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视听说第一册教师用书Myth LESSON PLANPeriod One(45 Minutes)Part One:Lead-in10 MinutesPart Two:Communication Skills20 MinutesPart Three: In-putting &Out-putting15 MinutesPeriod Two(45 Minutes)Part Four: Follow-up Activities15 MinutesPart Five: Entertainment:15 MinutesPart Five:Entertainment: 10 MinutesReviewing Checklist5 Minutes教师用书 UnitUNIT MAPIn this unit, you have: Part One Lead-in Do you know much about myth?Warm-up Exercises: Characteristics of some GodsActivity 1: Listening: BibleActivity 2: Viewing: Adam and EveActivity 3: Speaking: What do you know about Bible?Part Two: Communication SkillsActivity 1: Oral FunctionsActivity 2: Oral PracticeTask 1: Listening Task 2: Viewing: The interviewTask 3: Speaking: Getting informationPart Three: In-putting & Out-puttingActivity 1: Listening To LearnTask 1: Listening for Information: Ancient mythTask 2: Listening for DetailsTask 3: Oral Practice: Group WorkActivity 2: Viewing To LearnTask 1: Viewing for InformationTask 2: Viewing for DetailsTask 3: Oral practice: Group WorkIPart Four: Follow-up ActivitiesActivity 1: Listening to LearnTask 1: Listen for InformationTask 2: Oral Practice: Pandoras BoxActivity 2: Viewing To LearnTask 1: Viewing for Information: Noahs ArkTask 2: Oral Practice: Pair Work Part Five: Entertainment: RiddlesReviewing Checklist2视听说第一册教师用书Part One Lead-inMythologyTeachers are expected to make the students understand mythology, and it is better to lead the students to talk about mythologies in different countries especially Greek Mythology. Background Information:Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to the myths and study them in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself. ACTIVITY 1 LISTENING Directions: Listen to the following dialogue between Jenny and Jason, and then answer the questions.音频资料:音频资料: 【需要录音】Tape script: Jenny: I have heard lots about the Bible, but never read it. Jason: Well, someone said that it is the worlds best selling book, but also the worlds least read book. Jenny: Why it that?Jason: Several reasons. There are many great stories in it and Jesus wants to emphasize that everyone is our neighbor, we have the responsibility to help them. Jenny: So Jesus is really a good teacher as well as a good man. Teachers let the students be familiar with the culture link. Teachers let the students listen to the dialogue from the beginning to the end once to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions. Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause, making the students take down the answers. Check up the answers:Teaching tips:Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书1. They are talking about the Bible.2. It is the worlds best selling book, but also the worlds least read book. 3. Jesus wants to emphasize that everyone is our neighbor, we have the responsibility to help them.ACTIVITY 2 VIEWING Directions: Watch the video about Adam and Eve, and then choose the best answer to each question. 视频资料:视频资料: 【已有视频】The Load god used the dust of the ground to create Adam, the first man. When god breathed His breath of life into Adams nose, he became a living soul. The Lord placed Adam in a beautiful garden called Eden. It was a perfect home. Adam was given the special job of taking care of all God had made. Then the Lord said to Adam, “You many eat the fruit from any tree in the garden except one. Do not eat from that tree.” And God warned Adam that if he disobeyed and ate the fruit, he would die. So Adam did the things God asked him to do.The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the students to grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions. Check up the answers:1. A.2. B.3. C.ACTIVITY 3 SPEAKING Directions: The Bible is the window into learning about the basics of western cultures. Have you read the Bible? Discuss the questions with your partners. Teaching tips: What is the role of the Bible in western cultures? What is your favorite story in the Bible? There are some predictions in the Bible,do you believe them? Can you give some examples?Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书Part : Communication Skills Teachers are expected to require the students to work in pairs, and then ask one or two groups to present their own discussions according to the questions in the form. Ask for students to survey to see how many students share the same opinion.ACTIVITY 1 ORAL FUNCTIONSDirections: Asking information is an important way in conversation. It is a way of getting to know something. Do you know how to ask for information? Study the following expressions. Ask for informationExcuse me, sir/ madam, I was wondering Im sorry, I really dont know.Pardon me, could you tell meI wish I could help you.Would you happen to knowIm not sure; Ill have to checkI wonder if you could tell meIve no idea. / Sure I can answer that for you.Do you knowI wish I knew.Hey, got the time?Oh, yeahHey, got the light?Sorry, I dont smoke. Go over the listed expressions one by one.Lead the class to read these expressions, and try to find more structures in asking information. ACTIVITY 2 ORAL PRACTICE Task1 Listening Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. 