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Useful expressions in Unit 61. Its my pleasure to do sth. 做。是我的荣幸2. pioneers of different inventions 不同发明的先驱者3. be mentioned 被提及4. waste electricity 浪费电5. leave the light on 让灯开着6. two scoops of sugar 两勺糖7. shoes with high heels 高跟鞋8. think of an invention 想出一个发明9. be listed 被罗列着10. all of a sudden 突然11. in the fridge 在冰箱里12. tasty biscuit 美味的饼干13. musical instrument 乐器14. on sale 在促销中15. at a very low price 以低廉的价格16. translate into 把。翻译成。17. advise sb to do sth. 建议某人做某事18. look up to 敬仰某人19. divide. into 把。分成。20. it is believed=people believe21. by accident 意外地22. produce a pleasant smell产生好闻的气味23. remain there for some time 在那存留了一会24. go on a diet 节食25. They are easily broken. 他们很容易破26. have a good taste for Chinese traditional art 对于中国传统艺术友好的鉴赏力27. land safely 安全着陆28. decide on sth 决定某物29. much-loved sport 深受喜爱的运动30. an event at the Olympics 在奥林匹克运动会上的项目31. competing team 比赛队伍32. the popularity of basketball 篮球的流行程度33. rise around the world 上升到全世界34. achieve their dreams 实现他们的梦想35. basketball heroes 篮球英雄36. crispy and sweet 又脆又甜37. sour and salty 又咸又酸38. by mistake 错误地39. an accidental invention 一个意外地发明40. the saint of tea 茶圣41. tea trade 茶贸易42. take place 发生43. without doubt 毫无疑问44. with pleasure 乐意地45. have a point 有道理46. the zipper on the dress 裙子上的拉链47. professional player 职业选手48. Canadian doctor 加拿大医生49. ring rang rung50. a rude customer 一个粗鲁的顾客51. on a hard floor 在坚硬的地板上52. stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事53 drinking water饮用水54 walk toward(s) 朝着。走55 thick enough 足够厚56 developed country发达国家


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