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绿色水泥(环保)外文翻译(中英文) Green cement By TONG HAO China Daily Updated: 2008-11-03 07:53Cement is a major component of concrete, the worlds most widely used man-made material, an integral part of roads, bridges and buildings. Butmaking cement requires heating limestone and other materials to very high temperatures, a process that releases into the atmosphere large amount of carbon dioxide, or CO2, a leading cause of global warming.Recently, under the back ground of China economy rapid and sound development, China cement industry developed at a record speed attaining great achievement. Cement produced by New Suspension Preheater dry process increased rapidly, thus improve benefit dramatically. Nowadays Chinese NSP cement production technology and NSP cement plant equipment fabrication technique are well developed and main index of NSP cement plant has reached world advanced level. Moreover, China has speeded up the cement industry structure adjusting and big cement production group become stronger and stronger. All these facts show that Chinese cement industry is booming rapidly. Chinese cement industrys achievement results from the industrys long time struggle, carrying out cement industry policy, focusing on industry structure adjustment, being powered by reforming and technology improvement and aiming on benefitNow is the key stage of cement industry adjustment and optimizing. Clearly, the target of cement industry adjustment is firmly development of big scale NSP cement production meanwhile elimination of small scale cement production mainly shaft kilns thus finish cement industry adjustment in short term. Government policy encourage the construction of NSP cement plant exceeding 4000t clinker per day at resource abundant area. Setting up scientific view of development, making rational and sufficient use of resource, decreasing resource consumption, decreasing waste emission, fulfilling ecology demand of society harmonious development, rapidly realizing the target of new type industrialization, pushing cement industry realize continuable development are the important task and historic mission of us.Cement plants are traditionally associated with high energy consumptionand high emissions, but the development pattern of Lafarge Shui OnCement in China has set a good example of a circular economy to reducepollution and save power.A sludge usage project to make cement began at Nanshan Cement Plant inChongqing of Lafarge Shui On in September. The project was jointlydeveloped by Lafarge Shui On and Chongqing Environmental ProtectionBureau. With an investment of 6.5 million yuan, it consumes 36,000 tonsof sludge from the local sewage treatment plant every year, while thecement production of Nanshan Plant in 2007 has exceeded 2 million tons.In the past sewage sludge has traditionally been buried in a localsewage treatment plants landfill, but under the new project the sludgeis taken from the sewage plant and processed into a raw material toproduce cement. The sewage treatment plant pays Nanshan Cement Plant100 yuan for every ton of the sludge it takes away. The cost of cementproduction is reduced and pollution caused by landfill disposal is alsoreduced.Using sludge makes the cement no different than before, a technicianof Nanshan Cement Plant says in front of a rumbling cement kiln.The sludge to cement process was first developed at Lafarge cementplants in