Stimulating the Students’ Interest in English Language Teaching in the Middle School1

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Stimulating the Students’ Interest in English Language Teaching in the Middle School1_第1页
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Stimulating the Students Interest in English Language Teaching in the Middle SchoolContentsAbstract.1Key Words.1I. Introduction.1II. Direct Interest and Indirect Interest.42.1 Teachers Should Stimulate Students Direct Interest.42.1.1 Teachers Arouse Students Interests by Using Kinds of Teaching Methods.42.1.2 Teachers Stimulate Students Interest on English Study by Applying Themselves Charm.52.2 Teachers Should Stimulate Students Indirect Interest6III. The Methods of Stimulating Students Interest in English Teaching63.1 Different Ideas of Stimulating Students Interest on English Study.63.2 Summarize Different Authors Methods on Stimulating Students Interests in English Teaching.7IV. Conclusion.12References.13摘要:兴趣是最好的老师,也是学生学习的动力。兴趣是学生学习中最现实最活跃的成分。它积极的推动学生去积极主动的认识事物,探索未知世界。学生对学习的兴趣在于老师的挖掘和激发。激励是激发人的动机的心理过程。在英语教学中,它起着举足轻重的作用。不仅使学生获得了知识,而且调动了他们的积极性,激发了他们的潜力,达到一种和谐的学习境界。因此教师应灵活的运用好激励艺术,使用恰当的方式方法,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,从而提高教学效率,做到教与学有机的结合起来。 关键词:激励; 兴趣; 英语教学; 学生Abstract: Interest is the best teacher; it is a kind of motive power that students study knowledge also. Interest is real and active ingredient when students study knowledge. It promotes students know the thing actively and explore the unknown world. Students study interests depend on teachers stimulation. Stimulation is a kind of psychology process it cans arouse peoples intention. It plays an important role in English language teaching. Not only does it make students obtain the knowledge, but also it moves students initiative and arouses their latent energy so that they can reach a kind of harmonious study boundary. Thus we can improve teaching efficiency and unite teaching and studying very well. Key words:stimulate;interest;English teaching;students I. IntroductionInterest plays an important role in many unintelligence factors of influencing English language study. Interest is the best teacher. Not only is it a kind of motive power that students study knowledge, but also it is a kind of primitive power to create the aspect of new ideas and invention. Our countrys great educator Confucius said that if a person knows something, he is not equal to the other people who like doing the something; if a person likes doing the something; he is not as good as another people who take delight in doing the something. One educator in Russian said that if a person hasnt interest in doing anything, he cant overcome all kinds of troubles, doubts, thinking and so on in the process of studying knowledge and hasnt new creation in the final. After Newton saw a dropping apple, he brought about strong interest. Thus he started to research the phenomenon continuously and found the law at last. Many things tell us the same principal that people know and explore the world by developing the interest.Shifting of interest factors is closely connected with individual subjective and objective condition. These conditions are also very complex. In the English language teaching, there are some important conditions, e.g. students whole quality, students study intention and their psychology of knowing the things. They are both major conditions on influencing interest factors. First, “students whole qualities get in touch with interest factors.” If a student can hold himself from entirety, he can create interest in studying the knowledge of any object. These interests influence each other and constitute unity. When students reach certain degree in the process of measuring themselves, they will create a kind of new need. This need on certain degree depends on previous achievement. Thus they put themselves in unbalance state and keep interest in any requirement objects. Therefore not only should we pay attention to some questions on how arouse students interest English study, but also we should pay attention to improve students whole quality. Second, “motive is contacted with interest factors.” It is divided into two kinds on the motive of English study. One kind is tool motive. It thinks if you master a kind of language, you master a kind of tool. The other kind is comprehensive motive. Because learners are attracted in English culture and other factors, he creates this kind of motive. Two kinds of motive are both contain interest factors. As English teachers, as long as we can arouse students interest, we can develop their potential energies under the interest guide. Third, “students psychologies of knowing the things get in touch with interest factors.” With the age growing, peoples interest will change. When students go to the middle school, they start to form the interest of their individual character on the basic of wide interest. The older he is, the stronger interest he shows. According to this state, we should have purpose choice in the process of carrying out English teaching, such as, optimizing teaching contents, applying kinds of teaching ways and so on. Because the developments of students interest have basic rules, we make use of teaching reality conditions and guide students to create strong interests in English study.The development of interest has specific rule. As English teachers, it is very important we know and master these rules. First, “direct interest and indirect interest can transform each other.” Interests are divided into two kinds, e.g. direct interest and indirect interest. Direct interest is one kind of interest in things or activities themselves. Indirect interest is the other kind of interest in activities purpose or result. When students have full recognized the importance of mastering the knowledge, they will create indirect interest and stimulate them to study uninteresting things. When they work hard and obtain achievement, they will create direct interest on the knowledge. Second, “Interest is deepened and developed in studying.” The interest developments need experience through three periods, e.g. interesting, pleasure, and inclination. Because interesting maintains a short time, its effect is limited. Teachers should guide students to transform from interesting to pleasure. Inclination maintains time long. It is linked with lofty ideal and high struggle target. Therefore only interest reaches inclination period, students can put whole intelligence into activity. Third, “stimulating interest and cultivating will