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2012年酒店英语津贴考试必背词库WORD BANK FOR THE ENGLISH ALLOWANCE EXAMINATION 2012razor剃须刀hand dryer 烘手器pillow case 枕套dimmer switch 调光开关ashtray烟灰缸slipper拖鞋Dressing table 梳妆台valet stand 衣物架toothpaste牙膏shaving cream剃须膏bath foam 沐浴液Confirm 确认tooth brush 牙刷fade 褪色 pillowslip 枕套desk lamp 台灯wardrobe 衣橱closet 壁橱Silk 丝绸Indeed 的确toilet bowl马桶sponge 海绵fork 叉子air conditioner vent 空调排风口bedside table床头柜blanket羊毛毯bedspread床罩、床单bulb 电灯泡marble 大理石air-condition 空调mattress 床垫apron 围裙shampoo/hair conditioner 洗发水/护发素colleague同事doorbell 门铃paper coaster 杯垫balcony 阳台 television guide 电视指南downtown市中心laundry bag 洗衣袋Elevator 电梯charge to the room 挂房账Occupancy 入住率Stationery file 文件夹nail clippers 指甲剪brochure 宣传册stand for代表executive room 行政客房living-room 起居室presidential suite总统套房Diner s Club 大来卡bathrobe 浴衣Nationality 国籍credit arrangement 信贷协定MasterCard 万事达卡departure list (客人)离店名单baggage receipt行李收据suitcase 手提箱trolley 手推车shoe-shiner 鞋刷D/O(Due out) 预离房间Coupon 奖券cash paid out 预支款Special Rate优惠价towel rack 毛巾架Extension bed加床direct billing直接划账out of order 坏了long distance call 长途电话cut-off time 截止时间complimentary免费的billing machine 入账机Actual market share 实际市场客源分配deluxe suite 豪华套房grateful 感谢procedure 手续、程序reservation 预定vacuum 真空allowance 费用;津贴 function room多功能厅housekeepers report房间状态报表Holidex 假日电脑预订系统priority Club Rewards 优悦会guarantee 保留担保souvenir 纪念品late check out延迟退房reservation confirmation预订确认Maintain 维修 保养postcard明信片pick up接送soup spoon 汤匙service charge服务费memo pad 便签artwork设计图案Carved 切好的Congee 粥chopsticks 筷子braise 炖、闷appetizer 开胃品.Celebrate 庆祝fillet (把鱼、肉)切片assure 保证muffin 松饼cereal 麦片粥toast 吐司,烤面包片pan-fried 煎Trainee 实习生Staff locker-room员工更衣室Traffic jam 交通阻塞Minestrone Soup罗宋汤Char-grilled 碳烤Guest amenity客用品specialty 招牌菜coat hanger 大衣架crab 螃蟹bean sprouts 豆芽honey 蜂蜜lemon tea 柠檬茶straws 吸管vegetable juice 蔬菜汁mustard 芥茉almond 杏仁fruit platter 水果拼盘marmalade 橘子酱Electrician电器师group rate 团体房价scenic spot观光景点champagne 香槟steamed bread 馒头tuna 金枪鱼sausage 香肠 reasonable 合理的flower vase花瓶delegation 代表团birds nest 燕窝soy sauce 酱油Look for 寻找spaghetti 意大利实心粉omelette煎蛋卷salmon 三文鱼photocopier复印机croissant 牛角包flat iron熨斗stapler 订书机pharmacy药店、药房saucer小碟子urgent 紧急的Fire-drill 消防演习convenient方便的photocopier 复印机courtesy 礼貌formal 正式的Stain remover 除污剂Over there 在那边Repeat 重复gym 健身房fire sprinkler 灭火喷淋screen 屏风Smoke alarm 烟雾报警器Tiramisu 提拉米苏fire-escape plan消防疏散图fire exit 消防通道food hygienic食品卫生emergency exit紧急出口risk management风险管理egress逃生出口hydrant消防栓fire extinguisher灭火器fire alarm火警fire emergency room 消防监控室evacuation 疏散emergency torch 应急电筒First aid box 急救药箱Smoke detector 烟感器Ice bucket 冰桶Shower mat 防滑垫concierge 礼宾部dusting 除尘help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事air-fresher空气清新剂cushion 靠垫 座垫furniture 家具foreign exchange外汇Adjoining Room 邻近房bottle opener 开瓶器locker room衣帽间dresser 梳妆台mouse pad 鼠标垫vending machine自动售货机Dragon Boat Festival 端午节milk jug牛奶壶Doorknob门把手TV remote control 遥控器martial art 武术Mid-Autumn Day中秋节Deposit 押金power socket 电源插座Lychee 荔枝Olive 橄榄Tasty and refreshing 爽口的2012年酒店英语津贴考试必背句库SENTENCE BANK FOR THE ENGLISH ALLOWANCE EXAMINATION 201201. 我叫享利,来自中州皇冠假日酒店,我是来接您的。Im henry, Im from Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou, Im here to meet you .02. 对不起,我不是很明白,我能叫经理来吗?Im sorry, I dont understand. Should I get the manager?03. 十二岁以下儿童与父母同住且不要求加床,酒店将不收费用。No charge for children under12 years sharing parents room without extra bed.04. 在房间上网是免费的。Its free of charge to use internet in the room.05. 您对我们的服务有什么意见?What do you think of our service?.06. 离开酒店的当天您可以充分使用直到中午12:00,如果需要在中午12:00以后继续使用,请在上午10:00前通知服务台。The rooms are at your disposal until 12:00 noon on the day of your departure. Should you require your room after that hour, kindly notify Reception before 10:00 am.07. 对不起,先生,这道菜已经过季。您愿意点些别的代替吗?Im sorry, sir, but that item is out of season. Would you care for something else instead?08. 您一共有几个人用餐?How many persons in your dinner party?09. 您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?Would you like Western food or Chinese food?10. 广东菜比较清淡而四川菜比较麻辣。Cantonese food is lighter while Sichuan food is spicy and hot.11. 这个餐桌的位置可以吗?Will this table be all right for you?12. 您现在点菜吗? May I take your order now?13. 