France in the late 1990s and its also currently being usedin Japan and South Korea. Lafarge is willing to bring our technologyand experiences into China, says Bruno Lafont, the Chairman and CEO ofLafarge Group.However, such an undertaking is rarely seen in Chinese cement plantsnowadays, says Deputy Secretary General of China Cement Association,Zhang Jianxin. Lafarges innovation has set a good example of acircular economy system in China.Along with the sludge usage project, a waste heat recovery WHRproject has also begun at the Nanshan Cement Plant.The 82 million yuan project can meet 30 percent of the totalelectricity consumption of the Nanshan plant. It is predicted that theinvestment will be paid off within three years.The market price of electricity is 0.5 yuan per kWh, but our cost toproduce a kWh of electricity is merely 0.1 yuan, he says.Waste heat accounts for 30 percent of all the heat consumed during asignificant portion of the cement making process. The WHR project willannually save 45 million kWh by recovering the waste heat from thecement kilns into power through a steam turbine, reducing carbondioxide emissions by 70,000 tons. In addition to the Nanshan project,Lafarge Shui On has invested in five WHR projects in Sichuan andYunnan.WHR technology is also being used in other Chinese cement plants.Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd is the largest Chinese cement enterprise. Bythe end of 2007, the installed capacity of its WHR projects reached168,900 kWh, accounting for 31 percent of the overall capacity of theentire Chinese cement industry. Anhui Conch plans to put another 19 WHRprojects into operation during 2008, producing 3.79 billion kWh ofelectricity every year. In other words, 1.36 million tons of standardcoal and 1 billion yuan in costs can be saved annually. Anhui Conch Cement Co Ltd is the earliest domestic cement waste heat generation, responder a resource-conserving, environment-friendly industrial enterprises, promoting energy conservation and emission reduction, March 1998, Chinas first set of waste heat generator in conch gone into production. Through nearly 10 years of digestion, absorption and integrated innovation, conch developed with independent intellectual property rights, the international leading level of comprehensive utilization of waste heat power generation technology of cement. A 5000 tons every available waste heat power line 21-24 million degrees, tons of clinker generating capacity can reach 40 degrees, which can solve the 60% of clinker self-used electricity, product comprehensive energy consumption can reduce 18%.Henan province is now requiring that new suspension preheater NSPcement production lines with a daily production capacity of 5,000 tonsand above must be equipped with WHR facilities.The National Development and Reform Commission NDRC hopes that 40percent of the NSP cement production lines in China will use WHRequipment by 2010. At that time, the annual electricity produced by WHRprojects will reach 8.93 billion kWh.Since 1985 Chinas cement production was the highest in the world for21 consecutive years, accounting for 48 percent of the global annualoutput. Statistics from the NDRC show cement production in China duringthe past eight months reached 887 million tons. From the present market situation, the cement industry will continue rapid development momentum, based on sustainable development as the goal, the comprehensive