《美丽中国》Wild China第四集 part1

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Wild China(Tasting Notes)Part 1Warming UpWhere would you like to go if you are a millionaire?Where would you like to go if you are a millionaire?Background Information It is called the “Ten-thousand-Ii Great Wall” in Chinese. In fact, its more than 6000 kilometers long. It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It is one of the wonders of the world.The Great Wall Background Information The Black Dragon River It snakes between Chinas northeastern most corner and Siberia. Background InformationThe Hezhe People The Black Dragon River is home to one of the smallest ethnic groups in China: The Hezhe People.Background InformationThe Wild BoarBackground Information Siberian tigers The Siberian tiger(also known as the Amur, Korean, Manchurian, or North China tiger) is the largest and most powerful subspecies of naturally occurring feline(猫科动物). The Siberian tiger is almost totally confined to a very restricted part of eastern Russia, the Amur-Ussuri region of Primorye and Khabarovsk, a location it shares with the Siberian leopard, where they are now being actively protected. About 10% of Siberian tiger populations reside in China.Background Information The reindeer were introduced to China hundreds of years ago by the nomadic Ewenki people who came here from Siberia. There exits a very special relationship between humans and reindeers. Each reindeer has its own name and many are hand-reared by women who reared them. The reindeerBackground InformationChangbaishan Changbaishan is one of Chinas nature preservation zones, covering an area of over 200,000 hectares(公顷), extending 78.5 kilometers north to south, and 53.3 kilometers west to east. It has a wholesome natural environment and ecosystem with world famous precious animals like Northeast Tigers, sikas, sables etc. Its Chinas typical comprehensive nature existence of world importance.New words&Expressionsbarbariansbrbrn n. 野蛮人;蛮夷barbarian的复数形式)barrenbr()n adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的 n. 荒地ferociousfrs adj. 残忍的;惊人的meandersmnd n. 漫步;曲流(常用复数) vt. 漫步;蜿蜒缓慢流 vi. 漫步;漫谈fearsome fs()m adj. 可怕的;害怕的;极大的latitudelttju:d n. 纬度;界限;活动范围hostile hstal adj. 敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意 n. 敌对New words&Expressionssturgeonst:d()n n. 鲟鱼 n. (Sturgeon)人名;(英)斯特金 复数 sturgeons或sturgeon quarrykwr n. 采石场;猎物;来源 vt. 挖出;努力挖掘 vi. 费力地找 n. (Quarry)人名;(英)夸里chiseltz()l vt. 雕,刻;凿;欺骗 vi.雕,刻;凿;欺骗 n. 凿子hibernatehabnet vi. 过冬;(动物)冬眠;(人等)避寒squabbleskwb()l n. 争吵;口角 vt. 弄乱(排好的铅字) vi. 发生口角;大声争吵New words&Expressionscaptivitykptvt n. 囚禁;被关breedbri:d vi. 繁殖;饲养;产生 vt. 繁殖;饲养;养育,教育;引起 n. 生物 品种;种类,类型 n. (Breed)人名;(英)布里德enclosurenkl n. 附件;围墙;围场reindeerrend n. 脊椎畜牧 驯鹿concretekkri:t n. 具体物;凝结物 adj. 混凝土的;实在的,具体的;有形的 vt. 使凝固;用混凝土修筑 vi. 凝结New words&Expressionsherderhd n. 牧人;(美俚)监狱看守midwifemdwaf n. 助产士;促成因素 vt. 助胎儿出生;促成calvek:v n. (Calve)人名;(西、意)卡尔韦;(法)卡尔夫 vt. 下仔;生小牛;使崩解 vi. 生小牛;下仔;崩解replenishrplen vt. 补充,再装满;把装满;给添加燃料Stonechatsstuntt 鸟类黑喉石Key Points1.They called these people barbarians and their lands were considered barren and uninhabitable.当时把这些游牧民族称为戎狄并且认为他们的土地贫瘠且不适宜人类生息。 barren and uninhabitale贫瘠且不适宜人类生存,形容词短语作consider的间接宾语,用来修饰lands。2.But it is far from lifeless with colorful places, surprising creatures, amazing people and strange landscapes. 但是这块多彩多姿的土地却充满了勃勃生机,有着令人惊讶生物、奇风异俗的人民以及独特的景致。 be far from:远离;远非;完全不。比如:But the debate is far from over.但是这场争论远未结束。3.The further we travel, the more extreme it becomes. 旅途越发深入景致也越发精彩起来。 the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越来越”。4.To meet those fearsome northerners and the wild creatures who share their world, we must leave the shelter of the Wall and travel into the unknown. 