顶端一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)题目1未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 I am sorry for what I have said to you._选择一项:A. No problem.B. I'm sure about that.C. Don't think any more about it.反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“表达道歉”的交际用语。答语一般使用Never mind/ That's OK/ It can't be helped/ Don't think any more about it等句型表达原谅。根据第一说话人包含的信息,确定是道歉,所以答案是C。题目2未回答满分10.00标记题目题干_  I'd like to have this film developed.选择一项:A. What's it?B. May I help you?C. What do you want?反馈你的回答不正确解析:本题考核“询问”的交际用语。根据答语“我想把胶卷冲洗出来”,可以推断对话发生在相馆,第一说话人肯定是服务人员。服务员看到顾客会主动询问“May/Can I help you?”“What can I do for you?”,所以答案是B。题目3未回答满分10.00标记题目题干 In high school, I am equally comfortable_as a member of a team and independently.选择一项:A. to workB. workingC. work反馈你的回答不正确译文:在高中,我既能作为团队一员舒心地工作,也能一个人自在地独立工作。解析:句中的be comfortable,后接名词或动名词,所以答案是B。题目4未回答满分10.00标记题目题干I have been very lucky to have had _ managers during my career so far.选择一项:A. terrificB. terribleC. terrifying反馈你的回答不正确译文:我很幸运在我目前的职业生涯里已拥有了很棒的经理。解析:此题为选择正确的词语。terrific极好的;terrible糟糕的;可怕的;低劣的;terrifying很可怕的。根据语境lucky,应选择词意“好的”,所以答案是A。题目5未回答满分10.00标记题目题干Team members are _ as unique people with irreplaceable experiences, points of view, and knowledge to contribute.选择一项:A. treatedB. viewedC. known反馈你的回答不正确译文:团队成员被看成一群有不可取代的经验、观点和知识可以贡献出来的特殊人群。解析:从句子结构分析,viewed和known都能与as连用。treated 对待;be viewed/considered/regarded/seen as(被认为;被看成);be known as被称作的;以闻名的。根据句意“团队成员,与众不同的,独特的人群”,所以答案是B。题目6未回答满分50.00标记题目题干阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。Tips for Team BuildingWhen you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resort playing games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team building in this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayed at the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back at work.I'm not averse to retreats, planning sessions, seminars and team building activities in fact I lead them but they have to form part of a much larger teamwork effort. You will not build teamwork by “retreating” as a group for a couple of days each year, instead you need to think of team building as something you do every single day. Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real work processes. Provide training in systematic methods so the team e


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