牛津小学英语教案What lessons do you have today

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What lessons do you have today?一、教学目标1、学生能正确听、说、读Chinese, Maths, English, Science, Social Science, Art, PE, Computer lessons等课程名称;能较熟练地运用交际用语Welcome back to school. What day is it today? What lessons do you have in the morning/ afternoon? What lesson do you like? How about you?2、通过激励性评价,让学生体验英语学习成功的喜悦,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学过程Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings2. Welcome(1) 引导学生说Welcome to our school, Mr Yao. 表现好的学生上台领奖,教师问What present do you like? How about you?(2) 出示Welcome引导的交际用语,带领学生练说。(3) 对听课教师说Welcome to our school, Ladies and Gentlemen. 3. What day is it today? (1) 利用Calendar问答 What day is it today?Its Monday/ Tuesday(2) Say a chant: We are happy every day. Monday, Tuesday. cows like hay. Wednesday, Thursday. Children like play. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We are happy every day, every day.Step 2. Presentation1. Teach the new words:(1) 呈现Timetable模型,贴于黑板:This is our timetable for the new term.(2) 问答教学生词:What day is it today?What lessons do you have in the morning/ afternoon?同时CAI呈现生词,并认读,辨音。(3) Read the new words together.2. Ask and answer ( talk about the pictures )3. What lesson do you like? How about you?(1) 示范We have eight lessons this term. What lesson do you like?How about you?(2) 教师示范,然后分四组“开火车”往后问答竞赛。4. Work in pairs.教师先示范,然后同桌问答。Step 3. Practice1. Read and say. (1) 呈现情景图和问题,学生听录音思考问题:A. What day is it today?B. What lessons do they have in the morning?C. What lesson does Su Hai like?D. How about Su Yang?(2) 请学生回答问题。(3) 呈现图和对话,领读对话。 2. 分小组设计完成timetable, 并分角色编演对话。(1) 小组内合作完成timetable,由组长询问What day is it today?What lessons do you have in the morning/ afternoon?(2) 选一人演Miss Li,编演对话,并上台表演。Step 4. Assign homework1、熟读本课所学的对话。2、运用所学的英语课程名称设计一张课程表,并围绕课程表中的内容编写一段对话。3


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