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高中英语必修三第一单元练习题(1)一、重点短语:1发生2为了纪念3打扮4搞恶作剧5期盼6日以继夜7好像8玩得开心9履行诺言10屏住呼吸11出发12提醒13使祖先满意14获奖15出现16宗教信仰17获得独立18跟结婚19对有危害20春节21对感到骄傲22饿死23停车场24听说25下班以后26未经许可二单项选择:1.We had a party to _mothers silver wedding. A. congratulate B. celebrate C. win D. defend 2After the class was over,Li Ping apologized _ the teacher _ his coming late. Afor; to Bbecause; to Cto; because Dto; for3.The government tried its best to _ the peoples needs, but the people were still not_. In fact, what the government did was not_. A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfying B. satisfy; satisfying; satisfied C. satisfied; satisfied; satisfying D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied 4The photos _ me _ what we did together during our holidays. Asay; about Bremind; of Ctell; with Dremind; /5.When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled,but she_me and walked on. A. refused B.ignored C. missed D. dropped 6.Dont trust him. He doesnt_. A. break his word B. keep his word C. waste her word D. eat her word 7.The information was a_to make us fall into the enemys trap. A. trick B. feast C. way D. means 8.We are busy now because we are_ some information about the experiment. A. getting B. looking C. thinking D. gathering 9.There is a party tonight_our new English teacher, Mrs Mclaughlin. A. thanks to B. in place of C. in honor of D. because of 10.You dont need to_, just to go to the pub-jeans and a T-shirt will do. A. dress up B. take up C. look up D. send up 11.The government set up a monument _ the heroes who died in the war. A. in need of B. instead of C. in memory of D. in want of 12All of the guests had arrived by 9 oclock,but the host didnt _ until 15 minutes later. Aturn down Bturn in Cturn up Dturn out13When does the ceremony _?All the boys and girls are waiting for it. Sorry,I have no idea. A. happen Btake place Ctake part in Dturn up练习题(2)一、同步语法 1. Tom, you_leave all your clothes onthe floor like this! A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. may not 2. John, look at the time. _ you play the piano at such a late hour? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need 3. Will you stay for lunch? Sorry,_, my brother is coming to see me. A.I mustnt B. I cant C. I neednt D. I wont 4 Tom graduated from college at a very young age. Oh, he_ have been a very smart boy then. A. Could B. should C. Might D. must 5.-Where are you going for your holidays? -I havent decided yet. I _ go to England.A. can B. may C. must D. ought to 6.Isnt that Anns husband over there?No, it _ be him-Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.A. cant B. must not C. wont D. may not7. Theres no light on they _ be at home.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt8.Dont ring me up between 3 and 4. I _ an important talk with the boss then. Ahave had BHave Cwould have Dwill be having9.What _it is to play with snow. A. a fun B. the fun C. funny D. fun二、词汇练习:1.More and more _ (农业)products are being shipped abroad.2.He travelled around _ (收集) facts about folk songs.3.We talked about different _(社会)problems, such as education and unemployment.4.How will you _(庆祝)the coming New Year?5.Ill tell him the news on his _(到达)6.He doesnt depend on his parents for money and lives a life of i_.7.My heart beats faster whenever I see our n_ flag raised.8.France and Germany are both E_ countries.9.The poor man died of s_ because of lack of food.10.The o _ of this custom is unknown三。短文改错:The Internet is playing a important part in our daily life In the Internet,we can learn about newsboth home and abroad and some other informations as wellWe can also make phone calls,sendmessages by e-mails,go to net schools,and learn foreign languages by ourselves。Beside,we canenjoy music,watch sports matches,and play the chess or cards。The net even help us do shoppingmake a chat with others and make friends with themIn a word,the Internet has made our life more easier练习题(3)一重点词汇的用法(每空填一个单词):1They held a party in memory of the old mans retirement.