对不起。我马上去给你催一下你的菜。Im very sorry. But Ill go to rush your order right now14. 您想喝什么酒?What wine would you like to have?15. 给您菜单。请问先来点咖啡还是茶?Here is the menu. Would you like some coffee or tea?16. 每天的这个时间交通情况都较差。为了不误航班最好早些出发。At this time of the day the traffic is very bad. It is better to leave earlier to make sure you can catch the plane.17. 值班经理马上就来。The duty manager will come here soon.18. 我们会尽快给您答复.We will answer you as soon as possible19. 对此造成的不便,我们非常抱歉。We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.20. 您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?21. 您是用信用卡还是现金结算?Will you pay by credit card or in cash?22. 本酒店接受维萨卡以及运通卡。The hotel accepts Visa card as well as American Express.23. 您的牛排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?Would you like your steak well done or rare?24. 对不起。我们只能为酒店客人兑换外币。这是对他们的特殊服务。Im sorry. Im afraid we can only change money for our guests staying here. Its a special service just for them.25. 先生,您还要点什么吗?Would you like anything else, sir?26. 您准备把费用记到您的饭店总账上吗?Would you like to put that on your hotel bill?27. 我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币在给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查。 We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer. 28. 我们马上拿新的去更换。We will bring the replacement immediately.29. 对不起,由于酒店修理水管,从今天上午10点至下午1点不能提供热水。Sorry, we cant supply hot water from 10:00am to 1:00pm today, because the water pipes are being repaired.30. 坐出租车从酒店到机场大约需要40分钟。It will take 40 minutes by taxi from hotel to the airport.31. 从你入住我们的酒店后,你就可以签单。Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.32. 请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗?Shall I draw the curtains? 33. 非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you? 34. 如果您不想被打扰,请您最好把“请勿打扰”牌挂在门外。Im afraid that if you dont want to be disturbed, youd better put out the “Do not disturb” sign35. 酒吧现在客满,请稍等约20分钟好吗?The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20 minutes? 36. 您要加一条毯子吗? Would you like an extra blanket?37. 您需要我们什么时候打扫房间。When would you like me to clean your room? 38. 现在可以为您开夜床吗?Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now? 39. 先生,团队预订可以打九折 We offer 10% discount for group reservation, sir.40. 早上好,先生。我来取您要洗的衣服。您要洗衣加急服务吗?Good morning, sir. I have come to collect your laundry. Do you require express service for your laundry?41. 很抱歉给您带来这么多麻烦。Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.42. 我向您保证,这类事情以后不会再发生了。I assure you it will never happen again.43. 请将房间钥匙随时带在身边,以防签单时要用。Please keep your room key with you all the time in case you need it when you sign your bills.44. 希望你再光临我们酒店。We hope you will come stay with us again. 45. 您的衣服洗好了,请您查看一下是否满意?Your clothes are ready, will you please see if they are all right?46. 营业时间是上午9点到晚上6点。The business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.47. 这是您的信用卡和发票。Here is your card and invoice. 48. 您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?Would you like to try our House Specialty?49. 茅台酒被认为是中国的国酒。它常是盛宴的必饮之物。Mao Tai liquor is regarded as Chinas national wine. Its often a must for a grand banquet.50. 根据我们酒店的规定,您必须为您造成的损坏做出赔偿。According to our hotels regulation, you must pay for damage you caused. 51. 上午好,先生。欢迎来到中州皇冠假日酒店。Good morning Sir, welcome to Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou, how may I help you?52. 您想要什么样的房间?What kind of room would you like to have?53. 再加60元,您可以升级到更高级的房间。For extra RMB 60 you can upgrade to the Superior room.54. 请稍等,我去查一下房间预定情况。Just a moment, please. Ill check the room availability. 55. 先生,您有预定吗?Do you have a reservation, sir?56. 您打算住多久?How long do you plan to stay? 57. 请问您的公司全称及付款方式?May I know your company name and how would you like to settle your payment?58. 我们登记入店时间是2点。您会介意等到那是吗?Our check-in time is 2 oclock. Would you mind waiting until then? 59. 您房间的烟感器发出了警报,我们能进来检查一下吗?There is an alarm from the smoke sensor in your room, can we get in your room and have a check?60. 您能告诉我您的飞机航班号和起飞时间吗?May I have your flight no. and departure time?61. 我们将为您保留预定到晚上7:30。如果您不能前来,请在7:00之前告知我们。We will hold the table for you until 7:30pm. If you cannot come, please inform us before 7:00pm.62. 恐怕十六号后我们不能保证有房间提供给您,那段时间是我们的入住高峰期。