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2021国家开放大学电大本科理工英语3期末试题及答案(试卷号:1377)一、交际用谓(共计1。分.为小 2分)1-5 :选捍正的最句JB成下列对话,并购各案序号写在答纸上.L Du you mean 1 have to complete it wnhm live day”A. That* rightB. Very well-Q Thl great.2 一Excuse tnr# 前r b the swimming pool npen all hy? Only from 6,30 p m to 93O m A. Sorry* Im Hruid notK That*s okC Ye of cuue3.* sinceB. thereforeC. howeverID. Tom told 4 lie to nvaid for hi* (auluA. puninliiniiB. bririK puninhedCa punmhrdIh I *11 never lorgci the chy. I worked together with you.A ihmB, whenG which12. Hcild on o minute ptcAACe Ill put you .A* aIL on through13. HrS dcridrd ta get ti look ut the hoiiwr and H it ni,j(hi hr worth.A buyH io Imy ,( buyingIt ib nccesMury lhe hop to the need* of chil(lrcnA. meetB. solve(/. enter16. Sr%-rral ol the members hnvc suggesnona of their own.A. come up withB. come intoC come on17. Each CPU mrwideml more 6 billion hnnds of poker. That more pnkcr than has betn ijlnyrd hy the entire humnn raev.A- adapt s toB. is used to( amounts io18. Hr is the right person tu such a large winr company.A. seuk氏 strengthenC. supervise19. I didnt know what to do. but then an idea suddenly tn ey.A. appeared& happened( occurred2(). Thry hnvr m new phunr line in the aparTmrnhA. poweredinttnlled( drwrAtrdH.ffiitilMIM 5 分,侮小Bl 4 分)21-25H:0Q(t文,从AJJJ三个选项中选出一个正善*并将答廿序号岩在答岷上。In CApnnlr hotclK* rach wurni jitay* in n mnll bic* overnight rcnmniodntson for guests who do not require the Acrvicc* offrrwd by triditional huiela. F*nhtic* differ but mont include a television and wireless inirrne! ronnretiom There urr niAtiy buitun in the cnpuulc. ()nc turnu on the light one turn on the 】V one cumroh the chnnndA. 1 here in h rndio and An nlnn clock buih ln The open end i( lhr r/iptmle ch be clonedt for privacy* with n rurtnin or n fibre door. luRKAftr m uturrd tn 4 lockcnClothes and shoes arc sometimes exchanged for h yukata it nd slippers on entry. WahroGfii are commundl. (rueMs are Msked not to smoke or e/H in rhe capsules. Some hoiels also provide resTauranis ( or at least vending mchinr) pooU* and other entertainment facilities Cnpsnles ate used primarily by meru Surne capsulr horrid offer separate lections for male and female gut?m&The benefiu of these hotels arc canvcnience and price usually around USD 25-50 a night. They provide a place for thost who may bedo drunk to ret uni home sah?也 About 30% t fht Capsule Hotel were uneniployrd or undrrrmployed at)d were renting capsules by the rnontk h was firsi o(frfctl to salary mtn who had misscri ihkst tram hotuc but now it 曲 also pupuhr with tmveler* from all over fh? world 7 hertforct it jc going to gain more pupulanty.2L The space of each capsule is quiteA, largeB. capaciousC limned22, Mo5t capsules art not equipped with in the 5tnill leeptogA. a TVB. wash roomsC o( thetit hotels do not includeA convenience& comfortC price25. I he writer h心 n nttitudc towards cApsule hoTelsuB* negativeC nrtitnil26-30 H :靖根据对话内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正l的写-T”,错谟的写F”并将答案 写在答II纸上.Henry and hit friend Sally are tulktng about unlme shopping.Sally: Do you du lot of your chopping online?Henry: Not reallya 1 like looking at what1 s available on the Internet before I actually buy tt. SomctimcSf Ill choose whar I want in a shopi Inter buying it online if itcheaper. You dont like buying things online# do you?Sally: No. Im n little worried about security issues. You never know whos trying to find out your codes nnd passwords Arent you worried about that?Henry: Not really. 1 know that it happens but tf you buy from reputable companies with secure websites it should be OK. Even though 1 use online shopping fnilit心,I donet think its the best way.Sully: Pm surprised to hear you sny that. 1 thought you loved any digital thingsHenry tl do, 1rn a big fnn o( using new digital product St hut I dont want to sit in front of a computer screen all day* 1 think people need to get out and interact with other people.Sully i Sot how about coming to the department store with me? I want to see if there are any new summer clothes on sale ycUHenry: Sure. Id love to join you. Can we stop hy the computer store7 I just want (O see if they have something.Sally: Sure. While youere in the computer store I will visit the book store opposite- 1 like to browne through their books i( they have nnything interesting.HenrytOK. Ive finished online Lets go. PU just get some money and my credit card.Sally: Thankn (or reminding me. I had iorgotirn to get nune-26 Both of them like online whopping very much.27. Being chrAp in one of the reAwns for online ahopping.28. Henry is big fan of digital products* 90 he likes Kitting m front of the computer all day.29. Henry wilt go to the department store with Sally.30. Both of them will visit the computer store.四,岑作(共20分)31. 根IK要求写柞一篇关于交通网距的作文.不少于100J8来越多汽车爆入我们的家Jtt生活.改善了我们的生活,但同时也陪来很多间U.如富 车和交通事故输家庭和社会带来般大的危吝.我们应读欠样做呕,询弓一 fit有关交通安全的8文内容包含,(1)守交如走人行ifi/过斑马线.(2)教金孩81在街il上或马路上玩耍旬球.(3不债酒后磐车.住,你可以适当地加内容.让姬文通,过度自然.踪考MIListdrwftlk 人行谊 icbra-croMing J0E 马线traffic jam 寒车 traffic accident 史通/故试题答案及评分标准一、M用幽(Mi+ 10分.15小 2分)1:,H:逸耳正晚的琳句完成下外对靖,并梅答案序号可在答财峨上L A2. A3.C4.A5 R二. 111汇与馆构(共计30分,日小 2分)620 H :WUt下面的句孑从A JIJ三个也项中St出一个能填入空白处的正.逸1JL并将答6. HILBI2.CI3C14. AI5 C7-AIfl. c:19-C20s B三. 阅读理H (共和分.每小距4分)21-25从A、B.C三个选攻中选出一个正确答案,并将答案序号写在答18纸上。21. C22. B23. A24. Hr25. A2630您:谓根据而话内容判戚给出的沼句是否正确.正璃的写“T,错误的写“样,并将答案珂在答题纸上。26. F27. T28. F29. T30. F31.一H矣于交通何Ifl的作文.不少于100词.理*娴多代车逃入我们的家代生活.改!I了我们的生ttefilCT时也带盅r很多问|.皿塞。、交通小故,榆衣U和杜会儒索JS大的危咨.我们阿域侔做兜?范文:On Saturday morning, after breakfast, Xiao Ming took the brand-new football to the supermarket to play football. Play play, Xiaoming saw Xiaogong came, said happily: zzYou accompany me to play football. Xiaogong readily agreed. They kicked and kicked and had a wonderful time! Suddenly, Little Red,s mother came to let her first drink water and then play football, little red hurriedly finished drinking water, and began to play football. After a while, the ball was suddenly kicked into the middle of the road, when a car came along. Xiao Hong hurriedly pulled Xiao Mings clothes and wouldnt let him fetch the ball. The car driver stopped the car and stroked Xiao Ming,s head. He said patiently, dont play on the road again, my friend. There is only one life. There will be no second life.


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