高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(九) 模块3 Unit 9 Wheels 北师大版

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课时作业(九)模块3Unit 9 Wheels (限时:30分钟).单项填空1_ group wins on Saturday will go through to the world competition.ANo matter whatBNo matter whichCWhatever DWhichever2Children under six are not _ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.Apermitted BacceptedCadmitted Dreceived3Nowadays, too many children_ TV. Thats bad for their eyesight and TV also keeps them from communicating with others.Aaddicts to watchingBare addicted to watchCaddict themselves to watchDare addicted to watching4My house is very _ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes walk from the station.Acomfortable BsuitableCconvenient Davailable5_ those who were not listening the first time, I will repeat the question.ATo the benefit of BWith the benefit ofCFor the benefit of DWith the benefit to6The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally _Apulled through Bpulled outCpulled up Dpulled over7Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the future?Sorry, I have no idea.Alifting up Bgoing upCbringing up Dgrowing up8_ your rotten idea, we went the long way.AThanks to BBecauseCDue to DSince9An earthquake struck this area,_ a lot of damage.Amaking BcausingCdone Dcaused10The teacher proposed that Jack _ maths or physics instead of English because he was quick at numbers.Amust study Bcould studyCstudied Dstudy.完形填空There are many different ways of seeing a town for the first time. One of them is to walk around it, a guidebook_11_ hand. Of course, we may _12_ with our guidebooks the history and _13_ developments of a town and get to know them. _14_ then, if we take our time and _15_ in a town for a while, we may get to know it better. When we _16_ it as a whole, we begin to have some _17_ ,which even the best guidebooks do not answer. Why is the town just _18_ this, this shape, this plan, this size? Why do its streets _19_ in this particular way, and not in any _20_ way?Here even the best guidebook _21_ us. One cant find in it the information about how a town has developed to the _22_ appearance. It may not describe the original (最初的) _23_ of a town. However, one may get some idea of what it _24_ look like by walking around the town. One can also imagine _25_ the town was first planned and built. Then one can learn more about in what direction the town _26_ to develop.What is the _27_ of studying towns in this way? For me, it is _28_ that one gets a greater depth of pleasure by visiting and seeing a town with ones own eyes. A _29_ visit to a town may help one better understand why it is attractive _30_ just reading about it in a guidebook.11A.in BatCby Don12A.write BstudyCtell Dremember13A.strange BsimilarCseparate Dspecial14A.But BBeforeCSince DUntil15A.march BworkCstay Dwait16A.look at Blook afterClook for Dlook up17A.ideas BopinionsCfeelings Dquestions18A.of Bfor Clike Das19A.open BrunCbegin Dmove20A.one BmoreCother Dsuch21A.helps BtricksCfails Dsatisfies22A.old BnormalCfirst Dpresent23A.capital BmeaningCdesign Dchange24A.used to Bseemed toChad to Dhappened to25A.what Bhow Cwhen Dwhere26A.stops BappearsCstarts Dcontinues27A.point BviewCproblem Ddifficulty28A.nearly Bsimply Cgenerally Dhardly29A.costly BformalCgroup Dpersonal30A.from BthanCthrough Dwith.