人教新版英语六下Unit 1PPT课件6

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Unit 1 How tall are you? Period 4 人教人教peppep六年级英语下册课件六年级英语下册课件 教教 1. 能听说读写下列形容词的比较能听说读写下列形容词的比较 级形式:级形式:heavier, longer, thinner,bigger和和smaller. 学学 目目 标标 2. 能够灵活准确的运用以上能够灵活准确的运用以上 形容词比较级描述人物和动形容词比较级描述人物和动 物的特征差异。物的特征差异。 3. 能够完成能够完成Lets play 部分部分 的活动并在活动中用相应的的活动并在活动中用相应的 语言正确表达。语言正确表达。 4. 能够理解能够理解Story time中的故事。中的故事。 Who is taller? Who is shorter? Who is older? Who is younger? And who is stronger? Mike is taller. Amy is shorter. Lee is older. Sue is younger. And John is stronger. Lets Chant Heavy,heavier,the elepant is heavier. heavy The dog is heavy heavier The elepant is heavier. thin The tiger is thin. thinner The dog is thinner. Thin, thinner, the dog is thinner. small The dog is small. smaller The rabbit is smaller. Small, smaller, the rabbit is smaller. big The donkey is big. bigger The horse is bigger. Big, bigger, The horse is bigger. long The bus is long. longer The train is longer Long, longer, The train is longer Heavy,heavier,the elepant is heavier. Thin, thinner, the dog is thinner. Small, smaller, the rabbit is smaller. Big, bigger, The horse is bigger. Long, longer, The train is longer Lets chant Do you know what they are? Can you find out the differences? Find out the differences between the father and the son. LetLets Plays Play 和你的好朋友比较一下你们的身高、 体重、四肢、头发和五官。 Story Time


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