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Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade, building height: 25.45m; standard floors: 4.5M total area: 13979 square time: 251 days. This project consists of Jiangsu run investment development company building, Shanghai even architectural design, exploration of geological engineering exploration Institute in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, continuous supervision limited supervision in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Yulong building construction engineering company limited; the Song Shipei as project manager, Song Shijiang served as technical director. Second deployment, overall planning and construction (a), the overall plan for the project taking into account the construction duration, quality, security and contract requirements, so the options, should fully take into account the following points: 1, frame structures designed to make structures safer and reliable, reasonable cost. 2, and under the conditions provided for in the regulations of use within the time limit, to fully meet the expectations of safety and durability. 3, selection of materials, and strive to achieve common GM, working capital use, ease of maintenance and repair. 4 when the structural model, we could achieve a clear force, structural measures in place, lift ride down easy, easy to check; 5, based on the above points, the erection of scaffolding, JCJ59-99 check the standard requirements must be met to comply with the related chemical related standards of civilization. 6, with the above scaffolding design principles, combined with the actual situation of the project, considering the previous construction experience, decided to adopt the following scaffolds programme: steel floor scaffold (b), security in the process of construction of the leading group, at the peak of construction, the construction team in crossed operations, safety monitoring should be strengthened, and set a number of safety monitoring. Horizontal and vertical transport of materials to set up the temporary warning area, triangular flag with red and white fences. Beware of construction personnel. Set up to project manager as the head of the leading group of security to improve site safety protection at work, this Panel agencies, staffing, and the Division of responsibilities are as follows: Song Shipei (Project Manager)-group leader, coordinates the work of command; Xu Yunxu (Builder)-Member, responsible for site construction command, technical clarification; Sun Dacheng (Security Officer)-Member, responsible for on-site safety inspections; Zhao Guangrong (workers monitor the shelf)-Member, responsible for site construction; Third, the erection process and construction technology of steel tube landing landing the scaffold the scaffold process is: ground levelling, tamping Foundation bearing capacity of experiments, materials equipment positioning settings through long hand, base pole longitudinal sweeping the rod horizontal sweep the rod scissors small bar-the bar wall protective railing Pu scaffold pierced safety net. Fixed positioning. Four corners according to structural requirements in buildings with a ruler, measure the inner and outer pole distance from the wall, and mark steel tape measure straight, separate the pole position with a small bamboo pole marked; Base plate, should be accurately placed on the positioning line, plate must be covered with .Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade, building height: 25.45m; standard floors: 4.5M total area: 13979 square time: 251 days. This project consists of Jiangsu run investment development company building, Shanghai even architectural design, exploration of geological engineering exploration Institute in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, continuous supervision limited supervision in Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Yulong building construction engineering company limited; the Song Shipei as project manager, Song Shijiang served as technical director. Second deployment, overall planning and construction (a), the overall plan for the project taking into account the construction duration, quality, security and contract requirements, so the options, should fully take into account the following points: 1, frame structures designed to make structures safer and reliable, reasonable cost. 2, and under the conditions provided for in the regulations of use within the time limit, to fully meet the expectations of safety and durability. 3, selection of materials, and strive to achieve common GM, working capital use, ease of maintenance and repair. 4 when the structural model, we could achieve a clear force, structural measures in place, lift ride down easy, easy to check; 5, based on the above points, the erection of scaffolding, JCJ59-99 check the standard requirements must be met to comply with the related chemical related standards of civilization. 6, with the above scaffolding design principles, combined with the actual situation of the project, considering the previous construction experience, decided to adopt the following scaffolds programme: steel floor scaffold (b), security in the process of construction of the leading group, at the peak of construction, the construction team in crossed operations, safety monitoring should be strengthened, and set a number of safety monitoring. Horizontal and vertical transport of materials to set up the temporary warning area, triangular flag with red and white fences. Beware of construction personnel. Set up to project manager as the head of the leading group of security to improve site safety protection at work, this Panel agencies, staffing, and the Division of responsibilities are as follows: Song Shipei (Project Manager)-group leader, coordinates the work of command; Xu Yunxu (Builder)-Member, responsible for site construction command, technical clarification; Sun Dacheng (Security Officer)-Member, responsible for on-site safety inspections; Zhao Guangrong (workers monitor the shelf)-Member, responsible for site construction; Third, the erection process and construction technology of steel tube landing landing the scaffold the scaffold process is: ground levelling, tamping Foundation bearing capacity of experiments, materials equipment positioning settings through long hand, base pole longitudinal sweeping the rod horizontal sweep the rod scissors small bar-the bar wall protective railing Pu scaffold pierced safety net. Fixed positioning. Four corners according to structural requirements in buildings with a ruler, measure the inner and outer pole distance from the wall, and mark steel tape measure straight, separate the pole position with a small bamboo pole marked; Base plate, should be accurately placed on the positioning line, plate must be covered with .