外研版英语八年级上册教案:Module11 Unit1(初二上)

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教师 妹年级八年级科目英语授课时间2010-12-15课题名称Module 11 The weatherUnit 1 It may be cold tomorrow.教 学 设 计课型Vocabulary and listening学生分析学生在七年级初步了解了有关天气的部分词汇及句型。本单元则是在前面的基础上引入到天气这个话题上,这是学生很熟悉也是较感兴趣的话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。教材分析本课处于英语新标准八年级上册模块11第一单元的第一课时。本模块以天气为话题,本单元把焦点放在对天气的介绍上,话题贴近学生生活;学生也比较感兴趣,便于开展活动。重点学习和天气有关的词汇以及情态动词may, might和副词probably表示可能性的用法。本节教学内容有助于提高学生综合英语运用的能力.教学目标1.Language Knowledge:(知识与技能)Key vocabulary: cloud, shower, degree, temperature, joke, wet, might, windy, probably, sunny, cool, dry, cloudy, centigrade, freezing, snowyKey structures: Its freezing, isnt it?It may not even be cold, just wet. And it might be windy.2. Listening skill:(过程与方法)To understand conversation about weather. To get specific information from the listening material. To talk about possibilities.3. Affection and attitudes(情感态度与价值观):Its good to watch the weather report everyday and we should love our life.教学重点1. To understand conversation about weather.2. To get specific information from the listening material.教学难点Ask questions to show surprise and the usage of may, might and probably.教学策略本课主要采用的是任务型教学法,学生自学为主,教师引导为辅的教学方式再结合听说法、交际法和练习法等来引导学生掌握本课的知识点,如:may be,might be通过小组活动,同桌练习让学生之间积极合作,共同完成学习任务.通过听力和口头上练习来培养学生英语的口语和听力的能力。能善于抓住机会与学生交流合作,丰富知识。按教学过程恰当使用多媒体教学,在PPT中每一环节设计得生动吸引学生注意,让课堂气氛活跃.让学生感兴趣,轻松学习掌握本课时重点并用于生活中.课前需要准备:录音机,PPT,单词卡.教学用具录音机.PPT教学过程教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的Step 1 Warm-up( 1)Free talk:1. Greet to the Ss.2. Talk with the Ss about the weather. Greet to the teacher and talk with the teacher about the weather.渲染气氛,导入新课Step 2 Pre-task( 9)1. Words learning. Show the Ss some pictures and let them say it quickly.2. Give words such as:cloudsnowrain Let s see“ Who can say more adjective about weather ”?3. Organize the Ss can express the temperature.4. Make Ss understand the table in Activity 2.5. Play the recorder and let the Ss do Activity 21. Look at the pictures. Say out the names of the weather quickly.2. Look at the words and say out the adjective quickly.3. Say out the temperature.4. Look at the table and can read the table in Activity 2.5. Listen and check利用图片学习新单词,再通过看谁说的越多天气的形容词训练新单词 训练学生听懂天气预报,培养学生细节听力的技巧Step 3While-task( 25)1. Play the tape 2. Organize them to check their answers in pairs .3. Organize the Ss work in group of 3 to read the conversation. Then complete the table in 学案125.Task34. Organize the Ss to check their answers in groups.5. Let the Ss read the conversation together and find out the difficult points. and solve the difficult points.6. Ask several pairs to act it out.1. Listen and choose the best answers in 学案.2. Check the answers in pairs.3. Read the dialogue and complete the table in 学案.4. Check the answers in groups.5. Work in groups of 3 to read the dialogue,and find out some difficult points.6. Several pairs to act it out. The other Ss listen and choose the best group.利用听读,练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解。能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧Step 4Post-task( 8)1. Enable the Ss retell the conversation as a short passage with the information above. Then ask some Ss to retell.1. TO retell the conversation .利用表格复述对话的形式巩固所学知识点,训练学生说的技巧Step 5Sum-up( 2)Organization what the Ss have learnt today.To sum-up what have we learnt today .组织学生总结本课的知识点。Step 6 Homework1. Copy the new words2. Recite the dialogue3. Listen to the weather report in HuiDong tonight and write the weather report in English.课后完成习题,最终达到巩固的效果。板书设计 Module 11 The weatherUnit 1 It may be cold tomorrow T2 T1 正 正 may 正 正 It might be 正 will probably 学案Task 2 Please listen again and choose the best answers for the questions according to the conversation in Activity4( )1.Whose birthday is it next week? A. Its Bettys B. Its Tonys C. Its Linglings( )2. Whats the weather like now? A. Its very cold B. Its a little cold C. Its cool( )3. Wheres Tony going for Spring Festival? A.The USA B. England C. China( )4. Where might Betty go? A. The USA B. Australia C. England( )5. Wheres Daming off to? A. Hong Kong B. England C. AustraliaTask 3 Please read the conversation in Activity4,and complete the table for Spring Festival.NameWhere to go (places)Weather/BeijingFreezing, TonyEngland Betty Daming Task 4Boys and girls ,please try to retell the conversation(in Activity4)as a short passage with the information in the above form.Eg:4


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