2020人教版高中英语同步练习:选修6 unit 5 period 1含答案

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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 5 The Power of nature Period 1 Warming Up,Prereading & Reading 课时精练(人教版选修6,课标通用)时间:45分钟.介、副词填空1We warmly waved _ the welcoming masses. 2I have an appointment _ them in the evening. 3The spaceship burned _ as it entered the earths atmosphere. 4He made his way _ the museum. 5I was _ the point _ going to your home to help you with your English when my uncle came. 6Well surely win victory one after another, _ the Party to lead us. 7She selected a skirt suitable _ the occasion. 8The temple was burnt _ the ground in the war.9You can see the mountains _ the distance. 10They appointed ten oclock _ the time for the conference. 答案1.to2.with3.up4.to5.on;of6.with7.for8.to9.in10.as.单词拼写1It is difficult to _ (评估)the damage to Japan because of the tsunami now. 2The wind made little _(涟漪) on the pond. 3Id love to be introduced to the man wearing a business _(西装). 4She has acting _(潜能), but she needs training. 5The president _ (任命)a new trade minister. 6After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of _(设备)was damaged. 7_(实际上), the aim of developing economy is to raise people s living standards. 8That interview was an _(完全) libel on the honest man.9The _(飓风)has a speed of 73 miles per hour.10These _ (火山) havent erupted for centuries. 答案1.evaluate2.waves3.suit4.potential5.appointed6.equipment7.Actually8.absolute9.hurricane10.volcanoes.翻译与仿写1. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I dont mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. 翻译_仿写她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。_2Having collected and evaluated the information,I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. 翻译_仿写他失败了两次,不想再试了。 _3I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day. 翻译_仿写我正要出门,这时我的一位老朋友来了。 _4The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them. 翻译_仿写向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。 _5I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance. 翻译_仿写这就是我们去年夏天住的旅馆。_答案1.虽然我的工作偶尔也有危险,但是我并不在乎,因为危险让我兴奋,使我感到有活力。 She kept on working although she was tired.2收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预 测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。 Having failed twice, he didnt want to try again. 3我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。 I was about to go out when an old friend of mine came.4另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是 第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。 The guide leading the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 5我赶紧跑出房间,来到后花园,在那儿我能远远地看见基拉韦厄火山。 Thats the hotel where we were staying last summer.语篇填词I was_1_as a volcanologist twenty years ago. Sometimes I have to use scientific_2_to do my job. I collect the information and_3_the information to help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. And the lava that flows slowly like a_4_down the mountains causes much damage. However,the_5_itself is really exciting to watch. I had ever seen one and it was an_6_fantastic sight. After the eruption, we had white protective_7_,_8_and special gloves to have a much closer look at it. It was very difficult,but we slowly_9_to the edge of the crater and looked down into the centre. Today, having studied volcanoes for many years,Im still amazed at their beauty and their_10_to cause great damage. 答案1. appointed2.equipment3.evaluate4.wave5.eruption6.absolutely7.suits8.helmets9.made our way10.potential .单项填空1Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business newspapers?If you made_most of the equipment,there would be_rise in production.A/;/ Bthe;/ Cthe;the Dthe;a答案B第一空用the,构成最高级,第二空rise为不可数名词,故前不用冠词。2What happened to the houses that used to be here?They_two years ago.Ahad been caught fireBwere on fireCwere burned to the groundDhad been burnt up答案C句意:原来在这儿的房子怎么了?两年前它们被烧毁了。be burned to the ground“被烧毁”,符合句意。catch fire着火,无被动式;be on fire失火,强调状态;be burnt up被烧毁。在答句中时间状语为two years ago,限制了时态为一般过去时,故排除D项。3The volcano_once again in 1946 after about one hundred and twenty years of silence.Aexploded Bburst Cerupted Dbroke答案C表示火山“爆发”,岩浆“喷出”要用erupt。explode和burst都有“爆炸”的意思;break表示“弄破,破碎”。4Before he started work,I asked the builder to give me an_of the cost of repairing the roof.Aestimate BvalueCannouncement Devaluation答案D句意:在他开工前,我请设计者为修理房顶估计一下成本。estimate vt.估计;value价值;announcement通知;evaluation n估计。故选D项。5How about eight oclock outside the cinema?That_me fine.Afits Bmeets Csatisfies Dsuits答案D考查动词词义辨析。