五年级下册英语课件-Unit 5  Whose dog is it?|人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共37张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 5  Whose dog is it?|人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共37张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Unit 5  Whose dog is it?|人教(PEP)(2018秋) (共37张PPT)_第3页
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第一课时 Lets tryLets try Lets Lets talktalk 一、选择正确的选项补全单词。 1.h_s Ae Bi Co 2._eirs Adh Bth Csh 3.m_e Ain Ban Cim 4._rs Aao Bau Cou B B B B A A C C 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。 1Is this your pen?No,it is _ (他的) 2That dog isnt _ (我的) 3Look!This is _(我们的) school. 4_(我的) ruler is on the desk. hishis minemine ourour MyMy 三、单项选择。 1.Whose storybooks are these? _ AIts mine. BThey are mine. CIts Mikes. 2.The picture is_ ASam Bmy Chis 3.Are these all ours? _ AYes,they are. BYes,it is. CNo,he isnt. B B C C A A 四、根据情景选择适当的答语。 D D B B 第二课时 A Lets learn Look,say and complete 一、单项选择。 ( )1.That picture _ Shanghai is beautiful. Aof Bto Cat ( )2._ shirt is this? Its mine. AWho BWhose CWhat ( )3.Is that dog your father and mothers? Yes.Its_ Atheirs Bhis Cours ( )4.Is _ bike black? No,it isnt._ is blue. Amine;Yours Byours;My Cyour;Mine A A B B A A C C 二、连词成句。 1is, picture, Beijing, there, a, of (.) _ 2yellow, is, pencil, the, mine (.) _ 3Johns, which, is, picture (?) _ 4storybooks, are, whose, those (?) _ There is a picture of Beijing.There is a picture of Beijing. The yellow pencil is mine.The yellow pencil is mine. Which is Johns pictureWhich is Johns picture?/Which picture is Johns/Which picture is Johns? Whose storybooks are thoseWhose storybooks are those? 三、按照例子将下列表格补充完整。 hishis hishis theirtheir theirstheirs ourour oursours 第三课时 A Lets spell 一、仿照例子写单词。 例: our dogours 1.her skirt_ 2.their bags_ 3.your book_ 4.his picture_ hershers theirstheirs yoursyours hishis 二、选择画线部分发音不同的一项。 1.A.English Bsong Csing 2.A.young Bcousin Chouse 3.A.trunk Bsunny Cuse 4.A.thank Btake Cbank A A C C C C B B 三、根据所给图片,选词填空补全句子。 Asinging Bdrinking Ceating Djumping 1The dog is _ 2.The man is_ 3The elephant is _. 4.The girl is _ C C D D B B A A 四、选词填空(每个单词只能使用一次)。 ours your her their hers our theirs yours 1Where are _ books? My books are on my desk.What about _? 2This is Amys dog. No,it is not _ dog._ is white. 3Are these books _? Yes,they are _ books.We like them very much. 4They put _ pictures here.But these pictures are not _ youryour yoursyours herher HersHers oursours ourour theirtheir theirstheirs 第四课时B Lets try Lets talk 一、选词填空。(注意大小写) 1Im _Amys home. 2Fido is_the kitchen now. 3Can I play_him now? 4Can you take the dog_the park? _course. atat inin withwith toto OfOf 二、情景交际。 1.当你想知道对方正在做什么时,你可以说:_ AWhat do you do? BWhat are you doing? 2.当你找不到你的小狗时,你可以问:_ AWhere is my dog? BWhat is my dog doing? 3.当你想确定迈克是不是正在购物时,你可以问:_ AWhat is Mike doing? BIs Mike shopping? B B A A B B 三、根据图片提示,回答下列问题。 1Is he eating? _ 2Is she drinking water? _ 3Is this dog his? _ Yes, he is.Yes, he is. YesYes,she is.she is. No, it isnt.No, it isnt. 四、根据情景选择适当的答语。 AIts black and white. BIts eating. CYes,it is. DIts in the bedroom. D D C C 第五课时B Lets learn Lets play 一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式。 sleepingsleeping climbingclimbing playingplaying runningrunning readingreading eatingeating 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1Is Fido _(eat) now? 2Are these_(rabbit) jumping? 3The bears are _ (sleep) 4The boys _(be) running. 5Can I _(play) with him now? eatingeating rabbitrabbits s sleepingsleeping areare playplay 三、根据句意用正确的be动词填空。 1The girl _listening to music. 2The pig_sleeping. 3We_cleaning. 4The elephants _drinking water. 5The panda_eating bamboo. isis isis areare areare isis 四、连词成句。 1playing, each, they, with, are, other (.) _ 2in, playing, are, they, the, park (?) _ 3music, listening, I, am, to (.) _ 4is, cute, my, dog (.) _ 5under, is, tree, the, girl, reading, book, a, the (.) _ They are playing with each other.They are playing with each other. Are they playing in the parkAre they playing in the park? I am listening to music.I am listening to music. My dog is cute.My dog is cute. The girl is reading a book under the tree.The girl is reading a book under the tree. 第六课时 B Read and write Lets check Lets wrap it up 一、根据图片写句子。 The rabbit is _ The lion is _ The monkey is _ The birds are _ jumpingjumping sleepingsleeping climbingclimbing flyingflying 二、读句子,选答语。 ( )1.What are the tigers doing? ( )2.Is he drinking water? ( )3.What is the panda doing? ( )4.Where is Jack now? ( )5.Do you want to swim like a fish? AIts sleeping. BHes in the kitchen. CNo,he isnt. DThey are eating. ENo!I dont want to be a fish. D D C C A A B B E E 三、根据汉语意思选择正确的理解。 1.我正在像兔子一样吃东西。 AIm eating like a rabbit. BIm looking at the rabbits. 2.你能带他去公园吗? ACan I go to the zoo with him? BCan you take him to the park? 3.过来。 ACome here. BLets go. 4.她正在吃午饭。 AHe is eating lunch. BShe is eating lunch. A A B B A A B B 第七课时 第七课时 C Story time 一、选择不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.trunk Bsleep Cjump ( )2.A.read Bswim Cmine ( )3.A.water Bmilk Celephant ( )4.A.monkey Bbook Cpencil ( )5.A.climbing Blike Cplaying A A C C C C A A B B 二、看图,连线。 Arunning B.jumping Cwalking Dflying 三、单项选择。 1.Whats he _? Ado Bdoes Cdoing 2.He _ playing under the tree. Aam Bis Care 3.Is the rabbit_,Mike? Ayour Byou Cyours 4.Shes listening to music _ the classroom. Ain Bon Cat 5._ are you doing? Im eating lunch. AHow BWhat CWhere C C B B C C A A B B 四、为下列句子选择正确的中文意思。 1.Its running so fast. 2.Theyre climbing. 3.Be quiet! 4.Is it the tigers? 5.Whose tail is that? A保持安静! B那是谁的尾巴? C它跑得太快了。 D他们正在爬。 E它是老虎的吗? C C D D A A E E B B 五、根据上下文将下面的对话补充完整。 A:1._dog is this? B:Its Kittys. A:No,its not 2._Her dog is yellow. B:Oh.Maybe its Jacks.He likes dogs very much. A:Yeah,its 3._And where is 4._ dog? B:5._ is under the bed over there. WhoseWhose hershers hishis mymy YoursYours


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