2020【人教版】高中英语必修二:单元测试全套Unit 3 单元测试题1

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2020【人教版】高中英语必修二:单元测试全套Unit 3 单元测试题1_第1页
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2020【人教版】高中英语必修二:单元测试全套Unit 3 单元测试题1_第3页
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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 3 Computers 单元测试题1第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn the early 1900s, Carol Ryrie Brink lived with her grandmother Caddie on a tiny farm in Idaho. The farm was a great place to live. Besides wonderful tall climbing trees, it had cats and chickens and a horse, which she rode all over the countryside and through the streets of town. Even so, Carol was sometimes lonely. She would climb to the top of her favorite tree and make up stories to cheer herself up. The favorite part of her day was when Grandmother Caddie would sit with her and tell stories about the adventures (冒险经历) she and her brothers had. Carol loved the stories so much that when she grew up, she decided to write a book about them. Thousands of children throughout the world have read and loved Caddie Woodlawn. Carols book won a special award (奖项) called the Newbery Medal. Each year only one childrens book is chosen to win this award.Carol said it was her son and daughter who inspired (激励) her to write for children. That wasnt easy when she was busy taking care of a family. Sometimes an idea would come to her while she was washing the supper dishes. She would make a quick note and come back to write it out more fully after her children were asleep. Carol wrote 27 books in her life, many of which are about her life in Idaho. Besides the Newbery Medal, she won many more awards. Later when another author Mary Reed wrote a book about Carol Ryrie Brink, she summed up (概括) Carols life by saying, “She tried to live in a way that would not harm others, to never waste a day, and to make the most of her life.” 21. When she felt lonely on the farm, Carol would _.A. ride a horse to the townB. ask her grandmother to read her a storyC. climb all the tall treesD. make herself happy with her own stories22. What do we know about Caddie Woodlawn?A. It is an award-winning book.B. It is about Carols adventures.C. It is unpopular among children.D. It is one of Carols childhood works.23. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that Carol _.A. once gave up writing because of the heavy housework B. had a hard time in the early days of her writingC. didnt get any understanding from her family D. didnt earn much from her writing24. Mary Reeds words suggest _.A. she thinks highly of CarolB. we should be friendly to others C. she considers Carol a great mother D. we should make full use of our timeBWhen one thinks of an army, one is likely to think of soldiers and guns. Two thousand years ago, when Rome set out to conquer the world, the army needed much more than soldiers and guns. It needed food.At that time, providing enough, fresh food to the soldiers was a serious business. Soldiers that were not fed would desert.How did the Romans keep their soldiers from leaving the army? How did they provide their soldiers with enough food? The Romans traveled with large groups of cattle (牲口), or “food on the hoof.” The cattle provided fresh meat, milk, butter, and cheese. Large European herding dogs (畜牧犬), called mastiffs, were used to help drive the cattle.The Romans conquered the town of Rottweil in A.D. 74. Some of the Romans remained in Rottweil with their mastiffs after the army left. Farmers there started breeding (对人工交配) their own herding dogs with the mastiffs. They developed a smaller, quicker dog than the mastiff, which was equally good at guarding and herding. Today, this breed of dog is known as the Rottweiler.Over the centuries, farmers used Rottweilers when they drove their cattle to town to sell. On the way into town, the dogs helped herd and control the cattle. On the return trip home, the dogs helped guard money. Over time, Rottweilers became known as the butcher (屠夫) dogs of Rottweil. This was because many butchers in Rottweil began to raise the dogs. The butchers used the dogs to help drive the cattle they had bought in the countryside back to their stores. They used the dogs to guard their stores and money. They even used the dogs to help carry meat that was for sale.25. The underlined word “desert” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. fail B. return C. give in D. run away26. The Romans traveled with “food on the hoof ” because they needed to _.A. store fresh food B. guard their foodC. get enough food D. keep dogs away 27. What do we know about the Rottweiler?A. They were raised by the soldiers. B. They were left in Rottweil by the farmers.C. They were an older breed than the mastiff.D. They were an improved breed of the mastiff.CI love listening to music and theres never been a better time to be a music fan. With so many ways to get music, we can listen to it any way we want, wherever we want. Although some fans still like to use CD players, the most popular way to listen to music nowadays is by either downloading (下载) or streaming (在线试听).As Internet connections got better, more MP3s were downloaded and shared. But the sound quality of these MP3s is not so good when compared to tapes or CDs. However, new generations (代) of music fans have grown used to this cheapened sound quality and dont mind.Streaming technology has made it even easier to listen to your favorite music. For a monthly price of about $10 (there are also free services with advertisements), users can listen to an endless amount of music from smartphones, computers and television sets. Unfortunately, streaming is not without its downsides. Because all of the music is provided online, a strong Internet connection is necessary. And although it may seem like the Internet is available everywhere, there