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题型专题探究专题十八完形填空1完形填空是一种旨在考查考生对语法和词汇知识综合运用的能力以及对语篇的理解能力的典型题型。它介于单项填空和阅读理解之间,结合了这两种题型的优点,既有对语法规则、习惯用法和词语搭配的考查,又有对文章内容的通篇理解。近几年的完形填空题降低了对单词本身的考查要求,重点考查对短文的整体理解、上下文的段落衔接、分析和推理判断能力。2中考对完形填空的考查重点是:(1)词汇。考查的内容有近义词的区别、名词和代词、形容词和副词、介词和连词、动词和短语动词及词语的固定搭配和习惯用法。(2)语法。考查各种语法规则在文章中的运用。其中包括名词的单复数,形容词、副词的比较等级,动词的时态、语态,主谓一致,动词不定式,动词ing形式的用法等。(3)句型。考查我们在学习过程中接触到的许多特殊句型。(4)结构。文章中简单句的基本类型,句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间、上下文之间的逻辑关系。也就是说,完形填空题是在整体感知短文内容的基础上,着重对语法、固定用法及习惯用语的考查。3考查的方式主要有:选择型完形填空。选择型完形填空是中考中最常见的一种完形填空题型。文章通常设置10个空白,对每个空白处提供三个选项,要求考生从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使文章句意通顺、内容完整。选择型完形填空的解题方法:1重视首句,把握开篇完形填空一般无标题,首句通常不挖空,是完整的一句。细读首句,可判断文章体裁,同时可预测文章的主旨和大意。2浏览全文,掌握大意解题前,要快速浏览全文,了解文章的基本内容和整体结构。首先要跳过空白处,遇到对意思理解不透的地方时,仍要快速阅读下去,不要把时间浪费在对个别字句的推敲上,应全力以赴捕捉可能获得的所有信息,尽快了解文章大意,弄清楚文章中所涉及的“W”,即:who(人物),what(事件),when(时间),where(地点),why(原因),whose(相互关系)。切忌看一空填一空,以免断章取义,误解作者的本意。3瞻前顾后,逐步填空“瞻前顾后”,即答题时要回顾上文,兼顾下文。如果一句中有两个空白处待填,先要在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。4抓住关键词,根据上下文解题解题时,要善于发现文章中起重要作用的关键词、短语或句子,以便准确了解所提问题的特定语境以及语篇中的内在关系,做到言之有据。比如文章的第一句、每段的第一句和最后一句等,它们往往是全文或全段的主题句,通过它们可以知道文章的题材、大意、时间、人物和事件等。5通读全文,验证答案把填好的短文通读一遍,将不合题意的答案调整或修改;如果实在无法确定,可以作推理性猜测,不可放弃不填。进行核查时注意以下三点:(1)上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。(2)语法和惯用法及习惯搭配,甚至可以从语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。(3)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。总之,解答选择型完形填空题,不仅需要扎实的语言基本功与严密的逻辑推理能力,还需要加强阅读训练,掌握正确的解题方法和技巧,只有这样,才能在考试时得心应手,考出好成绩。【例】 (2012湖南湘潭中考)Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job.He thought it might be_1_to keep worms(虫)He could sell them to farmers.So in _2_,he bought many worms.But that winter the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not put them in a _3_place.The next spring Jody_4_again.He bought more worms.When winter came,he took them inside so they would stay warm.Many farmers bought his worms.One day when Jody was twelve,he got_5_.It was from State of New York.The letter said,“Everyone who_6_things has to pay taxes(税)!” Jody made only one dollar selling worms.But he still_7_to pay part of that money to the state.He told many people in his town what had_8_.A reporter_9_Jody on TV.Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state.The letters said that the law was unfair.Finally the law was _10_.Children like Jody can now sell things without paying taxes to the state.1A.boring BluckyCinteresting2A.autumn Bspring Cwinter3A.warm Bclean Cnice4A.tried Bwaited Cfailed5A.a present Ba letter Can email6A.buys Bsells Cfeeds7A.hoped Bwanted Chad8A.happened Bappeared Cfollowed9A.saw Bplayed with Creported10A.passed Bchanged Cmoved答案与解析:1Cboring“乏味的”;lucky“幸运的”;interesting“令人感兴趣的”。2B由第二段的首句可知“The next spring.”可知乔迪在春天买的虫子。3A由常识可知虫子在冬天冻死是因为乔迪没有把它们放到暖和的地方。4Atry“尝试”。由第二段的内容可知乔迪第二年又尝试了。5B由下文可知乔迪收到的是一封信件。6B由本段内容可知信件中说的是每个卖东西的人都需要交税。7Chave to“不得不”,其后跟动词原形。8A句意:他告诉了他镇里的许多人发生的事情。happen“发生”。9C由常识可知记者就是报道事情的。10A由本段内容可知不公平的法律被废除了。