Im afraid we wont be able to guarantee you a room after the 16th. We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons.63. 对不起,酒店的电脑服务中心出现了一点小故障,房间暂时不上了网,请稍候一下就会恢复正常。There is a little trouble in the computer service center, so the Internet is disconnected temporarily. Please wait a while, itll be recovered soon.64. 我们的俱乐部三明治做起来很快而且味道特别好。仅仅需要十分钟的准备时间,我们同时还提供精美的打包盒。Our club sandwich is fast and tastes very good. It only takes 10 minutes to prepare, and we have very nice box for take away.65. 您点了两道主菜,请问是需要一起上,还是分开上呢?You have ordered two main dishes. Would you like it served together or separately?66. Im sorry. Our sirloin steak is sold out. Would you like to try our beef tenderloin? Itsalso very good.对不起,我们的西冷扒卖完了,尝尝我们的牛柳,好么?那也一样美味。67. 我马上就把您的零钱和收据拿回来。I will be right back with your change & receipt.68. 恐怕今天的洗衣太晚了, 我们明天下午7点以前可以送还。Im afraid its too late for todays laundry. We can deliver it by 7pm tomorrow.69. 恐怕您误会了我的意思,我能解释一下吗?Im afraid you have misunderstood what I said. Perhaps I can explain again.70. 我想那对两个人来说太多了,减少两道菜比较好。I think that will be too much for two persons. It would be better to reduce the number by two dishes.71. 如果您希望您的房间早些整理好,请将这个“请打扫”的牌子挂在门上。If you want to have your room cleaned extra quickly, please hang the Cleaning sign on the door.72. 对不起,先生,您是否可以在划掉之处签名注明一下?Excuse me, sir, but could you please endorse this where it has been crossed out?73. 恐怕您的房间还没收拾好。希望您不会介意在这里等一下,给您带来不便真对不起。Im afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting, please? We are very sorry for the inconvenience.74. 您可以在房间直拨国际长途。You can make IDD call in your room.75. 请接受我代表酒店向您道歉Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.76. 很报歉,先生。修理工马上来检查Im very sorry, sir. A repairman will come and check it right away.77. Sit down please. Shall I put on the cover to protect your coat?请坐!能否给您的西服套上西装套呢?78. Is Mr. Smith going to pay in cash or by credit card?史密斯先生准备用现金还是用信用卡付款?79. Im sorry, its our fault. 完全是我们的过错,对不起。80. Thanks for the reminder.感谢您的提醒81. Well try our best to take some measures, so that you will be satisfied.我们立刻采取措施,使您满意。82. Im sorry to hear that. This is quite unusual. I will look into the matter at once. Would you like to have a new one or change to another dish?我对此感到很抱歉,这是很少见的,我会马上调查这件事,请问为你重新做一道菜还是换过其他菜式呢?83. Can I assist you further?还能给您帮什么忙吗?84. Would you please say it again?请您再说一遍好吗?85. Theres no answer, would you like to leave a message?电话没人接,您是否需要留言?86. Let me carry the suitcase for you, will you?让我为您提这只皮箱好吗?87. Excuse me, sir. According to our restaurants regulation. People in slippers, vests or shorts are not to enter the restaurant. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to having you with us.很抱歉,先生。根据我们餐厅的规定,穿拖鞋、背心或短裤的客人是不允许进入餐厅的,多谢您的合作,我们将期待着您的光临。88. 请稍等片刻。我将尽快帮你办A moment, please. I will be with you as soon as possible.89. Please report any valuable article for the guidance of the laundry department.请向洗衣房说明贵重衣物的洗涤要求。90. Its my pleasure to serve you.很荣幸为您服务。91. Quick service for any urgent laundry and pressing will be done at 50% extra charge.加快水洗/熨烫服务加收50%服务费。92. Thank you for your comments(compliment, suggestions).谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)。93. You have made a good choice, you have very good taste.您真会买东西。您眼力真好。94. There is a table for you now. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Shall I get a high chair for the baby?现在有张空台了,很抱歉让您久等了,需不需要张BB凳呢?95. Please wait a moment while I calculate your bill.请稍等片刻,我立刻就把您的账单结算出来。96. Please could I see your passport or other identification, madam?小姐,请出示你的护照或其它身份证明文件97. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us.我们希望您在这里和我们一起度过的时光非常愉快。98. Here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. Would you please sign here?这是您的房卡和早餐券。请您在这里签个名好吗?99. This money is damaged .Im afraid we cant change it, this is according to the hotelregulation. (Hotel rules)(纸币)上有裂口(污迹),按酒店的规定,我们不能为您兑换。100. What denominations would you like?你想要什么面值的人民币呢?101. Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out?请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房?102. Mr. Smith, youve made a guaranteed reservation at the Hotel. If you cant arrive asscheduled, please inform us before 6 p.m. on the expected day. Thank you for calling and we look forward to seeing you.