人教新版英语六下Fun Time 2PPT课件3

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1b. Work alone Look at the pictures on page 55, and finish 1b. Then follow the example to make dialogs, using the things in 1b. spare adj. 空闲的 comic n. 连环画杂志 share v. 分享,共同使用 E-mail n.电子邮件 address n.地址 2a New words a movie fan listen to music know little about paintings used to Compare Philips interests according to 2a. Now a soccer fan play sports like collecting paintings Language points 1. all the time“总是、一直”。 如: Why are you playing all the time? 你为什么总是玩啊? They were dancing yesterday morning all the time. 昨天上午他们一直在跳舞。 2. not.at all “一点也不”; “全然不”。如: I didnt mind it at all. 我一点也不在意。 He didnt know that at all. 他对此事一无所知。 3. never “未曾、从未”, 表示否定。如: I have never met him before. You have never been to the Great Wall, have you? 4. share “分享, 共有, 共享”. 比如: They wanted to share. 他们想共同分享. little和few都含有否定的意思。表示“不多”; “很少”。little相当于not much, few相当于not many。little与不可数名词连用, few与可数名词复数连用。 如: I have little time. 我的时间很少。 Few people would agree with him. 没有多少人同意他。 5. little “很少, 一点点” 有否定意味 而a little和a few含有肯定的意思, 表示“一些”;“几个”(虽然少, 但有一些)。如: Theres a little water in the glass. 杯子里还有点儿水。 Can you stay a few days longer? 你能多呆几天吗? 6. like, love, enjoy和prefer 这四个词都有“喜欢”之意, 但用法不同。试比较: like意为“喜欢、爱好”, 语气较弱, 其后可跟名词、代词、不定式、动名词等作宾语。like也常跟复合宾语, 宾语补足语常用动词不定式。 如: In England, many people like fish and chips. Jack likes playing football. I dont like to eat apples now. love意为“爱,热爱, 喜欢”, 常指对祖国、亲人及朋友的爱,也可用于事物, 强调非常喜欢, 具有较强的感情色彩。其后可跟名词、动名词、代词或不定式作宾语。如: 1) Father loves his work. 2) I love watching TV. 3) Children love to play this game. 4) We all love our great motherland. love意为“爱,热爱, 喜欢”, 常指对祖国、亲人及朋友的爱,也可用于事物, 强调非常喜欢, 具有较强的感情色彩。其后可跟名词、动名词、代词或不定式作宾语。如: 1) Father loves his work. 2) I love watching TV. 3) Children love to play this game. 4) We all love our great motherland. enjoy意为“喜欢, 欣赏”, 含有“乐于、享受之乐趣”之意, 其后可以跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。enjoy oneself表示“玩得愉快”之意。 1) The Greens enjoy living in China. 2) Did you enjoy yourself in the zoo? 3) Many foreigners enjoy Chinese food. prefer意为“宁愿、更喜欢”, 常用于两者之间的选择, 其后可跟名词、代词、动名词或不定式。prefer.to.表示“宁愿, 不愿”, “喜欢而不喜欢”, 其中to为介词, 后可跟名词或动名词。如: 1) Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 2) I prefer walking to cycling. 3) My brother likes maths, but I prefer English. Group work I used to_ but now I_. I didnt used to _ but now I_. Discuss in groups. Talk about your hobbies with the following sentences.


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