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2B 期中复习Class_ Name_ No_一、字母:1、熟练认读、正确书写26个字母的大小写。(注意书写体与印刷体的区别) 2、按字母表顺序熟练背诵、默写26个字母。 3、根据字母的大小写,写出相邻的字母邻居。26个字母:Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz形近字母:1. b, d 2. p, q 3. u, v 4. m, n 5. i, l 音近字母:1. c, s, x 2. g, j 3. i, l, r, y 4. m, n 二、单词:(包括每课后面字母开头的带读单词和部分一年级的单词)要求:1、能正确拼读,书写与默写加粗的单词。(斜体字能认读,能力强的同学也可以拼背) 2、理解单词的含义。 3、能在简单句中加以运用。1. 单词分类:颜色colour:red blue yellow green white black purple pink orange brown black 形容词:soft hard smooth rough warm cool cold hot short tall long beautiful nice long fast new good happy 交通工具vehicle:car bus(buses) van train ship bicycle 动词:read (reading) sing (singing) draw (drawing) play (playing)fly (flying) dance (dancing) ride (riding) write(writing) skate (skating) skip (skipping) run (running) swim (swimming) hop (hopping) see look hear listen touch feel come eat have like 食品 food:fish chicken meat carrot salad bread rice soup egg pie noodles jelly ice cream sweet biscuit hamburger(s) pizza cake 饮料drinks:cola juice milk water tea水果 fruit:orange banana apple pear peach (复数:peaches) 动物 animal:giraffe snake elephant zebra tiger wolf(wolves)lion bear monkey panda fox(foxes) hippo chick duck cow pig rabbit sheep hen dog cat horse fish frog bird mouse (mice) 昆虫 insect:bee butterfly (butterflies)身体部位:mouth nose hand face eye ear文具stationery:bag book pencil-case pen 玩具toys:ball doll kite 家庭family:mother (mum) father (dad) sister brother grandmother grandfather地方place:zoo bus stop station park toy shop garden 数字number:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten其他:table girl watch sun chair colour them all 2. 音近词、形近词比较:car-cardship-sheepkite-cattrain-tree-three-thereskate-skipskating-skipping skate-snakewrite-white-waitred-ride-read hard-hand-head butterfly -beautifulmouth-mouse cool - cold small - smellrabbit - rubber rice - nice peach- pear- bearchick - chicken-kitchen3. 同音异义词write - right hear -here tooto two four-for4. 反义词:big-small / littlefat-thintall-short long-shorthot-coldwarm-cool old-newold-youngrough-smooth hard-softfast-slowhere-thereon-underthis-that 三、句子: 要求:1. 能正确认读。 2. 听到问题(上句)后,能迅速做出正确的回答(或说出下句)。 3. 能理解单句或小语段的意思。1. -What colour is it? ( What colour is the apple?) - Its red. 2. - What colour are they? (What colour are the rabbits?) - They are white. 3. - What is it? (What is this? / What is that?) - It is a watch. (Its a watch.) (注意本句用单数名词回答) 4. - What are they? - They are giraffes. (注意本句用复数名词回答) 5. - Touch this bag. Is it smooth? - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. / No. Its rough. 6. - What do you like doing in spring? - I like riding my bicycle in the park. (注意本句中like后面接动词ing形式)7. - What do you like eating? - I like eating salad. / I like eating bananas.(注意可数名词和不可数名词)8. - Do you like running? - Yes. / No. I like (doing) (Yes, I do. / No, I dont.) 9. - Do you like zebras/ spring/ skating? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 10. - What do you see / hear? - I see / hear 11. - What can you see? - I can see a bird / three rabbits / apples.12. - Listen! What can you hear? - I can hear a train.13. - What can Ming hear? - He can hear a dog.14. - Can I help you? - A toy pig, please. - Here you are. - Thank you.


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