四年级上册英语课件-M1 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版

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四年级上册英语课件-M1 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-M1 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-M1 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版_第3页
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我说0000M1U1-M1U3重要词汇与语法点【知识梳理1】M1U1 Meeting new peopleeleven 十一 twelve十二thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 ride a bicycle骑自行车skip a rope 跳绳 live near the school住在学校附近 walk to school走路去学校 play basketball 打篮球 2.Can 句型 can后的动词必须是原形eg. He can swim very fast. He cant sing.1.形容词性物主代词 his,her,your,my,its,their,our其后后必须加名词。eg.my new classmate her dress our classroom his mother45沙场练兵例一 1. This is _(I) new classmate._(she) names Sally. 例二例三例四 3. _(he) brother is my classmate. 4. _(I) deskmate is Jill,_(she) hair is long. 2. Thats _(we) English teacher.Keys:1. my, her 2. our 3. His 4. My, her【知识梳理2】M1U2 Abilitiespaint a picture画一幅画 climb a tree爬树 count to three数到三 very much非常. read a book看书 swim in the river在河里游泳fly very high飞得很高 swim very fast游得很快 very well很好both super都很棒 our guest我们的嘉宾 welcome to 欢迎来到onetwothree 肯:I/He/She/They can run fast. 否:I/He/She/They cant run fast. 一问:Can you/he/she/they run fast?特问:What can you/he/she/they do?A AB BC CD D1.My father can_(drive) a car.2.Super girl _ write, but she _(can) fly high.3.Can _(you) pony sing?4.-Can her brother _(write) ABC?-No, he _(can).Keys :1.drive 2.cant/can 3.you 4.write/cant【知识梳理3】M1U3 How do you feel?03010204a new bicycle一辆新自行车 have some biscuits吃些饼干 each other对方 drink some water喝些水 thirsty and tired又渴又累 a good idea一个好主意a bottle of water一瓶水 a piece of toast一片烤面包 post lamp路灯 post office邮局 be full of充满了 be tired of厌倦 1.How do you feel?Im /were hungry.How does Danny feel?Hes thirsty.2.对划线部分提问要遵循“三步走”,即划线,提前,变一般疑问句例1.There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. 否定句_例2.The bag is forty yuan. (对划线部分提问) _KEYS:例1:There arent any beautiful flowers in the garden.例2:How much is the bag? 1)形容词性物主代词 his,her,your,my,its,their,our后必须加名词。2)can后的动词必须是原形3)there be 句型用于描述“某地有某物”,需要遵循“就近原则”4)祈使句常以动词原形开头,表示命令或者请求5)对划线部分提问要遵循“三步走”战略1. 复习精讲提升部分的内容;2. 请在规定时间内完成讲义中的课后巩固部分这是Jill的family tree,仿照这个图片,列举你自己的家谱。


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