=They held a party in order to _ the old mans retirement.2I dont care even if you go fasting. You wont _ me into promising you anything extra.3Droughts & floods occur by turns almost every year, cutting the harvest in large amounts, & as a result, _ millions of people.4_ of capitals & natural resources, plenty of African countries are _ for international assistance.5The belief _ God helps those who help themselves didnt ever convince him, who was always waiting for warm hearts.6Please call me _ arrival to relieve me from worries about your trip.7I do envy you your success. = I do _ you for your success.8He won a gold medal. = He was _ a gold medal.9He refused any spiritual encouragement, praise, for example. Is he likely to be content with such material _ as prizes & rewards? God knows!10Guess how hard it was for me to look forward to _ from you! As the letter I had been looking forward to _ (turn up) in my hand, tears didnt wait to drop down my face.三. 单项选择;1(2010届成都市摸底测试)Young drivers under 25 have the highest number of accidents while those over 50 have_.Athe lessBthe fewest Cthe least Dthe fewer2Many people are in great need of extra food.Yes.It is a challenge to_all their needs.Asatisfy Bgain Cpractise Dproduce3It is no longer_it was 20 years ago,_it was so poorly equipped.Awhat;when Bthat;which Cwhat;which Dwhich;that4What do you think of the book I lent you yesterday?Oh,not too bad.Its not too difficult_.Ato read Bto be read Creading Dbeing read5It looks_you are ill.You should go to see the doctor.Aas Bas though Cwhich Dwhether6What was she doing when you came in?She was_the view from the window.Arespecting Badmiring Cgathering Dhunting7The old photos buried at the bottom of the suitcase_me of those happy old days we had spent together.Arepeated Breminded Cinformed Dremembered8. It was obvious _ the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leavehe wiped the table, then sat down & turned on the TVjust _ Li Fang needed! A. that ; that B. what; that C.that;what D.what;what9. - “ Dont get near to it . It is too dangerous!” -“_” .A. Yes, I wontB. No, I dont C. No, I cantD. No, I wont 10 -The room is so dirty._ we clean it? -Of course. A WillB. ShallC. WouldD. Do 练习题(4)一单词选择:1Even though Jack has failed many times in his experiment,he holds a belief_he will succeed one day if he carries on with it.Awhat Bwhich Cwhether Dthat2The building was named Ford Hall_a man named James Ford.Ain place of Bin celebration of Cin memory of Din favour of3Has Mr Lee arrived?No.But its already 9 oclock.He should_at any time.Abring up Bturn up Clook up Dpick up4Sir,you are not allowed to enter the building if you dont get our managers_.Apermission Bconnection Cinstruction Dintroduction5The headmaster told the boy_the angry teacher,but he refused to.Ato apologize Bapologize to Cto apologize for Dto apologize to6Scientists found that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to_.Arewards Bprizes Cawards Dresults7It is a good habit to_,for people will always believe in you.Akeep ones word Bhold ones breath Chelp oneself Dget ready8Often he_sit for hours doing nothing at all when he was in low spirits.Ashould Bwould Ccould Dmight二语法:情态动词1. He_ be in the garden. He must be in the room.A. cantB. mustntC. will notD. may not2-. “Do you have to leave now?”-“I am very sorry, but I really_.”A. cantB. haveC. shouldD. must3-. “Lets go to the library, shall we?” -“_?”A. No, I cantB. Yes, I willC. Yes , thank youD. No, wed better not4.- “Can I take it away?” -“ You _ better not.”A. shouldB. couldC. wouldD. had5. You _ have brought your camera. They all had theirs with them.A. couldntB. needntC. wouldntD. mustnt 6. See who is there!_it be May?A. MayB. MustC. CanD. Will7. John_ be a basketball player. He is much too short.A. mayB. mustntC. cantD. should 8. The Chinese teacher looks so pale. She _ be ill.A. mustB. mustntC. canD. need9. Something_to save our earth. Do you think so?A. can doB. must doC. has to doD. must be done10. He must be in the classroom, _ he?A. mustntB. cantC. isnt D.can三短文改错:Dear Brown,Last summer I take a parttime job in the International Camp for children.I have been told one more worker will be needed in this year and I think you are fit to it.How about join us?The camp is at the foot of a small hill close to a river.It is so a beautiful place!We can hear birds singing happy all around.Everybody sleeps in tents,that is very exciting.We usually work only five hours a day,so we will have plenty of spare time visit the area and have a fun.I am sure it will be an unforgettable experience.If you have interests in it,reply to me soon.


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