阅读理解AIn 1885, a young doctor named Arthur Conan Doyle opened offices in London. He wanted to be a successful doctor, but for some reasons he never found enough patients.To pass the time, he began to write stories and send them to the newspapers. Conan Doyles stories were about a clever detective, Sherlock Holmes.Conan Doyle wrote that Sherlock Holmes lived in Baker Street in London, and people with problems came to Sherlock Holmes with their problems, too.He was able to solve mysteries (疑难案件) that the cleverest policemen in England were unable to figure out. Sometimes Sherlock Holmes could solve a mystery without leaving his chair.He listened carefully to the information his client gave and figured out the answer.At other times he spent days or weeks looking for clues.Sherlock Holmes travelled to different cities and countries to solve the mysteries.Sometimes he wore_disguises,_pretending to be an old man, or a sailor.Holmes did anything to find out the answer to the mysteries he was working on. Sherlock Holmes is the most famous detective in English literature,but many people dont understand that he is a fictional character, not a real person.The English post offices report that people still send mail to Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street.Even he gets more than 2,000 letters every year.31Conan Doyle began to write stories perhaps because _Ahe wanted to tell something about his patients Bhe wasnt good at medicine Che wanted to make less money Dmost people were strong at that time32Conan Doyle got to write very good detective storiesbecause _Amany people asked him to solve their mysteriesBhe got a lot of experience in solving mysteriesChe was a person with great literary quality and talentDhe was able to help those who came to see him with their problems33Sherlock Holmes_Awas only an ordinary detectiveBnever existed in the worldCwas one of the members of the police in LondonDwas a real detective who was named by Conan Doyle34The phrase “wore disguises” in the fourth paragraph means “ _”Aintroduced oneselfBwas in old clothesCchanged ones clothes or ones appearanceDseemed to be poor and helpless35Instead of being a famous doctor,Arthur Conan Doyle came to be successful in writing because _. Amany people wrote letters to him asking about thestories Bthe character he wrote about was thought to be a real person Che was finally employed by a police station Dhe earned a lot of money by writing such a storyBA new study suggests that the roundtheclock(24小时的)availability that cell phones have brought to peoples lives may be taking_a_toll_on family life.The study,which followed more than 1,300 adults over 2 years, found that those who consistently used a mobile phone throughout the study period were more likely to report negative “spillover” between work and home lifeand,in turn,less satisfaction with their family life.Spillover essentially(本质上)means that the line between work and home begins to become unclear.Work life may invade home life when a parent is taking jobrelated calls at home,for instanceor family issues may start to take up work time.For example,a child may call mum at work,telling her “microwave exploded”,explained Noelle Chesley,an assistant professor of sociology at the University of WisconsinMilwaukee and the author of the study. The problem with cell phones seems to be that they are allowing for even more spillover between work and home.This may be especially true for working women,the study found. Among men,consistent use of mobile phones seemed to allow more work issues to creep (潜入)into family time.But for women,the spillover tended to go in both directions. Being “connected” meant that work cut into home time,and family issues came into work life.Cell