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Family 课题课题 Unit1 课型课型 讲授 教学目标教学目标 1. Memorize new words and expressions. 2. Understand listening texts and retell the text. 3. Improve listening skills. 重点重点 Improve listening skills. 难点难点 Master phrases about family. 教学手段教学手段 ppt 周次周次 1-2周 FAMILY Father And Mother I Love You Part One Listen to “Yourself” Task 1 1. spouse 2. sibling 3. adoption 4. half sister 5. single-parent family 6. nuclear family 7. DINK A. 单亲家庭 B. 核心家庭 C. 丁克家庭 D. 同父异母或同母异父姐妹 E. 兄弟姐妹 F. 配偶 G. 领养 Word Study 1. spouse spaus n. 配偶 2. sibling sibli n. 兄弟姊妹 3. adoption dpn n. 领养;收养; 4. half sister 同父异母或同母异父姐妹 5. single-parent family 单亲家庭 6. nuclear nju:kli family核心家庭 核心家庭指两代人组成的家庭,核心家庭的成员是夫妻两人及其未婚孩子。美国人类学家G.P.默多克首先提出了核心家庭概念。 7. DINK (=Double Income No Kids) abbr. 丁克一族;有双薪收入而没有小孩的夫妇 Part Two Listen to the “Teacher” Task 1-2 (Page 3-4) Word Study purchase p:ts vt. 购买 taste teist n. 口味;品味;审美 Molly has good taste in clothes. sporadic sp:rdik adj. 零星的;不定时发生的 graciously greisli adv. 亲切地;雅致地 stick with 坚持 receipt risi:t n. 收据 Learn More niece ni:s n. 外甥女,侄女 sport shoes 运动鞋 coach kut n. 教练;四轮马车 寇兹 (Coach) 是美国市场受欢迎时间最长和最成功的皮革品牌之一。 Chanel :nel n. 香奈儿 香奈儿是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,其产品种类繁多,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。 Leading-in Discussion Have you ever received any gifts from your family members on traditional festivals or your birthdays? If you dont like the gift from others, would you refuse it directly or accept it politely? Dear Annie, Last Christmas, I spent the day with my sister and her family. I had purchased a _ for my 18-year-old niece, only to be told by her mother that _ ran toward Coach or Chanel, and would I please _. I did so and sent my niece a gift card to replace the unwanted present. For her birthday, I didnt want to repeat my mistake so I gave her another gift card. I never _ at all. I realize teenagers are sporadic about writing notes, but I question my sisters example to her daughter of not accepting a gift graciously, whether you like it or not. Since Christmas is coming soon, should I just stick with the gift card or risk another returned present? If I do the latter and get the same result, how should I respond? Yours Mark Green Dear Mark Green, Your sister and her daughter have terrible manners. If you wish to give your niece a gift, buy whatever you like and make sure it comes with a receipt. If she doesnt like it, let HER return it and get whatever she prefers. To you, her only words should be: “_. Yours Annie Task 1 1.Mark had a wonderful time with his sisters family. 2. He bought a pair of sport shoes as a present for his niece last Christmas. 3. According to his sister, his nieces taste ran toward Coach or Chanel. 4. Mark gave his niece another gift card for her birthday. 5. Mark has no idea as to what to give his niece as a birthday gift this year. F F T T F Task 2 1. What gift did Mark buy for his niece last Christmas? He bought a purse for his niece. 2. How did Marks sister respond to his gift? She told him that it was not to her daughters taste and asked him to take it back. 3. How did his niece respond to his gift card? She didnt write any thank-you note. 4. Whats the main idea of Annies letter? His niece should learn to be thankful for other peoples kindness. Dear Annie, Last Christmas, I spent the day with my sister and her family. I had purchased a purse for my 18-year-old niece, only to be told by her mother that her taste ran toward Coach or Chanel, and would I please take it back. I did so and sent my niece a gift card to replace the unwanted present. For her birthday, I didnt want to repeat my mistake so I gave her another gift card. I never received a thank-you note at all. I realize teenagers are sporadic about writing notes, but I question my sisters example to her daughter of not accepting a gift graciously, whether you like it or not. Since Christmas is coming soon, should I just stick with the gift card or risk another returned present? If I do the latter and get the same result, how should I respond? Yours Mark Green Dear Mark Green, Your sister and her daughter have terrible manners. If you wish to give your niece a gift, buy whatever you like and make sure it comes with a gift receipt. If she doesnt like it, let HER return it and get whatever she prefers. To you, her only words should be: Thank you so much for the lovely gift. Yours Annie Task 3-4 (Page 4-5) Word Study mark m:k vt. 标志;纪念 come up with 提出;想出 Weve been asked to come up with some new ideas. in memory of 纪念 People set up a monument(纪念碑) in memory of the dead soldiers. brand-new brndnju: adj. 崭新的;全新的 The brand-new car was ruined in the crash. hit hit n. 风行一时(热门)的事物 proceeds prusi:dz n. 收入,收益 charity trti n. 慈善 Learn More anniversary ,niv:sri n. 周年纪念日 funeral fju:nrl n. 葬礼 Notes Diana, Princess of Wales was born on 1 July 1961. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on 29 July 1981. Her marriage ended in divorce on 28 August 1996. She died in a car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997 _, 2007 would have been the 46th birthday of Diana, Princess of Wales(威尔士王妃). 