fit多指“(大小、形状等)适合,吻合”;suit多指“合乎需要、口味、条件等”;meet,satisfy常表示“满足(需要),符合(要求)”。故选D项。6Mr.Wang has fallen ill,so we must_a new teacher to the mountain school to take his place.Aappreciate Bappoint Cassist Dapproach答案B句意:王先生生病了,因此我们必须重派一位新老师到山区学校代替他的位置。appoint“任命,委派”,符合句意。appreciate感激;assist辅助;approach临近。7We should report any incident,_.Ahowever serious or minor it is Bhow serious or minor is itCit is how serious or minor Dit is however serious or minor答案Ahowever 引导让步状语从句时的语序为“however形容词或副词主语谓语”。8Tom was about to close the window_his attention was caught by a bird.Awhen Bif Cand Dtill 答案A考查连词。句意:汤姆正要关上窗户,就在这时一只鸟引起了他的注意。在句式“be about to do when.”中,when作并列连词,相当于and at that time。故选 A项。9People who dont smoke have less_of suffering from lung disease than those who smoke.(2013武汉高二检测)Apotential Bcause Chope Dproblem 答案A考查名词辨析。句意:不吸烟的人比吸烟的人患肺病的可能性更小。 potential“可能性;潜力”;cause“理由”;hope“希望”;problem“问题”。由句意可知选A项。 10We often see people_their hands to say goodbye. Ashake Bquake Ctremble Dwave 答案Dwave ones hand挥手。 11The lab is equipped_a lot of modern equipment for medical experiments. Aby Bfrom Cwith Dto 答案C句意:实验室配备了许多现代化的医疗实验设备。equip.with.用装备 ,故选C项。 12Did you see the manager yesterday?No.Maybe I should have made an_with him in advance.Aannouncement BarrangementCagreement Dappointment答案Dmake an appointment with sb“与某人预约”,为固定词组。13They_their way towards the company as soon as they finished their breakfast.Alost Bput Cmade Dtook答案Cmake ones way(to.)(向某地)走(去)。句意:他们一吃完早餐就朝公司走去。14The 18 college students in Fudan University should_show their greatest respect to their heroZhang Ninghai instead of being cold and unfeeling.(2013荆州高二检测)Aabsolutely Bslightly Cfluently Dpainfully 答案A考查副词辨析。句意:复旦大学的那18个大学生完全应该表达对他们的英雄张宁海的最大的尊重,而不是冷淡无情。absolutely“完全地”;slightly“轻微地”; fluently“流利地”;painfully“痛苦地”。 故根据句意选A项。 15I am so glad I caught you at home.I need your help!_,Robin?AWhats up BWhat elseCHow come DWhy not答案A考查交际用语。根据题意可知是一方向另一方寻求帮助,所以用whats up表示怎么啦?what else表示还有其他什么;why not表示惊讶或赞同某人的意见;how come表示怎么会这样呢?.完形填空After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland(陆岬,伸出海面的尖形高地)They had persuaded their young sister to_1_, saying that the long walk would be too _2_for her. Once they had got in the head land, the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like _3_a new world. There were damp, dark caves to_4_,there were many_5_ among the rocks, full of sea creatures(生物);and, here and there along the beach were those _6_ objects, washed up and_7_by the tide.The afternoon passed _8_.The sun was already_9_when the boys reluctantly(恋恋不舍地) _10_ to make their _11_ homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tide had come in so sudden that they were now_12_from either end of the beach. Their only chance of_13_ was to find a way up the cliff(悬崖) nearby.They soon find a narrow path_14_ the cliff top. But half way up their path was_15_by a large rock which they could not climb_16_.The two boys had to_17_at the top of their voices,_18_that someone might_19_over the top of the rock, and finally came their father with two policemen. _20_of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a miserable night on the cliff.【语篇解读】 两个男孩未经家长允许,去海边探索,后来,发生了什么呢?1A.keep quiet Bstay behindCtake a rest Djoin them答案B从上下文看,A、C、D三项不符合,故不选。2A.tiring BexcitingCuninteresting Dimpossible答案A上文说劝阻young sister不去,只能说long walk would be too tiring。3A.discovering Bfacing Cenjoying Dimagining答案B通过上下文看,facing是作like的宾语,表示“面对”的意思。4A.look up BexploreChide in Dsearch答案Bexplore指探索。5A.lakes Brivers Cwaterfalls Dpools答案D岩石间应是pools。6A.dirty Blight Cstrange Dclean答案Ctwo boys没有见过海里的东西,故选strange。7A.moved Bcovered Cbeaten Dleft答案D被潮水冲上来,并留下的东西用leave。8A.quickly Bunexpectedly Cfinally Dsuddenly答案Aquickly 可指时间过的飞快。9A.leaving Bdropping Cgoing Dsetting答案D太阳落山用set。10A.forgot Bdecided Csucceeded Dturned答案B没有turn to do这个搭配,succeed in doing,forget to do语境不对。11A.road Bway Ctrack Dpath答案Amake ones road homewards指找道回家。12A.cut off Bleft behindCheld back Dput away答案Acut off切断,割掉。13A.running off Bkeeping clearCgetting away Dturning back答案Cget away指逃走,离开;run off吓跑,撵走;turn back返回,打退堂鼓。14A.reaching Bpassing Cgoing up Dleading to答案Dreach指到达;lead to指通向。15A.blocked Bcovered Cstopped Dfilled答案Abe blocked指阻塞。16A.on Bover Cround Dthrough答案Bclimb over the rock指爬上岩石。17A.shout Bshoot Crepeat Drenew答案Ashout at the top of ones voice指高声地喊。18A.wanting Bguessing Cbelieving Dhoping答案Dhoping表伴随,希望。19A.turn Bappear Chide Dclimb答案.Bappear指希望某人出现在岩石上。20A.Any BNone COne DFirst答案Cone of them, them指their father and two policemen。


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