为了展现勇猛豪迈的北方壮士以及这块土地上的野生生命,我们必须离开庇护所深入探索未知的世界。 不定式短语to meet those fearsome northerners and the wild creatures作整个句子的目的状语,who引导定语从句,修饰northerners和wild creatures。5.Its upper reaches are on the same latitude as Paris, but in winter it is one of the coldest, most hostile places on the planet. 她的上游河段与巴黎位于同一纬度但是到了冬季, 这儿却是地球上最冷最不利于生存的地方。 the same.as:和一致。比如:Otherwise I feel the same as before.否则,我会觉得和以前一样。6.We start our journey on a frozen river, snaking between Chinas northeastern most corner and Siberia. 从一条冰封的河流开始了我们的旅途。蛇行于中国的最东北角与西伯利亚之间。 现在分词snaking作定语,修饰river。Siberia西伯利(亚洲北部、俄罗斯东部地区)。比如:The cold air masses are moving from Siberia towards Inner Mongolia.冷空气正由西伯利亚向内蒙古移动。7.They are too busy coping with the harsh winter conditions and they respond to the challenge in some creative ways. 他们在严冬中奔忙求存并以创造性的方式去应对所面临的挑战。 cope with:处理,应付。比如:But these remedies are never perfect, so ultimately you must cope with the variations.但是,这些补救措施都不完美,所以最终必须由您来处理偏差。response to:对的回答;对的反应。比如:They have made generous response to the appeals for funds.他们对募集资金的呼吁做出了慷慨的响应。8.Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string and pull the net into position beneath the ice. 然后用一个长竹竿钩住线把网送到冰下安置的地点过些日子来检查渔网。 be used to do :过去常常,被用来做。相当于be get used to,要注意区分be used to doing,此为“习惯于做某事”。比如:He should be used to doing more important jobs.他应该去做一些更重要的工作。But the technique I used to memorize those chapters can be used to memorize anything.但是我用来记住这些章节的技巧可以用来记住任何事情。9.The forests that lie south of the Black Dragon River are bound up in snow for more than half the year. Its deathly silent. 位于黑龙江南面的森林被冰雪覆盖超过半年了。 that引导定语从句,修饰forests。bound up:紧紧束缚在里;埋头于。比如:The activity of that molecule is bound up in how it folds itself.这些分子的活动主要是如何将自己折叠起来。10.But these days only in captivity, there may be less than a dozen wild Siberian tigers left in China. 但是现在只算关在笼子里的整个中国的东北虎可能也不足十二只了。 in captivity:受限制于。比如:There may be some amog us who can imgine20 days in captivity;perhaps a fraction of those can imagine a full year deprived of liberty and most human contact.我们之间可能有些人可以想象被囚禁20天会是什么样,也许很少一部分人可以想象一整年被剥夺自由,没有机会接触别人的滋味。 less than:小于;少于;不到。比如:Seven is two less than nine.9比7少2。Exercises Answering the following questions according to the passage.(1)When was Chinas ambitious engineering, the Great Wall built in Chinese history?And with what purpose did they built it?(2)How do the Hezhe People catch their quarries in the frozen Black Dragon River?(3)Do wild boars hibernate in cold winter?(4)Why are the Siberian tigers so rare in recent years in China?Chinas ambitious engineering extends back at least to the start in the 5th century of the Great Wall, meant to keep out marauding northern nomads. First they must chisel a hole through the ice to reach the water below. Then they need to set their fishing net under the ice. A second hole is made, 20 meters away from the first and a weighted string is dropped in. Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string and pull the net into position beneath the ice. After a few days the nets are checked.No, they dont. Wild boars have to roam the forests of the northeast, using their keenest noses to search for food in order to survive.Because in China people started breeding tigers in 1986 to supply bones and body parts for the Chinese medicine market; thus a large amount of Siberian tigers were killed until people realized this sever fact and began to protect them.(5)Why were the Ewenki women so anxious to meet their reindeer after months departing from each other?(6)Why is it hardly the image of the dangerous tribal people that the Great Wall was built to keep at bay?