2007 also sees the _ anniversary of her death in a car accident. Her two sons Prince William and Prince Harry were very keen to mark these two occasions in some way, so they came up with the idea of a concert. They wanted _a happy event_ to celebrate her life and a special concert _ seemed the right way to do it. The concert took place on July 1st at the brand-new Wembley Stadium(温布利球场). _ people turned up to see the _ show, which was broadcast to _ countries around the world. Elton John(艾尔顿 约翰), who also played at _, _ the show with his hit Your Song. Proceeds from the concert will go to _ the Princess supported when she was alive. Task 3 1. For what purpose was the concert held? The concert was held in memory of Diana. 2. How did the two princes want to celebrate their mothers life? They wanted to celebrate their mothers life in a happy way. 3. What was special about Elton John? He opened the show with his hit Your Song. He has played in Dianas funeral. 4. Where did the proceeds from the concert go? The proceeds went to charities Diana supported when she was alive. Task 4 Prince William and his brother Prince Harry organized a concert on _ in memory of their mother Princess Diana. 2007 also sees the _ anniversary of Dianas death. _ people came to Wembley Stadium to watch the concert. The show was broadcast to _ countries around the world. Elton John _ the concert with his hit Your Song. The show lasted _ hours. July 1st, 2007 10th 63,000 140 opened 6 July 1st, 2007 would have been the 46th birthday of Diana, Princess of Wales(威尔士王妃). 2007 also sees the 10th anniversary of her death in a car accident. Her two sons Prince William and Prince Harry were very keen to mark these two occasions in some way, so they came up with the idea of a concert. They wanted a happy event to celebrate her life and a special concert in memory of their mother seemed the right way to do it. The concert took place on July 1st at the brand-new Wembley Stadium(温布利球场). 63,000 people turned up to see the six-hour show, which was broadcast to 140 countries around the world. Elton John(艾尔顿 约翰), who also played at Dianas funeral, opened the show with his hit Your Song. Proceeds from the concert will go to charities the Princess supported when she was alive. You are supposed to bear the following blue words in mind! Task 5-6 (Page 6-7) Word Study enroll inrul v. 录取;登记 curiosity ,kjurisiti n. 好奇,好奇心 magnetic mnetik adj. 有磁性的;有吸引力的 wrestle resl n. 摔跤 Ann Dunham Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. Barack Obama, Maya Soetoro and their mother Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and his grandparents Obama and his wife with their two daughters _ was born in 1942. Her parents, _ and _ named her Stanley because her father had wanted a boy. After she finished high school, her father moved the family way to Honolulu. Stanley enrolled in the University of Hawaii as a freshman. There she met _ in a Russian-language class. He was one of the first Africans to attend the University of Hawaii and therefore a focus of great curiosity. He had a magnetic personality. On Feb. 2, 1961, they got married in Maui. When _ was almost 1 year old, his father left for Harvard to get a Ph. D. in economics. He wanted to return to his home country and help reinvent Kenya. Ann decided not to follow him. When Obama was almost 2 years old, Ann returned to college. Money was tight. She relied on her parents to help take care of young Barack. She would get her bachelors degree four years later. In the meantime, she met another foreign student, _, at the University of Hawaii. He was easygoing, happily devoting hours to playing chess with Anns father and wrestling with her young son. They got married in 1967 and later they had a daughter named _. And now everybody know about Mr. Obamas family. He and his wife _ have two daughters, ten-year-old _ and seven-year-old _. Stanley Madelyn Ann Obama Sr. Lolo Obama Michelle Maya Malia Sasha Stanley Ann was born in 1942. Her parents, Stanley and Madelyn named her Stanley because her father had wanted a boy. After she finished high school, her father moved the family way to Honolulu. Stanley enrolled in the University of Hawaii as a freshman. There she met Barack Obama Sr. in a Russian-language class. He was one of the first Africans to attend the University of Hawaii and therefore a focus of great curiosity. He had a magnetic personality. On Feb. 2, 1961, they got married in Maui. When Obama was almost 1 year old, his father left for Harvard to get a Ph. D. in economics. He wanted to return to his home country and help reinvent Kenya. Ann decided not to follow him. When Obama was almost 2 years old, Ann returned to college. Money was tight. She relied on her parents to help take care of young Barack. She would get her bachelors degree four years later. In the meantime, she met another foreign student, Lolo Soetoro, at the University of Hawaii. He was