史密夫先生,您已在酒店办理了担保预订,倘若您不能如期到达,请务必在入住当天的下午点前通知我们,感谢您的来电,我们期待届时与您见面。103. Today is a rainy day and the floor is slippery so please be careful.今天外面在下雨,地面很滑走路时请多加小心。104. Ok, Ill arrange a computer engineer to help you.好的,我马上安排电脑员上去帮您。105. Could you hold the line, please? Ill check our room availabilities for those days.麻烦请您稍等,我们查询那段时间的房态。106. Well amend your reservation at you request.我们将会按您的要求作相应的更改。107. Here is your handbag tag!这是您的行李寄存卡。108. If I can be of assistance. Please do not hesitate.如果要我帮忙,别犹豫,尽管讲109. Do you need a projector and computer?您需要一部投影仪及电脑吗?110. If we have any shortcoming, please point it. 照顾不周的地方,请多多指正。2012年酒店英语津贴考试必背对话库Q&A BANK FOR THE ENGLISH ALLOWANCE EXAMINATION 20121. If the guest wants to make an external call, how would you tell him? Dial 9 first and then add the area code and the number you want. 2. If the guest comes to you and says he/she can not open the door, what would you do?I would go with him to his room to have a check. And have his key changed if necessary.3. When the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and wants an extra pillow, what would you say? We will send one to you immediately, and may I have your room number?4. If the guest wants to have something which your restaurant doesnt have, what would you say to him? Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But can I suggest some .?5. If a guest calls you to book a single room on July 18th, but the hotel is fully booked that day, what should you say?Unfortunately there isnt any room for that day, but we can get you on a waiting list. We might have cancellations, and we will let you know as soon as possible.6. If you want to have the guests flight number, what should you say?May I have your flight number, please, in case the plane is late?7. If the guests want to exchange some foreign notes, how can you help them?The Front Desk can exchange foreign currency for small amount. If you want to exchange more, you can go to the Bank of China, opposite the hotel.8. If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do? I would apologize to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him discount according to the situation.9. What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal? Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?10. If the restaurant is full when the guest comes, what would you say to the guest? I would say “we are very sorry, but there is no seat available at the moment. Could you please just wait for a moment?”11. After the guest pays the bill, and you want to express your good wishes, what would you say? Thank you for your having chosen our restaurant. We look forward to seeing you next time.12. When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would you say? I will pick up your laundry soon and may I have your room number?13. If the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and says he/she is very cold, how would you do? Ill tell the guest there is a blanket or quilt in the closet, or Ill send him/her an extra blanket or quilt.14. Where is the swimming pool / gym room and whats the opening time?Go to Crowne Plaza and take east lift to the third floor and turn right. The swimming pool is between the 2nd and 3rd floor. So go down the stairs and youll see the sign. The business hours are from 5:30 am to 11:00 pm.15. Where can I book the air tickets?You can book tickets at Zhongzhou International Travel Agency Booking Centre behind the front desk of Express by Holiday Inn. The number is 80130. The business hours are from 8:00am to 6:00pm. 16. How do you ask a guest to pay for the damage when something is damaged?Dont worry, sir. Ill inform the Maintenance Department immediately. But Im afraid youll have to pay for the damage.17. What would you usually ask when the guest orders steak? How would you like your steak done, rare, medium or well done, sir?18.What would you say to ask the customer to spell her / his name?May I know your initials, please? / Can you spell the surname, please?


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