may be situations where you dont get connected. Agreements with music companies and artists also need to be reached before streaming services are allowed to host their music.Whether you choose to download or stream music, the artist does not make much money. The low payment from downloading and streaming music has also led to the continuing increase in concert ticket prices. And we can only expect these prices to increase greatly in the future.Much as I would like to have all my music for free, I realize that it will kill the industry Ive enjoyed for most of my life. I cant say for certain which is better downloading or streaming but I do know how I can do my little part to help musicians continue making great music. Rather than focus on (关注) one or the other, Im going to continue doing what Ive been doing since I first discovered music: listen to it any way I can.28. What are new groups of music fans attitudes towards MP3s?A. They dont care how they get them.B. They refuse to get them online.C. They show no interest in them.D. They are satisfied with them.29. One of the disadvantages of streaming lies in that _.A. there is a possibility of disconnectionB. there isnt much choice in the music C. its music is of very poor qualityD. one has to pay for it30. What will the author probably do in the future?A. Stop downloading or streaming music.B. Listen to music in different ways.C. Help musicians make music.D. Try to choose free music.DSummer Surfing (冲浪) USA15-Day Tour for Beach LoversVisit these beautiful Southern California surfing beaches.El Capitan in Santa Barbara, Surf Riders in Malibu, the Wedge at Newport Beach, Doheny at Dana Point.Accommodations (住宿): Single or double rooms in beachfront hotelsPrice includes: Daily surfboard use, 3-hour beginners classNightlife activities: Beach meals, club dancing, moonlight tripsAdditional activities: Visit Universal Studios and DisneylandTour Beverly Hills and see the movie stars homesTour cost: Single room at $1,999Double room at $ 2,300Hazels Personal ServicesDo you ever have questions like these? Where can I get my hair cut for a reasonable price? Do you know where I can have someone fix my bike? Where can I get someone to upgrade my computer? Do you know where I can have my jacket cleaned?Do you know where you can have ALL these things done? Call Hazel! (646) 555-2121Hazel offers: Computer support Repairs Beauty services Washing Pet-sittingIf Hazel doesnt offer the service you need, shell find someone who does!Vote for Roberta ChangRoberta Chang will clean up Cradville!Have you noticed these problems in our city? The air is becoming dangerously dirty because of gases from cars and trucks. There is heavy traffic on the roads because of peoples dependence on cars. Our city streets are being destroyed as a result of heavy traffic. Many parks have been lost through overbuilding. Our fresh water supply is being overused by people who dont save it.If you vote Roberta Chang for city council (议会), you vote for solutions (解决办法)!31. What can one get from Summer Surfing USA?A. Surf across the USA.B. See movies with pop stars.C. Have a 15-day free surfing class.D. Enjoy different interesting activities.32. The questions in Hazels Personal Services are raised to _. A. attract readers B. show common problemsC. expect answers from readersD. carry out a public opinion survey33. Hazel may help you _.A. get a second-hand computer B. get a cheap hair-cutC. look after your petsD. sell your old bike34. We can infer from the text that Roberta Chang _.A. has come up with new ideas to protect the environment B. has helped clean peoples houses in Cradville C. is a member of the government of CradvilleD. is competing for a position35. The text is likely to appear in _.A. a report B. a newspaperC. a travel guide D. a history textbook第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Sam Herbert, 15, saved the life of a 55-year-old stranger even though he himself was born with a poor condition. 36 He has had many operations on his heart since he was a baby and it has reduced (减少) his strength as a result. The Derby schoolboy says, “I was walking down the street one evening in May when a man in front of me fell over. 37“I put him in the right position, but his condition was starting to become worse and he stopped breathing. So I started CPR (心肺复苏法). Because of my condition, I was worried I wouldnt have the strength to do it for very long. 38 He was breathing again before the ambulance (救护车) arrived. “When the doctors arrived, they said Id done the right thing. 39 We do lots of practice on first aid (急救) but I never thought Id have to use it in real life.”In the life-or-death situation he was faced with, Sam acted bravely but also very quickly. “I will have to have more operations on my heart in the future. 40 Ive always done swimming, I have kept learning kung fu and Im about to climb mountains with my dad,” Sam says.A. But I kept giving him CPR.B. He had really a very bad fall.C. I couldnt stop thinking about it.D. Sam was born with a weak heart.E. But Ive never let my condition hold me back.F. There are hundreds of children who die from heart diseases.G. They told me if I hadnt helped him he probably would have died.第三部分: 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I have never understood the importance of parties in the classroom. As a mother of two school age children, I believe that public schools should no longer 41 classroom parties during the school day. 42 is very important to students in school today. Our school year is already too short. Teachers can only just get all the basics of the courses (课程) into the 43 instructional minutes of the day. 44 , there is no time for anything useless or silly. 