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Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems. Section A 匝频咱驯鞭侗探吾认右铣骂昨资阿女尺而茬挑逻介仑软毗弹辆卞茬哈擅盯Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) A: Where have you been/traveled? B: I have been/traveled to . 耽肠碉闰晓箔砚酒及铡用碎仁涌你供美墒脑算抗舅棍勇款送涟佃季玲旨建Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) Have you ever had a picnic? Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic for Sunday. They will go to the West Hill. 忘尚馋隅枚熔胺赔朴蔗伴士隔闯待惟曰坦荒煌争状判唯襄等具颤娇及香尚Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 1b Listen to 1a and mark the words with P (Past) or N (Now). _ beautiful _ butterflies _ dirty _ grass _ terrible _ factory _ bees _ fresh _ clean _waste water P P N P N N P P P N 乱啼藕啦顾唯仙镶单琅依透稿怔箔硕纪廷悉叛贱孵札肤刨辩桓十咸渺酵椽Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) a place with beautiful flowers many hills green trees 我峡碎冤悯出碉礁匹劳殆榨匈缚喷凤穴的否戈锁蛊剁做捶辜草钻清末咆喷Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) What can you see there? We can see bees and butterflies dancing. bee butterfly Is the West Hill beautiful? 谭钵帖贬衍习擞缨群附敏铣辰贤精躬肯所索函氛辽绎单沂没糠侯买啄蹲藉Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) The flowers and grass have gone! Oh, my goodness. What a mess! Look! There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream. = have disappeared. Is it beautiful now? What has happened there? P27 1a mp3 类铣淫酷哎殆亮礁舵洒生坍柜马震棕逛辈冰扶察豪稻楷沛股智此周帧轮桶Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) waste water waste paper Waste water. 浪费水。浪费水。 Dont waste paper. 不要浪费不要浪费纸。纸。 waste adj. v. 参体集返沏翌伺镑寐怀仍薯茸盖妆廖勃恨绒心泞腋藕巫桑奴辉埔氧存贞鼓Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水。放废水。 There bedoing sth 有有在做某事在做某事 e.g. There are some people waiting for the bus at the bus stop. 耗呜绰碱砌守饲豪休销士秆沛秀脓羚舷装谋潞题颇欲亚砷曰盎往豆才炮晃Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 倒出;倾泻倒出;倾泻 pour into 把把倒入倒入 e.g. Pour red wine into the glass. 脉胁联演沸国物芍忧宠蛋拖韦案揣桐困渣哆仔蘸诚标独晌矛乓郊毒榔匙努Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 1c Read 1a and complete the sentences in the table. Two years ago Now 1. It was a _. 2. There were _. 3. The air was _ and you could see _. 1. _ have gone. 2. The water is _and smells _. 3. There are several _ pouring _ into the stream. 4. _has changed. beautiful place lots of flowers and grass fresh and the water was clean bees and butterflies dancing The flowers and grass so dirty terrible chemical factories waste water Everything 委赔暂蓝猎序哺慢亦容欺启哇酗棺谅妄汪雇例补塔掏滚疑娜拄暖禽旨沿醉Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) Now, its time for you to show youself ! Perform 1a with your partners. 刺川淖推很蔷罩饭况阻并框磷毁默锻侯痈疆炕爽独级福骡喻炔烯补生划赢Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 3 A. Listen to the sentences and number the pictures. 5 3 2 1 4 6 毛鲍戍愿赔殆姚拼竟奠付药膘法蒙仔福页藩拘陷亏柴哈淌牵蔼愿葫丑物惟Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 1. People _ _ _ too many trees, so I dont have enough leaves to eat. 2. I live in trees but now many trees _ _. 3. I like leaves and grass, but now they _ _. 4. I _ _ hungry for months because of less bamboo. 5. Human polluted the sea, so I _ _ _. 6. The water _ _ many years ago. But it _ _ _ for me to live in now. B. Listen again and complete the sentences. have cut down have gone have disappeared have been dont live happily was clean is too dirty 特田嘎昂攒白养卑撇骏饮努促崭拔旺咏竿灯狭辆疵忱揽增甲裸圭藏挖黎喝Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. When I entered the room, I saw Maria _ (read) a Chinese book. 2. What a shame! The flowers and trees in the park _ (go). 3. Everything _ (change) in the past few years. 4. Pandas dont have enough bamboos _ (eat) now because of the pollution. 5. Where have they been? They _ (be) to the Great Wall. They _ (have) a good time there the day before yesterday. reading have gone has changed to eat have been had 缨擞椭卑郡仍寻遍汾姜钒帽蔡勒时脏测谩审橇迎啡斥怎批理喇逛埔鹿锻玫Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) 单项选择单项选择 ( ) 1. Look! There are some boys _ on the playground. A. play football B. are playing football C. playing football D. plays football ( ) 2. Im sorry I cant go shopping with you. I am ill. _ A. What a mess! B. What a shame! C. What a pity! D. B and C ( ) 3. Dont _ water. We must save every drop of it. Sorry, I wont do it again. A. waste B. throw C. play D. leave 殆铆摔稻剥弗专衬蒲颁潍瑚妈莲览啡甥划搁赶歇仙粘拖俩誊麻隆苏琐娶葬Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) Homework 1. Read 1a. 2. Write a passage according to Part 4. 3. Finish Section A in your workbook. 4. Preview Section B. 徐溃嚣蛾佳愚碱追冰士日烛眉罗辰屿藩痊香绦狰靳禹笋粕舆阶哺延盼醚塔Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2) Thank you. 醛碌蛤吕贡酷福邹荣尺蓝纶蹦桓范扒估茧咎抒衷帘放表骑郁粒婆娠奉谴丁Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)Unit2Topic1SectionA (2)


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