easygoing, happily devoting hours to playing chess with Anns father and wrestling with her young son. They got married in 1967 and later they had a daughter named Maya Soetoro. And now everybody know about Mr. Obamas family. He and his wife Michelle have two daughters, ten-year-old Malia and seven-year-old Sasha. Task 7 They found a new oil field(油田) in the Northeast. This shop sells a variety of suits. They want to set up a joint venture(合资企业) in Beijing. The earthquake destroyed many of the historical buildings. Unemployment has become one of the most serious problems. He toiled(辛苦劳作) in the field for many years without getting much. I was quite annoyed by his casual attitude. Tell him not to make too much noise in the room. Task 8 Daddys Hands I remember daddys hands folded silently in prayer and reaching out to hold me when I had a nightmare. You could read quite a story in the calluses and lines. Years of work and worry had left their mark behind. I remember daddys hands how they held my mama tight and patted my back for something done right. There are things that Ive forgotten that I loved about the man. But Ill always remember the love in daddys hands. Part Three Listen to the “Real World” Task 1-2 (Page 9-10) Do you know when is Fathers Day? On the third Sunday in June. Words you can think about when it comes to father: love resposibility family mother strong . How to educate a child? 1. 和家长逛街时要这要那的孩子; 2. 早熟,偷看漂亮阿姨的孩子; 3. 不听话的孩子 Word Study parental prentl adj.父亲(似)的;母亲(似)的;父母(似的) parental love 父母的爱 drop out of 退学;从当中退出 drop out of school 退学;辍学 wind up 口语结果是,以告终 Having worked hard for many years, he at last wound up the first prize.经过多年努力,他终于获得了头等奖。 substance sbstns n. 物质;东西,材料 abuse bju:z n.滥用 substance abuse (对毒品等的)成瘾 credit kredit vt. 把归给,归功于 admit dmit vt.承认 Learn More Fathers Day 父亲节(六月第三个星期日) influence influns n.影响;有影响的人或事 have an influence on Sunday is Fathers Day in the United States, and President Obama is using the occasion to encourage men across the country to take _ more _. “Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to _ and wind up in prison. They are more likely to have substance abuse problems, _ and become _ themselves. And I say this as someone who grew up without a father in my own life.” Mr. Obamas father returned to his native Kenya when the future president was a small child living in Hawaii. He was raised by his mother and her parents, and credits them with being a _ influence on him. At a White House meeting on fatherhood Friday, the president urged dads to step up and be more closely involved in their childrens lives. Mr. Obama and his wife Michelle have two daughters, ten-year-old Malia and seven-year-old Sasha. And he admits that like other fathers, his work has often taken him away from his family. “There have been days when the demands of work have taken me from my _ as a father and I have missed some _ in my daughters lives that I will never get back. So I have been _. But in the end, it is not about being perfect. It is not always about _, but it is about always _.” Task 1 1. “Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to _ and wind up in prison. They are more likely to have substance abuse problems, _and become _themselves.” 2. “There have been days when the demands of work have taken me from my _ as a father and I have missed some _ in my daughters lives that I will never get back. So I have been _. But in the end, it is not about being perfect. It is not always about _, but it is about always_.” drop out of school run away from home teenage parents duties moments far from perfect succeeding trying Task 2 1. What is President Barack Obama encouraging men to do? The president is encouraging men to take parental responsibilities more seriously. 2. Using his own childhood as an example, what is his opinion about a fathers role in a family? A father plays an important role in a family. 3. What influence did his mother and grandparents have on him? They had a good influence on him. 4. What did he say about a father who is not perfect? A father does not have to be perfect. It is more important for him to try his best. Sunday is Fathers Day in the United States, and President Obama is using the occasion to encourage men across the country to take their parental responsibilities more seriously. “Children who grow up without fathers are more likely to drop out of school and wind up in prison. They are more likely to have substance abuse problems, run away from home and become teenage parents themselves. And I say this as someone who grew up without a father in my own life.” Mr. Obamas father returned to his native Kenya when the future president was a small child living in Hawaii. He was raised by his mother and her parents, and credits them with being a good influence on him. At a White House meeting on fatherhood Friday, the president urged dads to step up and be more closely involved in their childrens lives. Mr. Obama and his wife Michelle have two daughters, ten-year-old Malia and seven-year-old Sasha. And he admits that like other fathers, his work has often taken him away from his family. “There have been days when the demands of work have taken me from my duties as a father and I have missed some moments in my daughters lives that I will never get back. So I have been far from perfect. But in the end, it is not about being perfect. It is not always about succeeding, but it is about always trying.” You are supposed to bear the following blue words in mind! Task 3-4(Page 10-11) Word Study dyslexic disleksik adj.