45 time is best spent focusing on the primary goal learning.And what about food? For health and safety reasons, schools often require that 46 for these activities should be bought from a store. This 47 a real problem for many families. Biscuits for a class of students, plus drinks and napkins can 48 what it costs a family to eat a meal at home. The 49 of a classroom party is 50 a problem for many people, especially in these difficult times. 51 , we all know that our children have eaten enough sugar and junk food without the school 52 such unhealthy choices. All the 53 that a party can create is unacceptable! I 54 those birthday parties held at home for my children. I would just buy the disposable (一次性的) plates, cups, and napkins 55 I didnt need to do any cleaning up. But even so, I just 56 to fit all the party time rubbish into the rubbish bin (垃圾桶). 57 the trash thrown out by a school of 16 classrooms and over 400 students. It only adds to the 58 of our planets environment. I am not sure when our public schools decided that classroom 59 needed to become a part of the school calendar (日历), but I do not see the 60 . So I do believe schools should forbid (禁止) classroom celebrations. 41. A. prevent B. allow C. control D. protect 42. A. Safety B. Courage C. Health D. Time 43. A. noticed B. discussed C. required D. chosen 44. A. Certainly B. Probably C. Luckily D. Suddenly 45. A. Family B. Dinner C. Office D. School 46. A. foods B. gifts C. flowers D. clothes 47. A. ends B. describes C. creates D. explains 48. A. take care ofB. match up to C. take place ofD. add up to 49. A. cost B. place C. thought D. design50. A. quickly B. easily C. strangely D. interestingly51. A. InsteadB. Though C. Besides D. However 52. A. refusing B. missing C. avoidingD. encouraging53. A. waste B. pleasure C. excitement D. failure 54. A. prefer B. remember C. discover D. expect 55. A. as if B. even if C. so that D. now that56. A. prepared B. hoped C. decided D. managed 57. A. Imagine B. Cover C. OfferD. Plan 58. A. influence B. problem C. truth D. future 59. A. reports B. trips C. parties D. exams 60. A. success B. value C. chance D. condition第三部分: 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mary: Do you use an anti-virus (反病毒) program 61. _ (protect) your computer? Mike: Yes. Because here are so many bad things on the Internet and so many people 62. _ are trying to use the Internet to hurt other users. You have to be very careful and keep your computer clean. Mary: How often do you run your anti-virus program? Mike: I usually run it every five days. Mary: Oh, my new computer 63. _ (attack) several times so far. Would you like to suggest an anti-virus program for me?Mike: How about trying this one? Its very good and you can download it 64. _ free.Mary: That 65. _ (sound) very good. Which website should I visit to download it? Mike: Just a minute . go to this one. 66. _ only takes a few minutes to download it. Then you have to go through the set-up procedures. Mary: What do you use your computer for? Mike: Surfing the net and word processing (文字处理). I also do a lot of work with photographs. Mary: Photographs? Youre a really 67. _ (intelligence) person. Mike: Its very easy. 68. _ (use) a computer program, you can edit and resize photographs. Mary: Computers are great in 69. _ way, arent they? I should download some programs and learn 70. _ to use them.第四部分: 写作 (共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Tim, How time flies! It has been a month since you go to America. What is everything going? Next weekend I will take part in a national English speaking competition to be holding in Shanghai. It will be a good chance to improve your English and make friends with students from other part of China. But right now Im not sure that I can remember all the words for a competition. Anyway, I will hope I can get a good result.I am looking forward seeing you again and hope we can have a true great time then.Yours,Li Hua第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是校报的一名英文记者。请根据所给提示,为校报写一篇英语稿件,谈谈现代科技是怎样改变人们生活的。过去现在主要的休闲娱乐方式体育活动、看戏、看电影上网、玩电子游戏主要的通讯方式写信、发电报、打电话拨打移动电话、发电子邮件、在线聊天写字的主要方式手写电脑打字注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Modern technology has greatly changed our way of life during the last few decades._参考答案:21-25 DABAD 26-30 CDDAB 31-35 DACDB 36-40 DBAGE 41-45 BDCAD 46-50 ACDAB 51-55 CDABC 56-60 DABCB61. to protect 62. who / that 63. has been attacked 64. for 65. sounds 66. It 67. intelligent 68. Using 69. a 70. how短文改错:71. . you go to . gowent72. What is everything . WhatHow73. . to be holding . holdingheld74. . improve your English . yourmy75. . other part ofChina. partparts76. . sure that I can . thatif / whether77. . for a competition. athe78. . I will hope . 去掉will79. . looking forward seeing . forward后加to80. . a true great . truetrulyOne possible version:Modern technology has greatly changed our way of life during the last few decades.In the past, people mainly played sports, went to the theatre or the cinema to entertain themselves. They wrote letters by hand, sent telegraphs and made telephone calls to get in touch with their family or friends.However, things are quite different now. We prefer to surf the Internet or play computer games as a way to relax. We use mobile phones, send e-mails and text messages or chat on line to communicate with others. We type on the computer instead of writing on paper.Its clear that modern technology has improved our lives a lot.部分解析阅读理解:A篇(文学)本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了儿童作家Carol Ryrie Brink。21. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的Carol was sometimes lonely. She would climb to the top of her favorite tree and make up stories to cheer herself up可知。22. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的.Caddie Woodlawn. Carols book won a special award called the Newbery Medal可知。23. B。推理判断题。第四段主要描写了Carol既要照顾好家庭又要写作的艰辛。24. A。推理判断题。根据Mary Reed话中的not harm others, never waste a


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