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PEP 小学英语五年级下册 Unit4 What are you doing?第一课时 教学内容:Lets learn Lets play授课老师:宝芳宝贤小学 王卿美授课时间:2012年3月30日一、教学目标与要求1能听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2能运用句子“What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/”询问别人正在做什么并作答。3培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。二、教学重、难点分析:1教学重点:掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式,能够理解下一课时的主要句型:What are you doing,并能够用I am doing the dishes/作答。2教学难点:动词短语ing形式的读音。三、课前准备1课件。2四线三格。3碟子、抹布等。4. 动词短语卡片、图片等。四、教学过程:Step IWarm-up 1. Greetings(简单的问候之后)T: Class begin, stand up. Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Sit down please. 2.Sing a song I can help (following the song )(出示课件)T: Boys and girls, do you like the song? (教师可以哼唱一下待会要唱的歌。)Ss: Yes, I do.T: Lets sing the song I can help together, OK?Ss: Ok (singing the song together.)3. RevisionT: Very good(点头示好). Ok, boys and girls, I can. (出示课件:do the dishes /cook the meals/ sweep the floor/water the flowers/wash the clothes.) What/How about you? Can you?Ss: Yes, I canT: You are really helpful. / Never mind. /Not bad. (针对可能说No的学生。)Step. Presentation1. Lets learn1) T: Very good, boys and girls, I can do the dishes. (教师重复说两次。) I am doing the dishes. (教师表演并重复说两次,学生跟着教师做“洗碗”动作并说出这一词组。) Together.(让学生跟着教师做动作。)T: And what are you doing? (重复两次问学生。)Ss: I am doing the dishes. (引导学生边做“洗碗”动作边回答。)T: Ok, today we are going to learn a new unit, unit 4 what are you doing? Part A. Please open your book, turn to Page 46. T: what are you doing? (教师指标题带读两遍,重点强调doing的发音,特别是ing。) Chinese (引导学生说出中文意思。)T: Yes, very good. Oh, look: I am doing the dishes. (出示课件。)(教师指着课件和学生学习新词组: doing the dishes。)T: Good. Show me your finger; lets spell it together, Ok? Ss: Ok. (教师和学生一起拼读、书空并板书。)T: Ok, I say high, you say low, understand? (教师示范高低音读词组。)Ss: Yes.T: Ok, doing the dishes. (音调一高一低。)Ss: (学生做出相反的反应:一低一高。)T: Together. I am doing the dishes. And what are you doing? (教师和学生一起表演“洗碗”。)Ss: I am doing the dishes. (补充板书:I am。)2) T: Very good. Oh, look, do you like pictures? (教师向学生展示一些图片。)Ss: Yes. T: Ok, can you draw pictures? Ss: Yes, I can。T: Show me. Ss: I can draw pictures. (学生演示画画。)T: Well done. (教师指着课件和学生学习新词组:draw pictures和drawing pictures。) Lets spell it together. (教师和学生一起拼读、书空并板书drawing pictures.) (开火车读词组。)T: Together. I am drawing pictures. What are you doing? (教师和学生一起问某几个学生并表演“画画”。)S1: I am drawing pictures. (教师引导回答。)S2: (同上。)S3: (同上。)T: You did a good job. (教师竖拇指表扬。)3) T: Look at the pictures. (课件:出示一张堆满食物的图片。)Ss: wow!T: Are you hungry? Ss: Yes/No.T: So lets cook dinner for ourselves. /Never mind. Can you cook dinner? (教师表演“做饭”。)Ss: Yes, I can. /No, I cant.T: You are helpful. /Never mind. /Not bad. (教师针对不同的回答做出相应的回答。) Look, this woman can cook dinner. (教师和学生一起学习新词组: cook dinner和cooking dinner。) (教师和学生一起拼读、书空并板书cooking dinner。) (高低音读词组。)T: Ok, lets cook dinner together. Ok?Ss: Ok. (教师和学生一起演示做饭。)T: Together. I am cooking dinner. What are you doing?Ss: I am cooking dinner.4) T: Wonderful! Look at the picture: whats this?(教师举起手中的英语书。)Ss:Its a book.T: Right. What can they do? (课件:两个男生在读一本书。)