阅读困难症的 inspire inspai vt.激发;鼓舞;启示;使产生灵感 His speech inspired the soldiers. frustrate frstreit adj.挫败的;沮丧的 humanist hju:mnist n. 人文学者 Learn More second seknd n.秒 and stuff 等等,诸如此类 Ida and her mother Kim Note 阅读困难症(Dyslexic)指人在阅读方面长期存在问题,据估计大约有一千万美国人患有这种病症。 阅读困难症是一种很普遍的学习困难,那些被称为有“学习障碍”的人群很大一部分都受到这一问题的困扰。 有阅读困难的人在阅读,写作,拼读,数学,有的时候还有音乐方面存在障碍。 有阅读困难的男孩是女孩的三倍。 Do you think it is harder for someone who is dyslexic to succeed than normal people? 许多名人曾患此病,如 总统 威尔逊 约翰肯尼迪 乔治华盛顿 温斯顿丘吉尔 乔治布什 乔治W布什 艾森豪威尔 托马斯杰斐逊 演员 白兰度 邓肯 科学家 爱迪生 爱因斯坦 毕加索 法拉第 莱特兄弟 文学家 安徒生 爱伦坡 叶芝 运动员 阿里 卡尔刘易斯 菲尔普斯 商人 比尔盖茨 纳尔逊洛克菲勒 艺术家 贝多芬 莫扎特 达芬奇 10-year-old Ida Cortez is dyslexic, so she has some trouble learning to _. And recently, she sat down with her mother Kim to talk about it. Kim: Do you remember when, when you were trying to learn how to read? Ida: Yeah, I hated _ of it actually. But someone, as sitting right in front of me, _ me and _ me do it. When you were helping me read, did you ever for a moment think that I wouldnt be able to? Kim: I never believed that you wouldnt learn how to read. But you know, I got _ at first. Sounds like theres the word you just said it. Why cant you read it again? And I didnt understand what was going on because I knew you were so smart. And then when we talked to your teachers, and they helped us see what was _, then I knew how to help you. But what I did worry about was whether you would ever _. Because I love to read and dad loves to read and we wanted you to have that. Ida: Yeah. I do love reading and now I am probably one of the biggest readers in my class. Its changed a lot. Kim: Does that affect in when you think about what you want to do with your life? Ida: Yeah, I want to be a _. And I want to _ people who are dyslexic, dont like _ and stuff. Because those were the things that werent really _ for me. Task 3 1. What kind of trouble does a dyslexic person have? A dyslexic person has trouble in reading and spelling. 2. How did Idas mother feel at first when she learned her daughter had difficulty in reading? She got frustrated at first. 3. What was Idas mother really worried about when she knew her daughter was dyslexic? She was worried about whether her daughter would love reading. 4. What is Ida going to do in the future? She wants to be a humanist teacher. And she wants to help people who are dyslexic. Task 4 Idas mother asked her if she remembered the days when she was trying to learn how to read. Ida said she hated _ of it actually, and she remembered her mother sat in front of her, inspired and _ her a lot. Idas mother mentioned that the teachers helped her to see what _ and then she knew how to help her daughter. Ida wanted to help those who didnt like _ and the stuff. She said those things were not really _ for her. every second helped was going on spelling and reading hard 10-year-old Ida Cortez is dyslexic, so she has some trouble learning to read and spell. And recently, she sat down with her mother Kim to talk about it. Kim: Do you remember when, when you were trying to learn how to read? Ida: Yeah, I hated every second of it actually. But someone, as sitting right in front of me, inspired me and helped me do it. When you were helping me read, did you ever for a moment think that I wouldnt be able to? Kim: I never believed that you wouldnt learn how to read. But you know, I got frustrated at first. Sounds like theres the word you just said it. Why cant you read it again? And I didnt understand what was going on because I knew you were so smart. And then when we talked to your teachers, and they helped us see what was going on, then I knew how to help you. But what I did worry about was whether you would ever love to read. Because I love to read and dad loves to read and we wanted you to have that. Ida: Yeah. I do love reading and now I am probably one of the biggest readers in my class. Its changed a lot. Kim: Does that affect in when you think about what you want to do with your life? Ida: Yeah, I want to be a humanist teacher. And I want to help people who are dyslexic, dont like spelling and reading and stuff. Because those were the things that werent really hard for me. Task 5-6(Page 11-12) Ever since he fell and fractured his skull on Fathers Day, 75-year-old Valderzak had suffered severe hearing loss. But after the 5.8 quake, he could hear everything. Earthquake Cures Deafness Self-made moon cakes popular for Festival A woman shows two moon cakes she made on her own at a shop in Shenyang


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