音频资料:音频资料: 【需要录音】Tape script: Im here for about two weeks, I read a little about Japan in the magazine. For me, Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书well, useful facts would be things like, knowing where good places are, taking good, clear photographs. I would really like to know where good places to shop, where I wont be heated by the shopkeeper. Im particularly interested in historical information. I dont think there is information that I wouldnt want, really. Check up the answers:1. useful 2. photographs3. shop4. heated5. informationTeachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the end once to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions. Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause, making the students take down the answers. Task 2 Viewing DirectionsWatch the video between Susan and Sam and then answer the following questions. 视频资料:视频资料:Susan: Hello, Sam. Long time no see .Sam: Yes. Susan. How are you doing?Susan: I am fine, thank you. Hows your life in India?Sam: Its so exciting. I love India. But I will be going to Korea in July. And graduation is coming. I have to find a job, but I really dont know how to start. Do you have any suggestions?Susan: I think you should use the Student Job Center. It will help you a lot. And what kinds of work are you looking for?Sam: Im interest in pursuing my career in Computer Science, I want to be a successful engineer.Susan: That is wonderful. I believe that you will be a good manager. And where do you want to work? Sam: Well, I want to work in China. As we all know, China is a potential market ofthe future and I would like to work there. Susan: Yes, I agree with you. And I also want to find a job in China. Maybe we will be coworkers in the future.Sam: Yeah, I hope so. Check up the answers:Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书Part Three In-putting & Out-putting1. It is so exciting and he loves India. 2. She thinks Sam should use the Student Job Center. It will help him a lot.3. With a keen interest in pursuing his career in Computer Science, he wants to be a Successful engineer. The dialogue is a little long and fast, the teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the students to grasp the main points in the dialogue according to the questions. Task 3 Speaking Directions: Work in pairs and try to get as much information as possible about his or her, you may refer to the topics given below. Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.Encourage students to progress in oral practice.Discuss some other topics together.Teaching tips:Teaching tips:hometownfavorite cityfield of studyfamily and friendshobbiesfavorite booksports activities视听说第一册教师用书ACTIVITY 1 Listening to learn Task 1 Listening for InformationDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 音频资料音频资料已有录音已有录音 Tape script: Another old expression describes the opposite condition - wild disorder. That expression is apple of discord. It comes from ancient mythology. The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around a table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus. One of the gods-Discord was a troublemaker. He threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess. It was not an easy decision to make. How could they choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus? Paris was given the task of deciding. He decided to give the golden apple to Venus. Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him. This, the myth says, began the long Trojan War.1.( ) All the gods and goddesses were sitting around a table. 2.( ) The marriage is between Thetis and Venus. 3.( ) Juno and Minerva were very pleased with the answer.Teachers let the students listen to the passage from the beginning to the end once to see to what extent that the students can take the notes of the questions and do the true or false questions.Then let the students listen to the tape again and leave enough span of pause, making the students take down the answers and finish the choices.Check up the answers:1. T2. F3. FTask 2 Listening for detailsDirections: Listen again and decide on the correct answer from the three choices marked A, B and C. 1.What does the apple mean in the passage? A.LoveB.DiscordC. Perfect order. Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书2.Why were all the gods and goddesses sitting together? A. They were have a meeting. B. They were discussing a war. C. They were celebrating a wedding ceremony. 3.Who is a troublemaker, according to the passage?A. Discord B. Peleus C. JunoCheck up the answers:1.A2.C3.ATask 3 Oral practice Directions: Apples usually have a special meaning in myths or legends. Work in groups of three or four to discuss the mythical stories that are concerned with apples. The name of the storyRole of the appleMeaning of the appleSnow WhiteAdam and EveTrojan WarACTIVITY 2 Viewing to learn 视频资料:视频资料: 【已有视频已有视频】 Script:Welcome to the gallery of the gods. Here you will meet the deities who in ancient belief shaped the destinies of men and determined the fate of Troy. These twelve gods and goddesses have influenced civilizations thought the ages and still hold sway over the human imagination today. Now, here are their tales. Artemis, goddess of the hunt, as wild as nature itself, Artemis the chaste goddess of the hunt and protector of the young serenely ruled over the earths untamed places. Twin sister of Apollo, her archery skills surpass that of all the gods on Mt. Olympus. Shes never without her silver bow and arrows. She sided with the Trojans during the war. And it was said that when a hare in its young was slain by the Greeks. Artemis unleashed fierce northern winds that prevented them from setting sail for Troy. Only when the Greeks had sacrificed king Agamemnons eldest daughter to Artemis did 视听说第一册教师用书the winds relent. Today, the legacy of Artemis can be seen in women who have defied convention. And taken a more individual and liberated route in life. A phantom in the moonlight, she is said to still inhabit the forest. Task 1 Viewing for InformationDirections: Watch the video once, and try to answer these questions. 1. What is the video talking about? 2. What kind of goddess is Artemis? 3. What is the relationship between Artemis and Apollo? _ Check up the answers:1. The video talks about one of the goddesses, Artemis.2. Artemis the chaste goddess of the hunt and protector of the young serenely ruled over the earths untamed places.3. She is the twin sister of Apollo.Task 2 Viewing for DetailsDirections: Watch again. Then answer the following questions. 1.According to this video, how many gods and goddesses have influenced the civilizations through the ages? 2.What did Artemis usually take with her?3.When did the winds relent?Check up the answers:1. There are twelve gods and goddesses.2. She usually takes silver bow and arrows.3. Only when the Greeks had sacrificed king Agamemnons eldest daughter to Artemis did the winds relent.The teachers are expected to play the video three times and guide the students to grasp the main points in the passage according to the questions. For the first and second time guide the students to finish task one and task two. For the third time check the answers with them. Teaching tips:视听说第一册教师用书Part Four Follow-up ActivitiesTask 3 Oral Practice Directions: Work in groups of three or four, and discuss the following questions. Then report to the whole class.ACTIVITY 1 LISTENING TO LEARN 音频资源:音频资源: 【已有录音已有录音】Tape script: Pandoras BoxWhen the gods created the earth, they made it a perfect place for man. Each of the gods gave man a gift, such as strength, intelligence, and skills, and they filled the earth with everything that man needed to live happily. Fruit trees grew everywhere, and beautiful flowers gave out a delicious drink called nectar that gave people energy. No people needed to work or hunt, and people never grew old or sick or died.The only thing that the gods did not give man was fire. This they kept for themselves. They feared that giving man fire would make him as powerful as the gods and would cause him to destroy the many wonderful things that the gods had put on earth. One day, the Titan named Prometheus stole some fire from heaven and gave it to man. Though man knew that fire was the possession of the gods, they still accepted Prometheus gift. Zeus was very angry at this and decided to punish man.Task 1 Listening for information Directions: Listen to the recording and then choose the best answer to each question. 1. Gods gave humans some gifts when they created the earth; the gifts were_ A.Strength and intelligenceB.Intelligence and skills1.Can you tell stories about the goddesses?2.Of all the goddesses, who do you like best? Why?3.Do the goddesses have relationships with each other? Can you describe the relationships?