should advance at the same time.” If a student has an interest, he cant succeed without making efforts. We should move their whole energy and demand them to realize aim effort. Not only do we stimulate them stable interest, but also we cultivate them firm determination. Interests are real and active ingredients when students study knowledge. It promotes students to know the thing actively and explore the unknown world. When students bring about strong interest in some subject, they will bring about positive study attitude, work hard and give rise to good study effect. Therefore as English teachers, we should arouse their interests in English study and move their initiative.Stimulation is a kind of outside stimulus. It can make one excited. It is a kind of psychology process it can also arouse peoples intention. It moves peoples initiative also. Once a Germany educator said teaching art wasnt teaching ability. It was stimulating and inspiring. A China educator said parents should educate children in ten years inferior to encourage their specialty. Two scholars emphasize encouragement have positive and good effects on school and family education. A famous American psychologist puts forward that motivation is equal to expectant multiply valance. Valance is peoples serious degree on one aim. Expectant is a kind of possibility on realizing aim. In fact stimulation level is initiative of work body. The formula arouses us if we have very high evaluation and take it seriously on one aim. We can move our initiative easily. Thus the aim will come true easily. A physics scholar said if you give me a supporting point, I will prize the earth. If we apply stimulation principle to English language teaching, we will obtain good teaching effects. In English language teaching, stimulation arts are stimulating students inner power on the basic of respecting students individual. It carries out by creating kinds of outside conditions. If we lack this power in English teaching, any ingenious measure is useless on education. Therefore we need lay stress on students initiative and stimulate their study enthusiasm in English language teaching.There are many methods on stimulating students interest in English language teaching in the middle school. We can stimulate students direct interest. First, we can stimulate students interest by using kinds of ways, such as, direct observation stimulation, and perform stimulation, current events and so on. Second, we can stimulate students interest by applying individual charm. Teachers charms depend on thought depth, learning accomplishment, art ability and character fascination. If teachers apply it very well, we can hit it off students. We can stimulate students indirect interest also. Take for example; we can arouse students from high ideals education, purpose education and effort importance. Besides, we can stimulate students interest by other ways. Take for example; we can arouse students interest from language factor, feeling factor, environment factor and success factor. We use these ways in order to arouse students initiative and explore their potential energy on English study. Thus we will improve students English level. We can obtain good teaching effect on English language teaching in the end.II. Direct Interest and Indirect InterestWhether students have strong interests in English study, it will influence the effect of English study directly. Therefore teachers should follow the development of interest and stimulate students interest in English study.2.1 Teachers Should Stimulate Students Direct Interest.Direct interest is one kind of interests in things or activities themselves. Teachers stimulate students direct interest. It is the foundation of stimulating students studies interest also. Direct interest is the most direct and active motive power in the process of study. Teachers should stimulate students study interest by using all kinds of teaching ways and applying their charm. 2.1.1 Teachers Arouse Students Interests by Using All Kinds of Teaching Methods. First, “direct observation stimulation” it is a kind of methods teachers show entity and teaching tool in the classroom. Then students create study interest. Not only is the way direct and image, but also it deepens students understanding on text. Second, “perform stimulation” teachers demand students to perform some item on text content. It cans attract students to take care and arouse their strong interest. Teachers can let students play different roles on the basis of text content. We will allow them to develop on giving their task. Because students hope to have excellent performance and obtain applause, they will do research on text content carefully and make efforts remember words and sentences. We will see their good performances. Students have strong interest in the lesson. We stimulate their interest in English study. Third, “design questions on stimulating interest” Teachers can stimulate students interest by designing questions. If teachers can design effective questions, they will arouse students initiative greatly. Teachers give students the developing room and express themselves chances by using English. Students can answer these questions by using the words of text and link with their practice. These questions can stimulate students interests in English study by using English thought and express themselves idea. Forth, “contest stimulation” because youth students eager to do well in everything, teachers should make use of their psychology. Contest can be compared to stimulant. It will make teaching have a good effect. There are many kinds of contest ways, e.g. knowledge contest, debate contest and so on. Not only do these activities make students remember words and sentence patterns, but also they move students initiative. Thus their interests get improvement also. Fifth, “current events” current events are some important events of internal and international at present. Students study a kind of language in order to apply it in real life. Because people pay close attention to important events, students hope they can express themselves by using English. Therefore they will have very positive display and strong interest. Sixth, “Teachers stimulate students interest by using modern teaching methods.” With the development of the science and technology, computer, multi-media technologies are widely applied in English teaching. Teachers can develop some activities by making use of these resources. Because multi-media have different forms and rich contents, students like to accept it. Tape-record