(7)Why was the mountain named as Changbaishan?For the reindeer have already spent all winter away in the forest where they may mate with each other, Ewenki women are anxious to check the condition of their animals and to see which of the reindeer might be pregnant.Almost all her fellow Ewenki have given up the forest life to settle in concrete houses in modern cities. The reindeer herders are now almost as rare as wild Siberian tigers.Its name means Ever-White and it harbors the worlds highest volcanic lake. Even in mid-May there is still ice everywhere. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have heard from the video clip.Along Chinas border with 1._is this regions most famous mountain, Changbaishan. Its name means Ever-White and it harbors the worlds highest 2._lake. Even in mid-May there is still ice everywhere. But there are signs that the seasons are changing. Warmer winds arrive from the south, and 3._a few short weeks Changbai Mountain is 4._. Water begins to 5._ the mountainside once more, 6._the landscape. Its June and insects emerge to take advantage of the 7._of flowers. The warm weather sees the arrival of 8._birds. Stonechats that have spent the winter in the south of China return here to 9._their chicks. With so many insects around, the stonechats may have several 10._. North Korea volcanicwithintransformedflow downreplenishingabundancemigrantraisebroodsReading comprehension. Choose the best word or expression with its proper form from the the list given to each blank. respond to, abandon, leave aside, snake, cope with, take advantage of, weigh, in control of, overfish, fearsome, animal, guarantee to, out of place, quarry We start our journey on a frozen river, 1._ between Chinas northeastern most corner and Siberia. The Chinese call it the Black Dragon River. The people who live here arent exactly 2._ warriors. They are too busy 3._ the harsh winter conditions and they 4._ the challenge in some creative ways. The Black Dragon River is home to one of the smallest ethnic groups in China-The Hezhe People. snakingfearsomecoping withrespond toIts not just bicycles that seem 5._ in this icy world. Fishing boats and nets lie 6._ a long way from open water. Underneath a meter of solid ice swim a huge variety of fish, including 500-pound sturgeon, enough to feed a family of Hezhe for weeks. But how can they catch their 7._? First they must chisel a hole through the ice to reach the water below. Then they need to set their fishing net under the ice, a real challenge. A second hole is made, 20 meters away from the first and a 8._ string is dropped in. Then a long bamboo pole is used to hook the string and pull the net into position beneath the ice. After a few days the nets are checked. out of placeabandoned quarriesweighted These days, almost nobody catches a rare giant sturgeon. The Black Dragon River has been 9._ like so many others. But even these smaller fish are a welcome catch. Frozen within seconds, the fish are 10._ to stay fresh for the wobbly cycle right home.overfishedguaranteed toTranslation. Put the following passage into English. 长城是为了抵御来自北方的游牧民族而建的。当时把这些游牧民族称为戎狄并且认为他们的土地贫瘠且不适宜人类生息。中国的北方确实是贫瘠之地,冬天非常寒冷,夏天又酷热不适,沙漠连绵。但是这块多彩多姿的土地却充满了勃勃生机,有着令人惊讶生物、奇风异俗的人民以及独特的景致。 The Great Wall of China was built by the Han Chinese to keep out the nomadic tribes from the north. They called these people barbarians and their lands were considered barren and uninhabitable. Northern China is indeed a harsh place of terrible winters, ferocious summers and harsh deserts. But it is far from lifeless with colorful places, surprising creatures, amazing people and strange landscapes. The end! The end!


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