utilization of energy consumption, the development strategy based on the cement production will be more and more important. Countries in the industry, fifteen planning early in production equipment trend forward to large-scale, production process automation and intelligent development, pay attention to the scale benefits and saving energy and reducing consumption, cement production development of bigness trend is very clear. Meanwhile, automation technology research and development and application of innovation can in turn promote process improvement. In the future for a period of time, how to improve the cement production equipment production efficiency, reduce the energy consumption and reduce environmental burden will is the development direction of cement production.The cement industry also consumes 15 percent of all the coal burned inChina. Currently, Chinas carbon dioxide emission rate ranks second inthe world.According to the 11th Five-Year Plan for the Chinese cement industryfrom 2006 to 2010, the energy consumption of each ton of cement shouldbe reduced by 25 percent compared with the previous five years. China Daily 11/03/2008 page5 绿色水泥 作者:郝通(中国日报) 2008-11-03 07:53更新: 水泥是混凝土的一种主要成分,是世界上最广泛使用的人造材料,是建设道路、桥梁和建筑不可或缺的一部分。而要使水泥需要加热熔解石灰石和其他一些物质,其温度非常高,这一过程释放到大气中大量的二氧化碳,会导致全球变暖的问题。 近年来,在中国经济快速健康发展的背景下,我国水泥工业的发展以创纪录的速度获得更大的成就。水泥生产过程由于新旋风预热器干燥的迅速增多,从而提高效益显著。当前,我国新型干法水泥生产技术和新型干法水泥窑设备制造技术发展迅速,新型干法水泥窑已达世界先进水平。此外,中国加速产业结构调整的水泥厂和大水泥生产集团变得越来越强大。这些事实表明,中国水泥产业正在蓬勃发展。中国水泥工业的成就源于这个产业的长时间的斗争,实施水泥产业政策,把焦点集中在产业结构调整,依靠改革和技术上的改进,旨在提高效益。 现在是水泥工业调整和优化的关键阶段。显然,水泥行业调整的目标就是坚定不移地扩大新型干法水泥生产的范围,同时减少小规模水泥窑的生产,从而在短期内完成水泥行业的调整。政府在政策上鼓励在资源丰富的地区建设新型干法水泥窑。建立科学的发展观,理性并充分利用资源、减少资源消耗、减少废物排放、实现生态需求的发展、迅速实现构建社会主义和谐社会的目标、推进新型工业化、实现可持续发展是水泥工业发展的重要任务和历史使命的人。 传统的水泥工厂一般都高能耗和高排放,但是发达的拉法基瑞安水泥模式在循环经济减少污染、节约能源方面在中国给我们树立了一个好榜样。 拉法基瑞安的污泥使用项目九月份已经在重庆南山水泥厂实施。这个项目是拉法基瑞安和重庆环境保护局联合开发的。在6.5亿元人民币的投资下,它每年的水泥生产消耗掉来自当地污水处理厂的36000吨的污泥,在2007年南山的产量已经超过了2万吨。 在过去,污水处理厂的污泥传统上被埋在污水处理厂专门的垃圾掩埋场,但在新的项目中来自污水处理厂的污泥将加工成一种生产水泥的原料。每带走一吨的污泥污水处理厂将会提供南山水泥厂100元费用。这样不仅水泥生产的成本的降低,而且填埋垃圾造成的环境污染也有所减少了。 南山水泥厂的一名技术人员在隆隆的水泥窑前说道:“使用用污泥来造水泥和以前没有什么不同”。 利用污泥制造水泥的技术最早是上世纪90年代末期在法国拉法基水泥工厂应用的,它目前同样被应用在日本和韩国。拉法基集团在中国的主席和首席执行官布鲁诺Lafont说:“拉法基愿意给中国提供技术和经验”。 然而,中国水泥协会的副秘书长张健新说:“这样一种事业在时下中国的水泥工厂中是很少出现的,拉法基的创新循环经济制度在中国树立了一个好榜样。” 在污泥使用的同时,预热利用WHR项目也已经开始在南山水泥厂实施。 82亿元的项目能满足南山水泥厂30%的总用电量。据预测,这项投资将在三年内收回成本。 他说:“市场电价为每千瓦时0.5元,但我们的生产成本的仅仅是每千瓦时的电力0.1元”。 余热占水泥生产过程中所有热量消耗的30%。预热利用WHR项目计划通过蒸汽涡轮机从水泥窑中回收余热转化为能量将每年节省45亿千瓦时的电力,减少70,000吨的二氧化碳排放量。除了南山,拉法基瑞安在四川和云南也投建了五个余热利用项目。WHR技术也被用在其他中国水泥工厂。 安徽海螺水泥股份有限公司是中国最大的水泥企业。到2007年底,WHR余热项目装机容量达到168,900千瓦时以上,整体余热回收能力占全中国水泥工业的31%。安徽海螺计划在2008年将投建另外19个的余热项目,每年可以生产3.79亿千瓦/小时的电力。换句话说,节约136万多吨的标准煤,每年可以节省成本一亿元。海螺集团是国内水泥余热发电的最早应用者,为建设资源节约型、环境友好型工业企业,推进节能减排,1998年3月,中国首套余热发电机组在海螺建成投产。通过近十年的消化、吸收和集成创新,海螺研发了具有自主知识产权、国际领先水平的水泥余热发电综合利用技术。一条5000吨生产线每天可利用余热发电21?24万度,吨熟料发电量可达40度,可解决60%的熟料自用电,产品综合能耗可下降18%。 由于现实的需要,河南省新旋风预热器新型干法水泥生产线,日生产能力达到5000吨以上必须配备WHR设施。 国家发改委希望中国在2010年之前40%的新型干法水泥生产线使用WHR设备。那时,全年WHR所产生的电力将达到8.93亿千瓦时。 自1985年以来,我国水泥生产量连续21年是全世界最高的,占全球年产量的48%。国家发改委的统计数据表明中国的水泥生产量在过去的八个月达到887万吨。从目前市场情况来看,水泥行业将会持续高速发展势头,以可持续发展为目标,以节能降耗、综合利用为基础的发展战略在水泥生产中将越来越重要。国家早在行业“十五规划”中提出“生产设备趋向大型化,生产过程向自动化和智能化发展,注重规模效益和节能降耗”,水泥生产大型化的发展趋势十分明显。而同时,自动化技术研发与应用的创新可以反过来促进工艺的改进和提高。在未来的一段时间,如何提高水泥生产设备的生产效率、降低能耗和减小环境负担将是水泥生产的发展方向。 水泥工业煤炭消耗量在中国占煤炭消耗总量的15%。目前,中国的二氧化碳排放量位居世界第二。 根据第11个五年计划,中国水泥工业从2006年至2010年制造每吨水泥的能量消耗较前5年应该降低百分之二十五。 11/03/2008 page5中国日报


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