is a kind of study tool also. It is very effective for teachers to train students listening. Teachers can save time of blackboard writing to teach students more knowledge by using slide projector. These ways are very useful in English teaching.2.1.2 Teachers Stimulate Students Interest in English Study by Applying Themselves Charm. They have close connection between school subject and teachers teaching attitude. If a student likes the teacher, he will like the teacher subject also. Thus he will create interest on the subject. Teachers charm depends on thought depth, learning accomplishment, art ability, languages power and characters fascination. Because teachers get along with students everyday, their behavior have affection power for students. Thus students will accept to the influence on study interest. Therefore teachers accomplish is very important. Besides, good teaching art is a basic accomplishment for teachers also. If teachers are very serious in the class, students cant have great interest in his lesson. Because they lake the feeling communication. Therefore even if teachers design very well, students cant have good cooperation. I think teachers should make use of time very reasonably. When teachers teach lesson, we should study to change the rhythm. We can insert some topics. They havent connected with the content. If we do it, not only do we make classroom atmosphere active, but also we arouse students interest in English study. 2.2 Teachers Should Stimulate Students Indirect Interest.Indirect interest is a basic point on stimulating students interest. It can improve students know on the importance and necessity of English study. It makes students understand the important function of English subject in carrying out the process of humans aim. Therefore we can arouse students interest on English study. In order to stimulate students interest, we should pay attention to three points. First, we should develop high ideas education for students. We let students create strong wish on creating their wonderful future. Thus we improve students positive. Second, we should develop aim education for students. According to English character, we should emphasize English status in future work and life. We should urge students to create indirect interests. Thus we can stimulate students to study some smaller and uninteresting things. Third, we should emphasize the importance of effort and arouse students to cultivate firm consciousness. After students overcome troubles, they will obtain successful pleasure.III. The Methods of Stimulating Students Interest in English Teaching3.1 Different Ideas of Stimulating Students Interest on English Study The topic is to debate on stimulating students interest in teaching English in the middle school. Different people have different opinions. So their elaborations are different on the topic. There are some different ideas on the title in magazines and books. A book points out teachers should organize all kinds of activities in class. Therefore teachers can finish the task of teaching successfully by stimulating (Feng Wenhe 2001). Another book thinks that teachers should pay attention to use different teaching methods on stimulating students interest. Teachers should take care of some problems on the art of stimulating (Xu Miaozhong 2004). One magazine shows that teachers should stimulate and consolidate students interest by using different ways (Zhang Hongpeng 2004). Another magazines suggest teachers stimulate students interest from the feelings, the art of teaching and learn though successful experience (Cheng Liping 2003). Another magazines shows that teachers should stimulate students interests and make them like studying. It emphasizes the topic from these aspects of creating scene, carrying out the second classroom and building well the relations between teachers and students (Pan Maqing 2002). A book suggests teachers should stimulate students interest from teachers accomplishment, teaching feelings and all kinds of teaching methods (Xu Enmei 2002). One journal thinks that teachers should adopt varied and colorful teaching methods. Teachers can stimulate students interests of studying English and strengthen students the consciousness of participation (Jiang Hongshan 2004). 3.2 Summarize Different Authors Methods on Stimulating Students Interests in English Teaching “Foreign language education psychologists think it is the most effective time. When students study foreign language, they focus on taking care and taking part in the activities.” The teacher should arouse students enthusiasm on studying English. It can influence teaching effect. The viewpoint can be proved from four sides. First, teachers can carry out some discussions in the classroom. The discussion can put into effect among two people or four people. The way of discussion can lighten students the pressure of psychology and relax nervous mood. They can be relaxed to merge the discussion. Second, teachers should give students the chance to go to platform. The author adopts two methods. One is that students explain the problems of exercises on the platform. The other is that teachers hold English speech competitions. These are both effective methods. Not only can it consulate their knowledge, but also it train their oral English. Third, teachers can teach students to sing English songs. This is one kind of effective ways of stimulating students interest. In the process of singing English songs, students study knowledge, furthermore they accept to cultivate on music. It strengthens students interest in studying English. Fourth, according to the text, students are requested to debate between positive and negative opposite. According to the way, students enthusiasm is very high in studying English. Their thoughts are a state of nervousness and activity. The way is very effective (Feng Wenhe 2001). I think that there are many ways on stimulating students interest. These opinions are not enough to explain the problem. We can arouse students interest directly from flexible applying all kinds of teaching aids, such as pictures, tape recorder, multi-media and so on. Besides, teachers can arouse students interest by setting up questions. Not only can it stimulate students English thought, but also it can make student create the interest by expressing his thought. As long as we explore seriously, our teaching will work better.There are many other methods on stimulating students interest aspects. First, we can stimulate them by us


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