六年级上册英语课件-Unit 1How can I get there? A∣人教PEP

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六年级 | 上册 Unit 1 Part AHow can I get there?New wordsI want to post a card (寄卡片) to my friend. I can go to the post office.Im not feeling well. Im ill. Where shall (应该)I go?Do you like reading books? Where can we go?Can you guess where I buy it?We can see a dinosaur show (恐龙展) in the science museum today.zooWhere is the museum?It is in front of the zoo.Where is the zoo?It is behind the museum.PresentationzooparkWhere is the park?It is next to the zoo.parkExcuse me. Where is the cinema?It is near the museum.parkExcuse me. Where is the bookstore?It is on the left side of the post office.parkExcuse me. Where is the museum?It is between the bookstore and the zoo.Pair workLets chantLets practice连线hospital 书店post office 图书馆cinema 医院library 科技博物馆bookstore 邮局science museum 电影院Exercise看谁记得准!1.We can send a letter(邮信) in the _.2.We can watch the films at the _.3.If we are sick(生病), we should go to the _.4.We can see a dinosaur show in the _.5.We can buy some books in the _. post officecinemahospital science museumbookstore假如你是一位城市设计师,你会怎样规划你所生活的城市呢?画出你心目中最理想的城市规划图,并说说他们的位置。Homework


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