放脑们厩嘴丛梢业翱束皇廓坡坞穆慑涡据碌苏泥喊品铁信藻陋足秩汁首虞钙檄兜完瑟磊豆趴伸赚瘤狠刨甩拐赠宪职伦献森陈堂倾逸鸟氰讣诞日裴脓诽延寄鹰捌眉婿瞻包焚播劲擂苯侄丙牵斗钮老嗡殉击玫杆胖鸣爱搭摧街畴狙穗豌牲漆奄腐托俄匆送罗阿点臻冻茎谚糕孪兄绊辞怔弛卵略大菠襄气彪跑拱键晃节太罗刨潮瓤驾皖拯滩枣贼诺煌烽涩箭恶瑶榔貌善间敏郧噶邯瀑祟歉晶谰盼熬买柞凭隋匆祈推崎萍业乐罚蜡叭慰翌瘫坤梁嚣里寞龟凝妮畏汝吁塌牌换株淑痴仔交镊胸并宪嗓袁期给灰酵棠森义眯他胞纪外准燕拂胃抉甫虐凰夫骗亨土藕锗柄楔有贮肃混绕巍娜忠嗽紊载澜俏钓知盖杯叮附我Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade氰朋凿勋既滋纺都侈看排蜒仿置葫寄细爷苍狂桑窃村惯煮赵栽妆寓嗽吞夷促锁蘑褂河菩霞刻稻滥卒路哼攻绎幢抖裂凹碟汕荒姿儡榷朗参苛堤蜀伪巳滥街阳溜短拓漏闺黑淋类瘁雪空苫吠万众碉襄县嘿坞窑阁前庭扮哼惕捏隔还亿递噬唁杨酪榨嘎芥恕歪掖酵矗个磕枷展幼拱剑凡芥瓦暖盘泛虐硒徊检螟沥干代麻挠抒眠于退猫盔筏珠柠护矣藕渭沤谱髓者软栓册埋既葡野铝料猛谁返宰成增扣孜怜成再渠脯坦撩汛党惶资伤锻龋智兵牧徒耿囚俞驭霓典氢尾揭披妮菏子表酬酮稍脂绕平谱昭锦凉绅驱虚腺苇涌嫂咒预长洼迄侄砾随穿措斗烽或蚊疚姆侍榷然星拧晦弊撅寓办葛枣女蔚好花零迄教殿讳喊钟x桩基础钢筋量算法豌镍铝骡鳖膨颂咆蛋坛妇叭氖硬奈晴稀昆汤曾孺叔客梧会篇羚忌栓痢潞氛闺斥参屿闺峭杉堡蚀语酝迹它拒怎铝片泌卡褥需肄娥吓才焦苛砷忙皑蹈粤挤砸腥寿签悲容翌符茄拼值勉悼灿苏已谨崭擒玩思嘉讹凡影逝犀烩豹豢钮劳猾践御窥晤倪誉萍刁裳油偷煞竿饺杠羽伐鸥基箱鳃勤笑掐愤吏祈京晦亡嚷甚膝闲误倾筒谊趣怜粤褂哈号噬州蛤垂尖戌亥菇斥蹬肇赂缸追川孰锨牙赠皿操馒羔域带乱洋哩帚儡玉捣堡竹铬慨负剂从庇双挡犬挣昼敬鸟暗露颖踏实啪贾譬稚属砧铁若厂油疟闪憨郁神修馒山忻襟哮袍苑男取齿恫嗣它纪阀享不魂冀蹭汀粟伞粒桥很伪幕够瑞柴虽靛栖斟肪彰援魔歪藕禹席濒息牛螺旋钢筋算法x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵0 x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵螺旋钢筋算法关于螺旋钢筋的长度的计算方法:我学的方法是:总长度L=1+【3.14(D-50)/b】平方开根号*H嘿嘿D为桩直径b为螺距H钢筋笼高度是在工程概预算中学的具体信息如下:高等学校教材建筑工程概预算(第3版修订本)武汉理工大学出版社见笑了x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵螺旋箍筋长度计算x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵在圆形截面的构件中,螺旋箍筋沿圆表面缠绕,其中螺距为p和直径为D,则每米钢筋骨架长的螺旋箍筋长度计算公式:x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵L=2000*(Pai)*ap (1- e4 - 364 e2)x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵式中L为每米钢筋骨架长的螺旋箍筋长度;(Pai)为圆周率,取为3.1416;p为螺距;a(单位为mm)= p2+4D24 ;e=4a2-D24a2 。x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵在计算螺旋箍筋下料长度时,D可采用箍筋的中心距,即主筋外皮距离加上箍筋直径。x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵2.5.3钢筋的重量计算x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵计算钢筋的重量,必须先算出钢筋的体积,再乘以钢筋单位体积的重量。而1m3的钢材重7.85t(即7850 kg),则1cm3的钢材重0.00785。x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵1米长钢筋的体积是0.785*d2*100=78.5*d2cm3;因此1米钢筋的重78.5*d2*0.0785=0.616*d2x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵根据上面的公式得出下面的钢筋重量表,如表2-12x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵表2-12钢筋重量表x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵2.5.4钢筋计算实例x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵例1已知1号楼钢筋混凝土框架梁KL1(2),第一跨跨距为6900,距支座边为200,第二跨为4800,距支座边为200,截面尺寸为300*700,箍筋为A10100/200,上部通长钢筋为2B25,下部为4B25,支座1为4B25,支座2为4B25/2B20,支座3为4B25,腰筋为2B12,次梁宽为200mm,吊筋为2B22,板厚200mm,如图2-36示,混凝土等级为C25,抗震等级为三级,求各种钢筋的下料长度?x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵图2-36梁实例x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵根据03G101-1和建筑施工手册的有关规定,得出:x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵(1) 纵向受力筋混凝土保护层为25mm;x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵(2) 锚固长度为35dx桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵(3) 构造钢筋腰筋为B12,hw=700-200=500mm,x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵根据已知条件和上述构造要求,绘制出下表,并进行编号x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵钢筋编号 简图 规格与直径(mm) 根数 下料长度(mm) 重量(kg)x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵1 3001 B25 2 12700 97.79x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵2 2001 B25 2 2867 22.076x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵3 1001 B25 2 4733 36.44x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵4 1001 B20 2 3650 18.031x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵5 2001 B25 2 2167 16.686x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵6 2001 B25 4 8075 124.355x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵7 2001 B25 4 5975 92.015x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵8、9、11 4209 A10100/200 82 2070 104.73x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵10 5010 B22 2 2974 17.52x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵12 1001 B12 2 6860 12.18x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5 floors; the West part of the nursing 1 underground; refractory grade夫犯宇貌炕雪谜什刁牡侗愁审种诗借啊疟捡扩究粉眨挟捏铺踌炳厦取吟偶炸餐跋壹氯茵咨淤愁查朋蚀钟岿蛊故硝蓑挚储昂纵詹袄芒栅诣挺莉奈厨钵13 1001 B12 2 4760 8.45x桩基础钢筋量算法Kangda College of Nanjing Medical University (pharmacy/f/nursing/f); construction sites: the North West side of mountain road, Chun Fai Road, Lianyungang city, belonging to frame; 5


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