人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section A 1a—1c3

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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section A 1a—1c3_第1页
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Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?What did they do?They were .=on holidays 在度假中Where did you go on vacation ?I went to the beach.Where did you go on vacation?I went to Tiananmen Square.Where did she go on vacation ?She stayed at home .She visited the USAWhere did she go on vacation?She went to New York City.Where did they go on vacation?They went to the博物馆博物馆museums.Where did they go on vacation?They visited their parents.They went to summer camp.Where did they go on vacation?They went to the mountains .Where did they go on vacation ? visited museums went to summer campvisited my uncle went to the beach stayed at home went to the mountains went to New York City 记忆游戏 猜一猜went to the beachstayed at homewent shoppingwent to New York Citywent to the mountainsvisited their parentswent to Tiananmen Squarewent to summer campvisited museumsf fb ba ad de ec ch hi ig g1. stayed at home f2.went to New York City_3.visited my uncle_4.went to summer camp_5.went to the mountains _6.went to the beach _7. visited museums _1a Match the activities with the pictures.acbgde1b Listen and number the people in the picture 1-5. 1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3. Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom4 45 53 32 21bTypescript (听力稿听力稿)Conversation 1Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?Tina: I went to the mountains with my family .Xiang Hua: Did everyone have a good time?Tina: Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Where did you go, Xiang Hua?Xiang Hua: I went to New York City.1bTypescript Conversation 2Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Sally?Sally: Nothing. I just stayed at home.Girl: And did you do anything interesting, Bob?Bob: Yes. I visited my uncle. We went fishing, but we didnt get any fish.1bTypescript Conversation 3Boy: Did you go anywhere on vacation, Tom?Tom: I went to summer camp. Boy: Did you go with anyone?Tom: Yes. I went with my friends. Everyone had a great time.1c Make conversations about the people in 1a. A: Where did Tina go on vacation?B: She went to the mountains.cWhere did Bob go on vacation?He visited his uncle.gWhere did Tom go on vacation?He went to summer camp.dWhere did Sally go on vacation?She stayed at home.fWhere did Xiang Hua go on vacation?He went to New York City.bWhere did he go on vacation?He went to the beach.aA: Where did you go on vacation ?B: I Practice :Make new conversations about you with your partner. .A: Where did Lily go on vacation ?B: He1.Make a conversation about what did you do last week.2.Master the words in this unit and pre-view next part.


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