A(2012湖南邵阳中考)Do you know Lena?Lena was born without arms or one leg.When her parents_1_saw her,they felt sad and worried.But they _2_ hoped that she could learn to do things by herself.They didnt want her to_3_ “special” because of her “special body”So they let Lena _4_everything.Little by little,Lena was never afraid of trying.With only one leg,Lena still learned to swim at the age _5_ three and she even broke a world recorder when she was 18.Without arms,she still learned to use needles(缝衣针),and she _6_even make her own clothes.Whats _7_,she can also drive a car,paint,use a computer,play the piano,_8_even eat with chopsticks.Lena studied music in high school and university.Now shes a worldfamous _9_.Can you believe she has done all these only with one leg?Its never an easy thing,but she said,“Theres _10_ difficult in my life.”1A.first Bone Cthe first2A.even Bstill Cever3A.hear Bsee Cfeel4A.try Btrying Ctried5A.of Bin Cat6A.can Bshould Cmust7A.less Bmore Cworse8A.but Bor Cand9A.singer Bwriter Cteacher10A.something Banything CnothingB(2012湖南郴州中考)I have a strong and faithful(忠实的)dog,Bruce.The dog likes _11_with me.Sometimes he also follows my father to work.One morning when my father worked in the field,he _12_his coat and put it on the ground under a big tree.He turned to the dog and said,“_13_my coat,Bruce!”Bruce sat down on the coat.Later my father remembered he had to buy some food._14_he hurried to the shop._15_shopping,he went home directly and forgot all about his _16_ and the dog.Late in the evening I looked for his dog _17_ in the house,but I _18_ find him.At this time,my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog.He went back to the tree _19_.He found that Bruce was _20_ sitting on the coat!11A.playing Bdealing Cagreeing12A.took out Btook off Ctook away13A.Watch BLook CSee14A.But BSo CBecause15A.Since BBefore CAfter16A.shop Bfood Ccoat17A.somewhere Beverywhere Cnowhere18A.could Bcouldnt Ccant19A.at once Bafter all Cas usual20A.yet Beven CstillC(2012湖南常德中考)Mr White works in an office.He liked reading in bed when he was at school.It was bad for his _21_ and now he is nearsighted(近视的)But he wouldnt want anybody else to_22_ about it and he never wears a pair of glasses.It often_23_him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business.He _24_ a bus at a stop in a small town.Then he had to walk there.The road to the _25_ wasnt smooth.There were stones here and there.He fell over several times and it made his clothes very _26_.At last he got to the village.Suddenly it began to blow strongly and it _27_ much colder.His hat was blown off while he was _28_ the school.He had to run after it but he couldnt catch it.He was wondering why his hat ran into a house as if it had legs.And then he _29_ into the house,too.A big woman appeared and stopped him by shouting _30_,“What are you running after my hen for?”21A.eyes Bears Cmouth22A.hear Bknow Ctalk23A.brings Bmakes Ctakes24A.got on Bgot off Cgot to25A.house Boffice Cvillage26A.beautiful Bclean Cdirty27A.looked Bgot Cwas28A.looking after Blooking for Clooking up29A.drove Bflew Cran30A.angrily Bhappily CsadlyD(2012湖南岳阳中考)On a Friday night,a young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance(通道口)of the subway station.The music was so wonderful 31 people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.The next day,the violinist came to the entrance again.He 32 his hat as usual.Beside the hat there was a piece of paper.It said,“George Sang has put an important thing 33 my hat by mistake.Welcome to claim(认领)it.” Soon the people went to see the words and they 34 guessed what it could be.After a while,a man came up and said,“I know you would certainly come here.” The violinist asked,“Did you lose something?”