新版译林英语 六年级 词的运用语法汇总

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新版译林英语 六年级 词的运用语法汇总_第2页
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1,like + 名词复数(表示喜欢什么东西) I like apples. She likes monkeys. like + 动词ing (表示喜欢做什么事) Mike likes running. My sister likes playing the piano.2,go + 动词ing (表示去干什么事,通常指去做某项运动) go swimming , go fishing, go shopping. go+ to (do) (也表示去干什么事,强调动作) go to play, go to see their aunt.3,would like = want (表示想要) (1)想要什么东西,后面直接跟名词:I would like some milk. (2)想要做什么事,would like to (do) = want to (do)4,need +to (do) (表示需要做某事) You need to clean you desk. try +to (do) (表示试着做某事) The students are trying to follow the oders. have+ to (do) / has +to (do) / had+ to (do) (表示不得不做某事) have, has ,had 要随主语和时态变化。 how +to (do) (表示怎样做某事) How to go to the shopping centre.5,shall we + 动词原形(我们做. 好吗?) let / lets + 动原 (让.做) 情态动词(can, could, shall, should, must, will, would, may) +动词原形。 他们的否定形式也是加动原。6,excited (兴奋的) , exciting(令人兴奋的) -看主语,主语是人+ed, 主语是事情+ing. The children are excited. The football game is very exciting,.7,be (am. is, are, was, were) +形容词 Nancy is a beautiful girl. My English is good.8,动词+ 副词 (副词用来修饰动词,让动作更生动) She dances beautifully. He speaks English well.副词的特征 (1)形容词后加ly. (2)本身不变:fast, high, hard, early, late, well特殊副词:频率副词(always, usually, often, sometimes, never)表示动作发生的频率(人称后,动词前) 地点副词(here,there,home)to 遇到它们要省略-get here/ there/ home/-区别(get to school)9,感观动词(feel, look, ) I feel happy, She looks sad. keep (保持) ,stay(保持) 后面跟形容词。 Keep our classroom clean. Stay safe on the road. Be 动词(am, is are,was,were) The children are tired It was sunny yesterday.10,be + 天气类形容词(sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, foggy -特征:以y结尾) Its rainy today. The weather became windy and cloudy.没有be 就用动词 : It rained heavily yesterday. It rains a lot 区别:rain (动词,下雨) It rained yesterday. 昨天下雨了 rain (不可数名词,雨水) There is a lot of rain in summer here.这儿的夏天有大量的雨水。 rainy(形容词,多雨的,雨天) it is rainy today. 今天是雨天。11,不可数名词:(1)液体类:milk, juice, coffee, cola, tea, oil, water, rain, porridge (2) 难数的:hair, paper, bread, meat, fish, rice, coal, 用单数is, (3)抽象类(或总称):energy, plastic, wood, food, fruit, cereal ,rubbish, sweet food 或过去的was.12,总是以复数形式 (1)食品类:vegetables, noodles, sweets, 用复数are 出现的名词。 (2) 特殊类: people, fish(活鱼的复数), 或过去的were (3) 成双成对类:shoes, jeans, trousers, socks, gloves, chopsticks, glasses,13, 许多,大量( a lot of, lots of,) 后面既可以跟可数名词的复数,也可跟不可数名词。 There are a lot of books. There is a lot of rice. 许多,大量 (many, much)(1) many 后面跟可数名词的复数(are,were), many potatoes.(2)much 跟不可数名词 (is, was) There is much meat on the plate.14, 一些,几个,少量(a few-比some 少些) 后面跟名词复数。 I eat a few eggs every week. 一点 (a little) 后面跟不可数名词。 She only eats a little sweet food.15, must 必须,mustnt 禁止 (语气较强烈,通常用在规则,和法规中) You mustnt play on the road.Can,可以,能,会cant 不会,不能,不可以,没法(语气中等,表示能力,许可) You can go.Should 应该,shouldnt 不应该 (表示建议,语气较弱) you should finish you homework first.一般疑问句及回答: Must I go to see the doctor? Yes, you must. / No, you neednt.16,一般将来时结构:be going to +动原 (计划,打算,将要) -主语通常为人 will + 动原 (将要) -适合任何主语 I am going to play the piano at the party . = I will play the piano at the party.17,定冠词the 的用法。(1)序数词前加the. The first day, / the second day of Chinese New Year. (2) same 的前面加the. They look the same. / we have the same hobby. (3)专有名词前加the. The sun, the moon ,the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum The History Museum. The Great Wall. 什么时候不能加the. (1) 名字前面不能加. Lets go to the cinema.-Lets go to Hong Xing cinema. (2) 不能和代词(my, your., this, that.)连用, This is the first lesson. This is my first lesson.18,动词加介词的组合: pick up(捡起), wake up(吵醒), put on(穿上) (1)东西的具体名称放在最后多也可以放中间: pick up the pens. Wake the lion up. Put on the coat (2) 代词必须放中间: pick them up, wake him up. Put it on.19,和介词to 搭配的动词有: (1) showto (向谁展示),please show your stamps to us.(同义句) Please show us your stamps. (2) write to (写.给谁) She writes an email to me - She writes me an email. (3) give to (把. 给谁) give presents to them - give them presents. (4) sendto ( 寄.给谁) send some cards to him - send him some cards.20,动词,介词后用人称代词的宾格。Miss Li teaches us English. This present is for him. 动词 介词21,介词(for, about, of, at, in, on ,. )后面跟动词ing. Mike is good at running. What about going fishing? 22,在某个节日可以用on/at:(1) 节日中有Day 的用on, 如: on Childrens Day. On Christmas Day. (2) 节日中没有Day用at,如: at Spring Festival, at Halloween at Christmas.


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