视听说第一册教师用书C. Strength, intelligence, and skills2. What kind of thing did the gods not give humans? A. fruit trees B. fireC. delicious drink3. Who stole some fire from the heaven and gave it to humans? A. ZeusB. Prometheus C. Both A and BCheck up the answers:1. C2. B3. BTask 2 Oral Practice Directions: Please discuss with your partner about Pandoras Box, then share your ideas with other pairs or with the class.Allow enough time for students to work in pairs.Invite volunteer pairs to show their dialogue to the whole class.Encourage students to progress in oral practice.Discuss some other topics together.CTIVITY 2: VIEWING TO LEARN Task 1 Viewing for InformationTape Script: 【已有视频已有视频】Riddles of the Bible search for Noah The story of a man and a boat and the flood first appears in the Middle East, the Teaching Tips1. Who is Pandora?2. Who gave the box to Pandora? Why?3. What are in Pandoras Box?4. Do you know the last thing in the Box?5. Among all the things in the box, which one do you think is the worst for human beings?视听说第一册教师用书same part of the world that gave birth to Jewish, Christianity, Islam. Its told in the Bible and the Koran, the account catastrophe event happened very early in human history, not too long after the creation. “It began, God created everything.” Many of us learned the story when we were kids, even if we didnt go to the Sunday school. “So God planned to do it to create a great flood, and the flood will wash everything away except for one family God saw very good things, that is Noahs family.” But how seriously should we take the story of Noah and his Ark? Did it happen the way the Bible tells us it did? “A lot of people doubt there really was a flood and an Ark, but I believe the Bible is true and I believe there was flood and there was Ark.” Was there really worldwide flood? I doubted, I dont think there was any geology or anything else for worldwide catastrophe. “I only believe the story of flood, but if you ask me do I believe if there was a 450- feet-long Ark with all the animals of the earth, inside of it, I specifically probably no. Directions: Watch the video about “Noahs Ark” and then answer the questions. 1.Where did the story of a man, a boat and a flood first appear? The story of a man, a boat and a flood first appeared in the _.2.Why did God want to create a great flood? God planned to create a great flood, and the flood will _ everything away except for one family God saw very good_, that is Noahs family.”3.What are the reasons for peoples disbelief in the flood and the Ark?Some people doubt because they dont think there is any _ or_ _ for worldwide catastrophe. Check up the answers:1. Middle East.2. wash, things.3. geology, anything elseTask 2 Oral Practice Task 2 Oral practice - A DiscussionDirections: Please discuss with your partner the following questions, and then share your ideas with other pairs or with the class. Do you believe the story of Noahs Ark? Why or why not? There is also an ark in the recent popular film recently named 2012; can you find some similarities between the two arks? Can you find more detailed information on Noahs Ark, and use your own words to tell the story?Allow enough time for students to have a discussion with their partners.Teaching Tips: 视听说第一册教师用书Part Five EntertainmentReview ChecklistEach group should nominate a group leader to gather facts and proofs for their debate.The teacher walks around to offer any necessary help to each group.Directions: Work in groups and have a competition for the following funny riddles.Check the answers:1. An onion2. A map 3. Never lend them4. Heat, because you can catch cold. 5. March (三月,行军) 6. Hot dog. (热狗) 7. Mushroom. (蘑菇) 8. Drink well water. (井水,健康的) 9. It waves. (起波浪,招手致意) 10.It has the most stories. (故事, (楼)层) Teaching Tips: 1. Take off my skin, I wont cry. But you will! What am I?2. I have forests with no trees. I have cities with no houses. I have rivers with no water. What am I?3. What is the best system of book-keeping?4. Which is the fastest, heat or cold?5. What month do soldiers hate? 6. What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark? 7. What is the smallest room in the world? 8. What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?9. How do we know the ocean is friendly? 10.Why is the library the highest building? Riddles视听说第一册教师用书Guide and encourage students to spend 5 minutes to go through the checklist.To use the checklist simply check off the results of learning.This checklist is useful in determining the way in which students evaluate themselves.


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