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6220C离线使用Google Maps谷歌地图的方法 教你下载谷歌离线地图包6220C离线使用Google Maps谷歌地图的方法 教你下载谷歌离线地图包 介绍一个让你在电脑上下载指定区域谷歌地图的方法!谷歌地图上的生活资讯可以说是相当详细的,实时更新保证了其信息的新鲜程度和有效性!增加了我们大六导航的可玩性!我一直都在想要是在电脑上能吧谷歌地图下载下来,这样在手机上浏览就可以省很多流量啊哈! 找了一个方法,感觉还不错,能自由选择地图来下载。是通过MGMaps这个软件来实现,免费的Java软件,只要支持Java的手机都可以用,不限于大六噢! 下面教程开始!-1.下载MGMaps 下面附件内下载2.用文件管理器点击jad安装一定要由 mgmaps_6220C.jad 安装噢!要不之后读取离线文件会提醒N次,直到你烦.3.设置中文进入软件后 选择settinglanguageChinese(simplified)设置的时候 需要联网 只需一点流量 4.设置地图类型打开“地图旋转类型:”(这个翻译很有问题,其实就是选择地图类型)。如果你只在国内使用MGMaps,建议你选择Google Ditu(China),相应的,制作地图时要选择“Google Road Maps(China)”;如果在国外使用MGMaps,建议你选择“Google Maps”,相应的,在制作地图时,应选择“Google Road Maps”。把雅虎的都去取消! 在地图设置总把离线模式勾上!以上都设置好后左键选项中记得点保存!重启程序就能生效!5.制作离线地图坐标。无论你想制作哪个国家的地图都请进入这个网页:。a.通过在地图上放置锚点(单击左键即可),将所需区域围起来。以武汉为例,框住你想下载的区域就可以了。想重选可以按“Reset”取消当前选定。 注意:如果你选择的地方较大,那下载时间将会是很长很长的噢,建议先下载常用的小区域!b.在下方“Zoom level”中选择缩放级别,我的策略是只需要查看道路的话级别建议是4-9,游玩、美食、生活涉及的城市地图的级别建议是10-19,某些城市可以到22级 c.“Level of detail”我选择了“Slow and detailed”,不然地图会比较糙。不过看你自己的喜好吧d.Type of map选择地图类型,尽管你看到的地图界面是英文版的google maps,但下载下来的地图到底是什么,完全决定于一项。地图界面的作用只是为了帮助你圈定范围,确定锚点的坐标位置。我还是比较信任google,所以选了“Google Road Maps”。Generate”键便可导出MAP文件,为它选择一个好记的文件名和保存位置即可。6.下载所选地图下载安装电脑上下载谷歌离线地图的软件:gMapMaker下面附件内安装然后运行按go来启动下载,会提示你选择之前我们导出好的.map文件!选择后确定开始下载了!耐心等待!7.复制离线地图到内存卡!直接复制已经下载好的文件夹 “ MGMapsCache”整个复制到内存卡就可以了!启动软件,左键搜索一个你下载地图里有的地方,然后用* #来缩放地图就可以查看了!是不是很方便!总结下:其实文章 就是介绍了 安装 MGMaps软件,然后到所生成的地图索引用电脑端软件gMapMaker下载Google maps谷歌地图离线地图包的方法!这个就是文章的关键三步!Mgmaps优点就是,电脑上下载所需谷歌地图手机上浏览,省流量!喜欢谷歌地图的可以试试这个方法!PS:附件提供了Google Maps 2.4.07最新版下载 你也可以采用WIFI接入来免费下载地图的方式!本人大六5.15.1本版 国行 亲测 先供大家分享需用到的软件都在这里面了.rar (2.04 MB)members from key minority outreach, promote a comprehensive strictly administering the party into the branches, put it into every party member, give full play to each party organization fight fortress function, each the exemplary vanguard role of party members. Is to promote the inner-party education extend from the concentrated education to regular education, in the regular education efforts, real party ideology in the all party members and the partys construction through system. Is to boost the spirit of all party members, education guide all members of the party in their respective work positions, responsible and dependable officer, make contributions. Therefore, we must from the height of political and global, fully aware of two learning the importance of education, put two education as a major political task and practice well. All members to active participation, really into, in learn, and do, and modified, and promoting upper and lower really Kung Fu, effective put thought and action unified to XI General Secretary of important indicates spirit up, unified to Central and provincial of decision deployment up, solid do learning education the work, effective do good accountability, caught in place, see effectiveness, condensed up officer venture, and promoted water the work of powerful power. Second, accurately grasp the two educational focus . Marxist positions, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, enhance the scientific level of the work, and to better promote our work. In terms of learning methods, units of the party organization, the party branch in accordance with the implementation plan, organization members planned and subtopics to learn to combine


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