Ss: They can read a book.T: Yes, you are right. They can read a book. (教师和学生一起学习新词组: read a book和reading a book。) (教师和学生一起拼读、书空并板书reading a book。) (抽卡片读词组。)T: Together. I am reading a book. (教师和学生演示读书。) What about you? What are you doing?Ss: I am reading a book. (学生边演示边回答。)(教师和学生轮流一问一答。)5) T: Very good. Listen(课件:播放电话的铃声。):Oh, the phone is ringing. Who can answer the phone?Who, who? (电话铃声一直在播放,教师右手示接电话,左手示举手问学生。)OK, you can and you can too. (对举起手的学生说。)Very good. Ok, the boy can answer the phone too. (课件:一个男生接电话图片。)(教师和学生一起学习新词组: answer the phone和answering the phone。) (教师和学生一起拼读、书空并板书answering the phone。) (开火车读词组。)T: Together. I am answering the phone. What are you doing? (教师和学生一起表演“打电话”。)Ss: I am answering the phone.6) T: Ok, we have learnt five new phrases. (课件:屏幕上出现刚刚学过五个词组的图片。)Now please read after the tape.(学生跟着录音读)7) Games:教师说本部分的一个短语,让学生说出它的ing形式:doing the dishes。(出示课件。)( 教师打乱卡片顺序,逐渐加快提问的速度,要求学生快速作答。) T: I say “do the dishes”,and you say “doing the dishes”, understand? Ss: Yes.8) T: wow, well done. Lets play another game. I ask “what are you doing?” and you answer me following the pictures. For example, I ask: what are you doing? (出示课件。)You answer: I am doing the dishes. Understand? (教师先按顺序说再打乱顺序说出五个词组中的任何一个。与此同时教师和学生一起表演相应的回答。)Ss: Yes.2. Lets chantT: wow, well done. T: Ok, boys and girls, do you like the chant? (老师可以chant一下其中的一两句。)Ss: Yes.T: Lets chant together, OK?Ss: OK.What are you doing? What are you doing? Im doing the dishes. What are you doing?Im drawing pictures. What are you doing?Im reading a book. What are you doing?Im cooking dinner. What are you doing?Im answering the phone. Im answering the phone.Step . Group work(教师本课所学的五张图片放进一个盒子里。教师引导其他学生提问:What are you doing? 抽到词条的学生根据词条上的短语边做动作边回答:I am与此同时,完成lets play的表格。教师和一位学生先示范。)T: Attention! (教师拍一下手掌,吸引学生的注意力。)Look at your book: Lets play. (出示课件同时举起课本。) I want someone to do it with me. Who? Please come here.T: Hello.S: Hello.T: Boys and girls, whats her/his name?S: Her/His name is/ She/He is T: Lets write down together. (教师和学生同时把被提问的学生的名字写在课件的表格里。)T: Nice to meet you. Ok, please choose one. (教师递上装有图片的盒子让学生抽。)Boys and girls, together: What are you doing? S1: I am (学生表演,同时教师根据回答在相应格子里打勾。)T: Ok, boys and girls, lets do and write. Activities Namesdrawing picturesanswering the phonecooking dinnerdoing the dishesreading a bookWu YifanStep . Lets sing: what are you doing? T: Boys and girls, do you like the song? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Lets learn a new song together, ok?Ss: Ok.(教师播放音乐,让学生听一遍,教师教一遍,学生再唱两遍。)Step . Summary Today we have learnt five new phrases, just like doing the dishes, drawing pictures, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone(指着板书). Now lets read together.Step VI. Homework T: Ok, lets do homework. First, write each word five times. Second, please ask your family or your friends using “what are you doing?”, and write down their answers. (用一只手示意)( 出示课件)Later, you can show your answers to your English teacher. Ok? Class is over. Good Bye! Thank you!Step . 板书设计 Uint4 What are you doing? doing the dishesdrawing pictures I am cooking dinner reading a book answering the phone


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