phones seem to be opening more lines for stressful exchanges among family members.But there may be ways to control the spillover,according to Chesley.Employers, she said,could look at their policies on contacting employees after hours to make sure their expectations are “reasonable”For their part,employees could decide that cell phones go off during family time, Chesley said.36What does the underlined phrase “taking a toll on” probably mean in Paragraph 1?AExplaining. BFounding.CDamaging. DExtending.37According to Chesley,what is the best solution to the problem caused by cell phones?ARefuse to use cell phones.BSeparate work hours from family time.CIgnore coming calls during family time.DEncourage women to stay at home.38We can learn from the passage that _Acell phones make the line between work and home unclearBcell phones seem to be convenient to familiesCcell phones affect men as much as womenDwe can do nothing to solve the problem39What is the main idea of the passage?AHow to control the negative spillover caused by cell phones.BCell phones cause negative “spillover” between work life and home life.CConsistent use of cell phones makes people feel less satisfied with their work.DHow work life invades home life.课时作业(九).1.D考查主语从句的引导词。分析句子成分可知,_ group wins on Saturday是主语,因此本题考查的是主语从句引导词的选择。no matter which与no matter what只能引导让步状语从句,在此不符合语法规则,排除A、B两项;进一步分析语境可知,此处表示选择,因此本题答案为D。2C考查动词辨析。permit“允许,准许”;accept“接受”,强调结果;admit“承认,准许进入”;receive“接收”,强调动作。根据语境中的信息to school可以判断,这里应是be admitted to(被录取)的固定结构,因此本题选择C。3Dbe addicted to表示“沉溺于,对着迷”,其中to为介词,故后接名词、代词或v.ing形式。4C考查形容词辨析。comfortable“舒服的,舒适的”;suitable“适当的,合适的,适宜的”;convenient“方便的,便利的,合适的”;available“可利用的,可得到的”。根据语境中的介词for可排除A、D两项,suitable也可接for,但意思和本题不符。5C考查benefit的固定搭配。benefit常与介词 for搭配,构成 for ones benefitfor the benefit of表示“为了的好处,为了的利益”,因此本题答案选择C。6A考查动词短语的辨析。pull through“恢复健康”;pull out“撤出,退出”;pull up“(车子)停下”;pull over“把车开到路边”。根据句意可知应选A。7B考查动词短语辨析。lift up“举起,吊起”;go up“上升,增加,上涨”;bring up“养育,抚养”; grow up“成长,逐渐形成”。根据句子的信息词housing price可以推测,此处表示“房价持续上涨”。8C9B考查固定搭配及非谓语动词。从搭配来看,make与damage不搭配;“造成损失,损害”常用do/cause damage。分析句子结构可知,此处的动词与前面的句子主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,所以需要用现在分词充当结果状语。因此选择B。10D考查虚拟语气。propose后接宾语从句,从句需要用“should动词原形”的虚拟语气。句意:老师建议杰克学习数学或者物理而不是英语,因为他对数字非常敏锐。.到了一个城市旅行,有导游神采飞扬的演说和旅游指南系统的介绍。可是什么方式才是了解一个城市的最佳方法呢?作者认为亲自到城镇里转一转要比拿一本旅行指南好。11Ain hand“手里拿着;在手头”;at hand“(在时间或距离上)接近”;by hand“手工的”;on hand“现有(尤指帮助)”。依题意可知答案。12B句意:当然,我们可以用旅行指南去研究一个城镇的历史以及它独特的发展,然后慢慢了解它。分清句子结构,study的宾语是history。13Dseparate“单独的,分开的”;strange“奇怪的”;similar“相似的”,都不符合语境。14A根据上下文,应用表转折的连词。15C句意:如果我们花时间在城镇上待一段时间,我们可以更好地了解它。16A句意:当我们总体看过之后,我们会有一些连最好的旅游指南都解答不了的问题。17D由下文连续的提问可知答案。18C为什么城镇会是这样?like像一样。19B指街道延伸用run/extend。20Cother“其他的”。21C句意:甚至最好的旅行指南也会使我们失望。fail sb.“使某人失望,有负于某人”。trick sb.“哄骗某人”,与语境不符。22Dpresent“目前的;现在的”。23C根据下文的“the town was first planned and built.”可知此空应填design。24Aused to look like“过去看起来是什么样的”。25B语境为:一个人还可以想象这个城镇最初是“如何”设计建造的。26D句意:一个人能够了解更多的关于城镇继续往什么方向发展的事情。27Awhats the point of doing sth.?“做事情有何意义?”28Bsimply“仅仅,只不过”。29Dpersonal“个人的;亲自的”。30B根据better可知此处表比较要用than。 .A31B细节理解题。由第二段可知,Conan Doyle本想成为一名成功的医生,却没有多少病人来就诊,为了打发时间就开始了写作。32C33B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“he is a fictional character, not a real person”可知B为正确答案。34C词义猜测题。disguise意为“化装工具,伪装物”。35B推理判断题。由最后一段可知,读者把小说中的主人公Sherlock Holmes当成了现实生活中的人,并经常写信给他,由此可知答案。B36C词义猜测题。下文讲到手机使人们的工作时间和生活时间之间的界限变得模糊,手机在带给人们便利的同时,也让人们的家庭生活受到破坏,故选C项。37B推理判断题。从最后一段可推出答案选B。38A推理判断题。A选项意为“手机使人们的工作时间和生活时间之间的界限变得模糊”,符合原文意思。39B7


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