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我国森林采伐法律制度研究 我国森林采伐法律制度研究 Study on the Legal System of Forest Harvesting 【中文摘要】 森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,不仅为人类的生存和发展提供了巨大的物质产品和生态产品,而且在维护地球生态平衡和生物多样性、支持人类生命系统中发挥着不可替代的作用。森林采伐是林业生产和森林经营活动的重要组成部分和基础性工作,人类通过采伐活动对森林的作用是长期的、大规模和渐进的,其作用强度远远大于任何一种突发性自然灾害对森林的影响,因而有必要通过法律制度对森林采伐行为加以限制。随着我国计划经济向市场经济的转轨,传统林业也正在向现代林业逐步转变。在此过程中,由于新的经济主体和新的思维模式的不断出现,现行的森林采伐法律制度暴露出一定的问题。本文即针对我国森林采伐法律制度存在的缺陷,在全面综述了国内森林采伐法律制度的历史沿革和发展现状的基础上,就森林采伐法律制度进行对比研究,通过实地调查与相关理论研究成果相结合,归纳出当前森林采伐制度存在的若干问题,在借鉴国外林业发达国家经验和国内多年林业改革实践的基础上,对我国森林采伐法律提出初步的完善构想,以期弥补现有森林采伐法律制度的不足,使我国林业能在更加健康的轨道上发展。【英文摘要】 Forest, as the most important ecosystem, not only provide enormous material products and ecological services, but also play an irreplaceable role in maintaining global ecological balance and biodiversity. In some respects, it can support the life system on the Earth. Forest harvesting is the core of forest management and manufacturing. Its impaction is gradual, long-term and large-scale. Its strength is far greater than any other sudden natural disaster of the world to the foresty . So it is very necessary to found a reasonable legal system to restrain forest harvesting.With the development of our country economy from planned economy to the market, the forestry management is also gradually changing from traditional to modern. In this process, new economic entities and new mode of thinking are constantly emerging. Meanwhile, the legal system of forest harvesting in china exposed some serious problems. So this paper is mainly study on the disposal of those problems. Firstly, it intruduced the history and the development of china legal system of forest harvesting . Then through the combination of the field investigation and theoretical research, and using the comparing method, it summed up some important issues of the existing system of nowadays forest haversting. After that this paper had carefully studied on the reasons and solutions of those issues. Finally, on the basis of the experience of foreign developed countries and many years results of domestic practice, it gave the proposal in improving the legal system of Chinas forest harvesting and hoped our country s forestry walking on a track of healthy development.【中文关键词】 森林; 采伐; 法律制度 【英文关键词】 forest; harvest; Legal System 【毕业论文目录】 我国森林采伐法律制度研究摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 1 绪论 8-12 1.1 课题背景 8-9 1.2 国内外研究进展 9-10 1.3 研究目的意义及方法 10-12 1.3.1 研究目的 10 1.3.2 研究意义 10-11 1.3.3 研究方法 11-12 2 我国森林采伐法律制度概述 12-22 2.1 我国森林采伐法律制度历史沿革 12-15 2.1.1 新中国成立初期 12-14 2.1.2 “文革”时期 14 2.1.3 改革开放时期 14-15 2.1.4 快速发展时期 15 2.2 森林采伐法律制度基本内容 15-20 2.2.1 采伐限额制度 15-17 2.2.2 年度木材生产计划制度 17 2.2.3 采伐许可制度 17-18 2.2.4 森林采伐方式与伐后更新制度 18-20 2.3 本章小结 20-22 3 我国森林采伐法律制度的主要问题 22-28 3.1 采伐限额制度限制非公有制林业的自主经营权 22-23 3.2 采伐限额编制不科学 23 3.3 采伐许可制度不完善 23-24 3.4 森林经营者指导培训制度不健全 24-25 3.5 滥砍盗伐问题依然存在 25-26 3.6 本章小结 26-28 4 对发达林业国家森林采伐法律制度借鉴 28-36 4.1 芬兰的森林采伐法律制度 28-29 4.2 德国的森林采伐法律制度 29-30 4.3 美国的森林采伐法律制度 30-32 4.4 瑞典的森林采伐法律制度 32-33 4.5 加拿大森林采伐法律制度 33 4.6 对发达林业国家森林采伐法律制度借鉴 33-35 4.7 本章小结 35-36 5 完善我国森林采伐法律制度的构想 36-44 5.1 调整森林采伐限额制度 36-38 5.2 完善森林采伐许可制度 38-40 5.3 健全对经营者指导培训制度 40-41 5.4 强化森林采伐监管制度 41-42 5.5 建立森林采伐公众参与制度 42-43 5.6 本章小结 43-44 结论 44-45 参考文献 45-48 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 48-49 致谢 49-50


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