“A lottery ticket(彩票)” The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Georges name on it.George took it and danced 35.George was 36 office worker.He bought the lottery and won a prize of $500,000.But when he gave $50 to the violinist for his wonderful music,the lottery ticket was thrown into his hat,too.The 37 was a poor college student.That morning,he was going to fly to Vienna for his education.However,when he 38 the lottery ticket,he didnt go as he had planned.Instead,he went to the entrance again to wait for the owner of the lottery ticket.Later someone asked the violinist 39 he didnt take the lottery ticket to pay for his high education.He said,“Although I dont have much money,I live happily.If I take the money,I will lose honesty,and I _40_ be happy forever.”31A.but Bthat Cbecause32A.put down Bput up Cput on33A.above Bunder Cinto34A.both Ball Cwhole35A.slowly Bhappily Csadly36A.a Ban Cthe37A.office worker Bcrowd Cviolinist38A.looked Blooked for Cfound39A.why Bhow Cthat40A.will Bwont CwouldE(2012福建泉州中考)Today,Ill talk about the problems we have these days.The problems of dogs and the objects falling from windows are getting _41_.We have received a lot of letters _42_ such problems,so its time to work out these problems.Some dogs arent taken good care of,and they _43_ make mess(粪便)on roads and in gardens.This makes our community dirty.Id like to tell the dogowners that _44_ behavior is too bad,and they are always making people feel unhappy.Some people throw rubbish out of the _45_.Its dangerous because falling objects may hurt _46_.You know,it is against the law.We should _47_ a notice to teach people not to do so.If its found,well record the names and _48_ of those people.Then,a written warning will be sent to their homes and they will _49_ by law.A safe and comfortable living environment is important to us._50_ we try our best to care for our community,it will be a good place to live in.41A.easier Bworse Cbetter42A.about Bexcept Cwithout43A.busily Bsuddenly Cfreely44A.his Btheir Cour45A.windows Bdoors Ccars46A.other Bthe other Cothers47A.put up Blook up Cput away48A.hobbies Baddresses Cexperiences49A.punish Bbe punishing Cbe punished50A.If BBefore CAlthough参考答案 专题十八完形填空专题提升演练A1Afirst“第一次”可以作副词修饰谓语动词saw。2B由转折连词but可知莱娜的父母仍然希望她能学会自己做事情。still“仍然”。3C莱娜的妈妈不想让她感到特殊。feel“感觉”。4Alet sb.do sth.“让某人做某事”。5Aat the age of“在岁时”。6Acan“能”,表示能力。7Bwhats more“而且”,表示更进一步的意思。8Cand“和”,表示并列关系。9A由上文莱娜学音乐可知她现在是一位著名的歌手。10C由文章内容可知莱娜认为在生活中没有什么难事,故选C项。B11Aplay with sb.“和某人玩”。12Btake off“脱掉”。13Awatch“观看,守候”14Bso“所以”表示因果关系。15C由下文可知购完物后布鲁斯的爸爸直接回家了。after shopping“购完物后”。16C由上文可知布鲁斯的爸爸忘了他的衣服和狗。17Beverywhere“到处”。18B由上下文可知布鲁斯找不到小狗。19Aat once“立刻,马上”。20C由文章内容可知当布鲁斯的爸爸回去的时候狗仍然坐在衣服上。C21A由下文可知躺在床上看书对他的眼睛有害处。22B由上下文可知怀特先生不想让别人知道他近视。23Abring trouble“带来麻烦”。24B由下文可知怀特先生应该是下了公共汽车,步行去那个村庄。25C由上文可知怀特先生是去一个村庄。26C由上文怀特先生跌倒了好几次,可知衣服应该是脏了。27B由常识可知天下大雨,应该是变凉了。28Blook for“寻找”。29C由上文可知怀特先生应该是跑进了一个房子里。30A由文章的末句可知这个女人对怀特先生追赶她的母鸡非常生气。D31Bso.that.“如此以致于”。32A由上下文可知这个人应该是把帽子放在地上。33C由下文可知乔治把彩票放进帽子里了。put.into.“把放进”。34B由上下文可知很多人来看这个人写的纸条,故用all。35B由下文可知乔治的彩票中了奖,因此拿到彩票时感到非常高兴。36Boffice以元音音素开头,故用an修饰。37C由上下文可知这个小提琴手是一个贫穷的大学生。38Cfind“发现”,强调的是结果。39A由下文可知人们问这个小提琴手为什么不拿走彩票去支付他很高的教育费用。40B小提琴手认为如果自己留下了彩票会永远不快乐。E41Bget worse“变得更糟糕”。42Aabout“关于”。43C作者指狗随地大小便。freely“自由地,随便地”。44B作者是认为这些狗的行为是非常差的,故用their。45A由下文可知很多人从窗户向外扔垃圾,故选C项。46C由下文可知扔垃圾可能会伤着别人。47Aput up a notice“张贴一个告示”。48B由下文书面警告被送到家里可知如果被发现的话将会被记录名字和地址。49C由文意可知这些人将会受到法律的惩罚。50Aif“如果”,在此引导条件状语从句。7


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